Kitabı oku: «Theory of vortex creation and control», sayfa 9

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Civilization and Space

"Today, the scientific understanding of the living process needs fresh scientific ideas and generalization of previously accumulated data at the intersection of the natural sciences more than ever."

Petrov N. V.

I was once asked: "What is the purpose of human civilization?" Indeed, what is the role of each link, an individual being in the biological chain of development?

Any life form arises where suitable conditions are created for it in space. That is, each environment forms its own biosphere. This means that the environment itself favors the formation of a particular form of life, thereby allowing you to fill the energy niche in this space. Along the entire chain known to us: from elementary particles to atoms, from atoms to molecules, from viruses to bacteria, from bacteria to plants, from plants to animals, and from animals to humans. It is unlikely that anyone will deny the existence of unique natural technologies "built" by evolution into the daily life cycle, without exception, of all living organisms. These are, for example, vision, smell, sensations, modes of locomotion, the processing of some substances into others, and memory, hearing, singing, learning, and many other things, which, with a successful "experiment" of interactions in space, nature immediately continues to repeatedly translate to everything similar, where it can only be useful for the preservation, development and reproduction of species. It is likely that one species of life does not evolve into another, through "Darwinism", it can only mutate and improve, each for its own habitats. And, on the contrary, symbiosis, as a process that originated in the struggle for energy sources, at the first manifestations of favorable conditions in all possible layers of existence, gave rise to a great variety and variety of tentative rudiments of life almost simultaneously. And all of them continued to populate different environments, but already interacting with each other, using the same natural phenomena, enlarging or grinding, complicating or simplifying their own structures and forms for the best adaptation to the conditions of constantly changing nature. And only those of them that were better adapted than others to quickly and, accordingly, mutate to new changes in living conditions on the planet received further development.

Fig. 1. Burning match (flomaster. Club)

Fig. 2. Galactic orbit of the solar system (

I am sure that the current level of diversity of all living things on Earth is largely formed by the evolution of the functional symbiosis of various, once quite independent "internal organs", which originally originated as a separate simple species, capable only, for example, of efficiently extracting energy (nutrition) by processing air, water, blood, droppings, meat, plants, etc. But which then evolved into a single form of a plant or animal and turned into its parts. or entrails, such as roots, leaves, stomach, lungs, kidneys, liver, brains, eyes, etc. And this is quite natural in the struggle for sources of consumption. Thus, a great many creatures of the biosphere appeared in the atmosphere, ocean, land and on the surface. Each of them, processing, among other things, the waste of each other's vital activity, learned to dispose of and return back to nature the released compounds of the substance for their reuse. Does this change the original composition of the environment? Undoubtedly, if we talk about the macrocosm. And there are no, or insignificant, if we mean elementary particles.

Then, given the same phenomena, periodicities and properties in nature, what prompts the complication of the structures of matter, its forms in the entire biosphere?

Light a match, carbon is formed, which prevents the flame from spreading further (see Fig. 1). There is relatively little carbon on our planet, but where it arises, the fire goes out and the temperature drops. That is, carbon is a natural coolant. The processes occurring on the planets of the Solar System as a result of rotation and orbital motion, from the moment of their formation, determine a sufficiently high temperature level, due not only to the opposition of the environment and friction from the rotation of matter inside these spheres, but also to the presence of various electromagnetic fields and radiation, which are inevitably formed as a result of interaction with other space objects when moving along the galactic orbit. In other words, our Earth must both cool down, covered with a stone crust, and heat up, forming a fireball, during its approximately 250 million years of galactic circle (see Fig. 2).

Conventionally, when passing near the constellation Sagittarius, the Solar System breaks into a cold cosmic desert, which with its fields takes away the energy of the Earth, its charges, weakens the influence of the Sun and thereby cools the surface of our planet. Volcanic activity decreases, the earth's crust is formed, and conditions for the origin of life arise in the equatorial zone. Then flora and fauna appear, which contribute to an increase in the density of the atmosphere, its power. Huge charge gradients are formed between the earth and the atmosphere, the magnetism and electric field of the planet increases, which is less bombarded from the outside, it becomes more protected. And these processes have been maintained for millions of years, they do not contradict the species development and growth dynamics of the Earth. Of course, further, in some other constellation of its orbital path, perhaps Leo, our planet will heat up again, and volcanic activity will absorb all life (see Fig. 3). But in this period, the Earth, which once in millions and millions of years, adapts, cools, increases the thickness of its crust, increases the magnetic field, strengthens the density and saturation of the atmosphere by "warming up" to preserve its internal energy from its future losses when encountering the changing cyclic conditions of galactic space.

