Kitabı oku: «Theory of vortex creation and control», sayfa 4

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In many other well-known constructions, such as J. Searle or V. Grebennikov, similar phenomena are activated, but with a different order, other forms and structures of matter. They are based on the same charge gradient, which is excited by various manifestations of the fields of electricity and magnetism. But there is another wonderful view of the solution to the problem voiced above, and this is the interaction of charges in different media of space. We have already drawn your attention to the fact that objects made of superconductors or diamagnets, rotating with acceleration, when they reach resonance, generate their own magnetic (in fact, gravitational) field, directed against an external similar influence, amplifying it in relation to their own mass. That is, the effect of some body weight loss is created. So, can we state with certainty that weight is proportional to the charge of the substance? That is, the matter of the space of the environment, which forms a denser and thinner medium, in which elementary particles and other clumps of matter move at speeds close to the speed of light, will displace (repel the matter of the environment of the same space, but less dense, structurally larger (although fundamentally consisting of the same thing), but moving in the medium of sound (small) speeds.

Fig. 3. Pushing 2 bodies in a dense medium

Fig. 4. Influence of charges on the motion of bodies the medium

Moreover, it can be displaced in the direction of attraction by a charge of a similar substance (see Fig. 3). Much like a lot of small air bubbles in water combine into larger ones. In the following chapters, we will analyze these interactions of objects in more detail with the matter of the structure of various media in space.

And in this case, in order to trigger the phenomenon of levitation, it is enough to neutralize the effect of the subtle matter medium on objects synchronized with the matter of the sound velocity medium itself. In other words, it is possible to influence the movement of bodies in space by acting on them with other charges, even reflected in the form of a standing wave in the opposite phase (see Fig. 4). We will consider the properties of various forms of matter during the interaction of their charges in a separate chapter, where it is important for us to understand charge as a measure of the intensity of rotation (spin).

Energy and Space

"As sad as it may be, physics is stagnant today – we still drive cars and still fly airplanes."

Mirco Bashich

Let's try to look at such a property of matter as energy a little differently. What is it in essence? Where does it come from in us and around us, and what processes nourish it? This will help us in the perception of many natural phenomena.

Such interactions as weak and strong, electrical, magnetic and gravitational interactions that have long been known to science are all "manifestations" of energy. Conventionally, energy in the Universe exists in two systems: closed and open. In nature, most energy systems are open, if we consider its production and consumption. Energy, in general perception, is the property of matter to do work. Therefore, the energy of any source is capable of exciting and influencing the energy of the environment and even creating conditions for its capture and transformation into the energy of electric current convenient for us. That is, open systems are interaction with energy from the outside.

But energy is the motion, for example, of elementary particles. Or any energy is the power of the movement of the vortex. That is, any flow of energy is a flow of their charges. And as we know, the charge from body to body is transmitted through the electromagnetic field, or the environment through the interaction of vortices, as dipoles of elementary particles. This means that we can safely assert that energy is the value of the charge gradient. Or the magnitude of the intensity of their motion, where "motion" is understood as both rotational (spin) and translational displacement. Obviously, if the charges have a dipole structure, for example, like the poles of the globe – "plus" and "minus" in one, then they are able to accumulate, transfer and modify energy.

Then what are charges? What if the carriers of charges in the microcosm are elementary particles known and unknown to us: electrons, ions, positrons, etc.? What if they all have a vortex structure with different directions of rotation of the torus disk? We already know that vortices are formed when conditions are created for the formation of low- or high-pressure zones. Inside the vortices, the pressure is always reduced, and outside there are centripetal oppositions of the surrounding environment, forming a zone of increased stress. In our case, each such vortex has three energy states in the form of positive, neutral and negative charges. If the presence of axial rotation, or the kinetic energy of the vortex, is responsible for the electric charge of the particle, then its polarity is determined by the orientation of the annular rotation relative to the toroidal rotation.

It is no secret that some laws of mechanics quite rightly describe phenomena occurring in both the micro and macrocosm. Then let's take advantage of this and, by analogy with the direction of rotation of the planets, assume that the negative charges rotate counterclockwise, and the positive ones rotate clockwise, if we look from the side where the torus turns inverted. We say that the energy of an object is conventionally designated as positive or negative, depending on the direction of rotation (spin) of the torus disk, its dipole. However, let us recall that the electron, like other similar dipoles, has both magnetic and electric components. Therefore, their vortex field is more complex than that of a permanent magnet, which simply creates the rotation of the surrounding environment.

