Kitabı oku: «Theory of vortex creation and control», sayfa 8

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We have talked a lot about the instantaneous propagation of information through the "zero" vortices of the "gravitational" network, as a property of the matter of space. A reasonable question arises, does such a broadcasting source require energy? And, if so, is it possible to transmit information in space without spending energy at all?

It is obvious that in the presence of a charge gradient in the environment, along with the energy of interaction between objects, information is also transmitted through the particles of the medium, similar to a set of fragments in the form of the smallest "pixels", as discrete fingerprints of the events taking place. And if there are no gradients in space, a relative equilibrium of energy is reached, what happens in this case? It turns out that in this case the information is still transmitted, although in the "gravitational" network of the medium all the charges of the "zero" vortices are the same (comparable), that is, there is no gradient between them. In this case, the very process of information transfer, as the original impression of each "pixel" of the event from arm to arm of neighboring vortices, is transferred without the slightest expenditure of energy, and the speed of propagation depends only on their intensity (see Fig. 15).

In the previous chapters we mentioned that everything in the world consists of vortices of condensed matter of the medium, their intensity of rotations, or charges, which are capable of transforming into various types of matter and vice versa under external influence. We know that the space of space, like our atmosphere, land and oceans, is filled with many energy fields and elementary particles of various sizes, charges, spins, etc. Take, for example, our atmosphere, everything in it is saturated with mobile matter, which constantly interacts with each other and matter from the outside. As a result, depending on the number of charges, all objects are located in a suspended or pressed state to the surface of the planet. But this situation is changing all the time, in the pursuit of energy balance. That is, all elementary particles invisible to our eyes, in our conditional "freeze-frame" of time, are located in the air around us quite densely in relation to each other and in a suspended state in relation to us. And this can be felt by the resistance of the atmosphere to any of our movements. For example, by spreading our hands, we affect the air, dust in it, gas atoms, water molecules, etc., which consist of the same elementary particles and vortices, creating a charge gradient with our energy impulses. The fact is that universal chaos or energy entropy is constantly present in nature. Any contact of material objects with each other can be represented as a contact of vortices of their environment. Such an event inevitably leaves traces of mechanical, electromagnetic, or other interactions, basically as the transmission of energy impulses from one oscillatory circuit to another. That is, the desire for uniformity of the environment, such as from warm to cold or to the destruction of gradients. Any new event causes a new impulse of energy, which slowly and inevitably dissolves into space. It turns out that this cycle of energy entropy in the micro and macrocosm is the main event in the Universe? It is entropy, mixed with chaos, that forces numerous oscillatory circuits, such as elementary particles, various fields, etc., to unite, penetrating each other, forming larger structural vibrational systems of various substances, bodies or objects. And, as a result, it constantly auto synchronizes with the constantly changing structural oscillatory circuits, which in the process of their life activity must inevitably loss or gain energy in space from the outside. And the cycle will repeat itself in another event, over and over again. Something like the pumping of energy impulses from one circuit to another over a long period of time – millions of years. Such an endless alternation of events, eternal chaos, as the desire for homogeneity and destruction.

Suppose that the Universe lives according to the laws of cyclicity of oscillations, that is, the cyclicity of events. In this case, is it possible that the parameters of vibrations and rhythms of matter also replace each other chaotically and unsystematically? And is it so true to say that all oscillatory circuits are different from each other, and there is not a single one alike?

It is very likely that in nature, every body, "animate or inanimate," returns to its original state. Take, for example, the production of bricks, which is made up of clay, sand, water, and thermal energy. In hundreds of years, bricks, losing energy, will again turn into raw materials. It turns out that each circuit (object) has its own period of return to the initial equilibrium state with the environment of the environment. The vibration system, for example, of a human being, consists of a huge number of its own oscillatory circuits, ranging from elementary particles to the general contour of the biofield of the human body. All of them have their own strictly defined parameters and rhythms, which are supported by energy impulses from outside each circuit, thanks to both interaction with the environment and its reaction. Here, the human body acts as a single platform for the interconnection and synchronization of all structural contours. It can be compared to, for example, when several people try to rock a boat with their legs, moving in the same rhythm and in one leg. If one of them moves in the wrong rhythm and in the wrong foot, then the boat itself, its hull, its more intense vibrations will force the lost person to synchronize with everyone. Otherwise, it will break its leg or stop creating asynchronous oscillations (see Fig. 16). At the same time, each person in the boat has his own individual biorhythms, which are synchronized with his internal organs, like a living system, etc. These synchronization processes have been formed for thousands of years as the formation and development of the organism itself and its own life cycle.

