Kitabı oku: «Notes and Queries, Index of Volume 3, January-June, 1851», sayfa 4

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I. (B. R.) on epigram on synod of Dort, 94.

–– on plafery, 88.

I. (C. H.) on mints at Norwich, 525.

Ich dien, motto, 106. 168.

I. (F.) on ancient wood engraving, 426.

Ignatius' Epistles, edited by Mr. Cureton, 138.

Ignobus on suppressed chantries, 24.

Ignore, its etymology, 169.

Image of both churches, its author, 407. 469.

Imagination, on its early culture, 38. 73. 152.

Inedited poetry, from Harleian MSS., 203. 218.

Inquisition, Histoire de l', its authorship, 11.

Inscription on an oak board, 240.

Ireland, notes on, 490.

Irish brigade, account of, 372.


J., on Criston, Somerset. 357.

–– on the correct prefix of mayors, 92.

–– James II., his natural daughter, 224. 249. 280. 506.

Jarltzberg on altar lights, &c., 68.

–– Barlaam and Josaphat, 278.

–– on Queen Mary's Lament, &c., 89.

–– on odour from the rainbow, 224.

–– on the vendace, 301.

Jarture, account of this work wanted, 89.

JasPer on collar of SS., 42.

Jaytee on record for existing monuments, 418.

–– on villenage, 411.

J. (B.) on egg and arrow ornament, 349.

Jerne on a carved ceiling, 424.

Jerrold (Douglas) on the sayer of "After me the deluge," 299.

Jesse's London, notes on, 84.

Jesuits, History of, the author? 328.

Jews in China, discovery of, 442.

J. (F.) on Ruggles' Ignoramus, 518.

J. (G. A.) on Scotch universities' hoods, 329.

J. (H.) on the curfew bell, 77.

–– on Ptolemy's presents to the Seventy-two, 449.

–– on Sir Walter Raleigh, 105.

–– on Sir Cloudesley Shovel, 23.

Jingo on self-striking clocks, 372.

J. (L.) on the curse of Scotland, 483.

–– on snail-eating, 221.

–– on record of existing monuments, 217.

J. (M.) on Maclean not Junius, 411.

John ap William on Welsh history, 447.

John, King, at Lincoln, 141. 290.

John's (St.) Bridge fair, 88. 287. 341. 469.

–—Vox populi vox Dei, 288.

Joan (Pope) whether a myth or a veritable lady, 265. 306. 395. 463.

–– the game of, 22.

Jonah and the whale, 517.

Jonathan, the cognomen of Brother, 495.

Jones (T.) on the ten commandments, 412.

Jonson, Ben, his portrait, 106.

Joseph of Exeter, where is the MS. of his De Bello Antiocheno? 447.

Josephus on St. John's Bridge fair, 88.

Jove (J. Cove) on spelling of Britannicus, 463.

J. (T) on the circulation of the blood, 340.

–– on early culture of the imagination, 73.

–– on the authorship of Histoire de l'Inquisition, 11.

–– on "Jurare ad caput animalium," 192.

–– on the execution of Mary Queen of Scots, 198.

–– on Treatise by Abp. Engelbert, 291.

–– on obeahism, 309.

–– on swearing by swans, 71. 308.

–– on "Antiquitas sæculi juventus mundi," 156.

–– on cognation of the Jews and Lacedæmonians, 172.

–– on modum promissionis, 92.

–– on occult transposition of letters, 69.

–– on Welsh words for water, 152.

–– on the verse, "Words are men's daughters," &c., 38.

Judas cup, account of, 85.

Junius, the vellum-bound copy, 262. 307. 378. 411.

"Jurat? crede minus," an epigram, 143. 193.

J. (W.) on cardinals and abbots in the English Church, 304.


K. on the meaning of gig-hill, 222.

–– on the capitulations of the Irish brigades, 372.

–– on Moore's Almanack, 381.

