Kitabı oku: «NON-HUMAN CONTACT», sayfa 2

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Dear reader,

Maybe you read already in December 2017 in the New York Times or Washington Post about the Pentagon’s secret UFO program AATIP. Or, later on, you have seen on CNN or Fox News the UFO videos filmed by U.S. Navy fighter jets. You may have also heard in June 2019 about the classified briefings of former President Trump and several U.S. senators on the subject. At least, you will be aware of the extensive media coverage of the 2021 Pentagon report on UAPs (unidentified aerial phenomena).

Either way, you might now want to know what this is all about. What is behind the so-called UFO-phenomenon? One thing is clear after all these astonishing developments. The phenomenon cannot be ignored any longer. Against this background, this book is trying to provide you with some legitimate answers. You will learn about facts that you would never have expected to be real, even in your wildest dreams.

Now, take your time to absorb and process the information that I present in the following. I have tried to structure these unusual facts in a logically comprehensible order. Previous knowledge is not required.

One should actually think that, under these premises, every reader should reach the same conclusions – which would be:

1 UFOs are a real phenomenon.

2 There are thousands of contacts with non-human intelligent beings.

Unfortunately, things are not that simple. Understanding these events is not a question of intelligence. The problem is not on a cognitive or mental level. The reasons why some will find it difficult to acknowledge certain facts and their consequences are much deeper. They are based on dogmas embedded in our subconscious that we have been taught since our earliest childhood. The enormous task of each individual is thus to overcome these traditional, loved but false beliefs. One of these dogmas could be: There is no such nonsense as UFOs. Another could look like this: Aliens don’t exist. And if they do, they’re far away. These dogmas are not based on facts but have been communicated to us by our environment – by parents, teachers, the media, science and all the external influences that make us who we are.

The problem we are facing is therefore comparable with the concern of Albert Einstein in 1905, when he published his Special Theory of Relativity. Not only the general public, but also the scientists at that time were of the firm conviction that time would pass equally fast in every place and for every living being in the universe. There had to be some kind of universal clock. People age at the same rate and at which place and under which conditions I read my watch does not matter either.

Ultimately, however, these everyday experiences deceive us, and the underlying dogmas or – as Einstein calls them – »thinking habits« are wrong. Time is NOT absolute. A clock on the viewing platform of the Empire State Building does not run as fast as an identical clock on the ground floor of the building. This minimal difference in time flow cannot be measured with conventional clocks. However, successful experiments were carried out with atomic clocks, which were carried in passenger planes and resulted in a corresponding difference in the time flow of the clocks. What is important is only the basic finding that results from certain experiments and the physical formulas: Time is RELATIVE. It depends on the location where the measurement is done (more precisely: on the strength of the gravitational field at this place) and the state of motion of the observer who measures time. Acknowledging that two twins may actually age at different rates under certain circumstances (which are difficult to implement in practice), because time passes at different rates for them (if, e.g., one of them takes a fast trip around our solar system), was an enormous challenge. It took many years until not only laymen but also physicists could give up their entrenched thinking habits and integrate the relativity of time (and space) into their new world view. Nowadays, Einstein’s groundbreaking findings are well documented. Take GPS navigation as an example: It would be useless without taking the relativity of time into account.

So why am I writing this book right now on such fantastic sounding topics as UFOs and contacts with non-human beings? Because I am optimistic about the chances that together we will succeed in leaving such outdated dogmas behind us. What justifies this assessment is the solid factual basis on which the two conclusions mentioned above are based. Discussing the existence of UFOs? Time’s up for this. There is no room for interpretation when thousands of witnesses, radar records, official documents and various physical traces unequivocally document certain events. That is why I am not trying to convince you or even want you to believe me. As my friend and colleague, the journalist Robert Fleischer (, aptly remarked in an interview: UFOs are not a matter of faith! This must all the more apply since 16 December 2017. This date marks a paradigm shift. On this day the New York Times reported for the first time on a secret UFO investigation conducted by the Pentagon (»Glowing Auras and ›Black Money‹: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program«). What followed is a UFO disclosure campaign which is unique in our history. I will outline the most important aspects of this astonishing process later on.

As you will see, it is not necessary to be a »believer«. It’s all about understanding the subject. And this is not only true for the well documented UFO phenomenon but also for the crews of the unidentified flying objects. Now, the time has come for the public to find out: Thousands of contact experiences with these beings have already been examined and a clear picture emerges from this.

