Kitabı oku: «Theory of vortex creation and control», sayfa 22

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Fig. 53. Diagram of the Earth's magnetic fields

Fig. 54. Charge Distribution in the Conductor

The total magnetic field of our planet is the magnetic field of the Earth itself (the armature field) plus the magnetic field of the ring current in the equatorial plane, its magnetosphere (stator field). Does this mean that the Earth is an electric motor and a direct current generator (see Fig. 53)?

The electromagnetic field unites all bodies into one system on the basis of their related origin (preservation of coherence). We already know that any electromagnetic wave, interacting with matter, forms a sound wave (like a "voice of light") that passes through matter. The presence of matter in interplanetary space, for example, in the solar system, structures a single magnetic field of space with a distribution of frequencies along the ecliptic plane (7°15 ́ to the star's radiation front in the equatorial zone ±30°). And since light is also electromagnetic radiation, its scattering is the decomposition of the integrity of this radiation along the spectrum, due to which the atoms of the chemical elements of the substance are generally "restored".

It is not surprising that the instantaneous destruction of the lines of force of the planet's magnetic field causes not only the appearance of flashes, but also sound in the range from "infra" to "hyper". Volumetric discharges are accompanied by ultraviolet radiation, which create avalanches of electron flows in the ionosphere (its electric field), whose own fields invariably increase and increasingly oppose the zonal field of the atmosphere. At a certain critical volume of electrons in the medium, the processes of formation of matter are launched, for example, cosmic dust, bolides, etc., which inevitably settle on the surface of the Earth, sometimes in the form of stone rain. Because these processes lead to the emergence of micro vortices, which rapidly grow into tornadoes, capturing dust, becoming fat, and rushing to the negatively charged crust of the planet. The sound and air waves of such tornadoes destroy everything in their path. This means that bolides not only fly to us from space, but are also formed in the ionosphere of the planet by powerful energy excitation. An electric spark in the atmosphere (carbon) causes "rocks" falling from the sky – this is the principle of cosmic dust formation (the basis of the technology for producing artificial diamonds). For example, by artificially heating the ionosphere with electromagnetic radiation, it is possible to activate the formation of bolides in any local zone of destruction of the "manpower". It is likely that the Moon was formed from the dust of the Earth and fragments of cosmic bodies, it is growing, like the planet itself.

5. Any wave is a change in the state of the environment

Wave oscillation is the transformation of one type of energy into another and vice versa in the medium itself. Waves are the propagation of a disturbance, which consists of crests and troughs, seals and rarefactions, in fact, of different areas. The field of wave radiation is present everywhere as a flowing activity of the medium, and where there are no stimuli, the field is in a relatively inert (neutral) energy state. This means that the charge arises only in an excited medium, and the speed of light propagation is the speed of propagation of field disturbances. Then, all particles of matter can also be defined as a dynamic local state of the field.

But we should not forget that the motion of waves in the medium is not only a disturbance, but is also accompanied by the duality of de Broglie waves. For example, a magnetic field can be created by the movement of charges or by the magnetic moments of rotating particles. The greater the charge of the particles, the higher the density of their lines of force, which, interacting with each other, create various structures and forms of matter. That is, any moving charges are sources of electromagnetic fields. But there are no electric charges without particles. And it is the charges that determine the intensity of electromagnetic interactions and are transmitted from one body to another, but they interact with each other only through electric fields. Curiously, in all conductors, all the charge is distributed on their periphery, over its thin layer of surface (see Fig. 54).

Each charge, including electrostatic, is a vortex dipole, where the flow of charge to the opposite pole necessarily occurs through the Bloch boundary. In a static charge (particle, dipole), the dominance of the spin of one charge over another causes a vortex field of a similar direction of rotation. Such vortices, using the properties of electricity and magnetism, not only interact with each other, but also position their orientation and movement in space, attract or repel other charges. That is, charges are vortex formations of electric and magnetic fields, which together are dipoles, formed from different densities of disturbances – vortices of electromagnetic fields of their own environment, which, under certain spectra of radiation, build stable states of structures in the form of elementary particles. This means that each electromagnetic field, as a result of its disturbance, can form oscillatory circuits that are completely different in rhythms, using the energy of one or more electromagnetic fields in the surrounding space. As a result of the interaction of such circuits (systems) with their invariable properties of "repulsion" or "approximation", more complex structures are built from elementary particles in the form of electrons, protons, atoms, molecules, etc. At the same time, their mutual force effect on each other is the greater, the smaller the distance between them. The influence of electric and perpendicular magnetic fields of charges, mutual reactions of repulsion or approach to each other, lead to "eternal" rotation motions around their carriers' axes and the creation of new, more complex structures of matter. The energy for this purpose is taken from the electromagnetic fields of the environment itself, the environment of space, the intensity of the rotation of charges in which (density) determines the processes of the phenomena of synthesis or decay. In this way, new structures and forms of matter are formed, when energy can pass from one to another, combine or disintegrate, similar to the growth of body volumes.

