Kitabı oku: «NON-HUMAN CONTACT», sayfa 4
»The alien abduction phenomenon is a potentially rich source of information for our understanding of ourselves and the surrounding universe in which we participate.«43
Prof. John E. Mack, 1994
»The only chance we have to solve the UFO mystery is to talk to the people who have interacted with those behind the phenomena.«44
Grant Cameron, 2015
It already means a tremendous shock to our world view to acknowledge the reality of UFOs and beyond that – according to the extraterrestrial hypothesis – the existence of extraterrestrials. In this chapter we even go a giant step further. Now, the hitherto abstract ET being is to become a tangible, non-human, intelligent life-form that interacts with us in a specific way.
A figure who communicates with us, who visits us in our bedroom, makes us go to deserted places, paralyzes us, lets us float through walls and closed windows, transports us without our (conscious) consent into its flying machines, examines our body, equips it with implants, and even does not leave our children alone. I know these things sound extremely bizarre, incredible and frightening. Therefore, I would like to encourage every reader, once in a while, to take a break from reading this book and take some time to get used to the idea of an extraterrestrial presence. Integrating this idea into one’s own world view is a process that can take several weeks or months.
And let me emphasize one thing right at the beginning: Abduction research offers numerous clues for the reality of the UFO phenomenon and human interaction with extraterrestrial beings. This is the reason why I will present in detail the findings from around forty years of abduction research and from my own case studies. We will see that those abduction experiences are often frightening and even traumatizing. The widespread phenomenon of abductions by Greys is, however, only one part of the contact experiences with non-human intelligent beings. Apart from these encounters, experiences with other beings, which contain positive and enriching aspects, are also reported. Such reports, however, are by far not as well documented as the classic abduction cases (a part of which also contains positive experiences). That is the reason why I am focusing on the latter: the encounters with Greys offer the unique chance – based on thousands of case studies – of proving contact with extraterrestrial life-forms.
But let’s first define what is meant by »abduction«. The word was first applied by U.S. researchers in the 1980s who heard from ET-contact experiences and began to study these cases. »Abduction« then quickly became an established term in the UFO research community (although many UFO researchers were initially extremely skeptical when they were suddenly confronted with this phenomenon by their colleagues). The term in context of UFO research refers to non-human intelligent beings (often called extraterrestrials or aliens) that brought humans on board of their crafts. In the following I will equate these non-human intelligent beings with the term extraterrestrials (ETs for short), although other theories about the origin of these beings exist as well. In particular, it could be – at least in some cases or at the same time – beings from another dimension or even from our own future. In my opinion, there is strong evidence that we live in a multi-dimensional virtual universe.
This could explain, by the way, many of the paranormal phenomena that we are confronted with in the context of UFOs and »extraterrestrials« (which should then better be called inter-dimensional beings). But as long as we do not know this for sure I will try not to make things more complicated as necessary. Thus, I am simply speaking of aliens, ETs or just strangers. I will refer to those affected by the abduction phenomenon as abductees or (more neutral) as experiencers.
When we speak of abductions in general, this term implies that the person concerned has been taken from his normal, previous environment to another place against his will. Among humans such behavior would be illegal. In the context of the abduction phenomenon, one could try to subsume the behavior of the aliens under the provisions of our criminal code. As a result, these beings would presumably violate a number of these provisions. Under the German Criminal Code (Strafgesetzbuch, StGB), the relevant offences might include, inter alia, Unlawful imprisonment (Sec. 239 StGB), Causing bodily harm (Sec. 223 StGB), Causing bodily harm by dangerous means (Sec. 224 StGB) – at least by acting jointly – and Abduction of minors from the care of their parents (Sec. 235 StGB). We can skip the question to what extent our earthly penal code is applicable to extraterrestrial beings at all. Much more important is the rule that harmful conduct (the fulfilment of the so-called objective facts) does not necessarily lead to the perpetrator being liable to prosecution. According to our principles of criminal law, the perpetrator must always act illegally and culpably. For example, damage to property may be justified because the offender acted in self-defense or emergency assistance. Or the perpetrator of an illegal assault is not punished because he acted without guilt (e.g., because he was involuntarily drugged during the deed). With regard to the alien abductors, the crucial question would therefore arise whether the abductions and examinations of people might be justified or excusable.
I have raised this rather dogmatic consideration here in a strictly legal context but it will play an important role later: when we will try to identify the motives of the Greys and seek to find out whether their agenda serves our survival or their own selfish goals.