Fig. 3. Fiery planet (STU BALLINGER 2013)

Fig. 4. The Earth's magnetic field (

Does the biosphere and humanity contribute to these processes? No doubt. Will such a development of events destroy all life in the future? Quite possibly. But the process is objective and its outcome does not depend on us. We only accelerate these phenomena, like all living things, by releasing carbon into the atmosphere in the form of non-combustible carbon dioxide, including by extracting and using hydrocarbons from the bowels of the earth. We deprive the geosphere of natural coolant in the form of coal, oil, gas, which separate the surface of the boundary of hot magma from the surface crust of the earth, bordering the hydrosphere and the atmosphere. As a natural tool for restraining fiery reactions from open contact of high temperatures of the interior with the external environment, its biosphere. It is clear that with a small or partially distant layer of carbon in the geosphere, the temperature on the surface will inevitably increase, and as a result, hydrocarbon reserves in these places will slowly but constantly recover. Thus, by consuming hydrocarbons, mankind unconsciously, like the entire biosphere, saturates the atmosphere with carbon, including from the geosphere, as if compacting its protective "fur coat", and strengthens the Earth's magnetic field. However, hydrocarbon deposits are extremely important for the protection of the ecosystem, and ultimately the existence of the planet itself in its cycles and periods of galactic oscillations. The biosphere is constantly adjusting to the rhythms of the changing environmental conditions of the planet itself, striving for a global symbiosis with it for billions of years.

The Earth, like all the planets in the Universe, has a fiery cycle in its evolution, when its energy must be restored for further development. Probably, its electromagnetic field is a kind of catalyst for the transition of carbon from the geosphere to the atmosphere, as a cyclical phenomenon in the development of the planet, or a tool for creating and preserving its own internal ecosystem as a source of energy. Doesn't it resemble a microcosm?

During solar flares, the rays of the star's corona travel millions of kilometers into space. These flares create colossal electromagnetic radiation of various spectra. As a result, they interact with elementary particles and fields of the environment of space, including planets and cosmic bodies, which are sources of their own fields and radiation. This means that the phenomena of resonance, interference, the formation of new elementary particles, atoms of matter and sources of new radiation are possible. All this causes a sharp increase in the temperature of matter in the zones of excitation of the Cosmos. It is possible that the increase in temperature is also influenced by numerous destructions of the magnetic field lines of the star, its planets and other dipole objects in the environment, converting the energy of the pulses of the solar wind flow into electrical energy (see Fig. 4). And this energy nourishes the planets as part of the external energy of space, maintaining the unity of the general solar oscillatory system. However, as in all living forms, as dipole mirror structures. Isn't this symmetry in the structure of every organism and plant on our planet created in the image and likeness of the Earth itself? With its changing poles, electromagnetic instruments of interaction, decay and synthesis of matter, etc.? Surprisingly, the field lines of the fetus in the womb in mammals coincide with the direction of the mother's field lines. That is, the equatorial plane is located along the axis of symmetry of mirror objects. Imagine a coiled embryo or any plant and it becomes clear where the constantly changing poles of the magnetic field of such a body are. In fact, they are, for example, now to the right and sometimes to the left of us, because the frequencies of these oscillations are strictly individual and depend on the blood flow of the arterial and venous systems, which excite the dipole of a single body and enhance its interaction with the species fields in the environment of their environment. It is not for nothing that when a person prays, he directs his gaze to the east, and then his lines of force completely coincide with the direction of the lines of force of the Earth's field, strengthening such a biofield informationally and energetically, as if uniting with the Almighty in thoughts. Below we will return to this "phenomenon" of highly developed forms of matter.

Fig. 5. The movement of the Sun and the planets (

Fig. 6. Symmetry of the human body (

Often the planet receives a portion of excess energy from the outside, and then the climate on Earth changes, as well as its rhythms and conditions for the existence of life. Probably, the role of the information and control systems in such solar activities is played by the above-mentioned lines of magnetic fields not only of the star itself, but also of the planets of its system. The motions of any objects in space cross these lines, exert excitation and cause deformation of the Sun's magnetic field, which thus reacts to the movement of planets, asteroids, and comets (see Fig. 5). And if the natural frequency of the Sun, as an emitter of electromagnetic waves, is resonantly tuned to the wavelength of the external signal of the galactic field, the conditions of which have been developed over billions of years of evolution, then the star necessarily reacts with flashes of spot activity in its equatorial zone to all these movements of bodies within its planetary system.

