Kitabı oku: «Theory of vortex creation and control», sayfa 10

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It is possible that as you move away from the site of the phenomenon, the image will be less clear due to various interference from the records of other events in the matter of space.

Everything around vibrates, radiating energy and forming electromagnetic fields. And if in such a system of oscillations any dipole is considered as a capacitance (capacitor) of a pendulum, then it is controlled by information (inductance) in its structure. Therefore, any vibration is a process of transformations that create the structure of the form of matter. This means that the oscillating circuit is the process of converting electrical energy into magnetic energy and vice versa, or the consumption and emission of energy with the acquisition of such properties and qualities of the electromagnetic field as continuity and discreteness. This means that our space is a continuous electromagnetic medium filled with dipoles (vortices), the magnetic fields of each of which are united by their lines of force into the information medium of a single system, in which magnetic rhythms control the electric cycles of vibrations. Moreover, it turned out that alternating magnetic fields, unlike electromagnetic fields, are able to transmit information barrier-free in any media and in the widest range of oscillations. When information in the environment is transmitted instantaneously, and electric fields form their own flows of charges. In this case, it becomes possible to create equipment not only for extracting and visualizing information about any events of the past in any place in space, regardless of the statute of limitations, but also for obtaining electrical energy from dipole structures of matter of any environment in any place.

Still, there is another side to this approach in explaining the mutual influence in the symbiosis of civilization of the entire biosphere and cosmos, which has been established for millions of years and continues to develop. Let's clarify and consider its peak, as we understand it – human civilization. And, strange as it may seem, it is absolutely impossible to comprehend the physical essence of the issue without turning to the most seemingly ordinary and sacramental – the relationship between man and God. And metaphysics is completely inappropriate here.

Then let us ask the question, is it possible to scientifically prove the very existence of the Creator? And, if so, what tools of nature does he use in his creations? How to academically confirm what has been put on the parchment of world religions for centuries with statements such as "all-seeing", "remembering everything", "in each of us", "he is everywhere", "ask and you will be rewarded", etc.?

The fact is that everything in the world is based on the relationship of matter according to a very simple formula: "request – answer – comparison – action", which always works, because it has been tested by billions of years of its survival in the environment. It can be firmly asserted that religion is the "DNA" of society, its genome, its instinct, its age-old memory. If there were no religion, then it would definitely have to be created, this is a great psychotherapist. Knowledge worked out over thousands of years is not a dogma, because religion develops in accordance with changes in the environment in an ever-changing world. This is the eternal experience of civilization, passed from mouth to mouth, as a service to society, with only one goal – to show the only true path of earthly life for the development of each of us, based on past phenomena.

Reading a prayer, even saying it silently, everyone becomes a source of frequency vibrations with a very complex, centuries-tested, modulated structure of discrete signals that merge into a single electromagnetic field. Which excites specific (related) vibrations in the surrounding matter of space, in its structural magnetic memory (records) of events that occurred earlier in this space. Memory, which is everywhere and always present in the habitat around us, in various dipole constructions of vortex energy formations of the microcosm. And this does not depend on what religion a person preaches or whether he believes at all. Prayer for us can be not only excerpts from the holy scriptures, but also simply repeated requests addressed to the Almighty with sincere hope and faith. In any case, everything in the world has its own name and was previously described as the accomplished cyclical events, pronounced (voiced) and fixed in the surrounding space, in fact, not only in its structure, but also in the matter of space itself.

Fig. 9. A picture from the pixels of the "archives" (flomaster. Club)

Fig. 10. Black hole formation processes in space

And this is quite understandable, because the structural vibration systems (contours) of any matter are reused in the environment during its disintegration and synthesis. That is, their memory, together with the information in it, even if not as a complete picture, but as a part of it, still remains as a record on the "magnetic tape" of the dipole structure of a particle of matter in space forever, as long as this form of vibration system exists. A form that once recorded a fragment of an event in the form of a defect (reflection) on its magnetic component of its own dipole, as a result of changes in excited space in the process of interaction with neighboring similar structures. In this case, any object or environment consisting of a multitude of vibration circuits, such as memory archives, retains not only single "pixels" of events, but already fragments or the entire picture of phenomena that occurred in a given environment (see Fig. 9). Archives, which, like tuning forks tuned in unison, for example, in your next room, are activated in the space of the environment, as a response to the melody's request for a similar harmonic (prayer) vibration from you, as a source of an electromagnetic signal from the outside. And these "dormant archives" in the innumerable microstructures of the matter of space suddenly become resonating sources of species vibrations.