–– on Voltaire, where situated, 433.

–– on the meaning of Venville, 310.

K. (D.) on Aristotle and Pythagoras, 352.

Keepsakes, the potter's and shepherd's, 181.

K. (E. H.) on the etymology of aver, 42.

Kelke (W. Hastings) on north sides of churchyards, 332.

–– on discrepancies in Dugdale's account of the Cobham family, 53.

–– on Landwade church, 102.

Kemble pipe of tobacco, 425. 502.

Kentish Town in the last century, 4.

Kenyon (C. Howard) on a sonnet "On the Librarie at Cambridge," 37.

Kepper (G. L.) on a specimen of English French, 437.

Kerriensis on Lord Howard, 287.

–– on mazer wood, 288.

–– on traditions from remote periods, 289.

–– on sacramental wine, 368.

–– on the Milesians, 428.

Kershaw (J. H.) on a specimen of composition, 493.

Kersley (T. H.) on the time when Herodotus wrote, 30.

–– on the derivation of Yankee, 461.

Kerslake (Thomas) on Locke's MSS., 337.

K. (H. C.) on Dacre monument, 75.

–– on Demosthenes and New Testament, 437.

–– on the meaning of eign, 351.

–– on an incised slab, 373.

K. (E. J.) on Jonah and the whale, 517.

–– on quotation, "Men may live fools," &c., 518.

K. (H. C.) on outline in painting, 63.

–– on the meaning of Sewell, 391.

–– on the meaning of Tu autem, 265.

K. (F.) on biography of Bishop Hurd, 496.

–– on David Rizzio's signature, 390.

Kg. (P. S.) on Tingry, 464.

K. (I.) on "Sun, stand thou still upon Gideon!" 137.

King (Richard John) on a Danish Itinerary, 238.

–– on metropolitan improvements, 368.

King (Thos. Wm.) on hats of cardinals, 182.

–– on record of existing monuments, 513.

King's (Dr.) poem "The Toast," a key to the characters, 13.

King's Evil, touching for, 290.

–– form of prayer for, 42. 93. 148. 197. 352. 436.

K. (J.) on the two Drs. Abercromby, 209.

K. (J. B.) on water-buckets given to sheriffs, 118.

K. (L. H.) on Lady Flora Hastings' bequest, 522.

Knapp family in Norfolk and Suffolk, 424.

Knebsend, or Nebsend, 263. 434.

Knight (C.) on a passage in Hamlet, 10.

Knights Hospitallers, 243.

–– in combat on church chests, 187.

–– of Malta, their badge, 278.

–– two sorts of, 425.

Kobold, its etymology, 85.

Kooez (Aredjid) on the word winkel, 138.

–– on foreign renderings, 138.

K. (S.) on the meaning of conquestum, 92.

K. (T. H.) on "God takes those soonest," &c., 302.

–– on the authorship of "La Rose nait," &c., 186.

K. (W. H. H.) on cross between wolf and hound, 93.

K. (W. M.) on law courts at St. Alban's, 466.

–– on the san grail, 224.

Kynaston's Museum Minervæ, 317.


L. on Antiquitas sæculi juventus mundi, 125.

–– on "Après moi le déluge," 397.

–– on the curse of Scotland, 423.

–– on closing rooms after death, 142.

–– on culprits torn by horses, 91.

–– on cross between a wolf and a hound, 93.

–– on decking churches at Christmas, 118.

–– on epigram on the synod of Dort, 23.

–– on "Fronte capillatâ," &c., 43.

–– on the authorship of Gaudentio di Lucca, 36.

–– on portrait of Bp. Henchman, 8.

–– on a passage in Bp. Butler, 44.

–– on the hippopotamus, 308.

–– on "God takes those soonest," &c., 377.

–– on "Ex pede Herculem," 380.

–– on Histoire des Sévérambes, 4. 148. 374.

–– on the nine of diamonds, 22.