In other words, any vibration system inevitably acquires cyclicality, a certain duration of various internal oscillatory processes. And this depends not only on the parameters of oscillations, but also on the impact of impulses of objects from the outside, that is, the environment of the environment, including from space. The system adjusts to stronger external influences. As a result, there is a certain sequence of different fluctuations in quantitative and qualitative terms, which is stably repeated with enviable cyclicity and periodicity. This means that the events of the past will necessarily be repeated with different periodicity. Perhaps with slight deviations in the parameters depending on the emergence of new external influences. The period of these repetitions can be infinitely long, because the number of contours that make it up can be infinitely large. For example, like in space. Therefore, vibration systems in space exist with life cycles of millions and billions of years.

In this section, we tried to figure out whether information about the past life of a person or other object is preserved in the bowels of the Universe. And if so, where and how? And is there a possibility that every moment of the birth and development of the Universe itself has been preserved? Undoubtedly, during the propagation of energy-informational forms of the phenomenon in space, the neighboring objects of the environment through their contours of vibration systems reflect and, thus, transmit around all the information about the structure and functionality of the event that has taken place. And we understand that this information can be found and read, and in the future, it is possible to create clones. It is a pity that the level of development of today's technologies does not allow us to implement the entire process, but we already know that it is possible.

Now, having a certain amount of knowledge about electromagnetic fields, we can assert that when any "observer" participates in any experiment, he necessarily affects the surrounding substances and fields with his biofield, but most of all with pulses of vortex, modulated, packaged electromagnetic (energy-informational) radiation, including through an ordinary view of the object research.

Fig. 16. Coordinated actions of people in a boat (photoshop)

Fig. 17. A single image of an object from "singular" structures (photoshop)

This is relevant for well-known phenomena in experiments with de Broglie wave interference, in experiments with quantum entanglement, and many others. The pulse of a vortex electromagnetic wave, formed by the brain and sent through the eye systems in the form of radiations, excites the space of the environment and exerts an external influence on its vortex oscillatory systems of various forms of matter, changes or creates new compounds and substances, accelerates or slows down processes with its energy and information through the properties of magnetism and electricity.

At the same time, the "observer" is able to transmit electromagnetic influences even mentally, only imagining a particular solution to the problem of the phenomenon. It is obvious that such waves create multilayered, stable packages of vortex endless formations in the form of energy-informational "tunnels" with radiation in all directions from the "observer". Such a source, such as a person, for example, produces a strictly individual spectrum of matter radiation in the structure of the vibration system, by which it is possible not only to find it in space, as long as it radiates, but also to determine its functionality, state, parameters, etc. As long as the source of the "observer" emits signals, its field is able to leave "phantoms" (information) of its form of matter in the environment, including in its photographs, as an "individual spectrum" of its "encoding" or "name" in space. Yes, yes, photographs, because they, too, like any matter, emit images fixed on them, which necessarily interact with the fields of the space of the environment, resonating and responding to the species vibrations in them. That is, a photo of any object necessarily retains specific contact with the source of its image in the environment of space. This probably also applies to things that he touched, and on which there is an archival fragmentary record of opposition from the outside.

Then, if there is such a phenomenon of preserving the image of events by "phantoms" in photographs or things, then, obviously, there is a possibility of removing this information (overwriting) and transferring it to other objects in order to correct new or changed forms of matter, for example, to other people. Or the possibility of influencing a person with his own old information of the spectrum of his own radiations, a kind of true encrypted code. In this case, we can safely talk about wave, coded, modulated and packet radiation of the source of electromagnetic waves, which form the structure of vortex multispectral oscillatory processes. These waves are able to penetrate almost anywhere, creating replication patterns of the forms and structures of matter everywhere in their path, due to the spin properties of their vortex, discrete radiations, forming numerous and varying in duration "phantoms" in the medium of their propagation. Radiating and receiving back the information of the environment, it changes its properties, influences the surrounding matter constantly, until the source of the field exists and disintegrates into its smaller structural oscillatory circuits, or unites, under the influence of external energy, into a larger form of matter (vibrational system).

