Kitabı oku: «Theory of vortex creation and control», sayfa 26

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Fig. 23. The "quantized" filament of the magnetic line of force between two dipoles

Then, is it possible that charges do not move to generate an electric current? They just instantly align in the direction of the axis of gradients – polarize, forming "tunnels" of waveguides, like an optical fiber (see Fig. 24). Through which the wave of the magnetic field of the radiation source passes (transmits) completely barrier-free when it is excited from the outside of the medium, as its information (archive and memory). At the same time, an external flow of a spiral wave of electricity (perpendicular to the "tunnels") appears, which combines all this set of single radiations, for example, into an electric current over a conductor or in gases.

Fig. 24. "Tunnels" of magnetic waves and the flow of electricity in a conductor

Then it can be assumed that during the interaction of any dipoles, a charge gradient arises, which generates the effect of polarization of the matter of the medium between them, due to which the total (single) wave of vibrations of their systems is transmitted in both directions. In which both electric and magnetic components of the sources are present simultaneously (and perpendicular to each other). At the same time, the "gates" of polarization open in the process of passing (excitation) of radiation through the medium (conductor) on both sides counter, as the fields advance. This means that it is quite possible that in the environment of opposite dipoles, under the influence of the corresponding pulses of magnetic radiation of each other, a certain number of charges will arise from the matter of the very medium of the common dipole or external space.

Consequently, the magnetic field, when creating external excitation conditions, is able to generate a certain number of charges from the matter of the environment, as a response to the increase in excitation energy. That is, charges, for example, on one dipole – donor disappear (are rejected) by the amount of excitation energy (radiation) in the direction of the dipole – addressee, where they appear in space in exactly the same number of charges. At the same time, the source of this energy immediately makes up for the "loss" from the environment of space. This effect is formed due to the presence of volume (shape) and spin (intensity of rotation) in any dipole. But this does not mean that the original gradient between the interacting dipoles will be preserved over time. He will definitely strive for a balance of energy, influencing its amount and the state of matter itself, thereby changing the environment itself.

If the wave of the magnetic component of electromagnetic radiation is perpendicular to the electric wave in the propagation medium, then the trajectory of the oscillations is built in the form of a spiral. When one wave moves in a straight line, and the other is perpendicular to it. And this is true, because the vibrations of the vibration system of any charge propagate in the space of any state of matter in the form of a spiral. However, in mixed environments, such claims are not always true. Because under the influence of the medium from the outside of the wave, the oscillations of the magnetic and electrical components are "deformed", which at some moments can be at different angles of conjugation. It should be remembered that in all vibration systems of dipoles, when the vibrational processes of their charges are emitted, there are constant transformations of the energy of electricity into magnetism and vice versa. When each complete oscillation of one period consists of four main phases of the dynamics of the movement of the energy flow. That is, it is identical to the oscillations of a mechanical pendulum or free oscillations in the circuit of an electrical circuit. When the extreme position of the pendulum is similar to the state of the circuit with the maximum charge of the capacitor, and the equilibrium of the pendulum is the same when the capacitor is discharged. In other words, the inductor is the weight of the spring pendulum, and the capacitor is the spring. This means that the energy of the pendulum weight is (in comparison) the energy of the magnetic field of the electric current.

But in an electromagnetic wave, it is not particles that oscillate, but fields (electric and magnetic). When the intensity of the wave is equal to "the average energy flux density over the oscillation period, proportional to the square of the amplitude of the wave". Which, in turn, is proportional to the square of the frequency. This means that the intensity of any electromagnetic wave is directly proportional to the fourth power of the frequency of oscillations.

The changing magnetic field between the poles of the dipole generates a vortex electric field, which, like a mobile electric field, creates a magnetic field. Consequently, any dipole is a source of an electromagnetic wave (see Fig. 25). Then, how does the current move, for example, in a conductor in an external electromagnetic field?

The higher the frequency of the vibrational circuit of the source, the thinner matter (its vortices) are involved in the processes of interaction of a simpler initial structure (and finer). High-frequency vibrations (103 ÷ 106) form very large gradients in the environment (conductor) and create counter streams of electromagnetic radiation of perturbed fields capable of carrying wavefronts of enormous power of the growing energy of the matter of the very structure of space. This is confirmed by the work of S. V. Avramenko, who repeated N. Tesla's experiments on the transmission of high-power energy over a distance over a single wire (Avramenko's plug). Where the tungsten thin conductor acted only as a "direction indicator" of weak power, along which the vortices of the "fine" matter of the space medium itself moved, which were excited by the enormous frequency of vibrations of the current source. The wire could not heat up, because there was essentially no current in it. It only acted on the subtle vortices of the environment, polarizing and directing them against each other around its section (see Fig. 24).

