Kitabı oku: «Theory of vortex creation and control», sayfa 5

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Thus, innumerable combined electromagnetic fields are built on a matrix of "gravitational" networks of a single space, the basis of which are vortices of subatomic particles with densities in descending order of the intensity of the charges of their vortex dipoles. Moreover, regardless of the direction of their rotation. The primary basis of the structure of the entire space is determined by the same "zero" vortices. It is they who fill the vast voids inside all the nuclei and atoms of matter, up to the boundless expanses of the Universe, in the form of a relatively uniform, stable, "gravitational" vortex network, due to their inconceivably small size and the highest density of location to each other.

And if this is so, then what determines the constant elasticity of such a space? The thing is that "zero" vortices (like all free particles) are in no way "tied" to their positions in the networks, they are mobile in all directions, and under external influence they can overflow like "water through your fingers", without changing their structure at all. "Zero" vortices, like eggs (see Fig. 8), with any impact on them, "flow" from one place to another and return to their previous state, instantly filling the vacated environment. Moreover, they can pass into a non-free state, completely disappearing from the node of their network in the gravitational field of space, being the initial material for the construction of other forms of matter, when interacting with other vortex formations of completely different particles. The place of the vortex that has fallen out of the net is immediately filled with related vortices from the environment of neighboring cells. Therefore, they are constantly consumed and generated, influencing the overall density of the structure of a particular space medium, depending on the impact of external charges.

All these properties are equally translated to other spatial "gravitational" networks with other charges (elementary particles) in their nodes. That is, the distances between free vortices in the nodes of all "gravitational" networks are unstable and depend on the energy of external influence or the intensity of neighboring vortices. At such moments of excitation of space, any particular environment of its environment is locally in a relatively unstable energy state. Then it can be filled with other matter, or pass through it, or create other phenomena with other possibilities.

In other words, a balanced symmetrical system becomes asymmetrical, excited, and always strives to return to its initial state, constantly being dependent on external influences. However, it must be understood that everywhere in space, both in the micro and in the macrocosm, any system, if it is in motion, is asymmetrical. Each body, from "small" to "large", always has a reciprocal effect on each other. The energies of their vortices repel each other, balance or push each other, combine or separate depending on the volume of their bodies and the number of their charges, in fact, their inertia. All matter is in constant motion and vibrations, "living or inanimate", it is the essence and product of vortices, as condensations of their own clots of space. Which, by fusion and fission, form elementary particles, atoms and molecules, gaseous and solid, liquid and plasma. Just as by decay and decomposition, "zero" vortices and elementary particles arise again and again. And everything repeats itself in the eternal rhythm of rotations. Nature constantly "inhales" and "exhales" in its endless movement towards perfection.

We often mention this phrase – "excitation of space". What is the mechanism of this excitation? What triggers certain processes and why?

Take, for example, the planetary system, after all, it is a kind of pendulum. Under certain external influences, its vibrations can be undampened. But resonance phenomena can also occur, which do not depend on the volume of the pendulum and, therefore, can lead to both destruction and increased stability of the mechanical system. Our system is also affected by periodically occurring phenomena in the form of asteroids, comets, "parades of planets", the influence of the planets themselves on each other under the radiation of the Sun, etc. Doesn't it look like the system is trying to synchronize? Where do the planets behave like separate pendulums on a single platform of the oscillating solar system? Does this mean that all the matter of the Universe, being in one coordinate system of a single space, strives for synchronization with each other from the very beginning of its appearance? Or only in gradient zones?