An infinitely large number of dipole vortices in the environment creates the effect of condensation of the medium, which increases many times as a result of innumerable excitations of electromagnetic fields of various spectra in it. The medium grows with the inertia of bodies, which means that the energy, including the newly formed charges of particles and bodies, becomes elastic, capable of absorbing and propagating waves of various impulses more intensively. Initially, matter increased in increasing.

The older the zone of space became, the more elastic and denser it was, and had in its structure forms of matter not only of any density, but also of size, velocity, etc., because it always tends to average energy over the entire territory of space. The contraction and expansion effects formed as a result of the contacts of different spaces gave rise to many gradients, which created the first vortices. Vortices that condensed and interacted with each other, ejecting dipoles and charges as oscillatory circuits, which over time turned into structures of particles of matter.

Fig. 55. Motion of the charge in the medium

Fig. 56. Analogue of the interaction of spaces (

Radiation of such forms created waves and electromagnetic fields in their space, building matter in all its diversity. The impulse of information (magnetic field), exciting the electromagnetic field of the medium, received in it a resonant response of the specific vibrations of the particles, generating in them its exact copy (the energy of the medium) as a "point of growth" (the full period of the wave), which itself began to excite space further and further in the direction of the vector of motion of the wave. After the event, the matter of the environment assumed its previous state, ready for the next wave of excitation (see Fig. 55). That is, when the charge moves, the field disturbance occurs in the place where the charge has moved and at the same time disappears in the place from which it has moved, forming currents of (electrical) displacement in space, which have the opposite direction of the electric flow. Displacement currents create a magnetic field.

Obviously, there are different forms of matter – there are different forms of energy and shell (necessarily related to the functionality of the body). For example, during the annihilation of particles, matter is not destroyed, but turns into electromagnetic radiation. Just as there is no space without matter, so there is no matter without motion. In the medium of space, a magnetic field is represented by flows (any) where the difference in pressure (charges) forms an electric field, and the difference in the densities of space (magnetic field lines) creates gravitation (repulsion). In principle, any elementary particle is a different excited state of electromagnetic fields of the environment of the surrounding space. It looks like an overgrowth of mycelium. A single electromagnetic field is formed when, oscillating, waves in the medium itself pump energy of one type into another and vice versa. This means that particles are as inseparable from the wave medium of fields as charges are inseparable from particles. And the carriers of any particles or bodies are electric, magnetic or electromagnetic fields with their wave properties. Then there must be particles whose properties allow them to pass through the thickness of the medium of the fields without lingering in their "embrace" for a long time?

Any object is surrounded by excitations of the environment, such as a "fog" of plasma, free particles (charges), and there is no clear boundary between matter and field, but there is a state in the form of a transitional "cold" plasma. The interaction between plasma and radiation (fields), as well as between matter and radiation, at the level of contact of dense electromagnetic fields (with high energy) is one and the same interaction. Large forms of matter cannot directly "bind" to less dense (gas-like) fields. But they interact with liquid and solid forms, as condensations of the same perturbations of electromagnetic fields, but through the gaseous plasma of the environment. This means that any, for example, received radio wave, as electromagnetic, can be converted into electrical energy. And this is true.

If electric charges cannot exist without particles of matter (including those arising from the interaction of various electromagnetic waves), then when their own electric and magnetic fields come into contact with the external fields of space, they acquire spin. Thus, accelerating or receiving charges of right or left rotation ("+" or "-"), which, when moving under the external influence of the environment, form various complex structures, or, on the contrary, become single charges (elementary particles). Which, in motion or at rest, create lines of force of electric and magnetic induction around themselves, combining into various electric, magnetic or electromagnetic fields of any density and configuration in the space of the environment. Like a single network, like a neural network or a mycelium, which unites all the structures and forms of matter in a single space of the Universe into a common organism that is constantly increasing, multiplying and expanding wherever a quantum of electric or magnetic flux appears. Something very similar to a single network of energy-informational interaction of matter between different spaces both inside the system and on the surface of its shells outside (see Fig. 56). Probably, de Broglie's wave-particle theory of dualism does not work in such systems.