–– on Vandyke's portrait of Lord Aubigny, 88.

–– on the etymology of "to pose," 91.

–– on Wanton's Delli Viaggi, 277.

L. (A.) on Shakspeare a thorough sailor, 300.

–– on meaning of luncheon, 369.

Lachrymatories, their use, 151.

Lady fights at Atherton, 143.

Lady's trees, 206.

Lamb (Charles), his epitaph, 322. 379. 459.

Lammer-beads, 84. 100. 115. 229.

Lammin (W. H.) on Sir John Davies, 336.

Lancashire folk lore, 55. 516.

Lancastriensis on Bigod de Loges, 434.

–– on West Chester, 459.

Landwade church, 39. 102.

Langholme fair, proclamation of, 56. 156.

Langley's Polidore Vergile, 137.

Language given to men, the saying, 229.

Laudator Temporis acti on writing paper, 181.

Laud's (Abp.) answer to Fisher, 224.

Lawrence (T.) on names of the ferret, 390.

Lawson (Charles), notices of, 331.

L. (B. L.) on Holland land, 70.

L. (E.) on the meaning of Cefn, 152.

L. (E. A. H.) on the meaning of Sewell, 505.

–– on Lambert Simnel, 506.

Legalis on Lord Mayor a privy councillor, 496.

Leges on the word prenzie in Measure for Measure, 401.

Leicester's Commonwealth, 29. 374.

Leicestrensis on cachecope bell, 407.

–– on churchwarden's accounts of St. Mary-de-Castro, 352.

–– on Dieu et mon droit, 407.

Lennep (J. H. van) on Dutch popular song-book, 189.

Lennox, the daughters of the sixth earl of, 243.

Lent lilies, or daffodils, 259.

Leresche on Darcy Lever church, 27.

Lewis (George) on passage in Coleridge, 518.

L. (H. R.) on the authorship of a "History of the Jesuits," 328.

–– on Sempecta at Croyland, 328.

"Librarie at Cambridge," sonnet on the, 37.

Library of George III., whether sold or presented to the nation, 427.

Lie, on giving the, 369.

Lights on the altar, 30. 172.

Limerick cathedral, inscription on a tablet, 477.

Lincoln Missal, any MS. of, 119. 193.

Lion symbolical of the resurrection, 462.

Littus, its application in the sense of ripa, 446.

Liturgicus on headings of chapters in Bibles, 141.

L. (J.) on abbot Eustacius and Angodus, 141.

L. (J. H.) on Simon Bache, 155.

–– on painting by C. Bega, 28.

–– on Coggeshall job, 285.

–– on scandal against Queen Elizabeth, 285.

–– on "Harry Parry, when will you marry," 289.

–– on Thomas May, 167.

L. (L. B.) on haybands in seals, 248. 332.

–– a note for topographers of London, 206.

–– on an original warrant, 220.

–– on witchcraft in the seventeenth century, 444.

Llewellyn on Camden and Curwen families, 125. 253.

–– on separation of sexes in churches, 288.

–– on Rev. Mr. Gay, 508.

–– on Petworth registers, 510.

L. (M. C.) on preaching from written sermons, 478.

Locke (John), letter respecting him, 97.

–– manuscripts, 337.

Loftus (Abp.) memoranda wanted, 263.

Longevity, remarkable, 237.

Long Meg of Westminster, 22.

Longueville MSS., where are they? 449.

Loretto, the chapel of, 205.

Lower (Mark Antony) on the arches of Pelaga, 478.

–– on the frozen horn, 71.

–– on haybands in seals, 186.

–– on registry of dissenters, 460.

–– on traditions from remote periods through few links, 237.

–– on the meaning of tye, 340.

–– on the sword of William the Conqueror, 66.

Luard on the Sempecta, 433.

Lucas family, 352.

Lucretia, the Earl of Clarendon's daughter, 88.