Probably, over billions of years of development, this trend has been preserved in the synchronization of elementary particles in atoms, and atoms in molecules of matter, etc., and has reached a certain level not only in its individual harmonic oscillations, but also in general between all matter. The process, obviously, is not complete, which means that space, being a material object, can play the role of a common platform, within which numerous chaotic oscillations endlessly occur. Does this mean that through imbalance, the system creates perturbations of particles with its oscillations and fields? Waves are generated in space, which form their own interference fields of interactions with each other to create balance, to achieve energy equilibrium. Synchronously or asynchronously uniting into their structures according to their properties, to balance the energy states in all planetary systems. At the same time, with predictable periodicity, such as meteors, comets, asteroids, even cosmic dust, exciting the matter of space with gradients and synchronizing it in the direction of the lowest potential of charges. And after the "breaking" of the dipoles, or giving the necessary impulse, the environment returns to its previous "stable" energy state. This means that synchronization manifests itself from symmetry, and asymmetry helps to stabilize synchronized states. That is, asymmetrical, excited energy systems tend to synchronize the vibrations of all sources in that system in order to achieve symmetry. Isn't that why nature always returns to balance?

But isn't it true that the presence of any source of charge creates clusters of opposite charges around it, or forms a gradient? How, then, is the energy of space capable of carrying this charge or converting it into an electric current?

Let's return once again to our car battery, as a source of both positive and negative charges, which are quite close to each other. Such a battery is both a generator and an emitter, and a receiver of various kinds of waves and fields. Let us imagine that the environment around the poles of the battery in the atmosphere has instantly become an accumulation of a huge number of elementary particles with their toroidal vortices of dipoles, a kind of nebula of energy quanta, which is inevitably affected by the external electromagnetic field of the medium. And now, instead of a chaos of positively and negatively charged particles, our "plus" is surrounded on all sides by a sphere of negative charges, and the "minus" is enveloped by a cloud of positively charged particles pushed out from the outside (see Fig. 9). Symmetry has been broken, and we have the right to assume that now the distribution of charges in the surrounding space is dispersed unevenly, or asymmetrically. That is, our "+" and "-" batteries form a conditionally single dipole, where chemical reactions create positive and minus charges terminals. This actually distorts the space around our battery and causes impressive streams of electromagnetic energy spreading through the medium in all directions from each pole of the battery.

Fig. 9. Charges Over Battery Pack

Fig. 10. The energy tunnel between the charges in the chaos of the "zero" vortices of the medium

In that case, why doesn't the battery stop working? Obviously, because energy is not taken from the battery, but from the environment. In other words, the battery only forms a dipole, which turns the local environment of the confined space around it into a tense, unstable state. A state that begins to pour energy in all directions, and part of this energy from the environment is captured by our battery.

Then, why does the battery discharge during the operation of the electrical circuit if no energy is spent from it? It's simple, we create an electrical circuit with feedback, where when a potential difference is applied, an electric current flows through the wires, reaches the other pole of the battery and at the same moment destroys the dipole of the battery. At the same time, the distribution of charges in the space around the source becomes symmetrical and uniform. Everything stops immediately. The huge amount of available free energy disappears without delay, and we return to the original "zero" state. But our battery again immediately creates positive and negative charges, and the mechanism starts again and again. The process is so fast that we do not see interruptions in the operation of the circuit, where there is a constant recreation of the dipole, which causes the battery to discharge and lose its energy.

So, the battery does not provide electricity, which drives the circuit and causes the work of consumer mechanisms. The energy of the charges flows into the circuit from the immediate environment and is converted into an electric current. And we only need a way to remove this energy without continuously destroying the dipole. It has long been known that every law of conservation of energy is a balance or symmetry. When symmetry is broken, the law immediately begins to operate, but at a new level of the state of energy of the electromagnetic potential. And it works. Such energy states of space form different fields that need to be structured before energy can be extracted from it.

How, then, is this energy transferred through matter and space at unimaginable speeds?

Everyone knows that an alternating electromagnetic field is a sequence of mutual instantaneous transformations in space of magnetic and electric fields excited by oscillating charges. With such a disturbance, or the formation of a potential difference in the medium, a local reorientation of the direction of the dipoles of the "zero" vortices of space (and other dipoles) occurs with the formation of lines of force of magnetic and electric fields in the direction of energy transfer vectors. That is, the "zero" and other vortices in the nodes of the "gravitational" networks of space unfold in such a way that multiple semblances of "tunnels" are formed from toruses connected along their axes (see Fig. 10). The number of such conductors can be infinitely large until they are equal energy fields of the outer shells of vortices of interacting excited charges.