I assert that if there is a field wave (radiation), then there is also its result – a disturbance of the field of the medium of space, in which there are undoubtedly particles whose structure consists of a set of its vortex densifications, as a single picture of the contact of vibration sources. This means that any corpuscle is formed when two or more fields interfere, as their common shell, the number of which determines the density of the electromagnetic field of the environment. The number of particles in an excited medium is always inconstant, because one arises from the other, as a result of the contact of different vortices. Therefore, I believe that there is no de Broglie wave dualism in nature. There are waves of different densities in the same space, as waves of different classifications, which include particles as a result of their interaction. Because the energy contained in any form of matter is the energy of its structural vortices, as the energy of interaction with the electromagnetic environment of the environment.

6. Torus Induction Vortex Motor

Around the particles, their own magnetic field can increase when interacting with mobile charges from outside the medium. Each vortex, originating and forming a dipole, begins to grow and develop, creating various forms and structures of matter. You and I and our environment are the degree of development of vortices. For example, the resulting vortex receives a charge, a dipole appears, which interacts with the environment and looks for similar structures or particles with which it is possible to connect in terms of parameters through the tools of electricity and magnetism.

Fig. 57. "Vortex wires" between objects

Fig. 58. Torus vortex motor diagram

That is, each dipole, like a vibration circuit, is looking for a pair with which to enter into resonance. Try to connect many magnets into one rod, it will still have one "plus" and one "minus". It will be the same magnet, with its own poles, but consisting of many single, discrete magnets.

In the same way, vortices, after their formation, find their pairs and form a single long vortex (or structure) under external influence, also consisting of many discrete, single, circular vortices. Because a small single "vortex" that appears in the medium under external influence is compacted due to the internal rarefaction and pressure of the medium from the outside, sticks together with another, similar cognate vortex and forms a dipole – a source of the electromagnetic field. Which, colliding with other dipoles or radiations, increases and decreases its charge depending on the parameters of vibrations, building its own formation of matter in the environment. This means that each dipole (particle) constantly gains and loses a quantum of energy of electricity and magnetism, increasingly combining into multiple thread-like, intricate, "tubular" vortex structures of electromagnetic waves of various bizarre shapes. Which increase and radiate – receive impulses towards each other, find each other and interact, creating more and more new vortex "bridges" of contacts with each other. That is, everything in the world from birth to disintegration is constantly "adjusting" connections, accepting conditions and developing. This means that such networks of vortex tubular "vascular systems" of electromagnetic waves of completely different spectra of frequencies and sizes can be found everywhere in space. With a constant and understandable connection – from vortex to vortex (along the axis of the "vessels") within the "lines of force" of the fields of the electromagnetic network of space (see Fig. 57).

Perhaps, in the future, it will be possible to consider methods of accurate transmission of signals (charges) and transportation of various forms of objects both in the micro and macrocosm over cosmic distances with about the speed of light through ubiquitous networks of "lines of force" of electromagnetic fields, where there are no resistances to compression or shear. It is obvious that the entire space is entangled in such dynamic "vortex-conductive" networks of interaction of magnetic fields of various particles and objects, which, unfortunately, are not visible to the naked eye, but they can be determined in X-rays. The vortices of interaction seem to stretch their "trunks" in the direction of each other and connect into one long, formed "pipe", which, now, already consists of electric and magnetic fields, in the form of lines of force of induction and intensity. And it is quite plausible that an electromagnetic wave moves inside it, as, for example, in an optical fiber, back and forth, which makes up a closed cycle of the oscillation period. As the interaction of two forms of matter in the form of both radiation and reception and transmission of information. It is here that the effects of superconductivity are created, when single torus of single vortices of a single hollow conductor accelerate matter at a low temperature of implosion phenomena without any resistance. Such a single network of "vortex wires" between all particles in the microcosm and objects in the macrocosm makes it possible to observe without distortion, for example, in space billions of light-years away any phenomenon emitting any spectrum of radiation. At the same time, "vortex wires" of any frequency and power pass through each other, intertwine, like radio waves, but do not interfere with mutual existence in a single space without distortion, but on the contrary, contribute to the creation of new gradients as tools for maintaining a state of energy balance between symmetry and asymmetry.

Imagine that any matter is able to perceive electromagnetic signals coming through such tubular vortex networks of lines of force by systems similar to the photoreceptors of the eye (cones, tubes), which perceive light electromagnetic waves and transform them into a visual image through the vibrations of the fields. Obviously, then the schemes of receiving and processing information (oscillations) can be very different, but all forms of matter, from small to large, have them in countless quantities, for example, by analogy with the "language of dances" in the communication of bees.