Why is this so important now? The question is quickly answered. On one hand, after even mainstream media has accepted the reality of UFOs, the crucial follow-up question asks for an explanation of the UFO-phenomenon. On the other hand, you just have to look around: Wars, nuclear threats, unprecedented religious conflicts and terrorism, possible climate change, unequal distribution of wealth, streams of refugees and, last but not least, a continuing and irrevocable destruction of our environment. It is undoubtedly clear to all of us that something must change dramatically if we intend to survive as a species on this planet Earth. No president and no religious leader will be able to persuade the whole of humanity to change their minds. The necessary change can only happen from within ourselves.

And in my opinion this can only be achieved by one thing: Understanding. The recognition of where we come from, where we go to and how precious and unique our human existence is. We can only reach such a realization if we give up our arrogant overestimation of ourselves. We must realize that we are not the rulers of other people, of animals and of the planet Earth, which is our fragile habitat. What could be better suited to bring us closer to this urgently needed humility than understanding that we are not alone in this universe but share it with other life-forms – including beings who are technically and intellectually far superior to us.

Anyone who has not dealt with these topics before will be surprised that alien intelligent life does not only exist hypothetically somewhere in the infinite vastness of space. Non-human beings are in constant contact with us, and this has possibly been the case since the beginning of mankind. That this is no science fiction is now beyond doubt, but only a few people are aware of it. In the following, I will therefore present, in a first step, an evaluation of the facts that have been collected in around forty years of research in the field of contacts with non-human intelligence. After this, I will present the results of my own investigations in a comparative examination. The protagonists of this unusual and bizarre story are a strange species which researchers named the »Greys«. There’s a good reason for this choice (although other beings have been reported as well). It is precisely these little grey figures with their huge heads and big black slanting eyes who appear again and again in the thousands of abduction reports by those affected. My own research has confirmed their frequent appearance.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the persons who have contacted me in recent years to tell me about their unusual experiences and, with my support as a researcher and hypnotherapist, to find out more about it. I have always regarded this as a cooperation based on mutual trust and I am very grateful for the many valuable findings. These have repeatedly confirmed my path and made me move forward. Therefore, I hope that the information gathered in this book will finally give those affectted the understanding and appreciation that they have always been denied due to prejudice and ignorance.

Although this book focuses on contact experiences with Greys, I would like to emphasize that Greys are not the only non-human strangers that have been reported. A number of different entities seem to exist. In my own cases, for example, there has been an extraordinary accumulation of reports concerning certain reptilian beings. The whole thing went so far that several times a direct communication with these beings took place in my sessions. Another example are the »blue men« which Dr. Ardy Sixkiller Clarke describes in her latest book (Space Age Indians), which contains more than a dozen accounts of people that encountered this species. For the sake of clarity, however, I have decided to leave out these data. The subject of UFOs and alien contacts is quite complex. As most of the data collected during the last 40 years refer to the Greys it is challenging enough to give a consistent picture of this species.

Besides, there are other phenomena in the context of UFOs that are way easier to get a grip on. These are paranormal phenomena and capabilities that cannot be explained with our current knowledge of physics and biology. In addition to telepathy and telekinesis, this applies above all to the human ability to obtain information about distant places, people or events by psychic means (remote viewing). The existence of this phenomenon shakes our scientific understanding today in a similar way as Einstein’s insight into the relativity of space and time did more than a hundred years ago. One should be aware that even after all this time we still do not know what time actually is. Neither do we know the underlying mechanism of remote viewing. But there’s another parallel between these two that should surprise most readers: The existence of remote viewing has now been confirmed just as reliably as Einstein’s theory of relativity. This is due to the fact that this psychic ability has been researched and applied by U.S. intelligence services for decades.

Actually, it had been the scientists working for the U.S. military and the CIA/DIA that coined the term »remote viewing« and developed a method to train and apply this psychic ability. All this – unlike the UFO case – is quite easy to prove. We do not only have the statements of the former military remote viewers and the scientists involved, thousands of previously classified documents on the remote viewing project have also been released and are now freely accessible. Therefore, I dedicate one chapter to these important insights which show us crystal-clearly that our traditional world view contains enormous gaps. I hope that by reading this book, doing your own research, and many hours of contemplation, you will succeed in filling in at least some of these gaps.

A special thank you goes to my old friend Arnold Banerjee, who reviewed the English version of this book. Your support is well-appreciated!

