Kitabı oku: «Theory of vortex creation and control», sayfa 25

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This means that magnetism is an integral part of the electromagnetic field, as a result of the interaction of various charges in the environment. As, for example, the oscillations of the solar system relative to the plane of the galaxy, when there is a change in the poles of entire planets with a mutual emission of electrical energy. Even in a single dipole, when the waves of oscillations of the opposite poles pass through the "equator", they mutually compensate for the intensity of each other's charge vortices. And in different dipoles, these effects are also significantly reduced (extinguished). Then it is obvious that if the magnetic poles of the dipole change places, then the charge currents also change their course in the opposite direction. That is, in the "inductor" of the oscillating circuit of any dipole, when passing through a stronger magnetic field of the medium, the poles change to the same orientation as to the outside. But when the excitement is removed, the original position returns. Then the potential difference sets the current in the direction whose charge of two or more dipoles of interaction is greater. Or, whose vortex more intensively draws the matter of the environment into the field of its influence.

Fig. 10. Disk Generator Diagram

Let's take the principle of an ordinary electrophori machine as a basis, but with one rotating disk made of fluoroplastic, on the periphery of which copper and zinc plates are fixed on both sides. The plates are evenly insulated from contact with each other (see Fig. 10). Along the edges of the disk, two coils with U-shaped cores are diametrically and stationary. Structurally, each of them has two opposite windings made of copper wire, one end of which is led to different surfaces of the disks through movable contacts, and the other is connected in pairs through the capacitor plates, the lower side of which is grounded. At the same time, the upper surface of the disc with copper overlays is in contact with the contacts of the upper coils and is connected through the sphere of the atmospheric spark gap to the external antenna. The voltage removal terminals are installed on the ground wire.

There is an option to use horseshoe-shaped magnets instead of coil cores with the installation of coils on each "horn" separately above and below the surfaces of the circle of the movable disk. The rest is mounted in the same way. Of course, a much larger number of solenoids can be used in the design, which will be more effective.

In such connection schemes, counter flows of eddy currents of different directions of rotation arise, which are strengthened by the magnetic field of the coils due to the constantly coming charges from the outside of the dipoles of the matter of space. It is possible that at some point the external power supply to the drive can be disconnected and powered from an internal source. In any dipole of a vibration system, the electric field is amplified as charges arrive from the outside according to the principle of "suction" of vortices of the opposite direction of rotation and "pushing" out of the system, if the direction of rotation is the same.

When a magnetic field arises, the interaction of lines of force in any dipole occurs depending on the presence of dominance of a particular charge or the neutrality of the system, when the "opening" of lines with asymmetry occurs where there is more energy, as "recognition" – resonant contact of specific vibrations. And, if in reality in the Flea wall (including near the Earth) there is an effect of standing waves, when in the zone of the "equator" the intensities of oscillations of opposite charges are compensated, when in fact there is "no magnetism", then the charges held by the vortices of electricity between the poles on opposite sides of the dipole boundary are preserved. That is, the charges do not mix here, because they are neutral. All other charges, when "sucked in" into the vibration system through this zone from the outside, immediately separate to their poles, forming magnetic field lines (see Fig. 11).

Fig. 11. "Suction" of charges into the dipole

Fig. 12. Merging two dipoles into one from the outside

This means that magnetism is part of the architecture of interacting electric fields of charges with all the possibilities and tools of their nature. When the magnetic field line, as a single spiral vortex, is formed by two counter waves of opposite charges of the dipole poles. As in the construction of a new general dipole of two (or more) systems, when a new Bloch boundary appears (see Fig. 12).

It is quite possible that when neutrons (neutral charges) are attached to protons in nuclei or any atoms capture electrons from the outside (negative charges), the position and "Block boundaries" of such dipoles change. Then there is an asymmetry of the vibration system, which causes changes in the interaction with the charges of the environment (see Fig. 2-4). That is, the properties of the elements or their states change, which means that the formation of another substance occurs. Including the interactions of several atoms, molecules or elementary particles.

This means that magnetism is the property of electricity to interact with other fields at the level of specific forms of matter. As a result of the appearance of lines of force through the combination of oscillations of counter waves of opposite vortices of charges. When a two-pass (or multi-pair) spiral is formed with a displacement of turns in 1/4T of the oscillation period. At the same time, the axis of the poles is always perpendicular to the plane of rotation of the vortex of the electric field in the zone of the interface, the intensity of which depends on the value of the charge of the dipole itself and the charges outside that are in the zone of its influence.