And they respond to the radiation that excited them by discretely changing and breaking the lines of force of the electromagnetic field in the reflected signal with their magnetic fields, and create other modulations in the response, as a "response to a request". This is the mechanism of transferring information between interacting microstructures from their magnetic "archives" of their own memory of forms of matter, as fragments of events, as reflections that occurred in the past in a given space. Reflections that are activated and appear as an image in front of your eyes as a result of your brain's subconscious processing of information received by you, your tools of nature, from the outside. As a response to your request for space and its processing by comparing it with similar information in your own "archives" of your memory in order to further interact with matter from the outside. This is where the sounds of classical music or prayer "catch" us, causing a storm of emotions in those who have been instilled with good manners since childhood, giving them the opportunity to remember beautiful art.

Undoubtedly, in this sense of the interaction of man and the matter of space, there is a particle of God in each of us. We ourselves are a part of God, as a great communion with the vast expanse of the Universe, with all its interactions and energy. To be more precise, there is God inside everyone and everyone lives inside God – the space around us. And everyone has the right to say: "There is nothing in the universe that is not in me." And this is true, because in every living being there are all the possibilities, all the tools and abilities created through centuries of mutations and the development of the unified matter of space. We ourselves consist of matter, its elementary particles, with their memory of all the events that have occurred in space throughout the history of the Universe. Because they, as imprints or reflections in the magnetic structures of the vibrational systems of all forms of existence, are preserved in their environment once and for all and are broadcast around in resonance, and are again remembered everywhere in the new memory structures of the matter of space itself. Each person, as well as every living being, going through his path from an embryo to old age, leaves in such "archives" of memory of the space of the environment, an image, information about each moment of his existence as an interaction with the environment. And this information can be seen, extracted at any time and in any place of a given space of a single system, if you have the appropriate devices or abilities.

Does this mean that religion is the process of interaction of "everything with everything"? Interaction, which can be designated as the constant movement of energy, the eternal flow of charges between various infinite structures and forms of matter of the environment in their striving for balance. Is it true, then, that everything in the structures of the microcosm suddenly stops moving, instantly loses energy, a gradient, and is unable to interact with anything, because it ceases to be a vortex that resists external influences? Imagine that everything that revolved in the system around its center of mass is instantly compressed by the hellish force of pushing the external environment and "collapses into a point", releasing the most powerful spectrum of radiation of cosmic proportions of the implosion phenomenon. Without a doubt, planetary objects of large volumes, moving only by inertia, even without interactions from the outside, will disintegrate from several years to millennia. The process described above is the most approximate analogue of the origin of black holes in space. Then, where and why do the conditions arise for such a phenomenon?

There is no secret that in space, under certain conditions of interaction, at the boundaries of contact of huge volumes of alternating forms of matter, for example, galaxies, there are interference zones, where the emergence of extensive fields of standing waves contributes to the "zeroing" of electricity and magnetism, as the main tools for creating a charge gradient. And what if conditions are created in these areas for the emergence of gravitational traps, where the energy density of the counteraction (nudge) of matter equalizes, reaching a stable balance? Any movement (work) of vortices in the microstructures of vibration systems in this zone stops and, as a result of the phenomenon of cosmic implosion, a "black hole" is formed in the matter of space (see Fig. 10). That is, the absolute balance of energy, or the absence of gradients, the presence of which has been worked out by nature as a fundamental tool of interaction, becomes stable here for a long period of time. At the same time, the entire region of the anomaly collapses as a result of the appearance of a "hellish" difference of charges between it, as a zone of "zero" potential, and the entire external space, including the interacting galaxies themselves. Which will certainly be torn apart (inertia) and drawn into a new point of the center of mass that has arisen in the environment. This point, like a growing "black hole", could become the center of mass of a new galaxy in the future. It can be said that in this way a kind of natural annihilator of matter appears, which becomes denser and more powerful, turning into a massive black hole that captures everything around, "radiating" and saturating until the phenomenon of implosion in its striving for balance disappears and, as a result, the opposite imbalance occurs. But with the reverse release of the colossal energy of the phenomenon of explosion and the origin of new objects of matter in space, such as elementary particles and stars (see Fig. 11). This is confirmed by the recent images of the James Webb telescope. And each cycle, strictly after its completion, will repeat itself again and again. It is clusters of "black holes" that are the galactic centers of mass around which all-star systems revolve. Of course, when galaxies or even stars of different volumes interact, newly formed black holes can also become wandering (Fig. 12).

