Kitabı oku: «Theory of vortex creation and control», sayfa 14

Rice. 28. Sound as a result of interaction vortices of the matter of the medium

Fig. 29. Parallel Civilizations. (GTRK "Buryatia")
This means that sound and light are able to propagate everywhere in the Universe, because their essence is the same – they are primarily waves (fields) and it does not matter whether they are longitudinal or transverse. Is not the longitudinal wave the same process of movement in matter of the "maxima" and "minima" of the wave energy? Only in contrast to the transverse plane – in a plane perpendicular to it. They both interact with the medium of propagation and generate vortices, exciting its matter. Either resonating with it, or giving it the energy of the propagating wave to the end. Does this not resemble the duality of the nature of magnetism and electricity? Therefore, both sound and light as sources of waves differ only in the tools and ways of interacting with the matter of the environment, when any movement of the form in space generates vortices and creates new dipoles. Because these are the movements (oscillations) of electromagnetic fields and their carriers, because all matter is one or another structural form of interaction of electric and magnetic fields.
Therefore, any wave in the environment can be considered as electromagnetic. When all forms (sources) generate, including sound waves, the information and energy of which, as a product of the interaction of various multiple electromagnetic fields, passes into the internal structures of vortex dipoles (matter) of space.
At the same time, everything around that can be conditionally attributed to "biosystems" is interconnected structures that are extremely important for maintaining endless cycles of decay and synthesis of matter in the environment. As catalysts for chemical reactions of oxidation and reduction for the extraction of initial materials in order to process them and use them in the construction of both existing (growth) and new forms of matter in accordance with the demands of information outside the constantly changing environment. Then, are there living organisms next to us that are invisible to us? Undoubtedly, there are a great many of them, even thinking in their own way, with various possibilities of influencing other bodies and the environment of the environment. Just like us, when everyone tries to preserve and prolong the life of the genome of the human race. When, for example, parents create an information environment for their children to grow and learn. And thereby they have a certain impact on the life and development of civilization, on the state of the environment, just as viruses change the vital activity of the … We can safely assert the constant construction from generation to generation of a person's living memory – his genome in his own body shell – in order to continuously assimilate new information from the outside.
Moreover, we must realize that in parallel with us, in our own dimension of space and in our time, there may well be civilizations that are both much more advanced and much lower than the capabilities of our evolution, but completely intelligent, with their own knowledge and technologies (see Fig. 29). And this does not contradict science. Take, for example, the KION television platform, which currently broadcasts a lot of films and programs on various channels, but you have not activated this platform on your TV, you have not entered this content. This does not mean that it does not exist in space, that it does not "boil with its own life" at its frequencies of vibrations. But you have nothing to do with this "life", you do not contact it, you do not see it and do not feel it as information. Or, for example, countless radio broadcasts in various frequency ranges do not prevent listeners from tuning in to any information channel at will. In addition, we do not see the processes of propagation of radio waves in the "ether".
However, this does not mean that beings from these "closed" worlds strictly in their frequency intervals, who are not viable outside their boundaries, cannot travel to our being and vice versa under certain changes in the conditions of the common environment. Probably, there are many such worlds in the single space of a planet, star system, galaxy. And they are also built from the same "materials" and according to the same rules of communication as ours. But in other states of matter, in other conditions and interactions that are inaccessible to our sensory organs. Appliances can react to them, but we don't understand why this happens or don't pay attention to abnormalities. Most often, we get scared and nod at otherworldly forces. For example, a "transparent person" or another "vision" in reality appears in front of you and reacts quite adequately, even communicates with you. This is such a case of individual contact with you, unless, of course, you are sick.
It is quite clear that the external information of the environment changes the environment within the structural system (form) when its internal information network reacts to external influence. But the opposite also happens, when the information of the form, its internal events (in its environment) have an impact on the matter of the environment.