Bad Homburg, June 2021

Marcel Polte


»It is an intelligence that provides enough evidence that something profoundly important is at work, but it does not offer the kinds of proof that would satisfy an exclusively empirical, rationalistic way of knowing. It is for us to embrace the reality of the phenomenon and to take a step toward appreciating that we live in a universe different from the one in which we have been taught to believe2

Prof. John E. Mack, 1994


Once upon a time there was a UFO. Nobody liked it, nobody wanted it … one mocked it, one chased it away, one even denied its existence. But it kept coming back. People became curious and some of them began to ask questions. The kings didn’t like that at all and forbid them to talk about the mysterious UFO. With all sorts of tricks they tried to distract their subjects from it. They invented new, even more fantastic stories and threw the worst UFO rebels into a dark dungeon, because something had to be prevented at all costs. This one thing that frightened them more than enemy armies and violent storms that devastated the land: It must never happen that the people questioned their royal power … because there was possibly something out there that even the kings could not explain and was superior to them.

In this or a similar way, childlike language could be used to describe how governments and the media have dealt with the UFO phenomenon over the last seventy years … until December 2017. When UFOs were mentioned in the media before that date, it was usually not a serious coverage. The reports often resembled a satirical pamphlet. The structure of those reports often followed a typical pattern. To create a certain entertainment value, a mysterious UFO sighting was first described. With narcissistic satisfaction, a (correct or false) scientific explanation was then presented, ranging from illuminated drones, comets, flares, satellites, LED balloons to the planets Jupiter and Venus. And if there was no conventional explanation available, the end of the story could still be kept open with a mocking undertone (»maybe it was the famous little green men …«). In any case, there was no doubt for the reader or viewer that any thought of an extraterrestrial background of such sightings is absolutely ridiculous and unacceptable. UFOs don’t exist. That’s it. And there can’t be any UFOs because media has (almost) never reported a »real« UFO sighting. So why should this change all of a sudden …

It is indeed true that most sightings of mysterious lights in the sky can be easily explained. After all, human perception and the human mind can very easily be deceived. Thus, the flickering light of the planet Jupiter behind a moving cloud cover at night is quickly perceived as an object that seems to be moving in the sky while radiating strongly. Such dubious »sightings« are not worth reporting at all. The fact that this happened nevertheless reinforced the view among the population that »real« UFOs do not exist. If we assume, as will be shown below, that not only UFOs but non-human intelligent beings indeed exist, this makes such reporting – to put it mildly – extremely questionable. Finally, according to its mandate, the press should be interested in providing the public with facts. This is all the more true when the facts are as exceptional as they are significant for mankind.


It really does not take any investigative journalistic talent or even scientific training to realize that the evidence for unusual flying objects in our skies is simply overwhelming (even before the campaign started in December 2017). This book is not aiming at proving the reality of the UFO phenomenon.

Since the U.S. mainstream media, in the meanwhile, have accepted the existence of UFOs there is no need for that. Furthermore, anyone can convince themselves of this fact by means of freely accessible, serious sources. The reader can find a conscientious compilation of important UFO cases on the internet at (German internet page but mostly English documents and documentaries); further evidence is available at for example.

For his or her own research I would like to give the reader a little help in the form of the following facts. They are all worth a closer look and should have been part of our common knowledge for a long time – just like other important political or historical events. But even most journalists who write about the topic are not familiar with these things. One must therefore ask oneself how serious reporting on the UFO topic is (was) possible on such a deficient information basis. Why don’t you test yourself to see if you’re aware of some of the most important facts about the UFO phenomenon?

1. Are you aware that many countries (including France, the United Kingdom and the United States) maintain or (officially) maintained UFO investigation authorities?

2. Are you aware that since about the middle of the last century there have been dozens of well-documented UFO cases in which military and/or civilian witnesses have visually observed objects with extremely unusual flight characteristics, while at the same time they were detected on airborne and/or ground radar?

3. Are you aware that on 13 March 1997, hundreds of witnesses in the vicinity of Phoenix, Arizona, saw an aircraft carrier-sized object floating slowly and silently in the sky, and that the then Governor of Arizona, Five Symington III, admitted about ten years later having observed this object at close range – although he had ridiculed the subject at a press conference in 1997?

4. Are you aware that between 1989 and 1992 thousands of Belgians were observing unusual flying objects over their country and that the Belgian military was unable to find an explanation for the phenomenon after an intensive investigation into the incidents, including the use of fighter jets in order to intercept the UFOs?

5. Are you aware that UFOs have been sighted several times near nuclear installations of the U.S. military and that precarious malfunctions of the missile launch facilities occurred during these sightings?

6. Are you aware that in 1999, high-ranking French military officials and scientists published an investigation report on the UFO phenomenon (UFOs and Defense: What Should We Prepare For? the so-called COMETA-Report) which comes to the conclusion that the so-called extraterrestrial hypothesis is the most likely explanation for the UFO phenomenon?

7. Are you aware that in 2001, at a Disclosure Project press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. more than a dozen former military and government officials and pilots publicly testified about their UFO sightings and further knowledge of the phenomenon?