For those affected, this is a crucial aspect of their experience. Some people might find the procedures suffered more bearable if they are carried out for a higher purpose. However, the above enumeration of the relevant criminal offences shows that – if one puts aside the bizarreness – this is about socially disapproved behaviors that have quite a bit of weight in our human coexistence. Just as we would not simply ignore an unlawful imprisonment or a dangerous bodily injury in the context of our everyday life, we should treat those affected by the abduction phenomenon – who have often experienced all of this constantly since childhood – with the utmost respect and understanding. The fact that there might be a consent by the experiencers on a subconscious level – or in a pre-incarnation state – does not make it easier for them.45
After this short excursion to the criminal code and the principles for a criminal conviction, I would like to come back to the concept of ET »abduction«. As already mentioned, it concerns cases in which a person is taken against his will from his normal, previous environment to another place. This other location is typically the interior of a spacecraft. A medical examination and/or similar procedures are then carried out there on a regular basis. In addition, I would like to define as abductions only those processes which – according to the perception of the experiencer – actually take place physically in our four-dimensional space-time continuum. There are a number of accounts indicating that similar ET contact occurs in the form of out-of-body experiences OBEs):46 The body of the person concerned remains in the same place, while his consciousness (or his soul or spirit) moves to another place under the influence of the strangers.
The abductee Polly (the following names of abductees/experiencers are often pseudonyms; in part I will point this out) describes such a process as follows:
»Typically, I am out of doors and I see a UFO or UFOs in the sky. They land or one hovers above me. When I felt the dizzying sense of spiraling upward [in a previous event she had described], that one was different because I was conscious of being in my bed and being spun and sucked upward into a UFO. I think my mind was sucked out of my body.«47
In these cases, people often report that they were able to look at their body from above and saw it lying as if asleep under them. Betty Luca even had such an experience on board the ET craft: when she saw a naked woman lying on a table she realized that it was her own body.48 The ET told her that her physical body had been prepared for future OBE abductions. The situation is thus similar to the frequently reported near death experiences, which are increasingly coming into the focus of researchers and scientists. However, I assume that in abduction scenarios the situation is, at least in some cases, even more complicated. My research indicates, corroborated by Suzy Hansen’s detailed account, that some humans have a kind of dual soul or human/ET-consciousness. Hence, Suzy describes an incident where only her Grey identity (part of the dual soul) went onboard the ET craft by rising up in an ethereal Grey body form out of the human body that remained lying in bed.49 Such ET contact experiences of an out-of-body nature remain excluded here. It is still difficult enough to judge the reality of a »normal« abduction. However, I cannot rule out the possibility that some of the following accounts actually concern out-of-body-experiences while the abductee thought that it is a physical experience.
The broad spectrum of strange events surrounding the UFO and abduction phenomenon suggests that our idea of reality is flawed or at least incomplete. In the course of this book, we will become acquainted with a whole series of such seemingly impossible processes. At this point I would like to mention just two typical examples: One is the sudden appearance or disappearance of UFOs. Again and again, eyewitnesses report that one of these objects appeared out of nowhere or suddenly disappeared within a blink of an eye (maybe coming from/going to another dimension?). The second one are the reports of abductees floating through solid matter such as walls, ceilings and closed windows.50 And the aliens are also observed moving effortlessly through walls and other material objects.51
Such events cannot be explained by known physical laws and they contradict our view of the world. That our idea of reality requires certain modifications, however, is not a new thought for a physicist. The famous representatives of quantum physics, Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg, have already questioned our view of reality with their formulation of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics (which describes our world on the smallest scale). This explanatory model led to the consideration of whether a particle only exists when it is observed. Suddenly the object of observation and the observer were connected in a mysterious way. Even more bizarre seems to be the many-worlds interpretation of physicist Hugh Everett III. According to this, ALL POSSIBLE pasts and future scenarios are EQUALLY real in relation to quantum-mechanical processes. And each of these possibilities creates a new universe! According to this model, we live in an inexhaustible multiverse. The famous String Theory does not go that far. It attempts to trace elementary particles back to oscillating filaments and requires a total of eleven spatial dimensions. According to this, in addition to the three dimensions of space familiar to us (length, width, height), there must be eight tiny, quasi rolled up additional dimensions that we do not perceive and have not yet been able to prove experimentally.
From the point of view of physics, it would therefore not be too absurd if further, hidden dimensions or levels of vibration enable the spooky phenomena that are reported in the context of the UFO and abduction phenomenon. This might then explain the repeatedly observed penetration of solid matter by the abductees or the extraterrestrials themselves. Such a possible explanation is provided by the experiencer Janice:
»What happens is that it [the body] is speeded up to the point that your body’s a different vibrational rate than the matter you’re going through.«52
This statement is astonishingly consistent with the information Lyssa Royal allegedly received from a Grey in a channeling session:
»The reports of people walking through walls and closed doors are nothing more than a change in human molecular vibration strong enough to reduce body density so that humans can penetrate solid objects.«53
And Suzy Hansen learnt the following:
»In the future, humans will have a fuller understanding of energies and the space between molecules, allowing us to disintegrate and re-form our bodies as the Greys do, or pass through solid objects.«54
In abduction literature, the different realities or dimensions are repeatedly associated with different oscillation frequencies, whereby the Earth is said to have a very low vibration or high density. The process of penetrating walls, ceilings and closed windows can thus possibly be explained by the fact that the person concerned temporarily changes to another parallel dimension. There, the solid matter existing in our dimension or space-time would no longer be an obstacle. Exactly this mechanism has been described to Suzy Hansen by an ET pilot when their craft flew through planet Earth (see the section »Time gain« for details).55
In fact, there is increasing evidence that several realities or levels of reality or dimensions exist in our world. Whether and to what extent we can perceive these hidden dimensions seems to depend on our state of consciousness and our current brain wave activity, which can be measured with an electroencephalogram (EEG). When we are not asleep, we are usually in the state of waking consciousness. This corresponds to a so-called beta brain wave activity (frequency range between 13 and 30 Hz). According to this hypothesis, we then only perceive the physical everyday world familiar to us. If, on the other hand, we enter other states of consciousness, further levels of perception open up to us. This can occur in the light trance state (alpha state, frequency range between 8 and 13 Hz) and especially in the theta state (frequency range between 4 and 8 Hz). We experience the theta state daily during the transition from the waking to the sleeping phase.