As a result of our research, we can more and more confidently assert that the matter of space itself consists of "zero" vortices, the neutral state of which is unstable and depends on the impact of external charges. Which, when interacting with each other as a result of decay or synthesis, on the principles of electricity and magnetism, form multiple structures of other forms of matter, but also dipoles of vortex dynamics of the energy of their total charges in a common form.

Fig. 11. Ejection of matter from a black hole (

Fig. 12. Hubble Telescope Captured wandering black hole (

And everywhere in a single space, as a vibrational system, they generate different in magnitude and direction, mobile and changing, like the flow of water, differences in the potentials of their charges or gradients (see Fig. 13). It is thanks to them that all and every matter around is created and interacts.

In this case, what did the "zero" vortices themselves arise from, as a product of space gradients? How were their "zero" dipoles, or initial charges, formed at the starting point of the system for reporting the time of the origin of all matter in the "abyss" that seemed to us to be completely empty?

There is only one answer – only the influence from the outside, and at the same time and everywhere. Only in this way is it possible to create a potential difference in the nascent space as matter. Because it is always necessary to accelerate the beginning of the oscillation cycles of a pendulum of any form of vibration system. Or, to put it another way, everything around had to at least contract or expand. From this we can conclude that there has never been a primordial "emptiness", the space of the global Universe has always been material. To be more precise, our space has always been and is inside and between other spaces. As, for example, oxygen and hydrogen atoms in a water molecule (see Fig. 14). And all these external spaces are completely different from ours, they have completely different structures and forms of matter, and there are phenomena different from ours, but they are all based on the same principles of electricity and magnetism.

Then we can safely conclude that the single Universe of the cosmos consists of an innumerable number of stable, individual, interacting and contiguous with each other by their transforming shells, but independent and unmixable. For example, as spaces around different planets with completely different properties and phenomena in the protective shells of their geospheres. Or the space of the entire solar system in the bubble of the heliosphere, in interstellar space, etc. And this is confirmed by the studies of many images of the Hubble space telescopes. Note that the atmospheres of the planets and the heliosphere of the Sun are all forms close to spherical, very similar to air bubbles in water, because the pressure on them from the outside, or the push of the external matter of the environment, is an unnecessary confirmation of its denser (shallower) structure. Moreover, it is not everywhere homogeneous on all sides of the surface of contact outside the mobile sphere. The rarefaction created by the vortex electromagnetic fields of such objects inside the protective "bubbles" resembles many analogues of nature, for example, eggs, cells, molecules, etc.

Fig. 13. Analogue of energy flow in space (

Fig. 14. Diagram of the water molecule (

What can we gain from realizing and understanding the inner workings and tools of the overall picture of such a "everything with everything" coexistence? When the only language of interaction is the emission of different vibrations? When the conscious communication of each of us not only with each other, but also with all our living and inanimate surroundings mentally or in the language of sounds, colors or feelings – everything that we are rich in, occurs due to the constant and extensive reception and emission of discrete impulses by us, scanning the space of the environment, comparing and processing the most complex response signals, memorizing and making decisions for action.

Suppose, for example, that certain electromagnetic discrete radiations of various modulations and energies form fields, and have a fixed effect on a particular living being. But liquids in the form of solutions, and mixtures of gases, and even solids in the form of drugs or additives can also have similar effects on this body. Because the mechanisms of these actions are based on the same principles of charge gradient. That is, by the effects of certain electromagnetic fields on living cells, it is possible, just like drugs, to change their metabolism and achieve the healing of patients. Only much faster and more efficient.

Or imagine that differently frequency packaged electromagnetic oscillations are able to affect the same form of matter in different ways, controlling it, interacting with different reflected signals – responses through the environment. And this, too, is achieved by the instruments of electricity and magnetism known to us. They affect the reorientation in space of a set of dipoles of different particles of the structural matter of a given substance, arranging them in a variety of positions and arrangements, which are the result of reactions to external influences of the environment. As a result, the object manifests itself as a single organism, obeying and performing any inconceivable movements to the left or right, falling apart or reuniting, stretching into a string or closing in a ring, crawling or jumping, etc., in accordance with the functionality of the control influence. Isn't it a robot controlled by the usual alternation of signals, which can simply be "set to record"? And it does not matter at all what it is: some living being, bacteria, molecule, virus, or just a combination of substances in a gas, in a liquid or in a solid state (see Fig. 15). What incredible opportunities in the field of artificial intelligence, cybernetics and robotics are promised by new technologies based on such fundamental knowledge! For example, the use of polarized gels, liquids, plastics, gases in the delivery of medicines to diseased organs, the removal of harmful gas contamination in production, water purification from impurities, microelectronics, etc.