Lucy and Colin, 7. 76.

Luncheon, its meaning, 369. 464.

Lukis (W. C.) on engraved warming-pans, 522.

Lunardi's balloon, 153.

Lupus (Hugh), the barons of, 87. 189. 266. 503.

Lutestring, to speak in, its meaning, 188.

Luther and Ignatius Loyola, 137.

L. (N. E.) on the History of Andrea Ferrara, 62.

L. (W.) on a specimen of foreign English, 57.

–– on the Lucas family, 352.

Lynch law, its origin, 24. 76.

Lyon verse, 466. 507.

Lyttleton (Launcelot), particulars wanted, 330.


M. on Mrs. Catherine Barton, 434.

–– on Clarkson's Richmond, 507.

–– on Lay of the Last Minstrel, 464.

–– on Merrick and Tattersall, 60.

–– on obeism, 149.

–– on a regular mull, 508.

–– on sabbatical and jubilee years of the Jews, 464.

–– on Southey's March to Moscow, 243.

–– on the author of a Modest Enquiry, 264.

–– on "Trepidation talk'd," 486.

–– on St. Vitus and St. Patrick's festival, 241.

μ. on Borrow's English Ballads, 228.

–– on MS. of Bede, 247.

–– on epitaph on Sir Thomas Gravener, 122.

–– on portrait of Archbishop Williams, 152.

–– on Letters on the British Museum, 208.

–– on the Ulm manuscript, 269.

M. 4. (J.) on Devonshire folk-lore, 404.

–– on earth thrown upon the coffin, 408.

–– on Dr. Young's Narcissa, 422.

–– on the meaning of peep, 310.

M. or N., their use in the Church service, 323. 447.

M. (A.) on the expression "at sixes and sevens," 425.

–– on the song "Talk not of love," 7.

M. (A. C.) on the derivation of Minnis, 388.

–– on the singing of swans, 75.

Machell (R. B.) on the lingering of the spirit, 84.

Machell's MS. Collections for Westmoreland and Cumberland, 118. 227.

Mackenzie (Kenneth R. H.), translations of Apuleius, &c., 76.

–– on Burke's mighty boar of the forest, 493.

–– on time when Herodotus wrote, 124.

–– on an inedited ballad on Truth, 134.

–– on an oration against Demosthenes, 141.

–– on hornbooks, 151.

–– on early culture of the imagination, 152.

–– a word to the literary men of England, 161.

–– on Trinitäll Hall's exequies, 203.

–– on a poem "A Vertuous Woman," from the Harleian MSS., 219.

–– on an epitaph on Mr. Browne, 320.

–– on Sallustius' Epistles to Cæsar, 62. 140.

–– on Sallustius and Tacitus, 325.

Mackintosh (Sir James), his notes in books, 489.

–– on the authors of the Rolliad, 131.

Macklin's ordinary and school of criticism, 163.

Maclean not Junius, 378. 411.

Madden (Sir Frederick) on Beatrix Lady Talbot, 10.

–– on Charles I. and Nave's collection of pictures, 236.

–– on the Poems of John Seguard, 261.

Madden's Reflections and Resolutions, 323.

Magnum sedile, their use, 142.

Magpies, 3.

Maillé, the house of, 351.

Maitland's (Dr. S. R.) Illustrations of Mesmerism, 220. 243.

–– on the Sempecta of Croyland, 357.

M. (A. J.) on Voltaire's Henriade, 388.

Malentour, a motto on a crest, 449. 485.

Malta, records at, 180.

Man, arms of the Isle of, 373. 520.

Manley (John) on a curious fact in natural history, 166.

Manuscripts, ancient, proposed association for recovering, 161. 261. 340.

Marforio on collections of pasquinades, 8.

Marinus (Faber) on Tandem D. O. M., 62.

Mark xiii. 32., Annotators on, 8. 110.

Markham (Charles D.) on the Vavasours of Hazlewood, 71.