Anna’s comments seem to confirm this.56 She describes how she had specific experiences in another dimension while she was in a kind of ethereal body. In addition, she had the impression that one reaches this other level of reality, in which our concept of time has no meaning, primarily through a state of sleep or dream.
These brief remarks on other levels of reality and perception should suffice at this point to make one thing clear: It would be naive to use our everyday concept of reality as a benchmark for assessing the UFO and abduction phenomenon. We are dealing here with apparitions that lie far beyond our beloved beliefs. If we are not prepared to fundamentally change our view of the world, we will neither perceive nor be able to understand the expanded reality underlying UFOs and ET contacts. The researcher and author Dr. Johannes Fiebag expresses similar views on the question of what reality actually is and how we define it:
»Ultimately, we define [the reality] through our sensory organs. They are the tools of our brain that transmit external stimuli of what lies outside the body via the nerve paths. From them the brain then forms an image of the outside world. This image, however, in reality only represents a model: the one that matches best our experience of the ›outside world‹, the one that is most compatible. But we must not delude ourselves that we perceive this image through a filter.«57
And this filter – as Dr. Fiebag goes on to explain – is made up of many individual components, including above all our prejudices, likes and dislikes, and beliefs (dogmas). In the context of the paradigm shift required for expanded perception, the psychiatrist Dr. Henning Alberts aptly quotes Don Juan, who explains:
»If man wants to survive today, I am convinced, he will have to change the social basis of his perception.«58
When asked what this social basis of perception is, he explains further:
»The physical certainty that the world consists of physical objects. I call this a social basis because everyone in this society wants to force us to perceive the world as we know it«.
Thus, we arrive again at the dogmas imposed on us by society, which prevent us from perceiving additional dimensions and, by the way, from using psychic abilities like remote viewing. Perhaps – as Don Juan suggests – the ability to perceive this hidden reality is decisive for our evolutionary progress and thus our destiny as mankind. Under this premise of a still incomplete concept of reality, we have defined the term »abduction«. Here you can see again a list of its essential features:
A human➢ is taken out of his normal environment➢ by non-human intelligent beings and➢ is brought to another location (typically the interior of a spacecraft)➢ against his (conscious) will.
As a rule, a medical examination or an intervention aiming at reproduction is carried out.
It is a physical process within our four-dimensional space-time continuum.
I had already pointed out something important before: The abduction scenario outlined above is only one (albeit significant) part within the entire range of contact experiences with non-human beings. The investigations clearly show that behind the typical abduction experiences stands the species of grey aliens, which I will go into in more detail. Greys appeared in all eight cases of affected women examined by abduction researcher Dr. Karla Turner for her book Taken.59
But also other aliens are observed like the blonde, human looking type (the »Nordics«) or insect-like or praying mantis-like beings, which sometimes appear together with the Greys. Thus, it is not entirely clear whether the grey strangers themselves are only executive organs or rather initiators of the abduction scenario. Moreover, as mentioned above, physical contact with alien beings is not limited to the classic abduction cases; there are also very positive encounters. An example for this are the encounters with blue energy beings having a human appearance. As Dr. Ardy Sixkiller Clarke reports, they have often helped individual humans to survive critical situations during wars. However, in my research I also came across a category of experiences that have received little attention in abduction research so far: Encounters with reptilian beings. These experiences are much more negative and violent than the typical abduction experiences with Greys (e.g., including acts of sexual abuse). Furthermore, it is unclear whether there are various Greysubspecies that might pursue different agendas. Some sources even claim that part of the Greys are working for the Reptilians. Since this book focuses on the well documented findings of classic abduction research, and to not make things more complicated than necessary, I won’t go deeper into this.
Last but not least, there are ET contact experiences that take place completely outside the physical level – such as telepathic communication without physical presence of the conversation partner, mental transmission (»download«) of complex, mostly scientific information and communication via another person acting as a medium (»channeling«). In the case of channeling the non-human entity accesses the mental and physical processes of a person in such a way that it is able to communicate verbally through this human. In my opinion, the importance of channeling has been underestimated in UFO and abduction research. Due to corresponding incidents during hypnosis sessions with experiencers, I had to take this form of contact with non-human beings seriously. However, I am aware that information obtained through channeling is viewed with great skepticism; in many cases certainly rightly so. That is why I have decided not to include such information in this book – with very few exceptions.
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