Kitabı oku: «El Capitán Veneno», sayfa 8
IV. ii. Batalla campal
1. "Let us be superior to our fears," said she.
2. I do not lack courage and can live in peace.
3. He would not let her proceed without interrupting her.
4. Think of your mother and pray God for her.
5. Be calm now; let us settle up our accounts.
6. Angustias knows something that the captain doesn't suppose she does know.
7. She has received a letter and will show it to him now.
8. He begs her to allow him to pay for the tombstone.
9. If he deceived her, she would know it afterwards anyway.
10. Tell me what the letter says, or show it to me; but don't imagine I am deceiving you!
Forms like del, al, alargue (from alargar), ahorque (ahorcar), rece (rezar) are not given as titles in the vocabulary. The student will need to know the irregular verbs at sight: puse, vino, puesto, dije, dicho, hecho, etc.
Gender indications are omitted as follows;
a, at, to;
pedir —, to ask from;
al año, in a year;
al ver, as he saw;
– poco de, soon after;
amar – Dios, to love God;
– consecuencia de, in consequence of;
quien – hierro mata, he who kills by the sword;
– causa de, because of;
derecho —, right to;
– su modo, in his way;
– más prisa, with more haste;
escapar —, to escape from
abajo, below, down, downward
abandonar, to abandon, leave
abanicar, to fan
abanico, fan
abatimiento, collapse, depression, gloom
abierto, -a, opened; see abrir
abogado, advocate, lawyer
abonar, to repay, warrant, insure, promise, make good
aborrecer, to abhor, hate
aborrecimiento, abhorrence
abrazar, to embrace;
– se a la cruz, to cling to the cross
abril, m., April
abrir, to open
absoluto, -a, absolute
abstenerse, to abstain, refrain
abstruso, -a, abstruse, difficult
absurdo, -a, absurd
abuelo, grandfather
aburrir, to bore, tire, vex
acá, here
acabar, to end, finish;
acabo de llegar, I have just arrived
acariciar, to caress, fondle
acaso, perhaps, possibly;
por —, by chance
acatamiento, veneration, respect
acceso, access
accidente, m., accident, occurrence
acción, action, battle
aceleradamente, swiftly; hurriedly
acento, accent; tone
aceptable, acceptable
aceptar, to accept
acera (for facera), facing, frontage; row (of houses), sidewalk
acerca de, about, concerning
acercarse, to approach, draw near
acero, steel
acomodar, to accommodate, suit
acompañar, to accompany, join
acondicionar, to dispose, arrange
aconsejar, to counsel, advise
acontecer, to happen
acontecimiento, happening, event, incident
acordarse, to remember
acosar, to pursue, beset
acostar, to put to bed
acostarse, to go to bed
acostumbrar, to accustom, be accustomed
acreditar, to credit, prove
acritud, acrimony, sharpness, harshness
activo, -a, active
acto, act;
en el —, at once
actual, present
actualidad, present time
acudir, to hasten, respond
acuerdo, accord, agreement;
de – con, in accord with
acusar, to accuse; to announce (at cards)
achaque, m., chronic disease or trouble
adelantar, to advance, go on
adelante, forward;
en —, henceforth
ademán, m., motion of the hand, attitude, gesture, look
además, moreover, besides
adicto, -a, devoted
adiós, adieu, good-by
adminículo, aid, help, contrivance
administración, administration
administrador, administrator
admirable, admirable
admirablemente, admirably
admirar, to admire
admisible, admissible, welcome
admitir, to allow, accept
adolecer, to suffer, be afflicted
adonde, where, to where
adorable, adorable
adoración, adoration
adorar, to adore
adquirir, to acquire
adversario, adversary
advertir, to inform, warn
afabilidad, affability
afable, affable
afán, m., anxiety, eagerness, toil
afanosamente, anxiously; eagerly
afanoso, -a, anxious, earnest
afección, affection, ailment
afecto, affection
afecto, -a, subject to, liable to
afectuoso, -a, affectionate, friendly
afeitar, to shave
afición, affection
afilado, -a, sharp, drawn
afilar, to edge, sharpen, point
afligir, to afflict
afortunadamente, fortunately
afortunado, -a, fortunate
agenciar, to effect, obtain, try to effect
agente, agent
agonizar, to be in death agony
agradecer, to thank, give thanks; to be grateful to a person for a thing
agradecimiento, gratitude
agravante, aggravating, annoying
agregar, to aggregate, add
agrio, -a, acrid, sour, rough, rude
agrónomo, agriculturist;
perito —, land expert
agua, water
aguantar, to bear, stand, endure
aguardar, to await, expect
agudo, -a, acute, keen, sharp
aguja, needle
agujerear, to pierce
¡ah! ah!