I can only advise everyone to do their own research on the questions listed above, which make up only a fraction of the total material.

Of course, you should always be skeptical, especially when doing research on the internet, as it is often difficult or impossible to check the reliability of the source. Documents that can be accessed directly at official government sites, or recordings of press conferences and interviews with prominent witnesses, such as Arizona’s ex-governor Five Symington, are particularly helpful.

The starting point for research in this field are observations that have increasingly been made since the middle of the last century. Especially after the first atomic bombs were detonated by the U.S., objects whose appearance and flight characteristics were incomparable to anything ever seen before were frequently spotted in the sky and on radar. Countless sightings were made over U.S. territory in particular, which not only alarmed the population but – in times of the Cold War – also the U.S. military. That’s how the UFO phenomenon was born. It is known that as a result, the United States Air Force established a division called Project Blue Book (formerly Project Sign/Project Grudge) to record and investigate such sightings. Captain Edward Ruppelt was head of the Project Blue Book from 1951 to 1953. He gives an authentic and objective description of this particularly exciting time for the U.S. military in his 1956 book The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects. But not only the USA, also other countries – including France, Great Britain, Chile and Argentina – set up UFO investigation authorities. The reason for this was that the phenomenon became strikingly present and often seemed to affect national security or aviation safety.

In addition to regular waves of sightings (like in Belgium), there have always been convincing individual sightings (e.g., the case of Japan Airlines flight JAL 1628 on 17 November 1986 over Alaska), and the mantle of silence or disinformation was often placed over both. An example of how German media dealt with this topic was provided by Harald Lesch in 2016 in a Terra X episode (German popular science TV show) on the subject of extraterrestrials. There, Professor Lesch claimed that the Belgian wave of UFO sightings can now be explained: it had just been Belgian military helicopters. What a blatant tall story! How stupid would the Belgian military be if during its investigations it had simply forgotten to think of its own formation flight? Instead, the Belgian military had specifically asked the NATO allies and especially the Americans whether they had carried out secret test flights over Belgium. In the end, the military leadership even held a press conference and admitted in unprecedented openness that the objects observed were not a conventional phenomenon and that the military has absolutely no explanation for it. In addition, the poor investigation for the Terra X episode on UFOs is revealed by two facts: First, the observed objects were described as noiseless, and they demonstrated flight maneuvers that a helicopter could not have performed. Second, the then commanding Chief of Staff of the Belgian Air Force Major General Wilfried de Brouwer, now retired, had explicitly rejected the helicopter thesis put forward by skeptics in the 2010 book UFOs by investigative journalist Leslie Kean – as well as in an interview from 2014 – and reaffirmed that the Belgian military found no explanation for the sightings over Belgium even after intensive investigation.3

Skeptics also liked to ignore the authenticity and standing of the eyewitnesses (before the December 2017 paradigm shift). Since the press conference of the Disclosure Project in 2001, the number of high-ranking UFO observers from the military and government has steadily increased. These include, for example, General Parviz Jafari of the Iranian Air Force, NASA astronaut Gordon Cooper and John Callahan, former Division Chief of the Accidents and Investigations Branch of the FAA, to name but a few. If you want to know more about this, you can read the testimonies of numerous witnesses in Leslie Kean’s book UFOs. Also, the Apollo astronaut and sixth man on the moon, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, who died in 2016, publicly announced that he had been informed about the existence of UFOs. In addition, there are hundreds of other witnesses, mostly former members of the military and employees of secret research projects. The website of Dr. Steven Greer’s Disclosure Project provides access to testimonies that last more than several hours.4

And there is not only witness testimony when it comes to UFOs. A number of previously classified documents that are dealing with the UFO matter are now freely accessible. A well-known example is the so-called Wilbert B. Smith memo from 21 November 1950.5 The radio engineer Wilbert Smith headed Project Magnet, a UFO investigation program of the Canadian government’s Department of Transport. In this »Top Secret« document from the Department of Transport, Smith notes the following:

»I made discreet enquiries through the Canadian Embassy staff in Washington who were able to obtain for me the following information:

 The matter is the most highly classified subject in the United States Government, rating higher even than the H-bomb.

 Flying saucers exist.

 Their modus operandi is unknown but concentrated effort is being made by a small group headed by Doctor Vannevar Bush.

 The entire matter is considered by the United States authorities to be of tremendous significance.