This means that changes in the energy state and location of the planets in the system are reflected on the surface of the Sun in the form of vortices with the synchronous appearance of changes in spots in the equatorial zone and, probably, a shift in the center of mass of the entire system for its synchronization in changing conditions. That is, all the planets rotate in resonant orbits, and the center of mass of the planetary system is constantly shifting, and this excites the Sun to radiation. In a way, in space, there is a self-adjusting interdependence of the electromagnetic fields of a star and planets in order to preserve the unity of the oscillatory system with the help of radiation of magnetic fields. Synchronization of vibration systems manifests itself from symmetry, and asymmetry helps to stabilize synchronized states. That is, asymmetric excited energy systems of different objects tend to synchronize the oscillations of all their sources in this system in order to achieve symmetry. In this way, nature always tries to return to balance, and the symmetry (mirroring) of living organisms (objects) is a confirmation of this (see Fig. 6).

Thus, the rhythms of the planets' orbits and the rhythm of the radiation of the magnetic vortices of their stars are connected by the interactions of fields and matter to achieve the synchronization of oscillatory processes and the general balance of energy stability of a single vibration system. Obviously, due to the currents of charges in the plane of the ecliptic, the Sun affects the position and state of its planets in the system. Its magnetic lines hold the enormous energy of prominences, but they are constantly deformed and torn apart by the movement of planets and other objects. And this enormous density of energy bursts out in the zones of discontinuity in the direction of these bodies, thereby generating radiations and atoms of various substances. It seems that with such a response, flares on the Sun regulate and restore the structure of the unified magnetic field of the system. Then it is obvious that the density of the electromagnetic energy of the star affects the acceleration and rotation of the planets around their axes.

This means that, as inside any living being, interactions take place in the Universe, on the basis of which any general vibrational system, as well as each circuit in its structure in the form of dipoles, perceives all the parameters of electromagnetic influences within each own individual frequency synchronized with the general system. And it changes the parameters of its response electromagnetic counteraction pulses in accordance with the applied influences. That is, a single vibration system, for example, a person, reacts to external influence as a total, resultant reaction of each of his organs, each vibration circuit, each dipole in his structure. The external impact on the system, which changes as it moves, is split by it, its single form, into a set of electromagnetic oscillations consistent with it in their frequencies of each component structural vibration circuit constantly and discretely. In other words, there is an exchange of information from the outside through excitations during the movement of an object, as a response to its influences. And such a reciprocal discrete energy-informational flow of interaction between "everything and everything" in space is constant and infinite. Thanks to this, we, living beings, constantly feel the world around us with all our receptors at the same time, including our own state. All these tools are also transmitted and multiplied by nature to all non-living things, including planets, star systems, galaxies, etc. And this works everywhere, in the macro and microcosm.

Does this mean that any forms of matter, when they are excited and interact with other similar forms in the external environment by discrete electromagnetic pulses, which, as separate sources of radiation, are actually split in their structures into a consistent individuality of the frequency spectrum, systemically inherent only in this form of matter, are reflected back with additional "requested" information? Which, as it were, spirally "strung" on the electrical impulse of oscillations sent by the source in the form of complex packaged modulations of the magnetic field component from the "archive" of information of the object of interaction in space? Undoubtedly, this is true (see Fig. 7). Then, with appropriate processing (reading) by the sense organs of living beings or devices, such a single packaged spectrum gives a complete picture of the object of study, information about which can be removed from the matter of space, as an archival record after any period of time in this space.

It may well be those planets, including ours, increase in size with age because of the processes of decay and splitting of atoms of substances. As a result, the magnetic interactions inside the particles that form the structure of the planet's body weaken, and all of them eventually turn into gas formations, then into gas giants, then into stars, and only then, as a result of a flash (collapse), into black holes, through which they will regain their material forms through the synthesis of matter. The point is that the process proceeds individually for each planetary system, depending on external influences. As in a vibrational system, in their rhythms, until all the planets complete their cycles of rebirth. And it is likely that only the last of the planets destroys the entire system, turning into a black hole. Then, it can be assumed that for billions of years there are rotations of planets in their orbits, they are constantly changing not only in parameters and location, but also periodically changing the center of rotation of the planetary system itself. Enlarging in volume, they occupy peripheral orbits of rotation, thus creating conditions for the "capture" of smaller objects from outside the system.

Then, the largest of the gas giants in turn become stars themselves or centers of their own systems, around which the existing satellite planets are gradually reformatted. In this way, there is an enlargement, development and rebirth (reboot) of objects of matter and space.