Markham (C. W.) on Essheholt Priory, 86.

Markland (J. H.) on the writers in the Rolliad, 333.

Mark's (St.), foundation-stone of, Venice, 88. 147.

Marriage, curious omen at, 406.

Mariconda on St. Francis, 321.

Marsh's Female Captive, 423.

Martin family, 29.

Marshal, hereditary earl, 209.

Marsham (Sir John), was he knight or baronet? 407.

Martinus on the published Dutch books, 326.

Marwoode (John) of Honiton, 450.

Mary, Queen of Scots, defence of her execution, 113. 198.

–– her crucifix, 517.

–– Lament, 89. 172.

–– prayer of, 369. 504.

Mary-de-Castro (St.), churchwardens' accounts of, 352.

Mason not Junius, 402. 432.

Massinger, Philip, his father, 52.

Mathews (Wm. Franks) on the fire of London, 350.

Mathew's Mediterranean Passage, 240. 284.

Matrimony, solemnization of, 307.

Matrix of monastic seal, 263.

M. (A. W.) on Cardinal Hallum, 170.

Mawer (Rev. Dr.), epitaph on, 184. 248. 291.

May (Thomas), notices of, 167. 279. 280.

May cats, 20. 84.

Mayor of London, is he a privy councillor? 496.

Mayors, their correct prefix, 92.

Mazer wood and Gutta percha, 239. 288. 467.

McCalmont (Thomas), notice of H. Smith, 222.

M. (C. O. S.) on Richard Whiting's watch, 352.

M. (C. R.) on tomb of Chaucer, 188.

–– on burying in church walls, 156.

–– on the Clench family, 188.

–– on Lady Bingham, 229.

–– on knights in combat on church chests, 187.

–– on magnum sedile, 142.

Medal, a satirical one, 240.

M. (E. J.) on the tomb of Rev. W. Adams, 249.

–– on "To-day we purpose," 397.

–– on the Tanthony bell, 429.

Me. (J.), queries and notes on books, men, and authors, 117.

Mercer (W. J.) on "Noli me tangere," 46.

–– on the derivation of cad, 46.

Mercurii on Mathew's Mediterranean Passage, 240.

–– on Edmund Prideaux and the post-office, 266.

–– on Pursuits of Literature, 378.

Merrick, the versifier of the Psalms, 60.

Merryweather (F. S.) on aged monks, 60.

Merviniensis on arms of Isle of Man, 373.

Metrical psalms and hymns, origin of their use, 119. 198.

Metropolitan improvements suggested by Bishop King, 368.

Mezzotinto on the authorship of the Butcher Duke, 8.

M. (F.) on Paul pitcher night, 239.

M. (F. C.) on the motto Malentour, 485.

M. (F. E.) on the motto Malentour, 449.

–– on the origin of national debts, 374.

M. (G. R.) on the name Vineyard, 470.

Miching Mallecho in Hamlet, 3. 213.

Midwives licensed, 29. 44.

Mildew in books, 29.

Milesians, their origin, 353. 428.

Milk-maids in 1753, 367.

Miller (Dr.), author of Philosophy of History, commended, 137.

Milton and the Calves-head Club, 390. 484.

–– expressions in, 241.

–– Nativity Ode, 36.

–– supposed pun by, 37. 141.

–– sonnet, query by, 142.

Milward (Sir Thomas) his portrait, 8.

Miners burning out a delinquent, 123.

Minium, or red lead pencil of Archbishop Parker, 492.

Minnis, its derivation, 388.

Mints, local, 447. 525.

Miso-dolos on indulgences granted to benefactors for building Saint George the Martyr's, 444.

Mistletoe on oaks, 192. 226. 396. 462.

Mitre, the episcopal, its origin, 62. 144. 145. 284.

M. (J.) on an ancient MS. of Bede's Eccles. Hist., 180.

–– on natural son of Cardinal Wolsey, 303.