Fig. 25. Conductor in the external field

Fig. 26. Interaction of the vortex "with everything" in motion

It is possible that by splitting (separating) light radiation in the volume of a significant space of the sphere (object) of any dipole, we will get a "jump" in the increase in the magnetic field. As the construction of the structure of a set of lines of force, interacting with each other of innumerable moving and distributed on the periphery of the sphere shell, various charges. As an effect of the appearance of a cover (protection) of magnetism by a multitude of vortices, interacting fields of electricity, objects, dipoles (particles) of the matter of space itself. Waves excited into resonance by various interferences in the general "impulse" of building a single dipole.

This means that magnetism depends on the interaction of mobile dipole vortices in the volume of spaces that form the general structures of objects of different architecture. With the inevitable intensification of the effect of magnetism of single electric fields created by the dynamic charge structures of many smaller elements that make up them as dipoles.

Then, probably, when destroyed, each vibrational system of electromagnetic radiation, regardless of its frequency of vibrations, forms a multitude of vortices that create their own dipoles in such a way that their charges continue to interact. Building a variety of all kinds of spatial figures of different architectures of magnetic fields, still interacting with the fields of matter of the surrounding environment. This basically leads to the dominance of objects of spherical shapes with a surface distribution of charges, as vibration systems of a new object of synthesis, with their poles, lines of force and formed vortex in space. As an energy matrix to be filled with matter within its limits, created for this purpose in its conditions. When, in millions of years, such a system will be quite capable of "giving birth" not only to planets, but also to stars. It is possible that the same mechanisms work in the construction of any stellar (planetary) systems or galaxies. And not only when all this initially arose in the microcosm during the formation of vortices of elementary particles. Is it not from here that the stars appear as an "idea" from outside space, when the conditions are ripe for this? When the powerful magnetic field of the charges scattered around the periphery (shell) creates a huge structure of the overall magnetic field.

I "know" how stars form?! This is due to the splitting of electromagnetic waves into many moving vortices. Because the phenomenon of scattering free charges in each separate space with the formation of a hollow spherical structure of a "capacitor" works both in the micro and macrocosm, creating a set of independent but interacting spaces in the Universe. With their own frequencies of vibration systems, dipoles, vortices, with individual conditions for the formation of matter from the matter of their own environment. These peripheral charge fields build the general system as a front separating it from the external environment, which differs both in the density of field intensity and in the phase of development of the system as a whole.

Does all this mean that the electric current, its field, can arise as a spiral vortex formation outside the surface of the conductor or along a low-frequency beam. As "directions", for example, when current moves through one wire, when it is not possible to measure its presence with an ammeter? And this is so, because the lines of force of the magnetic field are lined up in "threads", like "tunnels" of waveguides, organizing not only the flow of energy of the charge gradient, but also involving in the process an increasing number of them from the space of propagation depending on the intensity of the vortices around the conductor (tunnel), when the conductor serves only as a "guide" for the movement of current (field).

Then, any movement of an electric charge in the external magnetic field of space is a current. Electric charge quantum current or electricity quantum current. Which, when moving, forms its own magnetic field, as an effect of the electric field created by the wave of radiation of the vibration system of the electric charge, regardless of the direction of rotation of its vortex. That is, when the charge (charges) moves, an electric current arises (when interacting with the magnetic fields of other charges from outside space), which certainly generates an electromagnetic wave, its magnetic component, as a set of "quanta" of the magnetic field of each unit charge, as a single magnetic wave of an electric current.

Consequently, it does not matter at all whether the charge moves from one object to another or rotates with the formation of a new dipole, in a conductor or in the matter of space when a charge gradient arises – all these phenomena occur in one way or another in an external magnetic field (under the influence of external electromagnetic fields). When their broken (excited) lines of force, each time after the next interaction with the frequency corresponding to the given radiation of the charge (object), the oscillations of the electric charge wave in the plane of propagation (rotation) perpendicular to it are restored in each phase). As a result, it forms an image, a copy of the oscillations of an electric field wave in a plane perpendicular to it. To a certain extent, magnetism is the shadow of electricity in the space of propagation, as a result of interaction with its matter.