Rarefaction is always present inside the vortex torus, so the attachment or repulsion along the vortex axis depends only on the direction of rotation, "+" or "-" (see Fig. 11). When they coincide, the lines of force (inversion) of each torus on the outer surface of the "tunnels" merge into a single wave surface of the force field, forming a common spiral vortex in the form of a dense energy shell. The speed of current movement of the resulting charges inside such protected conductors increases dramatically. At the same time, the rotation speed of the torus vortex disks increases in each dipole, and under the external influence of the environment, they shrink more and more strongly (see Fig. 12).

Fig. 11. Axial interactions of torus

Fig. 12. The tightened structure of the energy tunnels of the "zero" vortices

Let us recall that each dipole of the "zero" vortex in the structures of a set of such charge transfer lines, between two sources of potential difference, has its own Block boundaries, through which radiation from the outside, including negative energy, is received.

Polarized charges cannot penetrate inside through the dense energy shell of the tunnels and move along them to their poles, forming external magnetic fields of right or left rotation. In this way, stable and extended "tunnels" or lines of force are formed to various sources of potential differences, through which the energy of space disturbance flows in a continuous flow until the dipole collapses (see Fig. 13). However, when the potential is supplied (restored), the dipoles are immediately connected by lines of force and everything is recreated again and again. And the higher the potential difference, the more lines of force are formed. The process can be endless, each pulse gives rise to energy "tunnels" and pushes charges through them like a pump, creating an electric current of charges (movement).

Fig. 13. Magnetic dust along the lines of force charges (photoshop)

Fig. 14. Magnetic lines of energy between two dipole tunnels in our galaxy (photoshop)

Of course, clouds of ions of different signs accumulate around, which also excite with the appearance of gradients in space, creating electrostatic fields.

The combinations of spatial orientation of vortices described above are also formed as multiple channels of a different shape, including those with heterogeneous particles of matter during the disintegration or construction of new structures. For example, if different, but commensurate energies of charges are coaxially attracted, then in the formed dipole, there is a shift of the Block boundary from the weaker to the stronger. Then, in a more powerful dipole, the outer vortices close as a single one, and the inner ones, as stronger ones, connect at the Block boundary, forming an axially skewed structure of an elongated double torus, like the dome of a church.

It can be said that the pumping of perturbation energy from one object to another occurs within the reach of its own fields, before the potential is equalized. In principle, the process of such counter-construction of lines of force from the matter of space can be interrupted if the perturbation energy is insufficient. It is interesting that such constructions affect external bodies and objects through the magnitude of their charges, giving them the momentum of the corresponding vector of motion. Up to splitting or zeroing, or accumulating in more powerful gatherings of energy.

Does this mean that absolutely between all objects in space where tension exists, such counter structures are built in the form of lines of force, as energy "tunnels" of magnetic and electric fields? From the intrinsic matter of synchronized "gravitational" networks, such as elementary particles of matter or gases, which can be used to transmit energy and information at a distance, such as wireless technologies? In this case, it is only necessary to create conditions for the stability of the lines of the selected phenomenon between two points in space (see Fig. 14). After all, the reaction to the perturbations of the environment always exists, even without the formation of transmitting "tunnels", for example, in the form of separate single formations, like torus vortices.

Obviously, by transferring energy to the consumer over distances, we, one way or another, turn it into electric current. So, what is this current that originates and travels in magnetic and electric fields? Who has the same arousal mechanisms everywhere?

Electric current is not so much the movement of charges in our common understanding, and even more so not the movement of charged particles in the body of a conductor at the speed of light. Electric current is the intensity of waves of "zero" vortices of the medium surrounding elementary particles of the gravitational network between two charges of different names in space. These waves resemble "von Kármán tracks" as charge carriers. A kind of "wind movement" of toroidal vortices waves in the numerous formed energy channels of the conductor's general electromagnetic field.