The mechanism of such processes is quite simple – everything in nature tends to split as a result. Each chemical element from the "Periodic Table" has its own community, its own "family" circle, for example, like hydrogen, deuterium, tritium, etc. In scientific terms, atoms develop with an increase in the number of neutrons with the same number of protons with their electrons.

That is, in each such community, the last element is necessarily radioactive. During such a splitting, the formation of other substances occurs in a larger volume than the initial one. Or, a sign of growth is the transformation of matter.

Fig. 7. Splitting of external influence in vibration system

Fig. 8. Diagram of the open form of the vibration system a single molecules with closed systems of atoms

And carbon, as a natural coolant, restrains the uncontrollable avalanche-hazardous nature of such processes for the existence of the matter of space. In this case, is it possible to assume that if the Earth has increased its volume more than twice in 200 million years, then in 4 billion years it has increased more than 40 times, that is, from a fairly small number of particles of matter? At the same time, it should be understood that the growth or increase of the forms of matter is identical to the decrease in the frequency and the increase in the wavelength of vibrations. And if the planets, like the stars, are the sources of the origin of atoms, in fact, like living beings, constantly increasing in size, then does this not mean that the planets generate their satellites from their own interiors? Are planetary systems formed from the depths of the stars themselves? And are we ourselves, like the entire biosphere of the Earth, that extremely necessary structure of the symbiosis of the system, like viruses and bacteria, without which the existence of the planet itself in its state is impossible, as a "technological" chain in the exchange and circulation of hydrocarbons and other organic compounds of matter?

It becomes obvious that all processes in nature have a cyclical, relatively closed character of direct and reverse connections of the interaction of radiations in the structures of each form of vibration system. Everything in our stellar system: all chemical reactions, all electromagnetic influences, depend on the course of oscillatory processes, which are interrelated with the rhythms of the movement of the Sun, Moon, Earth, planets, etc., in the environment of space. All of them, individually and as a whole, form their own magnetic fields with lines of force in the form of a torus, one side of which is closed and the other is open (tail).

In this case, energy from the outside, for example, of our luminary, is transformed into electric currents of the planet's ionosphere, which form magnetic storms and affect the biosphere in the rhythms of magnetic bursts of activity on the Sun. This means that the very rotation of the planet's body around its axis is associated with the magnetic field of the ring electric current of the ionosphere, which affects the speed of this rotation, and the rarefaction of the environment surrounding space increases the availability of the sun's energy. It is clear that the regulation of electricity, as a drain of charges to power the planet, occurs automatically through the weather, when moisture falls from the ionosphere to its surface.

It can be concluded with confidence that absolutely any cataclysms of civilization, social, political or military events, as well as the entire biosphere, are influenced by the interaction of various electromagnetic vibrations not only of the Earth, but also of the planets of the entire system, including constellations from the outside. As a result, there is a manifestation of the activity of the elements, including volcanoes, tornadoes, shifts of tectonic plates of the earth's crust, floods, as well as bursts of invasion of insects, viruses, bacteria, diseases, etc. Just as negative and positive charges interact in space, in human society, or any other community of living organisms as sources of energy, ignorance and knowledge, lies and truth, good and evil, "light and darkness" are united or opposed to each other, with all the analogies of the formation of matter in the environment of existence. In this case, all processes in the communities of any civilization have cycles of events occurring in their environment according to the same models and algorithms as the oscillations of vibration systems. And until one cycle of events is completed, another in its strict order will never come.

Simply put, everything has its own laws both in the development of any individual or community, and in the course of the entire civilization.

There is no doubt that life is everywhere in the cosmos. In interplanetary space, it can exist in the form of a "seed" or "growing points": bacteria, viruses, compounds of various amino acids, or protozoan organisms traveling on space debris, dust, meteorites, asteroids, comets, etc. More complex, including conscious life activity, is unequivocally present in every galaxy. And this is obvious, because in confirmation of this, in our galaxy, on our planet, there is us and there is a huge variety of other beings, and the conditions for the formation of galactic and planetary structures, and the elementary particles themselves in the microcosm, are absolutely identical in the entire global Universe. And nature, without any doubt, translates and duplicates its successful mutations to similar habitats of other planets. And we already know from the results of research from various astrophysical laboratories, observatories and space telescopes that there are countless such exoplanets. Undoubtedly, any life on them necessarily originates in its own course in a suitable environment, when its appearance as a result of various interactions and changes in matter, in one way or another, is energetically necessary for the development of this form of vibration system and in the given conditions of interaction of its magnetic and electric fields with the external environment. And as a consequence – the desire for universal harmonics in the phase cycles of the formation of this life in galactic formations and planetary systems. To accelerate the processes of carbon synthesis on a huge scale for the sake of cooling (decelerating) high-temperature processes on the surfaces of planets and other space objects. This means that such dynamics of development in the formation of stellar systems makes it possible to synchronize planetary vibrations with each other with the formation of the phenomena of electricity and magnetism, which are necessary not only for their own viability when interacting with the external environment, but also for the origin and protection of the simplest biosphere, as a source of carbon accumulation, fully adapted in this system both in time and in volume, which is an integral part of its structure.