The very "idea" of the origin of any dipole in the environment is the result of the emergence of the magnetic field of the charge (charges) of its vibration system, when interacting with the electromagnetic field outside the space of propagation of the electric field. As the intensity of the vortex of the new structure of matter of matter being formed. When numerous "Coronas" and then elementary particles are lined up from the mass of "Newtonians". Much is determined by the intensity of the rotation of the vortex, its ability to increasingly influence the matter of space itself. Such vortices appear everywhere in any environment and at all times, because "everything interacts with everything" in constant motion (see Fig. 26). This means that there are magnetic fields in any space of the Universe, because there is a matter of the structure of the medium itself. Moreover, there is a completely different frequency of radiation and "species" classification.

Then is it true that the opposite is impossible, when an electric current arises in a moving "unit" charge under the influence of the magnetic field of matter from outside the medium? Because, in this case, electricity is primary, which is an electric charge, the vortex of which can only be amplified or absorbed by another vortex? And this is no longer the same as the transition of one vibrational energy into another. Since both electric current and magnetism arise in the presence of a charge gradient, as a set of moving elements in the structures of an object, for example, in a conductor, as an effect of the interaction of the system through the frequency of vibrations with the external magnetic field of space.

Does this mean that the process of the emergence of magnetism inside a "single" dipole is analogous to the generation of magnetic fields between several objects during the interaction of electric charges with the mutual positioning of vortices in the environment?

It is obvious that the dipole is also formed as a result of the "coordinated" actions of the Newtonian vortices among themselves, as well as together with the vortices of the Coronium, primarily with their electric charges, including electromagnetic radiation. However, it is one thing when the dipoles have already formed, and quite another when the processes are just unfolding, like the (conditionally) transition from Neutonium to Coronium. Then, at the very first full period of oscillations of a "single zero" vortex in the external field, its own magnetic field lines appear along the vortex axis with the formation of poles. When charges from the outside are "sucked in" into the vortex electric field in the "equatorial" zone and separate each to its opposite poles (in the direction of rotation). At the exit of which, the charges that have changed their spin rush not only to other charges outside, but also to each other along the shape of the sphere of the formed own dipole, intertwining in spirals in filaments of an infinite number of magnetic field lines, with an indispensable positioning in space relative to the controlling external influence. This is how the intrinsic lines of force of the magnetic field of any dipole appear, and, therefore, the dipole itself, as an object capable of development. To complete the cycle, only one complete oscillation (in one period) of the electricity charge is enough.

This means that a magnetic field exists if at least one dipole is present in space, as its source with its architecture of ley lines. As soon as its lines of force are destroyed as a result of vibrations from the outside, the charges of the environment are immediately attracted to the places of "breaks" and they try to restore the structure. An avalanche-like mechanism of destruction of the lines of force of other dipoles of matter, the medium of charge propagation and the emergence of a multitude of specific charges is launched. Which immediately enter into the processes of interaction with the formation of new dipoles.

In any dipole, the electric current of its vortex (in the external magnetic field of the environment) activates its own magnetism, which, interacting with the external field, is able to strengthen it. Which unequivocally leads to an increase in the current in the dipole itself, because such an impact is mutual and constant. The process may seek to acquire a state of equilibrium. In this case, is it possible to say that multilayered lines of magnetism are necessarily formed in dipoles? That is, the magnetic field differs in the intensity of oscillations from the center to the periphery and outside the dipole (object).

And this is true, because it depends on the impact of the external environment. Consequently, it is quite obvious that the rotation of dipole vortices from the center to the periphery occurs at different speeds. And this statement applies to all objects, of any form of matter. This means that the magnitude of the intensity (intensity) of the magnetic field is always oscillatory. Because in dipoles, the "internal" magnetic field (the most powerful) and the external (long-range interaction) cause different charge currents.

Everything in this world interacts with electromagnetic fields in one way or another. This means that the design properties of any substances and compounds "conceived" (used) to achieve a particular result can be changed by the direct impact of radiation of modulated, packaged, electromagnetic waves (a certain alternation of frequencies) that carry the ability to selectively destroy (influence) interatomic and intermolecular bonds of a particular material in order to reduce (violate) its specified (intended) characteristics to perform certain tasks (functions) project. The so-called "catalysis" weapon, which is capable of selectively affecting only strictly designated substances and materials. When atomic bombs and shells of various effects simply do not explode, planes will stop flying, tanks and guns will stop shooting, communication will be broken, etc. And all this is due to the impact of electromagnetic radiation at any distance, barrier-free and without any damage to any biological creatures and plants in any environment. Isn't this an ideal "protection" against encroachments at all times? There is only one conclusion – keep mechanisms that work without electronics and automation, because with the appropriate suppression of power plants, nuclear installations, any power sources with such radiation of electromagnetic fields, everything that is transmitted in the "digital" will definitely fail. It is necessary to learn how to "extract" energy and "start" the processes necessary for the existence of life support systems from natural phenomena, of which there are a great many.