I was further informed that the United States authorities are investigating along quite a number of lines which might possibly be related to the saucers such as mental phenomena (…)«6

I have insider information that Smith was communicating with Admiral Herbert Knowles. Both discussed not only the UFO phenomenon but also the topic of direct communication with extraterrestrial beings and the content of received messages. In addition to Smith’s note, there are dozens of other documents which prove the great interest of the U.S. military and the CIA in UFO sightings. Many of these documents can now be consulted directly on the CIA’s website.7 One example is a memo to the Director of the CIA dated 2 October 1952.8 According to this document, »flying saucers« pose an element of danger that »concerns the vulnerability of the United States to air attack«. Action recommended: »That the Director of Central Intelligence advise the National Security Council of the implications of the ›flying saucer‹ problem and request that research be initiated.«

Another advice reads as follows:

»In order to minimize risk of panic, a national policy should be established as to what should be told the public regarding the phenomena.«

As mentioned before, the question on the existence of UFOs can now be considered as settled. On 16 December 2017, the New York Times, the Washington Post and POLITICO unanimously reported on a UFO research program of the Pentagon funded with 22 million dollars between 2007 and 2012.9 The program was called The Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) and was officially confirmed by the Pentagon. Not only radar and video (infrared) recordings of encounters between U.S. military pilots and flying objects, whose flight behavior seems to contradict the laws of aerodynamics, were examined. Materials originating from UFOs were also stored and analyzed in modified buildings. In a radio interview, physicist Dr. Harold Puthoff explains that the analyzed exotic material did not contain new elements but consisted of an unusual composition of layers of materials »that you wouldn’t expect to be able to be layered« and that had »certain unusual characteristics that you wouldn’t have predicted in advance«.10

In the following, three now globally known videos of the on-board cameras of U.S. Navy fighter jets showing unknown objects have been published:

 The so-called »GIMBAL« video, captured by a U.S. Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet using the Raytheon AN/ASQ-228 Advanced Targeting Forward-Looking Infrared (ATFLIR) pod, was the first of the three videos that has been through the official declassification review process of the United States government and has been approved for public release.

 The second declassified video (»FLIR1«) is the only official footage captured by a U.S. Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet present at an incident in 2004 off the coast of San Diego regarding the USS Nimitz, a nuclear powered U.S. Navy supercarrier (also using ATFLIR). The Navy pilots described the UFO as a large bright white Tic Tac with a size of approximately 40 feet.

 »GO FAST« is another authentic DoD video that captures the high-speed flight of an unidentified aircraft at low altitude by a U.S. Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet with an ATFLIR pod.

Luis Elizondo, former head of AATIP, stated in an interview on CNN that the observed flight characteristics of the objects cannot be explained either by U.S. military arsenal or by known foreign technology. Asked for his personal opinion on the matter, he offers a surprising explanation: »We may not be alone!«11 Likewise, according to Navy pilot David Fravor, the object he had encountered was not from this world.12

A large part of the money from the U.S. defense budget went to Bigelow Aerospace, a space research company of billionaire Robert Bigelow. It is well known in UFO research circles that Bigelow has been funding the work of leading UFO and abduction researchers for decades. In May 2017, in an interview with CBS, Bigelow even expressed his conviction that extraterrestrials are present on Earth since a long time.13

The December 2017 reports are the official starting point of an extensive disclosure campaign in which former blink-182 punk band singer Tom DeLonge plaid a leading role along with former senior Department of Defense (DoD) and intelligence officials.

DeLonge is the CEO of a company called To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science (TTSA), which covers the three areas of science, aerospace and entertainment – see

The company’s goal is the advancement of our current understanding of scientific phenomena and its technological implications. Further members of the management team were, inter alia:

 Luis Elizondo, former head of AATIP (in the meanwhile, Elizondo left TTSA);

 Christopher Mellon, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence in the Clinton and Bush Administrations;

 Steve Justice, former Program Director for Advanced Systems from Lockheed Martin Advanced Development Programs – also known as »Skunk Works«; and

 Dr. Harold Puthoff, a physicist who advised the CIA on the research and application of remote viewing, at which we will have a closer look in Chapter 4.

The UFO media campaign continued in April 2019 with reports according to which the U.S. Navy is drafting new guidelines for pilots and other personnel to report encounters with »unidentified aircraft«.14 About two months later this was followed by reports on classified briefings on UFO sightings for not only Senators but also President Trump.15 During the following two years, numerous reports on the UFO/UAP topic were published by mainstream media. Then, in April 2021, the authenticity of further UAP videos was confirmed by the Pentagon.16 This was followed by the preliminary highlight of the ongoing disclosure campaign: the release of an unclassified UFO report by the Pentagon on 25 June 2021. Even before that date it had been leaked that the Pentagon report is ruling out the possibility of U.S. military black projects but not ruling out an extra-terrestrial explanation for the phenomenon.17


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