How is the charge of the dipole (torus) formed and what is the difference from generally accepted views? In order not to get confused, we note that permanent magnets do not exist in nature. All of them are of artificial origin, they are obtained by sintering ferromagnets that have undergone a special heat treatment and the process of magnetization by an external magnetic field, in which the atoms of the substance are tightly packed in crystals. Such a magnet is able to retain magnetization for a long time and create a magnetic field in the absence of electric current. That is, elementary particles in the structure of permanent magnets with their vortex formations are compressed to such an extent that the central holes of the torus are closed, hence there is no electric current in them. Therefore, all the energy of the vortices of these particles is spent on the unwinding of the torus disk with the involvement of the medium in the rotation of matter in the form of a magnetic field. Where the direction of rotation of the medium in several single magnetic fields coincides, the speed of the joint flux increases, and the pressure decreases. Then the total flux has a unidirectional magnetic field. This is also confirmed by experiments with the combined poles of two permanent magnets. And vice versa, when the rotations do not coincide, the opposite action occurs, or deceleration and pressure increase.

Many people believe that the location of the North and South Poles of permanent magnets and the Earth is the same. Alas, this is not exactly the opposite. Therefore, the vectors of the direction of the magnetic field lines are different. But a magnet is also a dipole, where the magnetic charge also has poles. Notice that the south end of the compass needle is attracted to the north pole of the magnet. When we use a magnet as a compass, its north pole will turn to the "north", which is correctly called the positive magnetic pole, or the pole pointing north.

Fig. 1. Single Dipole

Fig. 2. Wall Flea in a magnet

For in a physical sense, the magnetic north pole of the earth is the south magnetic pole, as it attracts the north pole of the magnet. Everyone knows that if we consider a dipole as a "single" magnet (see Fig. 1), then there is a zero zone, or an intermediate plane between the zones of the poles "+" and minuses "-", which is called the "Block boundary or wall". The Block line is the region of reorientation of the spins from one branch of the distribution to another and their reversal in the Block plane, perpendicular to the magnetization in the domains (see Fig. 2).

Depending on its position, the charge of an elementary particle can be positive or negative. Under certain conditions, the Block wall can move between the poles of the magnet if their pumping with charges is not equal (see Fig. 3). For example, one of the poles has attached a charge to itself, or there is a group of charges nearby in the environment. Then there is more of one or another charge at such a pole of the dipole. The lines of force of the outer contour of the torus are deformed, stretching and thickening in the direction where there are more "pluses" or "minuses". The Block boundary immediately shifts towards a smaller dipole charge by a certain amount. Then such an elementary particle acquires a total charge of a larger number of "+" or "-" at the poles of its dipole. It is clear that the neutral charge of particles is when the Block wall is located in the middle of the dipole, as if on the equator, if by analogy we take our Earth as a vortex torus. However, it should be understood that with the constant chaos of interactions of excited charges in space with each other, neutral charges are extremely unstable. Block’s wall becomes a kind of dipole charge switch between the poles. And this radically changes the dynamics of any dipole.

Let us imagine that a charge (for example, one electron) is in a free state, but it moves in the chaos of space, and constantly interacts with other elementary particles, is rejected or reacquired by its carrier. Around electrons, positively charged particles move and disappear everywhere. As a result, the processes of converting our negative charge from one state to another endlessly occur. That is, our electron dipole is hopelessly in a state of breaking the symmetry of its opposite charges at the poles. The same happens with other elementary particles – dipoles, with which the electron inevitably interacts in space. This means that charges with a high rotational frequency can take away the external condensations of matter from neighboring vortices, and then the transformation of one elementary particle into another (photon, neutron, atom, etc.) follows. Or there is a change in the charge of ions with a mutation of their properties. Between two separate vortex charges "+" and "-" there are always excitations in the form of a transformation of the lines of force of the magnetic and electric fields. Electric and magnetic fields are a consequence of the presence of flows of matter in the medium of space around the charges of elementary particles. It is obvious that the energy that arises due to the violation of the symmetry of opposite charges, i.e., dipoles, is constantly changing. And when a potential difference is created, all the energy in an electric circuit is also the result of the formation of dipoles.

Fig. 3. Difference between dipoles by charges

Let's think about it. Apparently, dipoles do nothing but extract charges from the surrounding space and this has nothing to do with the "rotation of the generator shaft". All energy comes from the charges. Charges are divided into dipoles; dipoles extract energy from space. This energy is converted into electric current energy in electrical circuits. It turns out that we use the energy generated by the "generator" only to divide charges into "+", "-" and vice versa. Therefore, any electrical circuit produces much more energy than we consume.