In any dipole (object) in the interval between the poles, both through the inner and outer spaces of the structure, the intensity of rotation of its charges of opposite spins is transmitted through their vortices. To both directions of which the specific charges of the environment rush, eventually lining up in counter spiral threads of wave vibrations, as numerous lines of force of the magnetism of the dominant common dipole. And these rules work everywhere, even between many different forms of objects, from one to another. However, the beginning of the direction of the lines of force outside the form is considered to be from the North Pole to the South Pole. Although in reality they are completely equivalent in the case when the dipole is neutral. But when the poles change, as a transition of the rotation of the general vibration system in one direction or another, the direction of the lines of force also changes.

Surprisingly, the accumulations of charges of the environment around the poles of the dipole (see Fig. 11), being the initial material for the formation of lines of force, slide from the tops of the hemispheres, carried away by the vortex electric field, to the interface boundary: negative – from the southern hemisphere, and positive – vice versa, from the northern. Thus, increasing the intensity of this vortex in each hemisphere of its poles. Like their own electric fields of different rotation (if you look from the vertices), which immediately capture and suck in the charges of the opposite spin to the center of their vortices. When they, having reached the magnetic axis of the hemispheres, instantly change their rotation to the opposite. And, like vortices of the same direction with a common field of rotation, they are instantly shot (pushed) along the axis of their poles outward. And thrown (torn away) from the object, rotating, rush to the opposite pole of the dipole (oppositely), intertwining into numerous spiral "threads" of the magnetic field lines, strengthening it. All this is the result of the interaction of electric charges of matter in the environment, which inevitably lead to the emergence of magnetic fields of various densities and an innumerable number of spectra of its radiation.

This means that gravitation itself is "grounded" to the objects of interaction (envelops them), "pressed" to the surfaces of the forms of charges, because it is "quantized". Each elementary particle (like "Coronium") puts its microscopic interaction of charge vibrations into the formation of the general magnetic field of objects and, ultimately, of all space. Therefore, the density of the lines of force of the multitude of spectra of radiation of the fields of "memory and information" in the environment is heterogeneous and always forms the architecture of all objects in accordance with their interaction functionality. When elementary particles, as structures in every object of any shape, are the internal environment that connects (connects), fastens all the constituent elements in strict accordance with the purpose.

That is, "gravitation" is the result of the interaction of electric vortex fields of charges of elementary particles of matter in space. And we perceive all these processes as the influence of "magnetic" fields, which, in fact, as well as their individual carriers in nature, do not exist.

Does this mean that two opposite charges of dipoles (or dipoles) always trigger the reaction of building an endless stream of radiations of mutually perpendicular structural fields (electricity and magnetism) of charges of increasingly subtle matter of space towards the "microcosm" and ever larger towards the "macrocosm"? As a sequence of formations of one wave under the influence of another (see Fig. 13)? And if this is so, then the construction of magnetic field lines during the interactions of opposite charges induces the matter of the environment to the endless formation of dipoles of different signs and shapes. When, for example, a magnetic needle located next to the "magnetic guardian" reacts by deflecting to the side (see Fig. 14).

The movement of several waves in the medium cause vibrations of the particles of the surrounding matter, for example, as superimposition on each other without distortion, or the principle of superposition of waves. We know that if two interacting waves have an invariable phase difference, then they are coherent and interference occurs when they are added. Including when two counter waves of the same intensity (and frequency) of charges of the same dipole are superimposed, when standing waves are fully formed.

Obviously, in the closed wave of the "magnetic guardian" there is no any movement of energy, when the radiation of two opposing waves of opposite charges of a single dipole vibrates. Such oscillations can last for a long time, because the lines of force of the magnetic field are built when the "bridge" is firmly magnetized to the horseshoe of the core of the coils, forming a circular magnetic field (see Fig. 14). Which generates a spiral component of a closed electric field (toroidal), when the separation of charges occurs into two symmetrical zones of space: top-bottom and right-left rings along the flea line (see Fig. 15).

Fig. 13. An endless series of fields of electricity and magnetism

Fig. 14. Field interactions

In this case, the work of transferring charges from the poles is not done (there are none), but the charges of the matter of the medium are attracted to the zones inside and outside the "ring", creating a zero gradient of intensity in the medium. And this can serve as a protection of any objects in the environment covered with such "micro-keepers" of magnetic energy (paint, film, plates) from the phenomena of reflection of radiation of various spectra from the outside. And this means that all these objects become absolutely invisible not only visually, but also in any electromagnetic field emitted by any source, for example, radar. Probably, a similar phenomenon is possible when the charges of particles from outside and outside the ring, as a gradient of different media: metal and air (gas), interact with each other.