Does this mean that the matter of the environment, its general magnetic field, based on specific "requests" of interaction, chooses (activates) the production of the forms of life necessary for the given conditions of the (beneficial) space? Influencing with the information of their magnetic fields certain memory structures of various vibration systems (objects in it), triggering a series of events to interactions in their internal circuits? When, as we know, the energy of the electric field stimulates chemical transformations, and the magnetic field stimulates the fusion of the elements of matter, causing more complex constructions of atoms or molecules. That is, we are once again convinced that "life" is still a forced process, it is excited by a signal of information from the outside and originates through the presence of an asymmetrical sensitive shell of its form (dipole). As an electrical component of the source of the electromagnetic field in its closed memory loop (magnetic field).
Then it is quite possible that the vortex of any vibrational system, for example, of the biological form of matter, when it dies, as the source of the "growth point" (soul), does not disappear completely, but continues to function in space in the form of simpler objects of the process of disintegration. A huge number of other centers of "growth points" appear: as closed memory circuits (dipoles), as fragmented information, which continue to be stored in new, but already completely different, numerous forms of matter. Which were once the structural "archives" of this evolution. In such oxidation processes, our object with all its vibration fields is divided into completely independent objects that continue to exist under the influence of external information in other, their own, higher frequency ranges of radiation. It should be noted that during the molecular decay of living cells of the body, a wave of faint bluish glow is propagated. It may well be that this energy is the result of chemical fusion reactions… That is, the structure of the original form disappears, and its energy and information are preserved, but at different levels of development in the environment of space, in other fields, with different properties and capabilities. If, for example, a functional body in space consists of an infinite number of "pixels" of matter, then it will eventually decompose to such an initial state. At the same time, the images of a single form and all its units, each event of its development will be preserved in them and in the matter of the environment as discrete information, which, as we already know, is capable of being transmitted everywhere around us (see Fig. 30).

Fig. 30. Decomposition of the form into its original "pixels" (

Fig. 31. More complex forms consist of small elements (
Then, in other spaces and on other planets of all possible constellations, there exists real life in various forms, but on the same principles of electricity and magnetism in one degree or another of the development of civilizations. And it doesn't have to be organic. Someday we will be surprised to see the life of various mineral forms or plasma, in the form of radiations of many fields or even complex structures of subtle matters. Believe me, they all have their own "consciousness", their own language of communication, their own communities, civilizations, even genomes – everything that we have now and even more. And it is impossible for reason not to agree with this. Because the spectrum of frequency emissions is almost limitless, and each source has its own energy consumer. All bodies grow, rotating around their axis relative to the object of vibrations, forming a self-oscillating process in a closed system. For creation is always concerned with dissolution, where the activity of the interactions of substances depends on the breakdown into simpler, purer elements. Therefore, more complex forms (restoration) are created from smaller ones (see Fig. 31).
It is quite obvious that the biosphere, its elements, including humanity, play their role in the rhythm of life on the planet. As, for example, viruses and bacteria in the genotype of evolution of all creatures and plants. Then, let's try to touch upon the eternal question for each of us – is it indisputable that the energy of the "growth point" of a biological organism, as its "soul", continues to exist after death (decay)? And if so, where and how?
After conception and the formation of the initial "first" cell of the future fetus of any animal, "growth points" are formed – DNA molecules, as the genetic code of the shape of the organism, laid inside the cell nucleus. As biological information about the structure of various RNAs and proteins, which contains both the "male" and "female" principles under the control of the external field. In principle, the same thing happens with plant seeds.
That is, matter from the outside plus memory information, under the influence of the most powerful psychic energy of two beings in their vortices of fields of their own forms, create a living cell – a single dipole of the form of the future body, from the substance of the environment of the female body under the influence of the electrical energy of the male principle. This means that there are countless such "growth points" in an adult, but different groups of genes "work" in different cells in terms of functionality, although almost each of them has a complete set of them.