Surprisingly, any creatures with a related genotype are able to interact with each other using electromagnetic radiation over vast distances. For example, twins in separation communicate at the mental level, emitting waves with their tuning forks, tune in, synchronize, resonate with their fields and receive mutual information, which is expressed by them as joy, grief, anxiety, fear, etc. When the brain reacts to such "messages" subjectively, with resonant bursts of frequencies.

Does this mean that everything in the Universe is filled with fields in the form of vortex, wave formations of the medium, their infinite number and differences, which in fact creates a gigantic amount of energy in space, its exceptional mobility, fluidity and elasticity, as a result of the interaction of electricity and magnetism?

In this case, let's try to use this system of "communication" of matter, for example, to transport a drug in the microcosm of the human body, or to move a spaceship in the macrocosm of our galaxy. Isn't it tempting to create a toroidal electromagnetic vortex engine that does not require any fuel supply at all in normal operation? Because the structure is repelled from external space, interacting with it through the phenomena of magnetism and electricity. The device is controlled by changing the direction and weakening the flow of pulses of the electromagnetic field. The process is started from the on-board electrical installation and, when the phenomena of resonant response of sources from the outside are achieved, it switches to the mode of an open vortex system, and is disconnected from the power supply. Energy begins to flow from the electromagnetic fields of the surrounding space. An artificial vortex of the electromagnetic field is formed, which is stabilized by the magnetic field of many individual ring coils located along the common axis in the form of a truncated hollow cone. The "operator" controls the plasma flow formed in the environment through the structure of a single torus, generating in it the phenomena of a resonant burst of vortex frequencies between the set of its unit torus and the external electromagnetic field. In this device, single vortices of structural torus work as upper stages, accelerating the flow, which eventually creates a common toroidal vortex of thrust of the engine (see Fig. 58).

In this mechanism, all coil windings must be "planetary" on ring magnetic cores. For various tasks of slowing down, controlling or stopping the aircraft using this "product", the effects of changing the poles of vortices and rotating the "disks" of the extreme torus around the axis of the structure are used. That is, the engine is a "vortex wire" through which the compacted charges of the external environment are accelerated, which are preliminarily, before the formation of the vortex, positioned coherently in the zone of influence of the electromagnetic field of the installation under the influence of the magnetic field of the torus coils. And, carried along the lines of induction of the torus, they move the structure back or forth, depending on the direction of its field, when the flow of the formed plasma of the medium is directed inside or outside the cone of the engine housing.

Such an installation is able to move both inside any closed "vortex wires" at enormous speeds, and in any open environment of the environment, already more slowly, because these media have completely different densities of field lines. The higher the density, the higher the speed.

In this way, it is possible to freely cruise between any objects (planets) in space at any distances with hyper velocities (close to light) without much energy (reserves). When robot ships only come into contact with the matter of space through plasma. To do this, it is necessary to lay a route in advance along the actually detected "vortex wires", as tunnels that are mobile, but always stable in space both in direction and in the internal force of the "thrust" of the vortex of magnetic fields. The same applies to the microcosm of elementary particles, atoms, and molecules. Such a "delivery network" is indispensable in the treatment of various viral and bacterial diseases.

7. Technologies for the use of information "taken" from objects in medicine

Now, having a certain knowledge of electromagnetic fields, we can assert that when any "observer" participates in any scientific experiment, he necessarily affects the surrounding substances and fields with the radiation of his biological "vibration system". Through an ordinary look at the object of research, an ordinary spoken phrase or even any incipient thought. These can be experiments with the phenomena of wave interference, quantum entanglement, or others, when there can be no question of the purity of the experiments. Therefore, the results of some of them are questionable. Impulses of vortex electromagnetic waves sent through the eye systems and formed by the brain excite space, exert an external influence on the vortex oscillatory systems of various forms of matter of the microcosm environment, change their properties and structure, create new compounds and substances, accelerate and slow down processes in the environment by the influence of their energy and information, magnetism and electricity.

What are taken today for torsion fields are not. These are vortex, modulated, multilayer formations of electromagnetic fields of sources (vibration systems) of various frequencies, the magnetic fields of which are able to penetrate any distance without hindrance ("vortex wires" one inside the other) (see Fig. 59).