For the medium of matter, it can be said that the electric current is a function of the "gradient" of the electromagnetic field excited by the axial vibrations of the vortices of the torus of elementary particles of the structure of the matter of the conductor during the formation of a dipole. We know that the occurrence of such a dipole, or in a sense the polarization of a conductor, its atoms and particles, depends on the properties of the material. When a potential difference is created, not only in the conductor, but also outside it, all the dipoles of the substance in the form of a "gas" of charges are synchronized to the side with the lowest content of electric charge and do not interfere with the creation of a magnetic wave that carries the electric current. If the charge of potentials is too high, for example, for the cross-section of a wire, then the nuclei of the atoms of its substance cannot hold electrons in their orbits and the wire is destroyed, turning into other compounds.

If it is quite fundamental, proceeding from the fact that all substances, its structures and forms are nothing but the synthesis of the matter of space itself, then the electric current can be defined as the gradient of the field of "zero" vortices of the "gravitational" network of space. And this is quite fair, because all elementary particles, atoms, molecules, bodies, etc., are based on the same "zero" vortices, from which space itself is created.

For example, in a metal conductor, electrons in the absence of an electric field carry out chaotic thermal motion with a disorderly direction in space, where there is a whole cloud of free electrons that jump from one state to another. But under the influence of the potential difference, an electric field arises. Not only the chaotic motion is ordered, but also the orientation of all elementary particles of the "gravitational" network of the structure of matter along the direction vector of this field, forming multiple energy "tunnels" of lines of force not only in the conductor itself, but also outside it. In addition, the free electrons receive some acceleration in this direction, increasing their speed and intensity. But this does not mean that the electrons in the conductor metal move at the speed of light and transmit electric current, as they write in textbooks. In the metal structure of a conductor, a free electron moves at a very low speed, maybe a few centimeters per hour. It is not able to move faster, bumping into particles of matter in front of it, such a jumping movement in the direction of the current is obtained. Although the current, and we already know why, flows along the conductor (and along the conductor) at a speed slightly lower than the speed of light, due to the presence of inductance.

A completely fair question arises: what do all these theoretical studies promise us in the end about what is invisible, hidden from us in everyday life?

The fact is that reality is arranged in such a way that "small actions trigger a large chain of events." And this knowledge is the basis for solving the main task – the acquisition by each of us of a source of affordable, safe and unlimited energy. And then the most incredible opportunities will be possible. For example, you can completely abandon any transport networks, even highways, not spoil the landscape, forget about the problems with car parking, airports, train stations, they will not be needed at all. Any distances and through any obstacles will be available to everyone, regardless of the volume and amount of cargo, at any time convenient for you without any fuss – complete freedom of movement.

Imagine that you have moccasins, of course, the first samples will be like the first TVs. But then, they will turn into branded sneakers or gloves, wearing which you will gain not only weightlessness, but also the ability to easily fly on your own, without anyone's help, controlling the gadget intuitively. Wireless power, in the form of a smartphone, will be habitually located in your trouser pocket or backpack. The same plates can be fixed on the bottom of your car or in the corners of your hut and travel anywhere in them. Parking for such lovers of antiquity will be replaced by a balcony or kitchen window, where you can tie a vehicle on any floor, like a balloon, and in the morning dive into it and go about your business. Probably, the first "gravity caps", for obvious reasons, will be similar to hybrid cars.

Or another version of the application of this theory in practice is the recreation of any object in any place in space, not only on Earth, without any effort, design and building materials. Not much is needed for this – an energy source that is known, a magnetic archive with an emitter of information recorded for this purpose, and a place where it is necessary to implement the object from its own matter of the environment. All this applies both to food and to living cells inside living organisms, where any changes can be made under the influence of modulated radiations adapted to the information network of electromagnetic fields of space. This is active longevity, victory over disease, hunger and millions of saved lives of children and adults. Is it possible that even for the sake of this "small", despite a lot of other opportunities, there are not enough arguments to finally start research and prototyping? Someone will say that this is impossible. It is not true; the road will be mastered by the one who walks.

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Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
28 şubat 2025
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Yazıldığı tarih:
727 s. 246 illüstrasyon
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