Kitabı oku: «Theory of vortex creation and control», sayfa 13

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Does all this mean that the purpose of life is the development of the feminine principle, which is capable of continuously and constantly reproducing itself in exact copies? How is development through cognition? It is known that all processes of processing internal information flows in the elements of the structure of memory circuits are performed automatically. For example, a person is not aware of and does not control many processes taking place inside the body. Among other things, after the first days of conception, the genome of embryonic cells contains all the biological information about the future of a person: what should happen by the time the child is born, what awaits him after birth and how he will develop. In other words, the "living form" itself, in this case, when building its copy, strictly follows the signals of information that are "mirror" opposite to the external influence that was carried out in order to adapt to these changes from the outside. It turns out that without an external habitat, not a single form of matter is built and the "seed" does not germinate. Because matter and the conditions for building the form are supplied from the outside and are constantly compared with the information in the memory of the magnetic field of its source. The environment is full of information, which is always compared with the information of the interacting system, for example, the human genome. The genetic memory of human civilization is preserved in space for millions of years, passing from generation to generation, constantly and continuously renewing itself through the shape of the human body. Because any memory configuration is designed to keep the processes taking place in it unchanged and constantly check them with changes outside, controlling the fluctuations in the frequencies of its own magnetic circuit, tuning in to receive various electromagnetic vibrations from outside the single shell of the body. As a process of creation when the signals of the elements of the memory of the system and the external environment coincide (resonance response).

It is obvious that all the key phenomena in the evolution of any living organism, as copies, are imprinted in a strict sequence in the numerous structures of its memory. And every time, for example, when a new individual is born in the womb of the mother in a very short period of pregnancy, they all reproduce in her over and over again exactly day by day. As a brief repetition of the (past) path of the entire multi-million period of the development of the species. And this happens always and with enviable regularity when each new organism appears. That is, any subsequent action takes place strictly from memory and only after the completion of the previous cycles of events. Such are the principal mechanisms of mutations of all forms of matter. Because everything new arises as a response to the influence from outside the system and is remembered as a phenomenon in its evolution, and is repeated further when copying new forms in a rigorous chronology of information from the structures of one's own memory.

Moreover, it can be safely stated that any vibration system "knows" the purpose of creating its own copy based on the available information of the past and present, as adaptation to constantly changing environmental conditions. When a new signal of information from the outside controls the working memory of the excited electric field and stimulates it to react to events – to rebuild its own properties.

Does this mean that in every form of matter there is both a constant and a variable part of the structure? As in every nucleus of an atom, when there is a duality of structures – a closed neutron (magnetic properties) and an open proton with an electron (electrical properties). Where the phase shift between them by 1/4 T (90°), as in electromagnetic waves (between electric and magnetic fields) or oscillatory circuits, allows for growth and development. When one half of the atom's structure (neutron) is responsible for keeping internal processes unchanged (memory), as a property of the atom, and the other half (proton-electron) is responsible for its external interactions with other elements of space, as an object (see Fig. 22).

That is, the individual features of an atom of any substance necessarily correspond to the potential properties of its inertial mass. The closed structure of the nucleus does not radiate, but it has a magnetic moment and retains its integrity, restoring the atom to its original neutral state after excitation. At the same time, its open vibration system determines the magnitude of the electric charge. When the negative potential of the atom's electric shell and the positive charge of the nucleus form a single dipole, where the neutron of the nucleus controls the electron shell vibrations through the proton.

In reality, the duality of matter particles is expressed both in closed magnetic circuits of dipole lines of force and in open ones, which provide interconnection with the electric fields of the medium. In any case, all the circuits of the "memory" have their own current, because their inductance depends on the EMF induced by external magnetic fields. In this way, by means of a resonant response, "memory" learns the correspondence of information from the outside to its internal content, as the recognition of species signals. And memory, strengthened in magnetic resonance, gives a signal to the sensitive shell of its form of matter, opening access to the consumption of external energy of the wave (information). A kind of transmitter is a receiver that depends on the influence of radiation from the outside of the medium, splitting this energy for internal consumption (see Fig. 23). Consequently, the atom, as a form of matter, also affects changes in the external environment of the environment.