Fig. 59. Forms of electromagnetic fields of the environment

Fig. 60. Forms of matter and clouds of ions around

All of them form waves that interact with the substances and fields of the surrounding space, with infinite extension and autonomy of maintaining the oscillations of their structural vortices at the expense of energy from the outside, both magnetism and electricity. Then, without a doubt, the "observer" is able to transmit wave impulses even mentally imagining the solution of the problem and unwittingly influencing the outcome, always and everywhere. The result depends only on the density of the fields of space. Obviously, such an "observer" (source) gives out a strictly individual spectrum of radiation (the spectrum of structural substances of its form), by which it can be found in space (while it is "alive") and determine its location, functionality, state, parameters, etc. Because its field always leaves "phantoms" (traces, imprints) of its form of matter not only in space, but also in photographs, as an individual coding spectrum. This probably applies to the things he touched. And, if the "phantom" information is to be stored in photographs and things, then it is possible to take this information and transfer it to other objects in order to correct new forms of matter (other people) or to influence the source of the same phantom with earlier information of the spectrum of his own radiations for the purpose, for example, of rejuvenation. A kind of individual electromagnetic code of the external cyclic harmonic of radiations about itself (during interaction). Then, we can safely talk about wave radiation of electromagnetic fields encoded by each source of vibration systems, which essentially form structures of vortex multispectral oscillatory processes. These fields are able to penetrate everywhere (barrier-free), creating everywhere in the medium (due to their spin properties) "replication" pictures of the structural forms of their discrete radiations (forms of matter), like phantoms.

8. Obtaining electric current from the electromagnetic fields of the environment

All dipoles, when under the influence of an external magnetic field, line up with their axes along its lines of force and the density of such a field increase. And their vortex spins form the effect of repulsion or attraction (direction). Thus, there is a universal connection between the interactions of objects in the environment, but the unified magnetic field of the general network formed in this case is subordinate to the lines of force of the dominant object, for example, the Sun in a planetary system. Then, all dipoles create processional oscillations of their axes when rotating and generate magnetic waves, which, transmitted through neighboring dipoles, affect objects in the environment. The precession of the dipole axes also generates modulations of these waves, transports both energy and information. Any rotation and movement of dipoles in a medium with the intersection of external lines of force of any objects creates an electric current and electric fields, for example, in conductors or solutions.

Does this mean that all spaces are vortex formations of electromagnetic fields of its structure, and charges determine the number of energy carriers of electromagnetic interaction? Charge can be represented by the value of the energy of the electric field, which determines the properties of different forms of matter where it is present. And interacting with moving objects of the environment, it forms a potential magnetic component of the dipole. That is, wherever there is matter, a cloud of ions of different density and composition is formed, and it is always mobile. At the same time, all forms of matter exert some "pressure" on each other with their spins, trying to relieve the stresses of the perturbations of the medium (gradients). As a result, the phenomenon of gravitation (density difference) occurs, which always contributes to the angular momentum of particles (см. Рис. 60).

The movement of charges in space always causes interactions similar to the force effect during the movement of volumes of matter (energy), as a density difference (gradient), and therefore as gravitation, a pressure or momentum that generates the rotation of masses. Let's look at the design diagrams of electrical power generators from two layout versions: magnets-capacitors-planetary stator coil (see Fig. 61) and magnets-planetary rotor coil-planetary stator coil (see Fig. 62).

A plastic or ceramic "rotor" insulator in which the "capacitors" are layered in such a way that each layer is insulated. The layers are made up of discs with materials like copper – distilled water – zinc. Between each disc there is an insulating space of dry air (paper). The rotor axis is made of several (5-7 pieces) cylindrical neodymium magnets connected together.

A "stator" is a coil of copper wire with a planetary multilayer three-row winding, the ends of which are brought to the "consumer". The launch is carried out by a Hall sensor, which must be moved over the "rotor" to pump capacitor charges. Each discharge of which shakes the energy of the formed parallel oscillating circuit.

Fig. 61. Diagram No1 of an alternating current generator

Fig. 62. Diagram No2 of a high-frequency electric current generator

Lines of force (of the magnetic field), which will be increasingly "spined" by the electric field in the coil of the "stator". An electric current arises. You can use other schemes to start.

The second design has some changes. The operation of this generator is more efficient when it is parallel to the radiant of the Earth (its field lines). Here, instead of the magnets of the "rotor", there is a rod (magnetic or iron) of a coil with triple planetary winding of copper wire, the ends of which are connected to the battery through a capacitor, opposite to the poles of the magnets. All rotor ring discs are made of neodymium magnets, connected one to one, and insulated from the stator and rod coil of the rotor axis. The "stator" coil is made of copper wire in three layers, with a three-row planetary winding, the ends of which are brought to the consumer. In both schemes, winding in the "stators" can be paired. To obtain current, it is necessary to "shake" the magnetic field of the "rotor" – to make it a traveling wave inside the stator field, then an electric field will appear in its coil, which will increase as more and more consumers are connected. However, the process goes with a decrease in temperature.

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Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
28 şubat 2025
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727 s. 246 illüstrasyon
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