ahí, there, yonder
ahogar, to stifle, overpower, oppress
ahora, now;
– mismo, right now
ahorcar, to hang
ahorrar, to save, spare
ahumar, to smoke
aire, m., air, manner
ajeno, -a, alien, strange, foreign, of another, another's
ajustar, to adjust
alarde, m., parade, show
alargar, to hand, reach, pass
alarma, alarm
alarmar, to alarm
albergar, to harbor, shelter
albor, dawn
Albornoz, place name
alborotar, to arouse, excite, stir up
alcanzar, to reach, overtake, include
alcoba, alcove, bedroom;
– de honor, best bedroom, guest chamber
alegar, to allege, affirm
alegrar, to cheer, cheer up;
– se, to rejoice, be glad
alegre, gay, merry
alegremente, joyfully
alegría, joy, cheerfulness, gaiety
alejar, to put far or away, remove
alejarse, to retreat, depart, go away
alevoso, -a, treacherous
alfeñique, m., taffy, candy
alfombra, carpet
Alfonso, Alphonse
algo, neuter of alguno, somewhat, something, anything
algodón, m., cotton;
– en rama, cotton wool (in bulk)
alguien, somebody, anybody, some one, any one
algún, alguno, -a, some, any;
alguno que otro, one and another, some, a few
alhaja, jewel
alimentar, to feed, sustain
aliviar, to alleviate, relieve
alma, soul, heart;
– de dios, blessed one;
de mi —, my dear or beloved…
almohada, pillow, bolster
almorzar, to breakfast
almuerzo, breakfast
alquilar, to let, rent;
se alquila, for rent
alteración, alteration, change
altercado, controversy, quarrel
alternativamente, alternately
altivez, pride, haughtiness
alto, -a, high, tall;
en —, on high
Álvarez, the marquis
Álvaro, Don Alvaro (the marquis)
alzar, to put
alto, raise;
– se, to arise
allá, there, to there, thither
allí, there
ama, mistress, nurse;
– de huéspedes, boarding-house keeper;
– de leche, wet nurse
amabilidad, amiability, kindness
amabilísimo, -a, most amiable
amable, amiable, kind
amamantar, to nurse, suckle
amanecer, to dawn, become morning
amansar, to tame down, soften
amapola, poppy
amar, to love
amargo, -a, bitter
ambos, -as, both
amenazar, to menace, threaten
ameno, -a, pleasant, agreeable. (Cf. Eng. amenity)
América, America
amigo, -a, friend
amnistiar, to grant amnesty to, pardon, pacify
amodorramiento, stupor; heavy sleep
amor, love; pl., love affair;
– propio, vanity, pride;
requerir de – es, to woo, court
amoroso, -a, loving, affectionate
amortajar, to shroud
amostazar, to provoke;
– se, to be exasperated, fly into a passion
amparar, to protect, assist
amparo, protection
amputación, amputation
análisis, analysis
anchura, breadth
anchuroso, -a, spacious
andar, to go, move along, walk
ángel, m., angel
angelical, angelical
angustia, anguish, affliction
Angustias, the heroine
anhelar (really to pant after; cf. Eng. in-hale, ex-hale), to crave, long for, be eager to
anillo, ring
animal, animal-like, animal
animar, to animate
ánimo, mind, purpose
anoche, last night
anochecer, to become night or dark
ansia, eagerness, anxiety
ante, before;
– todo, especially
anteanoche, the night before last
antedicho, -a, aforesaid
anteojo, telescope, eyeglass; pl., spectacles
anterior, anterior, previous
anterioridad, anteriority;
con —, previously
antes, before, formerly;
– bien, on the contrary, rather;
– de, before
antevíspera, two days before
anticipación, anticipation;
con – debida, in plenty of time
antiguamente, formerly, anciently
antiguo, -a, ancient, old