Fig. 15. Separation of charges into symmetrical zones around the "magnetic guardian"

When matter from the outside gives the energy of its charges in the resonance of the "recognition effect" to the vibration systems of the structure of the magnetic field of the "guardian" ring (the formation of lines of force). Therefore, in the "keeper" the energy does not weaken, and the oscillations of the counter charges, closed in a ring, become forced and unquenchable.

It is possible that the magnetic field lines are formed by counter coherent waves of charges of the poles of the proper dipole with the construction of standing waves in their forms. And electric fields are, among other things, the result of the emergence of single waves of charges "+" or "-", which are short-lived and, as a result, form oscillations that unite pairs of such waves (coherent, including common-mode waves) in one direction of movement in space, but with a shift of 1/4 T of the oscillation period, with radiation from various particles of the medium.

Then, are the lines of force of magnetism in any dipoles, even newly formed, nothing but standing waves of counter opposite, in phase, coherent radiation (oscillations) of form? And when two or more dipoles interact at the stage of formation of a single object, the exodus of counter electric charges from the poles to each other in the environment occurs in the form of paired spiral structures of waves (with a shift of oscillations in 1/4T of the period of species waves) of the same direction. At the same time, completely different particles of matter in space can serve as sources, but they are not yet the lines of force of the magnetic field of any of the interacting dipoles. They will become such for a new single dipole (object) when colliding fields are formed, creating an innumerable number of plexuses of spiral standing waves depending on the intensity of the total vortex electric field.

This means that the energy in the ring of the "keeper" is closed, as in a closed vibration system.

In which the standing waves of paired vortices will always "oscillate", of which there are a huge number, as structural contours. And as soon as the lock bar breaks, all the energy will immediately burst out in the form of electric current or heat. Of course, the environment around changes, so charges from the outside enter the metal, are reflected from it and even fly through, leaving part of their magnetic component (inertia) inside the substance of the ring (as a result of interaction with charges). This continuously fuels the magnetism of the system, because around and inside the ring of the "guardian" there are constantly processes of dividing charges into zones, with the formation of a thick plasma of various ions. In this case, the electric current from the outside (as its electric field) does not arise, but a static field is formed, which flickers in place.

Based on the many experiments confirming the existence of various particles and antiparticles as their reflections in the environment, the conclusion suggests itself that there are no antineutrons, antiprotons, etc., for example, in reality in nature. In reality, it is the result of the interaction of vortices of different particles (dipoles) with the subtle matter of the medium. When any object (form), as a source of radiation of an electromagnetic wave (field) in space, contacts (as an imprint) with the matter of the medium, transmits (distributes) its structural elements in it, as a mirror reflection of the content (structure) of each signal of its own information – in the archives of the magnetic memory of the matter of the environment. Like a vortex that responds by causing an opposite vortex. These are the "antipodes", which are not in themselves sources of vibrations as a form, but only the result of the perturbation of the medium by the dipole (object). Which over time energetically returns to its original state before excitement. This means that all antiparticles, as mirror reflections of the environment on external influence, cannot exist for a long time, they are all unstable.

Why, then, is the dipole (Coronium) the most stable object in space? It is obvious that any dipole charges captured by it in the zone of its "equator" from the matter of the medium by its own intensity of rotation are sucked by the vortex into the center of the "sphere" and each shift along the axis to its opposite poles. At the same time, all of them, having got inside the dipole from the outside, split into recognizable "related" frequencies of radiation, characteristic of the structural contours of a particular dipole, and are absorbed by them for the continuation of life. The "excess" charges, having changed their rotation, are "fired" back (outward) through the axes of the hemispheres of the same spin direction with the entire archive of information about the internal structure of the entire object, already as "species" of this particular dipole, with a full set of "contact" information about themselves (see Fig. 16). Some of them spread their "tentacles" to build the threads of the lines of force to the next charges of the environment, and so on – from one to another (see Fig. 17). Other, near-pole charges, like waves of spiral vortices striving towards each other, when combined, close into opposite pairs of twisted threads of lines of force around the sphere of their own dipole with the formation (strengthening) of its magnetic field.