–– on an answer to Fisher's Relation, 224.

–– on orations against Demosthenes, 228.

–– on derivation of Yankee, 260.

–– on lost manuscripts, 340.

–– on the first edition of the Second Book of Homilies, 102.

–– on a prayer of the Bishop of Nantes, 140.

–– on Munchausen's Travels, &c., 453.

M. (J. E.) on a passage in Virgil, 357.

M. (J. F.) on Milton and Calves-head Club, 484.

–– on Shakspeare's Venus and Adonis, 260.

–– on solemnization of matrimony, 307.

–– on Voltaire's Henriade, 485.

M. (J. H.) on apple-pie order, 468.

–– on Denarius Philosophorum, 251.

–– on the nine of diamonds, 253.

–– on Pope Joan, 395.

–– on form of prayer at the healing, 126.

–– on the epitaph of the Countess of Pembroke, 262. 456.

–– on George Steevens and Wm. Stevens, 286.

–– on Pepys's song, "Beauty retire," 105.

–– did St. Paul's clock strike thirteen? 109.

–– on the song Winifreda, 108.

M. (J. L.) on the Nineveh monuments and Milton's Nativity Ode illustrated from Lucian, 35.

M. (J. O.) on the Thirty-nine Articles, 287.

–– on the table of prohibited degrees, 329.

M. (N.) on epigram against Burke, 284.

Mock-beggar, origin of the term, 44.

Mocker, its meaning, 73.

Modest Enquiry, &c., its author, 264.

Modum Promissionis, 92.

Molaise (St.), legend of, inquired after, 478.

Mole, the story of the, 74.

Monarchia Solipsorum, its authorship, 138. 197.

Monkbarns on proclamation of Langholme fair, 56.

Monks, aged, of the tenth century, 60. 139.

Monkstown on Joseph Nicolson's family, 397.

Monosyllables, their use, 57. 165. 340.

Monro (Cecil) on the baldrock, 503.

Montchesni family, 518.

Mont-de-Piété, 372. 524.

Monumental symbolism, 449.

Monuments, record of existing, 14. 116. 217. 313. 418. 513.

Moore's Almanack, 263. 339. 381. 466.

Moorfields in Charles II.'s time, 260.

Morse and Ireton families, 250.

Mosaic, its meaning, 389. 469. 521.

Moths called souls, 220.

Mottos on warming-pans and garters, 84. 115. 290. 522.

Mounds, or munts, its meaning, 187. 413.

M. (P. M.) on the head of the Saviour, 168.

–– on lines of the Temple, 505.

M. (R.) on a musical plagiarism, 105.

M. (R. R.) on hand-bells at funerals, 466.

–– on Lord Howard of Effingham, 309.

–– on Pope Joan, 395.

–– on the Life of St. Pancras, 523.

–– on national debts, 524.

–– on Monte di Pietà, 524.

M. (S.) on the pedigree of Owen Glendower, 222.

M. (S. R.) on the derivation of luncheon, 464.

–– on Quakers' attempt to convert the Pope, 335.

M. (T.) on mythology of the stars, 508.

Mull, a regular, origin of the phrase, 449. 508.

Munchausen's Travels, 117. 305. 453.

Murray's Handbook for Devon and Cornwall, omissions noticed, 4.

Mushroom, its etymology, 166.

Musical plagiarism, 105.

M. (W. G.) on prayer of Mary Queen of Scots, 504.

–– on the word prenzie, 522.

M. (W. R.) on "Fronte capillatâ," 286.

–– on the origin of the Milesians, 353.

–– on Jeremy Taylor's Holy Living, 43.

M. (W. T.) on Arthur's Seat, 251.

–– on the couplet, "Earth has no rage," 23.

–– on proclamation of Langholme fair, 156.

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Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
01 temmuz 2019
82 s. 5 illüstrasyon
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