Kitabı oku: «Theory of vortex creation and control», sayfa 21

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Fig. 46. Structure of the "rising point" of the wave

Fig. 47. Positioning of dipoles in space

In addition, when the directions of oscillations coincide, there is an increase in the speed of light propagation.

This means that as long as there is a medium, information about the impulse (fragment of the event), as about its "growth point", will continue to move in it forever. But not the source itself as a structure of a single form. Absolutely the same applies to any events, where the source of oscillations can be considered any vibrational system.

Then, how does not only information move in space, but also the "generator of its events"? Obviously, if magnetism in vortex formations (forms of matter) of the environment (like a magnetic dipole) is the structure of the memory of their charges, then electricity (like an electric dipole) is their shell for "communication" with the external environment of the environment. The electric component builds lines of force, and the magnetic component makes the charges rotate, forming a three-dimensional form of the structure of the electromagnetic field of the source. The higher the rotation frequency of the vortex, the greater the charge, and the difference in charges, as the difference in the intensity of their vibrations, is their gradient. Consequently, the dipole is able to move in the medium by changing not only the rotation frequency around its axis, but also by changing its own positioning relative to other charges outside the space, repelling or being attracted to them. The resulting contraction or expansion effects allow the source of oscillations to adapt freely to changing environmental conditions (see Fig. 47). Any object as a single form moves due to the fact that its structural dipoles constantly interact with each other and with similar dipoles of the matter of space on the principles of electricity and magnetism. At the same time, all movements occur strictly under the control of the magnetic field, the information in its memory, as a cyclical nature of events of oscillatory processes. Of course, there is also room for acquiring new knowledge in changing environmental conditions, which are also recorded by the object's magnetic field. But this does not mean that it can exist "forever". Therefore, different forms have different degrees of structural disintegration depending on the saturation of the environment with energy. For example, bricks under normal conditions disintegrate to the degree of sand.

This means that for their existence, all bodies need to be nourished by energy, which is manifested in absolutely inconceivable varieties of species consumption. Such as algae, meat, water, plasma, electricity, gas, electromagnetic fields, etc. Such is the universal cycle of constant reproduction of forms of matter in their exact copy of events, in the transforming space of the electromagnetic fields of their environment. That is, nature and all of us are the product of the energy of the environment, its electromagnetic fields, to which, in the end, everything that exists returns in the form of elementary particles, vibration systems, vortices of electromagnetic pulses of various frequency spectrums. Into this boundless ocean of energy (fields of interaction), as the progenitor of everything. It disintegrates and is reborn again and again, always. Because the interactions of the matter of space are oscillations, vibrations of the "force" lines of numerous unified electromagnetic fields, as an analogue of an infinite "neural network" between charges. It can be said that "thought" creates the form of matter. As in our speech, the logic of sound sequence, which modulates electromagnetic waves in the form of forms of matter in accordance with thought and word.

Consequently, gravitation, as a magnetic interaction, can be controlled by a sound wave with the help of the phenomenon of resonance of vibrations of various systems. For example, the colder the body or medium, the higher the speed of sound in it. Surprisingly, any electromagnetic wave (or light) is accompanied by a sound wave in front of it, as its creation, which is actually delayed (contacted) by each atom (elementary particle) of matter inside its structure. And this is true. We have previously mentioned that the destruction of the lines of force of any structure of matter induces its dipoles (atoms) to activity or the release of heat in the infrared ranges to start the processes of restoration of breaks (violations) by carbon compounds. With such "failures" in the organized structure of the atoms of matter, "electromagnetic sounds" or noises also arise. And the higher the temperature, the more "noise communication". That is, the interactions of electromagnetic waves form noise in the environment (space) when it is excited (by them).

2. Sound as the "voice" of electromagnetic waves

A beam of light is a changing (moving) electromagnetic field. In other words, its wave is accompanied by a kind of micro-emissions of its own, expressing it by its noise background. It is the electrical component of this field that feeds the atoms of substances with the energy necessary for their existence, for example, as a phenomenon of light absorption by matter. Probably, for atoms, the "noise" of a light wave is similar to the sound of rain.

Current always flows inside any vortices. In a closed loop there is a constant current with its own individual "noise", and an alternating current flows through an open loop as a source of radiation. Usually, a closed loop (vortex) is a magnetic dipole, and an open loop is an electric dipole. And "noise" is like a sign of the operation of radiation sources. We know that a circular electric current always causes an axial magnetic moment, that is, the axis of the magnetic field is the axis of rotation of its current (see Fig. 48).