This means that vortices of charges of different rotations, entering the dipole from the outside through the zone of the Bloch boundary, immediately separate and go to their poles without delay: the charges "+" – towards the North Pole, and "-" – towards the South Pole. They are rejected by the hemispheres of the poles of the same name, and, therefore, cannot mix with each other (like a watershed). Thus, there is an eternal circulation of charges in the medium and in the structure of each object. Then, it can be argued that the vortices of surrounding charges that constantly arise in the hemispheres of one dipole always repel each other in the "equator" zone, preventing the two opposite poles of the dipole from collapsing into a point. But the attraction of its poles along its axis is much higher than the repulsion of the eponymous total vortices of the medium in its "hemispheres". Therefore, all the dipoles are slightly "flattened" in the axis (compressed at the poles), such as planets, star systems, galaxies, molecules, atoms, etc. At the same time, the lines of force outward, as formed by counter, species, coherent oscillations of opposite charges, quite tightly fasten and protect a single dipole with their magnetic field. Allowing it to interact more and more with matter from the outside, creating more and more significant dipoles in volume and energy, attaching to them or attaching others (see Fig. 17).

Fig. 16. Formation of dipole lines of force

Fig. 17. Formation of new dipoles in the environment

It turns out that the size of dipoles (electron, nucleus, atom, molecule, etc.), as forms of matter, depends on the intensity of their electric vortices, which in the process of development can increase or remain the same. Consequently, only a strictly defined number of structural vortices of elementary particles can be "accepted" into the composition of, for example, a nucleus or an atom. As charges capable of maintaining the stable integrity of a single dipole with their lines of force (fields) of interaction of poles and existing in the environment of charges of subtle matter of space opposite in signs. Therefore, each elementary particle has a strictly fixed quantum of energy, spin, frequency of oscillations and other parameters.

Does all this mean that inside nuclei, atoms, elementary particles, etc., there are also strong connections between the lines of force of the magnetic fields of individual structural dipoles in the formation of a new common object? That is, the vortices of the opposing charges of the poles of different particles "bind" them into a single vibration system? And it is so.

Let us imagine that any rotating dipole, for example, an atom, is a "perpetual" vortex engine. In order to use its energy for various purposes, it is only necessary to make it polarize strictly synchronously in a certain volume of the environment. Then an artificial vortex of the required intensity and direction is formed, the energy of which can be controlled and used for one's own needs.

It can be argued with a high degree of probability that when an artificial vortex rotates, (as well as natural) with other structural vortices within this dipole (even when they are group and generic).

A standing wave is formed, as a closed circular sinusoid, perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the entire shape. That is, the intensity of the vortex electric field arises in the form of a flow of a ring wave of oscillations with crests and troughs. When magnetic wave oscillation fields appear perpendicular to them in each depression, as a result of interaction with the vortices of matter in space of the same direction of rotation. Which accelerate the intensity of the circulation of matter of the medium along the sine wave of the standing wave outside the vortex of the object, pulling objects from the outside to the center. At the same time, the stability of the structure increases (stability) and as a result, the processes lead to levitation (hanging), repulsion from everything around to the moment of energy parity inside and outside the created vortex. We have already considered similar phenomena in the discs of J. Searle, W. Schamberger and various current generators. It seems that with appropriate external influences, the artificial vortex is able to build three-dimensional rotating "Platonic figures" as vortices of different geometry in space, depending on the interaction of controlled charge gradients.

Let's try to offer various designs of current generators with mechanisms for artificially starting vortices. For example, when a wheel rotates inside another wheel. In this case, the ring stator (can simultaneously rotate in the opposite direction to the rotor) is made of permanent horseshoe-shaped neodymium magnets (magnet segments can be isolated from each other), and the rotor is a ring coil of a wave profile (zigzag, trapezoid, sine wave) with a closed core (magnet or steel). At the same time, the horseshoes of the stator magnets are inverted every other time (assembled at the joints with the same poles) and fastened with a tie into a ring (see Fig. 18). Although, it is recommended to try the version with a simple alternation, as "north-south", or the top of the disc is "north", and the bottom is "south". Meanwhile, the scheme of winding wires on the rotor coil is adopted planetary in three passes with the output of the shaft rings to the contacts. At the same time, the gaps between the rotating elements of the rotor and the stator should be symmetrical and minimal, and the waves of zigzags (sinusoids) of the rotor should be set so that they are visually divided in half by the circumference line of the inner ring of the stator magnets. When the rotor (or any alternator disk) rotates with acceleration in the coil, an electric current is generated.

By mounting such structures on the wheels of a car or bicycle, it is possible to provide electric current to these vehicles. When an ordinary battery can be used as a "starter" for the initial acceleration of mechanisms, which, after switching to power from the alternator, switches to recharging mode. At the same time, any unit will move using charges entering the generator from the electromagnetic fields of space, without any constant power (fuel) from the outside. For a larger influx of charges, it is proposed to assemble a semblance of a stator casing by connecting it through a spark gap to an external antenna, and through a capacitor – "to the ground" through the wheels or a loop.