Fig. 22. Layer-by-layer structure of atomic vortices

Fig. 23. Interaction of the dipole with the field from the outside

Does all this mean that the body is not only its form, but also a habitat with changing properties? It is obvious that atoms of different substances were formed under different external conditions. Therefore, the internal environment of a particle is a small part of the external environment in which the form was created. And memory will strive to keep this information of space unchanged, as a tool for connecting internal structures for the stability of the atom. Where the effects of the environment from the outside through information signals excite the activity of internal vortex processes of interactions, when movements require additional energy consumption from the outside. Constant spin contributes to the positioning of the shape on the radiation source. As a result, a spiral motion of the object is created. Obviously, with the saturation of energy, the rotation of the form will be slowed down, since it acquires symmetry. However, after another disturbance by a species signal from the outside, the movement of the body resumes again, building an asymmetry of information signals in its form. Does this mean that the energy enclosed in the vibration circuit actually "radiates cold" or does not radiate information to the outside at all, but has a magnetic moment – a field? It warms up when the strength of the magnetic field decreases (the lines of force are broken). And it is cold – at the poles of dipoles and in space.

Consequently, the mutual repulsion of vibration systems and their vortices from each other is a movement with acceleration necessary for receiving information (receiving energy) from the outside, for the growth and development of form as experience (events) are accumulated. For example, the nucleus in the system of an atom is a structural form of memory, the sensitive element of which is an electron spherical shell, which is held by the lines of force of the magnetic field of the nucleus. When exposed to an external magnetic field, diamagnetism appears in the electron shell – a magnetic field in the opposite direction, which activates the mode of reconnection of the magnetic field lines of the atom and the field of the external signal. The nucleus immediately reacts to the incoming signal energy from the outside both for power supply and for the execution of commands (information). Simply put, the nucleus resonates to the transmitted signal, and this can be seen, for example, by the exchange processes among the atoms in the composition of molecules.

This means that nuclear magnetic resonance is the basis of all interactions, all processes both in metabolism and in the work of all sense organs associated with the structures of memory, which stores the experience of past actions for the performance of subsequent ones. If there is a memory of the past, then there is a resonant response (love). And if the shape of the body does not have a memory structure, that is, it is not trained, then any information from the outside is reflected back as non-species. The reaction of any nucleus of an atom to the external electromagnetic effect of the signal consists in adjusting the position of its magnetic axis (moment) and in redistributing (redistributing) the received electrical energy. For example, nuclear magnetic resonance can explain the behavior of the Earth in its orientation in space relative to the Sun to provide itself with energy. Because magnetism and electricity are inseparable, which means that the location of bodies in space is subject to the magnetic field and is always associated with the consumption of its electrical energy. That is, first, the processes of electromagnetic contact of the forms of matter are carried out through the interaction of their magnetic fields, and only then the exchange of electricity occurs.

This means that the language of "communication" of all forms of matter is based on the resonant response of magnetic fields or information. Consequently, the formation of "mind" is inherent in all the structural elements of matter, as the equivalent of magnetism (moment). Because the rhythmic oscillations of the evolution of matter preserve and unite the experience (knowledge) of the interaction of different elements of matter, forming memory as magnetic properties of "reasonable" behavior.

It turns out, for example, that ferromagnets have all the properties of diamagnets – to receive and consume external energy, and paramagnets – to close the used energy in rings (closed circuits), as in structural forms of memory. In other words, ferromagnets build "social" groups of domains and play the final role (stage) in the forms of crystalline life, when the paramagnetic becomes the working memory of the sensitive diamagnet. Then, in all likelihood, the crust of the Earth's planet can be considered as a multi-layered architecture, closed into a single electrical network?

If an external magnetic field induces induction currents in each closed structure of memory of any form (body), then it corrects its behavior and determines the nature of its development (fate). It is obvious that such a controlling influence from the outside is associated with the distribution of nutritional energy (see Fig. 24). At the same time, an external electric field strengthens the dipole moment in elementary particles, exciting them to interact with each other with the formation of various vortex structures in the matter of space. And here, the more "polar" (different) the dipoles (charges) are, the stronger these processes are. How does this happen? Orientation in space of electric dipoles leads to an increase in the polarity of the formed community, its electric field and magnetic induction increase, which strengthens the connection (interweaving) of elementary particles (atoms, molecules) into a single form (see Fig. 25).