If information is an image (phantom) of an event (movement), then what is its carrier, how and on what is it reflected in space?

It is obvious that all particles, as sources of radiation, interact with each other in the environment with their vortices, dipoles, charges, and other instruments of electricity and magnetism. This means that the fields or forms of matter consisting of them are a concentration of more complete information, in contrast to the single form of their structure. As a result, a deeper, summing image of the interaction between different objects or fields of events is created (see Fig. 17). It's like a huge school of fish or birds, or pixels on a computer screen, each of which participates in changing the overall pattern of the event's motion in space. That is, the pulses of oscillations of all spectra of radiation, during the interaction of the species waves of vortices through the matter of the medium, respond or resonate with each other, storing and reflecting information, as a copy of the images of movements, to neighboring objects from one to another, transmitting it to the infinity of the Universe, by the emergence of magnetic resonance between the arms of their rotating dipoles. Therefore, the information signal is able to travel through space for billions of years, resonating at every moment of its movement with the related vibrational circuits of elementary particles, fields, charges, etc., which certainly exist in all the diversity in space, reflected in more and more new vortices of dipoles of the matter of space. As a result, the speed of information transmission can exceed the speed of light. The amount of energy in such images is negligible, but being reflected, excited, and resonating from one specific object of the "spatial" network to another, once created, the event is able to retain its images for as long as there is no one to interact with in the environment and the process fades away by itself. And this depends on the density of the matter of space, its gradients, etc. Obviously, not all information can lead to energy interaction between objects, but a change in the state of even one element of the structure of a vibration system can affect the state of the entire object.

Now, let's try to imagine that everything around us is a reflection of events in each of our individual times. Any movement in the present invariably influences subsequent events in the future, which in an instant also become the present. Phenomena in space, as it were, run in, constantly keeping us in a slice of our own real time, and everything else is thrown into the past, which remains for us already an image in our memory. With a certain assumption, we now understand that in reality each of us exists only himself and various reflections (copies) of past events, by the amount of their distance. With the very objects of events in space at a given moment of time in reality, or physically, we always contact with a delay, although they are in the same space with us, but in the images of our past. That is, with reflections as information, and with the objects themselves, as sources of vibrations, but at a distance. In other words, in the reality of our present, our past events, there is no interaction with the environment. In order to predict future phenomena, it is necessary to correctly analyze past information about the event.

Does this mean that information for us is not a field or energy as such? This is just a mutual mirror image of events in the vortex electromagnetic fields of objects when they interact with each other in space. Or the influence of neighboring vortices of matter, which certainly leave changes (imprints) in the structures of their energy levels. And which, as projections of the events of their contacts with each other, are comparable, for example, with coding when transmitting data from punched tapes of ordinary teletypes. And they are recorded in the form of changes in the parameters of magnetic fields in the dipoles of the matter of space itself. Encoding, reproduction and transmission of information in the environment, through rewrites and reflections from field to field of vortices of all interacting forms of matter, as images in all the diversity of radiation spectra, are the processes of information transmission in space.

In fact, phenomena or events are excitations or deviations of the movement of energy, its lines of force, changes in various gradients and parameters of fields in a certain place in the environment of space, violation of the integrity of vortex flows from the previous unexcited state, etc. And their information, like a "virus" of vortices, is transmitted in space from one to another along a curve similar to a sinusoid arising at the boundaries of vortex formations. is akin to a "longitudinal scalar" wave, whose field travels faster than the speed of light. Perhaps on such curves, energy-saturated multi-layered vortex fields of interactions arise, which transmit information over huge distances almost instantaneously. Such waves in space are generated by vortices at the boundaries of their contact with each other at fantastic pressures.

That is, any change or movement is an event that immediately becomes information, as a reflection in the transformed state of the fields of interaction of the matter of space. And this is another confirmation that information can be read and removed from the magnetic field of the structure of matter as its carrier. It has already been noted that in itself such single information is insignificant, but in the aggregate of reflection or general projection on the environment of the environment, it forms an image of the action or motion of matter. Then, the influence of the vortex fields transferred by information is omnipresent, it causes a response in response to the information impact by the release of energy in the environment. Isn't this phenomenon a confirmation of the possibility of building any form as an object at any point in space from the matter of space itself and energy, excited by the informational impact of the vortices of the "gravitational" network, as a unity of electricity and magnetism? This means that any living being is able to influence vortex fields as a carrier of information, introduce changes and set new settings, arousing energy counteractions in their electromagnetic fields, bursts that change the structure, form and energy of the matter of space.