Does our relationship with space from the outside in everyday life differ in any way from the above? For example, in influence and control? Does this mean that we, reading, for example, prayers, sincerely seek answers in space, arousing in resonance with the time-tested vibrations of our requests "archives of memory of past events" in the environment of the matter of our environment, including turning to God in our thoughts? Where all things are given a name as an address. And we get a resonant answer, each of us, always, realizing it or not. And this answer will certainly be implemented in action after analysis by your brain. The result of such communication is different for everyone, something comes true or not. But the fact that you participate in creating your own destiny of your earthly path in this way, communicating not only with God, but also with ordinary people, animals, nature, this is beyond any doubt, "ask and it will be given to you." The matter of the environment always responds to excitement, the main thing is to know what and how to ask (dream) correctly and competently. Therefore, everyone comes to this world to learn, gain knowledge and experience from scratch. And those who do not accept this rule, unfortunately, lose the main attraction of life – the joy of live communication in the resonance of vibrations with the environment or love.

After all, when we communicate with God in our innermost corners of consciousness, we are actually turning to space. The memory of each of us, as a small fraction of the matter of space, is an integral part of it. And we can safely assert that God is inside each of us and we ourselves are inside God. And this is true of every creature on Earth.

Fig. 15. Control of polarized gels (

Fig. 16. Resonance of tuning forks (

Every person today is the result of many centuries of work of thousands and thousands of our ancestors, whose genes, like memory, are sewn into our national genome and protect us from rash mistakes and diseases, allow us to fight and win against everything that is alien and hostile to us. And therefore, we have the right to use these "archives of space" as our own, turning to them on any occasion. Therefore, a single space with its enormous energy and information is the Creator and Executor of all that exists. Isn't it obvious

Does this mean that such a true religion, based on the centuries-old experience of world religions, is the most ancient source of spiritual energy for the development of civilization, instilled in every person at birth? Then all living things, as forms of matter, consisting of seemingly "inanimate" systems, are "consecrated" by the same energy. Because everything around radiates and receives vibrations, improves, communicates, using the same tools of nature for survival and development as we – people who realize themselves as the crown of creation. Surprisingly, a prayer read, especially a group prayer, actually has a powerful energy of vibrations, which in some cases is able to resist real physical phenomena of nature, including gravity. And there are examples of this in history. Consequently, in each of us there is not only a source of energy in the structures of the form of the body, but also thousands of years of information about the events of our environment. And it can be demanded by any person, activated by the resonant vibrations of words, music, light, movements, etc., evoking in us divine experiences, genuine feelings, virtue, as a response to the disturbance of space, in unison with the moral content and information inherent in the person himself. Someone has more of it, someone has less, someone has a completely different one, but that is why great minds, poets, musicians and commanders appear among the people. At birth, a person begins his journey from scratch, but with age, he more and more often compares the vibrations received from the outside, which resonate with his internal settings of his own vibration circuits of memory structures. And he remembers, carries them, systematizes them in his head, tunes his electromagnetic source, his electromagnetic biofield of interaction with radiation from the outside.

When we talk about the laws of relationships in society, parallels immediately arise with the interactions of matter in the environment. For example, we mention sociality as properties acquired by a person, and compare it with a charge. Both are inseparable from matter. The vibrations of minds (thoughts) in society are quite comparable to the vibrations of the vibrational systems of the forms of matter and space. For example, if a state participates in a war, then each member of this community thinks about victory, in unison with everyone, and excites the environment as a single vibrational system by all possible means: thoughts, radio signals, explosions, calls, destruction, etc., and receives a corresponding response from his own environment. This means that the entire space in which this phenomenon of disintegration takes place is already at war. Nature immediately responds with a drop in temperature, tension, crop failure, decline, hunger, and bitterness of all living things towards each other. Draw an analogy with the microcosm, and you will understand that this is so.