Does this mean that each DNA molecule of a particular organism, like a dipole, can be the structure that carries complete information about the shape? Probably yes. In this case, is it possible that even a small fraction of these tiny "magnetic eggs" of information (2.2 nanometers) will not decompose into elementary particles under the influence of space, when the "library" is fragmented into parts along with a single dipole? Will it be preserved, for example, in the form of "cosmic dust", another dipole, as a "magnetic" carrier of the entire set of data on the shape of the organism? And so, it is. And this is confirmed by the many facts of the discovery of living cells and DNA molecules in the fossilized remains of animals that are tens of millions of years old. This proves the potential longevity of DNA, in the molecule of which there is a fairly stable energy state as a "growth point". Which allows such a source of the individual radiation spectrum, together with information about the period of life of a particular organism in the memory of its own closed magnetic field, to travel around the Universe almost forever. Apparently, when such material gets into favorable environmental conditions, it is quite possible to activate the processes of cell division (synthesis of molecules) and restore the full shape of the body. Why not, when the idea of cloning mammoths is already being nurtured today?
And what if the very first form of the two principles, produced together, as a dividing cell, does not disappear at all as an energy self-oscillating process, as a dipole, information, as a "point of growth"? It is divisible, but it is preserved in countless exact copies without change, at least at the beginning of the process. Perhaps then its numerous repetitions throughout the evolution of the organism will decompose into the state of elementary particles that will continue to interact with the environment and be controlled by it. When in the environment, along with the chaos of accumulations of matter and fields, a fairly stable structure of a single electromagnetic dipole with its own charge, its relationship with space in the form of a vortex of fields, condensation of matter, plasma (see Fig. 32) is still preserved. It is possible that several such copies appear. And this dipole radiates and continues to exist with its own life, different from the original form, in the form of the subtle matter of space with a complete package of information from the genome of the former organism in this medium on its magnetic carrier. As a "seed", a surviving "growth point", as a program, an opportunity of nature to launch a new round of development of this type of organism. For nothing in the universe disappears completely, everywhere there is a "trace" as an "archive" of data. And this "seed" as complete information about the original form of the former body in the new dimension of the finer matter of space continues to be preserved as long as there are favorable conditions for this that support its rotation. Such a dipole as the "egg" of plasma, as the primordial "growth point" in the form of the energy of two principles, exists in parallel with us in a single space. Knowing the frequencies of individual vibrations of such dipoles, it is possible to excite magnetic resonance (response) in them.
Does this mean that such spectra of radiations from biological beings that have passed away at different times constantly accompany us in parallel vibrational ranges, not intersecting at all in our space, like the finer matters of the medium? Yes, absolutely. And moreover, in the same environment, but as a different energy form of "life", which is probably able to regain flesh in its periods and cycles of development. For example, as reincarnation in the Hindu religion, but from scratch.

Rice. 32. The vortex of the "eggs" of plasma

Fig. 33. Planet Earth (RBC Trends) as a "point growth" (Habr)
If the life and development of any body is a process of synthesis, and the disintegration of any form of matter is a reverse "course", like decomposition, then these two "half-periods" of the full cycle of the object's existence constitute the period of oscillation of any vibrational system. This path can be decomposed, for example, as the genome of a particular person in his development from birth to complete disintegration. Or the genome of a family, race, society, people, humanity, the periods of which vary significantly from hundreds to millions of years.
The creation of any living form of matter is a kind of closed "reactor" of synthesis and splitting under the control of an external field. It should always be remembered that rotation is associated with the exchange of information of interacting bodies. The magnetic field of any body shape reacts to changes in the magnetic fields of its structural elements through the environment that unites them, as a converter of information from the outside and back in a closed single circuit of the vibration system. In this case, the unified interaction environment is a tool for delivering information to synchronize the operation of the system's vibration circuits. This means that the environment, its structure, fully reflects the state of the entire system, each of its elements, as a mobile, constantly rotating, and therefore changing information (magnetic) field. Where the vortices of matter of the environment itself interact in the electromagnetic fields of the system, when the flow of their radiation (waves) is perceived by any matter through the long-range action of magnetism and the proximity of electric fields, as a flow of information.
It is obvious that the signal of information (wave) propagates in the form of a spiral form of a vortex, each time building its path in the medium from one element of the matter of the environment to another of the waveguide type, as a line of force from the matter of space. At the same time, constantly strengthening and copying itself during a resonant response with information from the outside with the sole purpose of preserving it without distortion. In this way, information excites the creation of life under the power of control from without.