That is, our task is to create a mechanism that can excite (bring out of the state of rest) and divide the energy of the environment into positive and negative. Let's try to use the positive energy of a closed system for this – an ordinary electrical circuit of a power source, for example, a battery, as a starter to start the phenomenon. Then, the energy costs of the battery for the creation of dipoles, or the landing of the battery, must be compensated in the form of constant reverse feeding by converting part of the captured negative energy from the open system of the medium into the positive energy of the electric current in this power supply circuit. The main part of the received negative energy can be converted and used to connect any consumers known to us through electrical machines.

Where does so much energy come from seemingly "nothing"? The fact is that all charges in the relatively unexcited space around us, including in a vacuum, are in a mutually balanced, mutually compensated state. Because the forces of interaction of an infinitely large number of positive charges with an infinitely large number of negative charges are eventually zeroed, i.e. the total gradients of the forces of numerous interacting systems tend to zero. It is known that the space around us and around all substances (as well as the bodies themselves) in the Universe is filled with gaseous "ether". That is, space consists entirely of "ether", which means that it is "ether". But so far no one has been able to discover it, or even to explain the conditions of its synthesis and decay, its stability, properties and ability to interact with the environment, etc. So, what is the space in which universal life is cooked?

We already know that space is saturated with numerous vortex formations in the form of elementary particles (in free states) and various material objects. That all the processes of interaction between them are carried out due to the vibrations (oscillations) of their dipole structures, generated by the intensity and energy of the charges of their vortices. All these particles inevitably concentrate the energy of the environment in themselves, ultimately being vortex condensations of its matter. This means that they are colder than the space around them. Then, any substance must cool its environment. Then everything is mixed up and equalized. Consequently, there is initially a different degree of cooling between the elementary particles of matter in space. And the presence of temperature gradients causes a pressure difference, the formation of attached vortices, other structures, expansions, compressions, etc. Hence, both the density and viscosity of the gas of the space medium will be different. For example, in places of excitation – increased, and then the processes of separation, fusion, annihilation, formation of wave phenomena, etc. And the environment in an unexcited, laminar location visually forms a relatively stable, energetically balanced state.

Thus, free (negative) energy can be extracted from the energy of space when the free particles of the environment are perturbed by various gradients (intensity, temperature, density of the medium, velocity, etc.). And the number of these free particles can be multiplied by destroying the electromagnetic and weak interactions in molecules and atoms of matter. As a result of such an impact, toroidal vortices are activated, their charges increase, condense, elementary particles interact with neighboring objects, form new structural forms of matter or line up in energy chains based on the properties of electricity and magnetism. And what if such chains in a relatively calm environment of space are similar to the well-known three-dimensional crystal lattice of solids, but with elementary particles in its nodes (see Fig. 4)? In other words, different electromagnetic fields, as forms of matter formed by substances and free subatomic particles, have completely separate spatial and energy structures. Isn't this a source of energy that can be converted into electrical energy?

Let us assume that space consists not only of fields and matter that interact, disintegrate and synthesize in it, but also of the structure of space, its body, without which it cannot exist. Then, what is space? After all, if it physically exists, if all the objects known so far are located in it, then it is material? Because different forms of matter have to interact with each other somewhere? And if it is material, does it mean that it must consist of something and have its own properties, even the simplest ones?

This means that nothing prevents us from noting the smallest of the subatomic particles, not yet discovered, but designated by Democritus in his time as "amer" or "element of the universal ether". Let us not break spears in the polemics of the presence or absence of "ether", and therefore we will define this element simply as a "zero" vortex, which, like any other, arose from the inhomogeneity of the medium, and therefore from the charge gradient as a source of energy, a source of motion (see Fig. 5). That is, at this stage of research, it can be argued that the "matter" for creating a "zero" vortex in space was initially sown everywhere. We will probably never know how, but we certainly have similar and completely equivalent options.

Fig. 4. Crystal lattice of matter (photoshop)

Fig. 5. Diagram of the dipole of two "zero" vortices

For example, such changes in the environment of space could definitely be caused by a flash of light, a breath of wind, or rainfall. In this case, the same conditions were created simultaneously and everywhere in space for the appearance of primary gradients, and hence the origin of the first still weak vortices. That is, the "seeds" were initially, as points of reference, synthesized everywhere by an external influence common to all space, for example, the phenomenon of contraction or expansion. The tension of such a vortex in an ideal medium (without friction) can be denoted as the product of the angular velocity and the cross-sectional area, that is, no matter what happens to the vortex in that "void", this value will remain constant. Such a vortex was indestructible and mechanically indestructible. And we can safely say that at the moment of the event, absolutely identical "zero" vortices, emitting vibrations, lined up in an absolutely homogeneous structure throughout space in the form of a volumetric, equal in all directions, rather dense form of a coordinate spatial lattice, or network. In its nodes was the proto matter of the "zero" vortices.