A wave can be represented as a relay transfer of excitation along a chain of homogeneous (species) particles in the propagation medium, which are sufficiently close and interconnected by interactions that allow the transfer of energy of a certain magnitude of impact from one particle to another in a single rhythm.

Fig. 48. The axis of the magnetic field and the rotation of the current

Fig. 49. Light passes through a crystal

This means that "noise" always accompanies electromagnetic radiation. Understanding that any events have their own "name" as a sound accompaniment, and any other information in comparison with it is realized and defined as a "sound" reflected in the memory of any form of matter, then its acuteness of recognition (perception) increases many times over. Sound is the oscillations of excited electromagnetic fields of an elastic medium of space. The environment is essentially a combination of a set of densifications of magnetic field lines of various forms of matter, through which the energy of oscillations (excitations) of their structural dipoles about the information received from the external environment is transmitted. Sound always accompanies the vibrations of any electromagnetic fields as its "voice". We have already said that when any source of electromagnetic oscillations (light, dipole, vortex, particle of matter) moves in the electromagnetic medium of space, its waves inevitably come into contact with all forms of its identical matter in the zone of their field of energy availability, thus disrupting the lines of force of each other's fields. At the same time, when we talk about a "living" system, it means that it is powered by the energy of the movement of charges or an electric current circulating along closed lines of a particular body shape. Disturbances (breaks) of these lines exude electromagnetic impulses of the frequency (rhythm) that is inside the system. The structural units of such a system track and remember the electromagnetic environment of the environment with its changes, due to the common origin and universal characteristics of interaction.

For example, an electromagnetic wave of light, passing through a crystal (hitting it), leaves a trace in it, causing electromagnetic oscillations. A sound wave arises as information about the appearance of a wave from an energy source. Neighboring atoms adjust their position relative to the wave's magnetic field lines, and this curves the path of light. As a result, the atoms of the crystal begin to radiate themselves, because their waves interfere with each other, generate vortices of fields, drawing and twisting the wave of light falling on the crystal inside it, as the energy of feeding the atoms of matter. Immediately, an electric field appears in the thickness of the crystal and the internal sound of its structure changes, and a new information field is formed. Just as letters (symbols of sounds) build the meaning of the text, so atoms construct the structure of matter (crystal), forming a channel for the transmission of a wave, or each atom of a substance has an individual sound as the frequency of its own vibrations. The unconsumed (excessive) part of the light energy of the wave passes through the substance, which is completely modulated by the sound wave formed from interactions in the thickness of the substance. When the wave leaves the crystal, it will carry all the information about its internal structure (see Fig. 49).

In fact, substances are good sound resonators, with the help of which it is possible to induce electromagnetic oscillations, for example, of forms of matter in resonance. Or to control by means of sound a multitude of phenomena associated with electric and magnetic fields, dipoles, vortex formations, etc. So, for example, such a series of actions as sound (clap) – visibility (light) – sensations (heat). This means that each form of matter (object) has its own single sound series (set) of vibrations, analogous to the individual spectrum of vibrations of each substance. In this case, electromagnetic waves may well become destroyers of form (decay), and sound waves may well become reducing agents (synthesis). When with the help of fire (plasma) it is possible to control electromagnetic waves, and through sound – the phenomena of gravitation (magnetism) with the help of the same resonance with the internal vibration of the structures of the object's matter.

As a result, it is time to assert that a sound wave is equivalent to a wave of information about the gradients of charges (temperatures) in the medium in the direction of movement along the lines of force, as a generation of an electromagnetic wave, which is always restrained by each atom on its way within the substance. That is, a longitudinal sound wave is a component of a longitudinal electromagnetic wave, which, from constant contact with particles of the surrounding matter, emits an individual "noise" (sound), which can outstrip it in the speed of propagation. It's hard to believe, but in the end, sound, as a "voice of light", can be higher than its speed, being a derivative of the function of the electromagnetic field. Of course, any inhomogeneity of density (defect) in a substance is also a source of sound. Here, a sound wave is the result of thermal radiation of atoms and molecules of various frequencies and directions, which consume the energy of the electric field of an electromagnetic wave (light). As a result, the integrity of the lines of force of the wave itself is violated (the ends of such lines always radiate) and heat energy is released.