Fig. 24. Impact of environmental fields

Fig. 25. Strengthening of the bonds of the particles of form with an increase in polarity

So, in a nonpolar (neutral) particle of matter, under the external influence of another dipole, an induction (induced) dipole is formed, which begins to instantly interact (attract) with an exciter from the outside (a permanent dipole). Even though these intermolecular forces are much weaker than between constant dipoles. As a result, there is an increase in the volume of matter as a continuous growth of the structural form under the control of an external magnetic field until the moment when a closed circuit of a symmetrical body shape is formed, through which a constant electric current flows, which generates its own magnetic field. And this field of the new form will interact with the magnetic field that initially excited the formation of this structure of matter from the outside. Then the newborn vibration system has the opportunity to orient itself in the space of the external field of th environment.

We know that with an increase in temperature, mutual dipole influences decrease, since the abundance of energy leads to the disintegration of the whole into its constituent elements. And only its lack (high frequencies) contributes to the synthesis of matter, forming various forms of matter. Where the increase in size determines the reception of information signals at longer wavelengths, splitting which can provide energy for shorter wavelengths to their internal structural units. When reactions of both decay and synthesis occur in a single form of the body.

In this case, can we say that the orientation of different dipoles in space leads to an increase in the electric field, corresponding to an increase in the interaction between their elementary particles? For example, half of the cells in the human body are periodically and constantly replaced (aged) by new copies of them, approximately every six months. By analogy with time, people also leave society in turn, again and again creating (building) their own kind, like the genome of the community. Does this mean that individuals who have left the information field of the environment are again able to incarnate into their specific forms with a certain periodicity? And this applies not only to people, but also to plants, animals, molecules, atoms, etc., as processes of periodic oscillations of global systems. As waves of a thousand-year rhythm of species evolutions, but with the corresponding acquired mutations from changes in the external information environment. And this in no way contradicts science, religion, or reality. External information not only controls, but also creates the growth of body forms from the very matter of the environment using the magnetic resonance instrument of a wide variety of species particles (systems). That is, just as an individual of the genus cannot exist without his society, so the information (memory) of the matter of the external environment determines (chooses) the habitual specific forms of this environment. The wave of radiation of external information has its own development – it is relatively fleeting and inconstant. Those who did not have time lagged behind in the study of this information (event) and they will not fully master the new one, there is a gap in knowledge (experience), which always leads to losses.

Does this mean that each form of matter is forced into life (generation) only with the arrival of a wave of information? To strengthen its flow, to fix it in space? For example, when proteins are produced from the memory of genes only with the help of RNA in the form of a single chain of nucleotides, and DNA is the memory of a protein, that is, a gene. All nucleotides in DNA molecules, such as adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine, are closed-type structures. In this case, the genotype, as a set of genes of a particular organism, is a program (memory) that realizes one or another form of matter, as a sensitive shell of the "Masculine principle", under the influence of external signals of information – the "Feminine principle". As in society, a man performs absolutely the same role in the exchange of information with the external environment (long wave). Reading all the information from the outside, it converts it into the energy of growth and development of memory structures ("Feminine Principle") through the redistribution of the long-wave radiation signal from the outside, which is built in it (memory) as a mirror image in exact correspondence with the external signal.

Then, the choice of the realization of any form (body) is not behind its possible "desire" to appear in the environment. Matter, as it were, is called to life by information from the outside. Everything turns out to be interconnected (interdependent) from the moment of birth, development to old age as cyclical rhythms of evolution and is subject to a reverse transition to the initial energy state to continue the coherence (harmony) of processes in the informational magnetic field of the matter of the environment. Thus, "inseminating" (calling) other "lives", as a synthesis of structures and forms from the matter of space itself. Forms that also fulfilled their tasks and amplified the wave of information, possibly spreading throughout the space of the universe. Probably, there is a certain predetermined periodicity (spatiality) of processes within any organism (body form), as a cyclicity of the change of electric and magnetic fields under the external (magnetic) influence of the environment. Because in all forms of matter, their sensitive outer shells express the potentialities of their own memory structures.

Everyone knows that a closed loop of a system is a constant magnetic field, and an open one is an alternating field in the external environment. Both of these fields, generated by direct and alternating electric currents, erect a real physical form in space, as a result of the crossing of these magnetic fields. By rotating, the microsystems of particles of matter build a cyclic process of the life of the body, interacting with the information of the rotating signal from outside space. A signal that will be recorded in a closed memory element as the impact of an electromagnetic wave from the outside (for example, light) for reproduction (copying), as a magnetic moment from the rotation of internal lines of force of magnetic fields (information), as a forced effect on external irritation. It should always be remembered that the direction of growth of the form of matter goes only towards the flow of information from outside space (against its flow).