Why do you think it is generally accepted that in the structures of planet formation, heavier substances "sink" to the center and, on the contrary, "lighter" ones form the outer "crust" of the surface? Does not the rotation of vortices create charge gradients and cause an electric field in such a system, triggering charge flows and the emergence of poles? Does this mean that magnetism, as a result of the interaction of the vortex of the electric field of the vibration system with the external lines of force of the matter of space itself, activates the mechanisms of energy growth (strengthening)? Then, it is the distribution of vortex particles that are more voluminous, but less dense, that is located on the periphery, thus creating "rudiments" (points of growth), for example, lines of mountain ranges along the "meridians" of the formed dipoles of planetary objects. On the other hand, smaller, and therefore denser, masses of matter are concentrated in the center of the sphere. And this is true not only of planetary structures, but also of atoms and nuclei of matter, when, for example, the size of protons is several times smaller than the size of electrons and much higher than them in density. This inevitably leads to the emergence of mobility of layers of matter of different sizes relative to each other. Such phenomena first of all compact the object of the vortex and inevitably lead to an increase in the temperature of the interacting masses and further processes of the appearance of rock lava in the central zone of the planet.

And if the rotating gases in the J. Rank tube divide charges into streams of cold and hot vortices in the axis of their origin, then why can't the same phenomenon be present in the axis of the planets with the ionized plasma abounding around? The only difference is that the vortices of ions are sucked in the zone of the "equator" of the planet's dipole, and cold streams are ejected to the poles. When all the heat of the vortices of opposite charges of both hemispheres is directed along their axis against each other, in the center of the sphere. Where a natural "cauldron" is formed and everything melts in the flows of vortices of charges of elementary particles. Therefore, hidden cavities, tunnels of voids of enormous axial (radial) length are quite possible within the spheres of the planets. Obviously, magma flows to the surface through them. At the same time, explanations for the presence of ice "caps" at the poles become completely logical. And since the "+" charges tend to "-" and vice versa, it should be much colder at the South Pole (a greater influx of negative charges), respectively, more grottoes are formed there than at the North Pole.

And the beginning of this whole cycle of phenomena is a vortex electric field in the external field of the environment. Where everything determines its intensity, which depends on the relationship with the fields outside. Is it possible that such dynamics of the formation of planets from vortices created by the interactions of matter over billions of years of the Universe's development is possible? Why not? It is very possible. Then it becomes obvious that the faster the object rotates, the more heated its core is and the more intense the internal movements in the geosphere occur.

This means that if any planet (satellite) has a rotation of its own sphere around its axis, then it has not "cooled down", the processes of heating and cooling of the matter of its body are definitely taking place in it. And, therefore, there is an electric component of the field and there is magnetism in it, as a result of the interaction of the vibration system with the fields of matter from outside the environment. The space within the sphere excites the space outward and acquires a charge of energy for its own vortex of rotation. Magnetism is higher the higher the intensity of rotation of the vortex of the electric field (charges) of the planet (dipole). But in no way is it the rotation of the body of the object itself. This component is only an indirect value for assessing the state of the system.

Therefore, we can safely say that there is no global "dynamo" in the form of its basis, as the "molten iron core" of the planet. As it turned out, the reasons for the emergence of electricity and magnetism, as well as the causes of the heating and cooling of the planet, lie in something completely different. As well as the absence of "real magnetism" as an independent phenomenon that does not exist outside the interactions of electricity, created by a multitude of vortices of charges, as in the aggregate – electromagnetic fields. Because there is no single electric field of an object completely isolated from similar ones in nature at all. They always interact with the formation of electromagnetic radiation (fields) of various frequencies and intensity.

Probably, as of today, our solar system is located in the southern hemisphere of its galactic circle. Because there are more negative charges, that is, the cycle of synthesis of matter dominates in space. The forms grow, increase in volume, become "looser", more and more approaching the state of decay into the original subtle "proto matter" of the "Newtonians" and "Coroniums". Apparently, in this world, absolutely all our actions are closely related to the correct understanding and perception of the phenomena that happen to us and around us. It largely depends on where you live – in your illusions or in the real world. As well as making the right decisions in your inevitable interactions with the space around you in everything. And in the end – and your life, whether it will be mediocre or happy. It all depends on you, your skills, knowledge, desire to create and understand your goals and purpose.