Information can be transmitted both inside and outside the object. How is recognizable information from past and present memory stored, identified, and retrieved in the current event?

First of all, by building situational models, using various comparison tools, including the previously mentioned resonant contact of recognition. We have already found out that no energy is required for the transmission and storage of information during the interactions between the fields of vortices, but the speed of transmission will depend on the energy capabilities of the vibration systems. At the same time, the primary information about the events, imprinted in the fields of magnetic vortices of structural contours and general systems of various forms of matter, is preserved forever as long as they exist. Any data: visual, sounds, smells, sensations, etc., is a "record" on its own energy carriers of the results of the interaction of the vortices of matter, such as the deformation of fields, their absorption, reflection, refraction, etc., which are layered on previous changes during "archiving". Surprisingly, such an "archive" can be extracted, rewound into the opposite, like a film, up to the very beginning of existence. Because everything about the phenomena of decay and synthesis is discretely always preserved in the form of fragments in the new objects that are formed, since all mutations originate from the previous basis of their states.

In this case, if everything around us is the result of events as interactions of all forms of matter in space over billions of years, then can we assume that the world we know is just unlimited information in its possibilities and variety? A series of flashes of mass and endless separate episodes of vortex movements? And only one moment in this infinity is the real reality, like the border of the "before" and "after" zones, and everything else is the memory of past existence or information? Because, in fact, any motion is a source of information, which is necessarily accompanied by matter, and this is true, one does not exist without the other. Surprisingly, everything rushes from the past to the present, trying to stay on this edge of the achieved time. This means that any information is a trace of the movement or transformation of the matter of space. And this, therefore, is not the future or even the present, but the past time, like the path traveled. And it does not matter at all whether the trace was left a long time ago or is just being formed, and we are talking about living or inanimate matter. And if so, is it true that information is only a philosophical, mental concept? Obviously, yes, if we talk about information for the "observer". And no, if we mean the interactions of matter that objectively occur in space, as events that change the state of each other, constantly emitting and receiving reflections of the environment and its information. Including as a necessary condition for the implementation of the first statement. And there is a lot of confirmation of this in modern gadgets, transport, communications, etc., where magnetic media are used to control or archive information. As around us in nature, where each object stores data about itself and its interactions with the environment, in its internal structures, mutations, properties, functionalities, composition, as well as in its electromagnetic fields.

Consequently, it can be stated with certainty that information in nature is a response, as a reaction of the environment to an event, as a single code of communication on the basis of electricity and magnetism, without which the interaction of matter, as the movement of charges and vortices, is impossible, and therefore the evolution of space is impossible. Incredibly, space is the energy of vortices that respond to interactions with each other. Think again and again that we, by moving, excite the environment around us, and every moment it acquires outlines in the mirror accuracy of our body with all its functional capabilities, properties, dynamics, because we consist of the same matter of space. All this happens due to the energy of charges, the archive of informative mutations in the structure of our vibration system and interactions with vibration sources from the outside. Our energy of a certain density and shape flows through space, along with information, due to the gradients of charges of matter in the environment itself. It is obvious that if there is a violation of the unified structure of the form of matter as a result of external interference during failures in the movement of such an energy-informational flow, then the body dies or collapses.

This means that teleportation is not a myth and can be spoken of as an instantaneous movement of an object. When information, as a change in the field structures of the contacting forms of matter of the environment, is transmitted from one "zero" vortex of the "gravitational" network of space to another in motion, in the full set of its vibration systems. In this case, it is quite possible to transmit images of events through the "spatial" network, as a virus or a package of viruses embedded in the structure of the electromagnetic fields of vortices, with almost instantaneous de livery to any place in the environment to recreate the object (event) itself at the destination. And for this purpose, it is only necessary to activate the resonant electromagnetic response in the vibration circuits of the matter of space in order to create an energy-informational "growth point" of the object in the environment of the environment from the energy and matter of space itself. Which is often confirmed in the nature around us. Does not everything on our planet grow out of the matter of the environment, such as plants, trees, animals, crystals, etc.? When invisible matter passes into visible matter, and the form that is laid down in the "growth point" grows out of the matter of the environment, as information. Because any matter is, first of all, the processes of energy exchange, as the equivalent of radiation, and any radiation is a field, as a property of matter to vibrate. This means that any vibration circuit (system) is matter as part of the structure of matter or matter of any form in any medium of space. And vibrations, radiating, transmit energy in the form of charges and information in the form of projections of vortex interaction events.