Of course, all information from the outside is perceived by a person through electromagnetic radiation (as well as any form of matter) of a limited frequency range. We perceive only a part of the real world, which is captured by our sensory organs with the characteristics of our consciousness that meet the needs of our memory, while it is preserved and developed. That is, any real object is perceived dually, in the form of an image at a distance and its detailed study within itself, when the form of matter serves as the basis of sensitivity and selectivity. The "thought" that arises from contact with the object is necessarily compared with the information about it received earlier and stored in one's own memory. In nature, everything is in the system of cause-and-effect relationship and has its functional purpose in a single electromagnetic field of space. At all levels of the origin, growth and development of the evolution of life forms, there is its own synchronous rhythm of regulated synthesis and decay, creation and dissolution – all the space. A deuterium molecule is an individual structure with a neutron memory that controls hydrogen's energy resources and its interaction with radiation. And if the electric current in the structure of any matter consists of the energy of motion of many charges (dipoles), as a set of elementary vortices sequentially following one another, which are united by single interactions of lines of force into a system for receiving and transmitting information, etc., then these charges are inseparable and constitute one functional organism. This means that deuterium is an isotope that organizes "life". Each time deuterium is added to the structure of a new nucleus of an atom of a chemical element, its properties change, since the working wavelength or interaction range increases (see Fig. 50). That is, the living light of space is transformed into forms of living matter with magnetic properties, into structures of biological nature. This means that the properties of all living beings (any object) are periodically dependent on the structural organization of the form of memory (magnetic field). During its lifetime, each creature radiates into the space of the field of the planet an innumerable number of copies of itself, due to the reversibility of its dipole structure – to be a receiving and transmitting system. In space, the waves of the vibrating systems of galaxies "sway" the entire stellar space together with all the cosmic objects in them, causing their response in motion and synchronizing it.

Fig. 50. Diagram of the formation of forms of matter of the medium from the synchronization of the motion of charges and fields

The synchronizing device in nature is the polarity of the magnetic field. Probably, the onset of a new epoch, in our understanding, lies not only in the reversal of the polarity of the external field, but also in the orientation to the constellations along the way, for example, of the planets in their orbit, including stars, galaxies and even relative to their own axis of rotation.

3. Construction of the form of matter with given properties in electromagnetic fields
Technology for the restoration of damaged living cells

Most of the cells of the human body are completely renewed without loss of functionality and behavioral disorders in almost one year. That is, the body ages from the initial state, but grows and is constantly renewed. Then, is it possible to prolong a person's life for a significant period of time?

Let's imagine that there is a device that is capable of scanning information (video, sound, ultraviolet, laser, etc.) with electromagnetic pulses with the highest quality from each of the 254 types of cells of the human body in a specific period of time, for example, at the age of 18, when the body is still healthy and strong (as an archive record). Or from his closest healthy relative. In the future, if necessary, the device in certain conditions transmits (irradiates) all the information received to the same, but already elderly or sick body of a person for a certain period of time. The possibility of complete immersion in a programmed, individual, artificial electromagnetic field is not excluded. Obviously, all naturally renewing "young" cells, in this case, will be "learned" (replaced) based on new information in the memory archives of the magnetic fields of DNA cells controlled by the device. Each cell with its own functionality – directly from the earlier (healthy) species vibration, through the achievement of synchronization (resonance) with them. And not from the old – time-damaged DNA information from the memory library of the previous, decrepit cell in its exact copy. And the human body will gradually heal, returning to the original "generic" parameters of the system. Without any pills and surgical interventions. Through a number of such procedures, a person will not only receive a rejuvenated body, but also regain a new perception of the external environment, and his consciousness will change. Exactly the same transformations can be carried out by growing "growing points", for example, completely new young teeth, hair or organs from one's own cells, without transplanting them directly into the patient's original body (like crystals).

Fig. 51. Scheme for recording and broadcasting encoded information to the object of correction

There is nothing surprising in the fact that the recording of visual information and its transmission to the "object of correction" can already be carried out today on ordinary high-quality household carriers, and the more sources of exposure of various spectra, the better (see Fig. 51). The main thing in this matter is not to go to extremes and not to harm pathogenic fields that are harmful to cells. It is very important that all signals contain the full period of oscillations of all structural systems of a single organism with the maximum silence of the recording and the maximum absence of "noise" from the outside. Repeats do not distort the process, and the duration of the procedures leads to better results. The method of direct transmission of impulses through the "standard" to the "object" is very effective, when information is directly transmitted (by electromagnetic fields) in real time from a healthy organism to a sick one, even without family ties. Incredibly, the mechanism works using plants, solutions, etc. Harmlessness and the absence of side effects make this technique indispensable in the treatment and prevention of premature aging of any organism. Even if the scanning effect is not 100%, but partially, the result will be positive, but not complete.