In our understanding, the magnetic field is the result (effect) of the interaction of charges, because all charges are the forms of vortices of matter moving in the environment. Imagine that initially in the J. Rank tube, in the vortex of the primary chamber, which, for example, in the conditions of a planet is the equatorial zone, it is not the gas that is spinning, but the plasma of the atmosphere. Under the influence of the intensity of opposite vortices of the hemispheres, different charges "slide" from the surroundings of their poles, providing a constant influx of ionized particles. Which is "sucked in" by a vortex electric field from outside the sphere into the form, directing opposite charges along the axis of the hemispheres strictly to their poles. When charges with a "+" sign attracted to the Northern Hemisphere cannot rush to the South Pole, just as charges with a "-" sign cannot rush to the North Pole. Therefore, the equator is a kind of watershed with a certain attenuation by the amount of distance from it, when each dipole of the charge is positioned with its poles relative to each other.

That is, the vortex of positive charges spins in the direction of the North Pole, and the vortex of negative charges in the direction of the South Pole, upon reaching which they increase their intensity by contracting along the axis, stronger and stronger as it moves from the poles to the center of the sphere. As the middle of the “Block boundary” of the common dipole, as the focus of the planet, where there is a "zeroing" of the counter "equivalent" collisions (impacts) of the most powerful internal vortices of charges not only of the poles themselves, but also of the opposite charges formed around them. At the same time, all the charges involved from the outside change the direction of their spins, forming dipoles of the same rotation with the poles of their hemispheres, along the axes of which the internal "lashes" of reverse tornadoes instantly appear, shooting (pushing) the newly formed homogeneous charges through the tops of their poles outside the form (see Fig. 27).

Fig. 27. Formation of vortices of external charges in the dipole

Aren't the phenomena described above similar to the processes taking place in J. Rank's tube? When the flows of dipole charge vortices in one direction (through the poles to the outside) activate a decrease in temperature, and in the other direction (opposite to the core) – its increase. Accelerating more and more towards the center of the form, both opposite streams of vortexes of charges from outside the space of different hemispheres of the sphere, meeting at the point of the “Block boundary” axis, form inside themselves arms of reverse tornadoes, changing the direction of the spins of these charges. As a result, "shooting" charges of the same sign into the encirclement through the magnetic poles of the dipole. Thus, cooling the ice "caps" of the hemispheres and heating the core, for example, of the planet. These processes not only strengthen the magnetic field of a particular dipole in any direction of rotation, but also increase the intensity of its vortex electric field.

Then, it can be assumed that the constant sources of heat (heating) of the planet's core are still streams of vortices of opposite charges of matter in space itself, who are somehow "involved" in interacting with the object. And which, inevitably colliding in the center of the equator, multiply the heating of the plasma to values that uniquely depend on the angular torque of the external vortex electric field (see Fig. 28). Probably, this is where the sources of "crazy" cosmic temperatures arise on all planets, satellites and asteroids, as well as on all stars. Moreover, the planet itself does not necessarily rotate quickly. The main thing is that there is a sufficient intensity of the vortex electric field in the equatorial zone, which depends on the interaction with the particles of the environment. Then, it is completely superfluous to say that the main role in the volcanic activity of the planets and their satellites is played by proximity to the Sun. This is a misconception. The determining factor is the interaction of objects in the environment, their dynamics, the magnitude of charges, the frequency of oscillations, even the direction of their movements, etc. That is, phenomena similar to those that take place in the J. Rank tube work everywhere in the Universe, creating magnetic lines of force during the interactions of electric charges. Which, moving outside the object, even breaking away from it at a distance to the radius of their own influence, form counter double helices of the lines of magnetism of the poles, protecting the planet and creating internal archives of information, as a memory of the dipole vibration system.

Fig. 28. Sources of the formation of "heat" and "cold" in the interior of the planet

Consequently, the energy of the interaction of charges with the formation of poles in dipoles generates conditions not only for the acceleration (slowdown) of their rotation, but also for the formation of a nucleus, as a plasma of high temperature, for example, in the depths of planets, from helium and hydrogen gases. And here it is not at all a fact that the core should consist only of iron and nickel.

Such processes are developed not only in ionized media, but also in liquids and solids, that is, regardless of the state of matter. But in different degrees of intensity of vortices. When in conjunction with huge densities and pressure drops inside the dipole sphere, both charge gradients and vortex velocities can increase many times over. How do all these energy transitions in the macro and microcosms take place? Is there any difference in interactions here?

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Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
28 şubat 2025
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727 s. 246 illüstrasyon
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