It is this structure of the matter of space that exists today, it is its fundamental matrix, which is universally referred to as the "ether". And everything that exists fills the environment thanks to the infinitely small cells of its network, in the nodes of which there are infinitesimal "single zero" vortices, which determine the unique elasticity of the unified electromagnetic field of space created by. them. It is obvious that in the subsequent moments of the origin of the Universe, in the very structure of the network of space, failures or mutations began to occur, for various reasons. For example, parallel vortices of opposite rotation began to push against each other until the moment of equilibrium between pressure and repulsion, which is manifested due to the presence of elasticity of the medium. The greater the pressure on the vortices from the outside, the greater the elastic resistance. At a certain point, the forces equalize, and the distance between the centers of the "zero" vortices ceases to decrease. However, the same vortices, but of the same direction of rotation, began to mutually annihilate each other, since the motion of the medium between them is directed towards each other, and then only a part of the most intense of the two vortices can remain, and so on (see Fig. 6).

Fig. 6. Vortex schemes: attraction, repulsion, annihilation, and ultimate attraction

But we know that in the chaos of matter in physical space, vortices of different signs of rotation are pushed against each other from everywhere, affecting the elasticity in the environment, because each of them rotates in relation to at least one neighboring vortex in the opposite direction. This means that the "zero" vortices became stable. Probably, they can be repelled not only by the direction of rotation, but also by simultaneous impulses in opposite phases of each other's own oscillations, and attracted, on the contrary, when they coincide. In general, the interactions of vortices proceed according to even more complex scenarios, where merging into structures occurs not only with common axes and centers of rotation, but also frontally in completely different combinations. All this makes it possible to build more and more complex structures and forms of various kinds of matter on the basis of electricity and magnetism, to adapt to the changing conditions of the environment, to develop, multiply and fill space. Yes, yes, vortices are capable of dividing and multiplying, like all living things. Probably, this is how the world appeared, and it became more and more diverse, complex and energetically denser.

So, on the basis of the above and taking into account that any vibration systems or vortices are, first of all, sources of various oscillations, and therefore sources of formation of waves and electromagnetic fields in the environment, we can assert that the space of the Universe has its own structure of matter. And what if we try to visualize this structure in the form of fields of many independent vortices that are located in the nodes of its imaginary spatial lattice, by analogy, for example, with the lattice of three-dimensional Bravet crystals (see Fig. 7)? But in the nodes of which there are no longer atoms or molecules, as in gases, liquids or solids, but subatomic (elementary) particles with their charges, spins, dipoles, the origin of which is based on the same vortices. That is, homogeneous vortices are like densifications of matter with individual properties, each of which, interacting with each other, forms its own "spatial" network.

Then, space itself consists of an innumerable number of various three-dimensional networks, which differ from each other only in the properties of homogeneous vortices in their nodes, for example, the frequency of all radiation spectra, or the difference in the properties of elementary particles, etc. At the same time, the mobility and density of charges (particles) in each of these spatial networks depend not only on the interaction of "related" vortices with each other, but also on the cumulative mutual influence of charges among themselves in the nodes of all neighboring networks located in a single environment of the environment. Which are constantly in the dynamics of decay or the formation of new structures and forms of matter in this space.

For example, gases, liquids, plasma, solids and all objects formed from them based on the interaction of their charges on the principles of electricity and magnetism. Let us call such imaginary spatial networks "gravitational" because in the first approximation each vortex interacts with neighboring vortices through the matter of the medium involved in rotation, including the "zero" vortices, that is, repelling each other through the environment of the environment.

At the same time, mobile, constantly deforming, heterogeneous networks interact with each otherthrough the gradients of their charges, without changing the properties of each other, but forming new more complex forms of dynamically developing, or, on the contrary, degrading matter in space.

Fig. 7. Bravet crystal lattice (Photoshop)

Rice. 8. Eggs as "zero" vortices of the network (photoshop)

Does it follow from this that any body in space is the result of the mutual influence of electromagnetic fields? That everything consists of charges and their interactions with each other? In fact, vortices are not formed without charges, because any vortex is a charge of energy. The greater the spin or intensity of the vortex's rotation, the higher the charge. Without vortices, there can be no elementary particles, as clumps of condensation of the matter of space, as carriers of charge. This means that there can be no talk of interactions between them on the principles of electricity and magnetism, just as there can be no talk of spatial lattices with their atoms and molecules in the nodes. Without vortices, there is no matter and, as a result, there is no space itself, as matter.