That is, the shape of any body is ultimately a single structure of both long-term and working memory, and its sensitive shell. For example, a neutron (a constant magnetic field) is a memory of deuterium or, for example, conditionally – the Earth. The proton (in the nucleus – an alternating magnetic field) is a working memory with a sensitive spherical shell of an electron (see Fig. 26) or, by analogy, the Earth with its sensitive magnetosphere and satellite – the Moon.

And what if any form of matter (dipole) is a closed loop only up to a certain near circle of surface sensitive shells? And then this contour of the source is revealed not only from the side of the contact front with the medium during movement (displacement), but also everywhere around the sphere of the lines of force of its own magnetic field, along the ecliptic? Such a design of a rotating torus "torn" along the equator (in a circle) constantly reflects and receives signals of electric fields (charges) from the outside, thus "feeding" with energy through the places of breaks in the lines of force of the magnetic field of control of a single form. Does this mean that charge, as the intensity of rotation of matter (its carrier), is a necessary condition for the origin, growth and decay of any particles and forms of matter? That is, any vibration system, appearing from the vortices of matter of the environment precisely due to its motion, forms a set of objects both as a result of synthesis and as a result of the splitting of matter. For any matter is the result of movements within its form. But not all motions are capable of generating structures of matter, except for those that are already available. In other words, signaling information is capable of transforming into given forms of matter that grow in volume, as a process of their continuous reproduction (particles, atoms, molecules) by memory (information) in their exact copy from the elements of constant decay of matter, as matter of the environment space itself.

When the energy of the electric field generates chemical transformations of matter, and the magnetic field organizes the processes of interaction of its elements, causing the construction of more complex structures of atoms and molecules.

Fig. 26. Structure of vortices of atomic charges

Fig. 27. Counter lines of force between objects

In the process of biological evolution on Earth, is not the phase of humanity an inevitable stage in the development of its form, which is extreme and therefore imperfect (young)? Any organism is not just a body as a form, but a body plus a habitat. Its growth and development occur to the point of correspondence to the external (counter) information flow (space) as the "idea" for the solution of which this form was created. In each new copy of which the information (oscillation) increases and is transmitted without weakening or distortion.

That is, the magnetic field of the wave constantly recreates itself in an exact copy through the induction effect on the charges of matter of the irritated medium of space. Moreover, each previous magnetic field of the wave disappears (discreteness), is removed from the excitation zone, each time generating itself through the structures of the elements of the propagation medium, which, resonating, do not leave the nodes of their "spatial" networks. Consequently, the transmission of information (events) as radiation is discrete, from vortex to vortex (from particle to particle) of the "spatial" network. This is how opposite magnetic lines of force are formed – from one object of interaction to another (see Fig. 27).

In any vibration system, the internal processes are asymmetrical, since the two halves of its structure (vortex) are shifted relative to each other by 1/4T of the period. As a source of oscillations (radiation), from which "single vortices" multiply in the medium of space and grow along the excitation front. And this is another confirmation that life itself is a forced process (preservation of individuality), but movement in a circle (closed vibration circuit of memory) is a natural state of the form of life. Then it can be asserted that the excited presence of matter (the process of development), as well as the construction of new memory structures (under the influence of a changing environment), are nothing more than impulses of communication between the "ring" of memory through their "broken" lines of force of the magnetic field with the environment of space. When you understand and realize only what you yourself correspond to through the "recognition" of the signal of information of electromagnetic contact.

The "idea" always needs the form of matter, because everything is learned through sensation and consent. As an invariable process of comparing the signal of a constant (closed memory circuit) with a variable signal about the external interactions of the open circuit in each dual form of matter, as a crossing of a magnetic and electric dipole in a single volume of a body. For example, water (the shell of all protein molecules) takes the structured form of a particular molecule, thereby providing it with a complete contact connection with the information flow of the environment from the outside. This means that different molecules, like different forms of hydrate shells, will have different properties.

The processes of rotation of information flows along conductive paths past each element of the form structure, where comparisons of the constant and alternating fields of "memory" are made, always occur. The external flow of information induces the internal flow, full of information about each of its own elements, to return the radiation wave of the exciter with this information back. At the same time, the reverse (reflected) wave prepares the "receiver" of its source to receive the next signal from the outside, which contributes to the harmonious development of the body shape. This is how control occurs under external influence. Hence, all bodies (objects) are the result of a certain sequence of exposure to different frequencies of electromagnetic waves (information). The layer-by-layer growth of matter is provided by the layer-by-layer structure of signal information. For example, a series of generations of the same species.