It is well known that any form of matter is a dual structure, which consists of internal closed (looped) symmetrical structures and open external asymmetrical structures, which are subject to the principles of interaction on the basis of electricity and magnetism. The closed elements of the form represent a constant magnetic field, and its single shell is a variable one, which always interacts with the information of the environment. This means that every form of matter has constant and alternating magnetic fields, invariably and everywhere. Does this mean that any structure is "called" to life so that the magnetic field of information in space does not go out?
Then it can be argued that the intensity of rotation of its dipole (angular velocity) depends on the value of the magnetic field of any structure of matter (in interaction with the field from the outside). The weaker it is, the lower the speed of rotation of the vortex. Then, is it true that thought is a creative force? When passivity is present everywhere, as movement by inertia (laziness), and activity, as a constant rotation of matter. Probably, the number of objects depends on the needs of the information environment of their habitat, when their radiation energy increases with the growth of forms. This means that the process is regulated by information from the outside. Take, for example, an embryo of any animal placed in the field of a high-frequency source, when its biofield (radiation) already gives out the outlines of the shape of an adult. In other words, DNA memory transmits information to the environment for the construction of the final "idea" of the organism's appearance into a complete profile, which, in interaction, triggers the process of building an object from the matter of the environment of space itself.
Consequently, the initial "growth point" of matter (the dipole) is actually dissolved in the electromagnetic field of the medium of its propagation, each time creating new favorable conditions for the development of its forms in exact copies. Any matter is constantly changing, while retaining its images (information), which are fixed in the structures of the environment forever. Does this mean that the eternal Truth is higher than all Religions?
For many years, I have been studying and analyzing the results of interactions between matter and electromagnetic fields in various environments of our habitat and have come to the following conclusion. With our often-thoughtless activities, we underestimate our capabilities in knowing ourselves, our environment and distant space. Too often, authorities from science and industry, instead of the dynamic development of society, block progress for tens and even hundreds of years. Everywhere you hear such topics as: widespread extraction and processing of minerals; production and transmission of electricity over distances through high-voltage lines; barbaric exploitation of land, forests, water bodies and the air; the use of other "advanced" technologies that have a significant impact on the thousand-year course of natural relationships between matter and various fields not only on our planet, but also in the near space. It must be admitted that the existing level of our knowledge, science and religion in all areas of perception of the environment, space and society does not allow us to implement any advanced ideas for the benefit of all. Everyone individually tries to cope with problems only for their own good. This applies to each person personally and to all states individually. With very rare exceptions to the rule. And this will probably happen for more than one hundred years.
Perhaps this will not come as a surprise to many, but I appeal to the leaders and peoples of all countries of the world, to all representatives of religious confessions on all continents. The time has come, we must all unite, as the only civilization known to us, which owns writing, culture, speech, as the dominant features, in order to treat our planet wisely, carefully and with great care. For you and I have no other. It is now time to create a single "ACADEMY OF THE PLANET" for all, which will include the best representatives of all the peoples of our civilization. In the activities of which all countries without exception will take part, each to the best of their ability. With the sole goal of achieving balance, preserving and developing the entire ecosystem of the planet, searching for and implementing new knowledge for the development of new planets.
Isn't it time for everyone to unite under a single flag, a single goal for the worthy continuation of the human race? Stop fighting and dominating each other. Let's protect our common home, even if it still consists of "separate apartments", like "our common courtyard", "street", "city". Let's cooperate and become stronger, even if everyone is on their own, but with a certain goal for everyone. Let's begin to study our planet really, comprehensively, everywhere, hear and understand it, treat it and not harm it in our future plans (see Fig. 33).
Always remember that processes that promote creativity are completely unnecessary if the goal is achieved. Immediately the system (organism) is destroyed. Set yourself unattainable (difficult) goals, the most seemingly fantastic ones and strive for them. Then your essence will constantly move towards perfection, activity in order to realize your idea, your dream.