It turns out that the oscillations of elementary particles, their chaoticness, interactions, and interdependence are the basis for the existence of any matter. In each of us, as in everything that surrounds us, there is a constant interconnection between the charge densities of vortex clumps of elementary matter in space. All bodies influence each other, building the coverage of certain zones of the environment with their radiations (vibrations of vortices), fields, from object to object and towards each other with the speed of light, interweaving spatial networks of different properties and energy, which also interact with each other as modulated electromagnetic fields, absorbing or destroying each other.

How, then, can numerous forms and material objects be formed in such a space, if the innumerable and varied "gravitational" networks of space everywhere retain their individual properties and are incapable of modifying the basis of each other's "alien" structure? Without a doubt, the stability of each individual "gravitational" network depends only on the presence in nature of an innumerable number of free and relatively stable homogeneous elementary particles of matter with completely different properties. Such as the well-known photons, neutrinos, electrons, protons, neutrons, etc., which determine the quantitative diversity of such networks in the environment. But in this same single space, in parallel with its structural fields of the entire electromagnetic spectrum, there are other networks, in the nodes of which atoms, molecules and even stable compounds of various substances are located, in even greater diversity. Ubiquitous interactions in a single mobile space between these charges lead to the formation of not only various types and forms of matter, but also states of matter. Therefore, their emergence and movement in space has a locally pronounced character, which depends on the degree of tension (excitation) of a specific environment surrounding space.

Let us now define what is meant by "spatial" and "gravitational" networks. In essence, they are the same thing. But the "gravitational" network of "zero" vortices is the matrix of the structure of space, its basis, its matter that is present inside everything that exists, its building material. Space is the infinity of "zero" vortices ("Newtonia" and "Coronia"). Something that today is consciously identified with the "ether". The rest of the "spatial" networks are the same imaginary networks, but with other homogeneous, mobile, vortex, dipole formations in their nodes, the structure of which consists of the same "zero" vortices, but they interact with each other as charges of a different intensity. This means that they can also be called "gravitational", but in a different classification.

In this case, how does the movement of objects, including living ones, arise in space? On what mechanisms and principles does their movement take place?

In one of the chapters, we will touch on this topic in more detail, when we already have a sufficient baggage of information, but now we will briefly outline the basis of events. This is very similar to the appearance and change of images on the display screen, where certain colors of the monitor's pixels are activated at certain excitation signals. Only everything happens on the volumetric matrix of the "gravitational" network.

Let us try to consider the processes of formation of bodies (objects) in space using the example of the transformation of water in the atmosphere. We know that when the temperature in the atmosphere decreases, condensation occurs, that is, the formation of water molecules from oxygen and hydrogen atoms, and when it rises, the reverse process of evaporation, or a return to the atomic state of the gas. Let us imagine that atoms are the result of connections between the charges of various structures and forms of elementary particles, which, in turn, are generated not only by the charges of the "zero" vortices of space, but also by contacts with each other under certain external influences of the environment. And molecules are the product of the interconnection of various atoms and energy from the outside. That is, the entire variety of vortices, their shapes and structures, is chaotic, zonal and relatively evenly mixed in space. But "everything interacts with everything", flows and forms from one another, due to the presence of a charge gradient in a single "gravitational" network of "zero" vortices of space, its matter, on the principles of electricity and magnetism.

Does this mean that the total space of the "gravitational" network consists of zones with a relatively laminar state of the proper structure of matter ("zero" vortices) and zones where this matter is excited by various charge gradients, with continuous expansion into each other? The first type, for example, corresponds to expansion processes, and the second to contraction. Or disintegration and synthesis, as harmonics of the eternal rhythm, to maintain the very existence and development of space.

Any dipole, which is any particle of matter (or body), as a vibrating system, as a complete charge of a multitude of its structural vortices created by the interconnection of elementary condensations of the matter of space, oscillates or radiates and receives waves in its half-cycles. Moreover, it receives its own or similar properties, but already reflected from the medium or modulated waves, in the structure of which information about the state of the external bodies of the environment is imprinted. And in this way, he recognizes "his social circle" for further internal mutations in the development processes. That is, we are no longer dealing just with electrical phenomena, but also with information flows, the basis of which is magnetism. This means that the movement of any matter in space is not simply its physical movement of its integral form. Nature does not have extra resources for the transportation and logistics of huge volumes of matter over cosmic distances. Consequently, any movement of bodies (objects) in space, like their appearance or disappearance, is the result of their constant and endless rearrangement from the materials of the environment according to radiation signals from the information-energy network of electromagnetic fields of space.

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Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
28 şubat 2025
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727 s. 246 illüstrasyon
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