The thing is that the centuries-old change of generations of the human race on Earth and the change of human races itself are also subject to certain rhythms. For example, the birth of a new human species occurs after about 26 thousand years – this is one zodiac year, or one turn of the spiral trajectory of the Solar System in the equatorial plane of our Milky Way galaxy when moving along its orbit. Only the periods of the rhythms of renewal vary considerably from the cell to the human race. But everything new is always more perfect than the previous one, the faster path of development (frequency of vibrations) in the changing conditions of the planet, which also evolves along with its biosystem, as well as the need for a more perfect man. Behavioral relationships, as well as the level of any development itself, stem from the functional purpose of this or that form of matter. For a person, for example, any theoretical cognition arises in the process of learning on the basis of the experience of past generations.

All elements of matter have an energetic (spiritual) essence. Everyone knows the saying: "God is not reason, but the cause of the existence of reason; not the Spirit, but the cause of the existence of the Spirit; not light, but the cause of the existence of light – all this together is God." And this is absolutely true, if you understand that all this is a single field of living electromagnetic space. It is "living" because it is mobile, changeable and fruitful. People often limit their own worldview, taking certain assumptions as truth in advance. Because all vibrational systems, from the microcosm to the largest structural forms of the macrocosm, are never in a state of stable equilibrium, but always and everywhere strive for it under any external conditions. This is the essence of the constant need for movement, mobility of any vibration circuits, dipoles and vortices. And this circular cycle of interactions of matter is reversible and closed, like its states: solid-liquid-gaseous-plasma (fire)-electromagnetic field. At the same time, the rhythms of their vibrations are united by only two processes of transformation of matter – direct (synthesis of forms) and reverse (disintegration, dissolution) to the initial structures of the "zero" vortices of the matter of space.

In any case, we explore the world around us with the sole purpose of using its possibilities and expanding our influence. Absolutely all forms of matter have the same approach to the environment – to cognize and use knowledge to master more and more territories with similar, specific structural manifestations of matter. The diverse unity of the prosperity of life is the essence of its emergence.

Matter interacts with fields that carry signal information. Then, all events or phenomena around us are based on the frequency of vibrations with its period and wavelength (second and centimeter), and the amplitude (span) is a derivative of the corresponding ratio of the wavelength and the time of its oscillations, for example, on the resonance state of matter and the field signal. This means that the informational meaning of the impact (interaction) lies in the modulation of the electromagnetic signal as a change in all its parameters. That is why the external form of matter (the evolution of growth) will differ from each other in the strict dependence of the parameters of fluctuations on time. It is obvious that the information signals of various oscillations are also decomposed into separate harmonics. The rhythm of vibrations (the flow of time) is not constant at all, and the process of life cannot be stopped, it is forever. Probably, here we can take the frequency of oscillations of the smallest particle of matter – its "zero" vortex – as a single standard of comparison. I am sure that it will be determined soon. The ability to split (separate) information signals allows the structural elements of a single form of matter (system) to harmoniously perceive them and be guided by them in their development, just as in the early period of individual evolution, when they independently perceived signals from the outside, being a separate from outside a given system. This is the condition for the rational development of complex structures of symbiosis, consisting of a set of individual elements adapted to life in a particular system.

The shape of the object itself, without a doubt, is a measure of energy-informational interaction with the external electromagnetic environment, where its dimensions are commensurate with the wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation in the environment. But in order to preserve itself and periodically reproduce its copy, the form of matter must have a "genetic" memory. In which the program (plan) of its construction is constantly updated as a standard, and not a single new change (action) will begin until the previous one is completed. Each new action is performed on the memory of the previous one by comparing the changing parameters of the external environment with the standard in the memory archive. The standard seems to be constantly improving and periodically restores itself in the image and likeness through a series of successive generations of its structural elements.

That is, all the traits, properties, and individuality in the process of development of any organism are created by the interactions of the "genotype" (hereditary basis of development) with the electromagnetic fields (developmental conditions) of the environment. The evolution of all forms of matter is determined fundamentally by the polarity of the magnetic (electron saturation) of external influence. In other words, all events in space are predetermined by the rhythm of oscillations, which is generated by the presence of two principles: magnetic-electric, feminine-masculine. Or, like the electric dipole of the equator and the magnetic dipole of the polar axis, directed perpendicular to each other in the same way as the vectors of the electric and magnetic fields are oriented. In the structure of each form of matter, then, a combination of these two sources of radiation is observed, similar to an ordinary electromagnetic wave. In this case, the principle of construction of matter and radiation in a single form of matter speaks of its electromagnetic origin, which favors their energy-informational interaction. The outer shells of forms (objects) interact in the general environment of the environment, inducing currents of their frequency into each other. Then, like human organisms, they are exposed to information influence from other persons, as well as from trees, water, air, etc., and through the totality of their electromagnetic fields – from the entire planet, the Sun, stars, space, etc.