Fig. 18. Permanent magnet current generator with ring sine wave coil

The second version of such a device can also be used on any vehicle, up to an airplane. The stator is made in the form of a ring of horseshoe-shaped magnets ("horns" inward), which can also be isolated from each other or assembled according to various schemes of conjugation of the poles. Only the efficiency of the generator will depend on this. The rotor coil can be made single or assembled from many separate identical inductors connected in a parallel circuit (see Fig. 19).

The main thing is that the axis of its core, which is better made of iron or permanent magnets, is in the circle line of the inner diameter of the stator ring. And the coil itself was wound by the method of planetary three-way winding, and can be divided in pairs into several identical insulated coils, connected into a single circuit in parallel. The clearances between the stator and rotor parts must be set minimum and symmetrical. The voltage is removed from the coil and supplied to the electric motor of the consumer drive. All other assembly wishes are similar to the description of the previous device.

Such mechanisms can be used to create more powerful devices, such as a full-fledged single unit in multi-stage prefabricated current generators. Or, as a "sandwich", when several rotating rotors alternate in one direction on the same axis, and in the intervals between them, magnetic systems of stators rotating in the opposite direction are mounted. Which multiplies the capabilities of the units.

What is the real structure of the field that we refer to everywhere as "magnetic"? Let us note three types of classification of magnetic fields. The first is for the charge current of one sign, as a single or paired vortex of the same direction of propagation in the form of a spiral or spirals with a displacement of 1/4T of the period of specific (coherent) waves of charge oscillations.

Fig. 19. Permanent Magnet Current Generator with Planetary Coil Winding

Basically, such processes are present in the environment (or around electric direct current conductors) in the presence of a gradient of inverse charges. Such fields are always perpendicular to the plane of propagation of their electrical vibrations with the same frequency of oscillations. They "accompany" the lines of force of electric field intensity in the form of spirals around the trajectory of the charges and exist both in the microcosm and in macro-objects as the resulting value of their interaction (see Fig. 20). These can be the poles of the dipole of an elementary particle, any other object, even a permanent magnet. And such a magnetic field spread both inside the object and outside. It is "barrier-free" as long as the charge gradient in the environment is preserved.

But there are also paired single or paired multi-pass spirals of counter charges, which in the dipole, as well as in the medium of propagation of a wave of different charges, move counter-winding, intertwining into a single double helix (like DNA strands) with a shift of 1/4T of the period of coherent oscillations of their contours. Then a line of force of the magnetic field of a single (or new) dipole formed.

When, immediately, at the contact of reverse currents, an alternating current of counter charges of the very structure of the "single" field line is formed, as a "quantum" of the magnetic field of this vibration system. The resulting value of oscillations of the standing wave from the source to the source of the "poles" of the very shape of the object appears (see Fig. 21).

The resulting magnetic field is stable, barrier-free, and depends on the magnitude (intensity) of their interacting charges. It can be poles (coherent opposite charges) or any interacting objects, it is the most widespread.

Fig 20. Magnetic Charge Line Spirals

Now imagine the moment when the flow of unit charges emanates in the same direction and in the same direction of rotation. And this is also an electric current in the medium of space, or around a conductor, since there is a gradient between two, albeit the same charges.

Now suppose that the electric waves of the charges have formed a line of force between the poles of the dipole outside its shape. Then what is its structure? If these are countercharges, then their electric and magnetic components (with a displacement of 1/4T of the period) should look like in "Fig. 22». When both electromagnetic waves form a volumetric structure of a line of force, which in reality exists as a result of the interaction of two charges, their vortices, two systems.

Fig 21. Structure of the lines of force of the magnetic field of the dipole

Along which "iron filings" line up in all known experiments with magnets. At the same time, the "architecture" of each of the waves of these electric charges includes many other structural units, as mutually perpendicular to smaller waves of electric and magnetic components. And this is true not only in the smaller, but also in the larger side of scaling, with directions of movement in one direction or another depending on the magnitude of their gradients. This is the basic principle of planetary winding of inductors in oscillating systems, proposed in the preceding chapters, when the vibrations of electricity and magnetism overlap each other in rotating mutually perpendicular planes.

Fig. 22. Volumetric structure of the dipole force line

And what if the rotating magnetic field line (under certain conditions) has such a structure of opposite charges, for example, two dipoles, that the movement of vortices in it builds a common (unified) transverse magnetic field (see Fig. 23)? As a "quantized" filament of an "infinite" dipole from one object of interaction to another. In both directions. Where the magnetic field is not only a factor that holds together a new vibration system, but also restrains the electric field of charge interaction in perpendicular planes of its propagation.

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Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
28 şubat 2025
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727 s. 246 illüstrasyon
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