That is, any biosphere arises and develops on any planet and even in outer space, on the surface of various objects, when the conditions for synthesis corresponding to its development arise in a given environment. Conditions that are created as a result of endless alternating processes and mutations involved in the synchronization of all interacting vibration systems in space. Surprisingly, the attraction of matter to a stable balance of energy between systems in the environment inevitably gives rise to life, even the most elementary, but striving for reproduction and development. Then any form of matter can really be considered as an object, the structure of which consists of interacting "zero" vortices (dipoles), elementary and indivisible, which we mentioned in the previous chapters.

And if so, how can such systems be operated in terms of generating electricity?

Everything turned out to be much simpler than we understand today, because we cannot wrap our heads around the "miracles" of obtaining energy with an efficiency of more than 100%. We all have different views on the structure of the forms of matter themselves. In fact, any non-closed vibration systems consist of numerous heterogeneous closed or closed oscillating systems. In other words, the oscillations of the open system are necessarily decomposed into various oscillations of closed systems in their own structure of a single body form. And this "splitting" is true for all configurations of objects up to the oscillatory contours of "zero" vortices, as the initial matter of space itself. For example, an open system of the form of matter of a single molecule consists of microsystems of atoms of matter closed in its structure, arranged in a strictly regular order (see Fig. 8). But if we consider the atom as a separate non-closed system, then it also consists of closed systems of already elementary particles, and so on to infinity of the microcosm.

In fact, everything that we see around us, all the innumerable forms of matter synthesis, are free, non-neutral, open sources of vibrations that are constantly exchanging energy with the environment, feeding numerous structures of internal vibrational circuits that interact as a symbiosis of vibration systems closed with higher-frequency individual vibrations than a single form. And each object of cohabitation that follows in this chain distributes, or dissolves, the received energy, in fact, from the outside, to its own structural sources of vibrations. Conventionally, we can say that at the atomic level of matter, the solvents in the medium are electromagnetic fields, by analogy with water at the molecular level. And so on, the energy reaches every oscillating circuit in the structure of the object. Or, closed oscillatory systems are functions of open systems. Such mechanisms play a role in the decay and synthesis of matter, analogous, for example, to the capture or loss of electrons in the outer orbits of atoms; or their position relative to each other in their orbital spheres of rotation around the nucleus in the same or opposite directions; or lining up electrons in their orbits like various "parades of planets", etc. Because such migrations of electrons under the influence of the outside significantly affect the orientation of atoms relative to each other and other objects not only on the principles of electricity and magnetism, but also on the gyroscopic effect, creating stable compounds of substances.

Then it can be asserted that the "zero" vortices of matter in space are elementary closed oscillatory circuits as keepers of energy not only magnetic in the form of information, but also electrical energy, which accumulates in such circuits for almost the entire period of their existence. And this is true not only for "gravitational" networks, but also for any "spatial" networks of environmental structure. For example, in the nodes of which there are atoms of matter, as closed systems. And they are able to respond to pulses of identical specific vibrations from objects in the environment of their surroundings in any range of radiation. Entering into resonance (or love) with them and becoming excited, they, as previously inactive "archives" of information in the space of the environment, themselves become sources of similar species spectral radiation. That is, the information "requested" by the object about an event in a given habitat in the form of directed electromagnetic (or sound) radiation instantly returns along with an additional modulated electromagnetic signal from the "activated" (excited in unison) multiple "archives" as magnetic structures of matter dipoles in the network of space itself. This modulation is nothing more than information "attached" to these reflected specific impulses – requests in the form of additional vibration packets, or a magnetic recording of fragments of events that once occurred (as pixels). At the same time, the source of magnetic "archives" in space excited by them immediately (charged with the received energy) returns to its original unexcited state. Taking into account that there are innumerable such magnetic recording dipole structures in the form of various vortices in all spectra of radiation in space, then, with the correct "request" sent to the environment, tuned to resonance, they are able to respond with numerous discrete pulses of energy, the general picture of which creates a complete reflection of the event that occurred in this area of the environment in the past.

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Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
28 şubat 2025
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727 s. 246 illüstrasyon
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