It turns out that everything is interconnected in a single electromagnetic field of space, which necessarily requires a single plan of structure of all forms of matter in order to be able to synchronize them, interacting in it on the single principles of electricity and magnetism, which are based on a dipole – duality that ensures the emergence of rhythm – a living oscillatory process. And this is true, because the presence of a certain frequency of vibrations is a single standard of measurement, acceptable for all forms of matter. And the ability to radiate and receive is a universal tool for creating different forms of matter in the exact mirror execution of the information fields of the external environment (as in their reflection). Each such form is nothing more than an electrical resonance system (information content) capable of processing information from the electromagnetic field of its environment. In which there is an electrically conductive plasma or "gas" in the form of electrons and ions, the substance of which can transform from a free state into structural forms of radiation (dipoles), as less dense. And under the influence of magnetic fields, turn the plasma step by step into the state of a gas, then a liquid and then a solid. Thus, in a single magnetic field of space, elementary particles are formed, from which a neutron is formed. And the deuterium molecule is an original structure with a neutron memory, which controls hydrogen's energy resources, its interaction with radiation, for example, in planets that will further move into the star phase due to the radioactive processes of the decay of its outer layers. Probably, new elements of matter are born in this way. For example, an elementary vortex, when two coherent oscillations are added, draws (drags) into its medium (zone of influence) energy (matter) from outside the environment. As a result of the synchronization of vibrations in the magnetic field of the medium, plasma is released as internal energy from the decay of the captured volume of matter, and one or another rhythm of a new oscillatory process is formed in the form of a new elementary particle.

Each form of body absorbs mainly those radiations (more intensely) that it is capable of emitting itself. The four half-periods of the oscillatory process (dipole) form one period of growth and development, which is determined by the rotation of the growing element in the crossed fields of space. Absolutely all "living" elements react very well to electromagnetic radiation, as a sphere of their habitat and communication with each other.

Fig. 52. Selectivity of Interaction of Forms of Matter with Fields from the Outside (Electrosam.Ru)

The entire sequence of the food chain (series) of such forms (of a substance or an organism) depends on the exact sequence of the construction of the spectrum of the energy-informational source of radiation common to them, for example, the Sun. And the growth and development of life are interrelated with the limiting wavelength in the structure of the spectrum of this radiation, which, without a doubt, is regulated by its modulation by neighboring stars, the center of the galaxy, and planets. This means that the species difference, its change, is determined by the selectivity of interaction with numerous external electromagnetic fields depending on the radioactivity of certain isotopes used by the "living" forms, that is, each form of matter, for example, a plant, comes into contact with certain harmonics from the general signal of interaction of a single electromagnetic field (see Fig. 52).

4. What is the cause of the rotation of the planets? And what is the essence of the "technology" of their growth?

The combination of two identical "periods" (parts) of a wave, shifted in phase by 90°, sets the beginning of the oscillatory process of swinging and pumping energy from the outside, which eventually creates rotation.

For example, the active nucleation in the ferromagnetic core of the Earth (at certain temperatures) of many regions with one-sided magnetization creates a pumping effect (throwing certain domains into the nucleus) with the influence of an alternating magnetic field of the medium (energy from the outside). And the constant magnetic field surrounding space distributes magnetized domains on both sides (left-right) of the equator (to the poles) of the nucleus dipole (like the Block boundary). That is, it polarizes them so that they interact with opposite poles of the external magnetic field of space regularly acting on them, forming (after swinging) a moment of rotation on the arm of the radius of the nucleus. It is possible that the alternating field here changes the number of domains oriented to the constant field, pumping up the number of unidirectional magnetic domains.

Then, a "weightless" state of rotation is possible with the simultaneous impact on the body of two magnetic fields crossed at an angle of 90° to each other. One field is variable and the other is constant. An alternating field increases the number of magnetized elements (the number of memory structures) and pumps them in a structural form of rotation, while a constant field polarizes them, distributing them to the poles. The body of rotation becomes fixed in space permanently and steadily relative to the sources of the external field, without any supports.

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Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
28 şubat 2025
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727 s. 246 illüstrasyon
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