Such technology is seen as extremely popular primarily in medicine, when restoring worn-out or damaged human organs without any anesthesia, in real time, not to mention space or building objects anywhere in the world.

This means that we can conclude with the highest degree of certainty that information, as well as charges, cannot exist without vortices of matter in space, and therefore it is the structural content of their dipoles. And the higher the density of the forms of matter, the more and faster the information and energy spread in their environment. That is, if there is a gradient, such as a strength, then the fields perform work between particles or bodies in space. Of course, if the presence of a gradient is a condition for the presence of a vortex, then everything in the Universe consists of a variety of vortices of matter that are in dynamic contact with each other and the environment, united in vibrational systems with common rhythms of functioning. Then we, like all objects of nature, are constantly in the fields of tension, spending or acquiring energy from the outside. We are the gradient or the result of the change of charges in the volume of the form of matter – our body. The difference and variegation of forms as a result of the unification of different structures of dipoles are stable as long as they are subordinated to the uniform rhythms of the flow of charges in a single oscillatory system, as a process of synthesis of matter. But in the microcosm, with the size of protons in nuclei with an accuracy of fifteen decimal places and the highest oscillations of nucleons, their orbits of rotation turn into continuous layered spherical vortex formations. Obviously, rarefaction occurs inside such vortices, and external objects, repelling, further dense the surfaces of the spheres of nuclei and atoms of matter, forming stable dipoles with the properties of electricity and magnetism, which do not allow these structures to "collapse" to a point.

Then why don't various objects rush into rarefied zones in space, but rather stable systems of stars and galaxies are formed? After all, the interactions of "everything with everything" around occur through the condensation of matter, despite the fact that space is extremely saturated with energy, which is based on the gradients of the densities of vortex formations of a huge variety of different objects. Maybe there really exists an invisible form of matter with a sufficient density of matter to counteract the environment? And what if the process of materialization of information emitted into space is possible in a kind of field trap, as the center (area) of activation, in which the speed of its propagation slows down sharply without gradients with the medium from the outside? Like in an electromagnetic gateway, to equalize the energy densities at a given point, which is instantly formed in space when responding to information by magnetic resonance tools of the interaction of medium vortices. In order to take (copy) such an "imprint of the event" on a single electromagnetic field of the general vibration system of the newly synthesized form of the object's matter in space, or its structural vibration circuits.

In addition, all of the above allows for the amazing possibility that any material body, including a living object, can be made invisible, and then visible again, anywhere in space. By creating the effect of a field of "zero" oscillations for all its structural vibration circuits, such as elementary particles, atoms, molecules of substances, etc., or for a single form of its vibration system.

Everyone knows that we distinguish objects due to the effect of light reflection from them in the visible range of electromagnetic radiation. For example, take a closer look at the air in the room, dust is not visible, but if the sun's rays look through the window, it will be everywhere. And now imagine that each frequency in the spectrum of a wave of light reflected from any body has lost the ability to record information about the interaction with the body, as a reflection of its vortex structures in magnetic fields, and the reflection effect disappears or is absorbed by the field that compensates for it completely (see Fig. 18).

Fig. 18. Absorption of reflection waves in the EM field (photoshop)

How to achieve such a result? The first and simplest possibility is to recall the interference of incident and reflected waves of opposite directions in the opposite phase. In this case, for complete coherence of the fields, an optical filter from the noise information of the emitter will be required. And when the effect of standing waves is achieved in the vibration range of the previously recorded spectral analysis, any body in the zone irradiated by the source field loses its ability to reflect light in the vibration frequencies of both the body itself and each vibration circuit of its structure. The second side of the effect of "zero" oscillations is associated with the system of magnetic resonance suppression in the vortices of structural formations of the body by irradiation with directed noise electromagnetic fields.

The development of such technologies promises great opportunities for the hidden movements of not only people and mechanisms, but even the complete disappearance of entire cities from the field of view of others.

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Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
28 şubat 2025
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727 s. 246 illüstrasyon
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