The appearance and growth of numerous vortices as a result of the propagation of the signal of the source's information in space (learning, rebuilding, creation of a pressure front of the medium's matter) and their unification create a multitude of structures of matter, the construction of the forms of which corresponds to the initial "idea". That is, the signal, having turned into the form of matter, is transmitted from it further into the environment, duplicating the process again and again, but from a new point of propagation. But there is also a reverse wave, which is received from the outside (as a reflected signal) in the half-cycle of natural oscillations during the interaction of various bodies in the environment. And here is the direction of development of "life" is fixed in the direction of the source of information with growing structures of matter. This means that the completed form of the object is created by direct and reverse waves, as the "seed" of life, ready to germinate under the appropriate environmental conditions. Then the shape and field of any element of the structure (body) are inseparable.

Consequently, it is necessary first to emit a signal as the formation of a communication channel, and then to receive a response impulse about the results of reality outside in the same way. That is, the reverse wave is a wave about the state of the surrounding space (information). And to learn means to correspond to something, for example, information from the outside, when elderly people remember their youth to consolidate memory, bring knowledge and experience of action to perfection. Nevertheless, the real (signal) world of the Universe, as information, and its reflection of events in the matter of space, as in the structures of its memory, are not the same thing. The source of radiation can only be a form (a dipole vortex, a vibration system, a body), its surface, which is stored by memory as an image. Meanwhile, ultrasound, sound, and infrasound accompany any radiation of an electromagnetic source and distribute the structural elements of the form of this matter in space. As a result, its structure becomes a mirror image of the composition of the information signal. For example, the word is sound as a result of the action of light (electromagnetic wave), as an alternation of the states of heat and cold, as expansion and contraction of matter, etc.

Fast, almost simultaneously with speech (sound wave), a thought is formed – an electromagnetic wave, which is modulated by the sound of speech (internal and external). The signal of inner speech (sounds) triggers the electromagnetic wave of thought. And external sound (speech) forms itself in space, interacts with the electromagnetic fields of the environment (waves) that are close in frequency (modulation) to the voiced sounds of the "word". Does this mean that any "noun" is the frequency of individual oscillations of the system? How is the code? This ensures the specific selective interaction of the form with the signal from outside the environment, and creates conditions for the growth and development of the form. For example, how in society the significance of a name for the environment of its bearer has its role.

Let's consider an example of human communication. Let's assume that a conditional signal comes from the external environment, it is compared with the information in memory and processed. The same is true if it is a response signal to a source request. After processing and analyzing the data obtained, an electromagnetic impulse is activated and the neural network of the brain encodes it through the alphabet available to us in thought, inner speech, also in the form of electromagnetic signals. And only then the command is triggered on the vocal apparatus and external speech appears, which forms sounds in the environment that interact with species electromagnetic waves outside. When the "long-range action" of the inner thought is supported by the waves of the magnetic field (memory), and the "modest" influence of the external sound of speech is carried out through the electric field of the sensitive membrane of the body. When one cannot exist without the other. Then what is the difference between mechanical and electromagnetic waves (fields)? Why are they so different? And is it so?

Everyone knows that sound waves are generated by vibrations of bodies and are a special case of mechanical waves, which are essentially perturbations of the medium propagating in space. And electromagnetic waves are the result of vibrations of vortices (particles of matter) of a finer medium. Do we not influence the state of their structural elements (interaction) in the newly changed external environment by creating an impact on larger forms of matter, as on elementary particles, as on vortices, dipoles? Yes, they differ in intensity, frequency, direction of spin, etc., but these are closed circuits of oscillations, even if some of them are not durable (vortices). This means that sound waves are the result of the interaction of various vortices in the environment with each other (see Fig. 28). Yes, these are longitudinal waves that "cannot propagate in a vacuum", but there is no vacuum as such. Because everywhere in the Universe there are fields and particles of matter. And the actions that all have on the medium, in one way or another, excite sound, which is capable of propagating at a speed higher than the speed of even an electromagnetic wave (together with it), which inevitably reproduces all kinds of "noise interference" when in contact with the matter of the propagation medium.

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Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
28 şubat 2025
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727 s. 246 illüstrasyon
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