And, if this is true, then according to all scientific approaches, it is also true that God is inside each of us, and we are a part of God, this huge, all-seeing and all-remembering space around us. From the matter of which we all consist, and with which, consciously or not, we are constantly interconnected, and to which we turn, giving signals, and which always responds to us and influences us, and which fixes and remembers forever every moment of our life from birth, death and rebirth in the very matter of the space of the Universe, as its own single body of being. Turning sincerely to the Almighty, each of us more and more accurately adjusts our internal "tuning fork" to the challenges of the external environment, which resonates and helps to make the right choice, to assert ourselves more and more confidently, relying on the knowledge of previous generations and internal memory at the level of gene pool, intuition, instinct, genome of our own people, our own family (see Fig. 16).

Situations when many creative people, including healers, shamans, psychics, say that it is as if someone helps, directs or prompts them to achieve certain successes from above, or from outside, are absolutely true. Because the questions posed by them in the form of vibrations excite the matter of the environment in unison, activating the "archives" of its memory into the mode of the source of electromagnetic oscillations and forcing them to transmit information as a response to a request for past events in a given environment. And the request signal sent to this environment will certainly return with an additional modulation of packetized oscillations attached to it, which entered the species resonance with it, which will be deciphered as information from outside space. Moreover, it is deciphered in the form of three-dimensional images in your memory. It is quite possible to foresee the future by looking at the past of this space, because everything in the world has its own cycles of oscillations, and therefore the phenomena that are significant for any vibrational system are repeatable as long as it exists without structural changes. Such information from the "library of events" with a multi-billion history of space itself, without a doubt, can contribute to the creation of masterpieces in the activities of a particular genius. Of course, you need to have enough skills and knowledge to send the right request and be ready to process the response signals of space. These can be visions, actions, sounds, something unusual and, believe me, you will certainly feel it as inspiration, flight of thoughts, bliss, lightness or epiphany. Communication with the Creator is life itself. Not only is it within you, and you are always in it, but you are always under its protection or under its threat, by its harsh or careless reality. Everything depends on yourself, how you perceive the external environment and yourself, how you interact with it, what vibrations you create with your form of matter throughout the entire period from your conception to decay.

Now we can conclude that it is completely wrong to divide nature into "animate and inanimate", that life is eternal, it is only transformed from the simple to the complex and vice versa, because it is cyclical and inseparable from matter, as its property is to create motion, gradient, charge, dipole, vortex. So, we have returned to its origins – "zero" vortices, from where everything in the space of the unified Universe began. Isn't there a real trinity of Nature in information, radiation, and space like magnetism, electricity, and matter? Matter that is created and dissolved in electromagnetic fields.

It is becoming clear to all of us that there is a certain symbiosis between the planet and the human community. The Earth needs man just as man needs a favorable living environment. To what extent will this environment become unbearable for the planet itself, thanks to the activities of mankind?

It is not news to anyone that each of us separately solves only his own problem during his own life and most do not care what will happen without him. But the rhythm of each of them feeds energy into a single synchronized community, which grows and develops its technologies, affects changes in the electric and magnetic components of the planet's general field, and therefore electromagnetic interactions with neighboring planets, the Sun, and other space objects. And how will this symbiosis of ours affect the state of the entire biosphere? We are alive, which means that the line of no return has not yet been crossed, and we continue to participate in the single plan of Nature in the role assigned to us as an inseparable part of the entire biological environment of the planet. We can only guess about our real purpose; it seems that we are still "used blindly". But we need to learn and remember that everything is interconnected and one follows from the other, as, for example, in the "Periodic Table" of chemical elements. In society, in the same way, there are separate elements and families, but no group can exist without another. The more "surnames" there are and the stronger they are, the stronger and more powerful the community. Like the compounds of different substances with each other, the interactions of states can form new structures, develop or self-destruct. Aren't the world wars of societies like "black holes" in space? In the same way, they devour all material resources and, having been oversaturated with the negative energy of destruction, turn into imbalance, and throw back the long-awaited positive energy of creation. Isn't it important for the system when entire species of living beings disappear from the face of the Earth forever? And who will "come" after them, and how will this affect our well-being or the decline of our era?

Each of us was in a situation where just a minute ago, someone from the environment was still alive. And why are people dying more and more often in the adaptive system of the planet? Then, what happens to the body?

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Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
28 şubat 2025
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727 s. 246 illüstrasyon
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