anual, annual
anular, to annul, nullify, eclipse
anunciar, to announce
añadir, to add
año, year
apaciblemente, peacefully
aparato, apparatus
aparatoso, -a, showy, dressy, fine, stately, splendid, brilliant
aparecer, to appear
aparentar, to pretend, seem
aparente, apparent
apariencia, appearance
apartar, to remove, put aside
apasionado, -a, passionate
apear, to get on foot, alight, dismount
apelar (a), to appeal, have recourse to
apellidar, to name, call;
– se, to be named
apenas, hardly, scarcely
ápice, m., apex, point, jot;
en un —, in any particular
aplacar, to appease, pacify
aplaudir, to applaud
aplauso, applause
apoderarse de, to seize, take possession of
aposento, room, apartment
apoyar, to rest, lean, support
apoyo, support, prop
aprecio, appreciation, esteem
apresuradamente, hastily
apresuramiento, eagerness, haste
apresurarse, to hasten, be pressed, hurry
apretar, to press, bear on;
¡Apriete usted! "Pile it on!"
apuntar, to write down, note; to begin to sprout, appear.
apurar, to consume, exhaust;
– se, to grieve, be afflicted, worry
apuro, distress, want, affliction
aquel, aquella, that
aquél, aquélla, aquello, the one, that one, that matter
aquí, here;
por —, here, this way
Aragón, Aragón (the province in northern Spain)
aragonés, -esa, Aragonese
archivo, archives
arder, to burn, blaze
ardiente, ardent, burning
ardoroso, -a, fiery
arengar, to harangue, urge on
aristócrata, m., aristocrat
arma, arm, weapon;
pasar por las – s, to shoot, execute (by shooting)
armar, to arm, set up, start;
– se, to begin (a row)
Armida, the sorceress (in Tasso's Jerusalem Delivered and in Gluck's opera Armida)
armónico, -a, harmonious
arrancar, to snatch, tear off, jerk
arranque, m., shock, outburst, impulse
arrastrar, to drag, trail;
– se, to last long
¡arre! get up! (said to a horse or a mule)
arrebato, fit of passion, rush, impulse
arreglar, to regulate, adjust
arreglo, rule, order, arrangement;
con – a, in keeping with
arremeter, to assail, attack
arrepentimiento, repentance
arrepentirse, to repent
arresto, arrest
arrimo, prop, relative, connection, intimate friends
arrobamiento, rapture, delight
arrojar, to throw, dash
arroyo, brook, gutter
arruinado, -a, tumble-down
arruinar, to ruin
arte, m. or f., art, skill, way, manner
articular, to articulate, join, fit together
artículo, article
asaz (old word), enough, very
asegurar, to assure
asesinar, to assassinate
asesor, counselor, attorney
asesorar, to counsel, advise
así, so, thus;
cosa —, some such thing;
– como, just as, like;
– … como… as well as…;
– que, as soon as;
– y todo, with all that, anyway
asiento, seat
asimismo, likewise, just the same way
asistir, to assist, be present, prompt
asomada, appearance, looking (as from a window)
asomarse, to appear, look, peep out
asombro, amazement, astonishment
asomo, appearance, trace, sign
aspecto, aspect, appearance
áspero, -a, harsh, rough
astro, star
asturiano, -a, Asturian; of the province of Asturias; Asturian dialect
asunto, subject, matter, business
asustadizo, -a, timid, bashful;
poco – s, bold and bad
asustar, to frighten;
– se, to take fright
atajar, to cut off, head off
atajo, short cut
atar, to bind, tie
Ataulfo, the Visigoth king, assassinated 415 A.D.
atención, attention
atender, to attend
atendible, worthy of attention, important
atento, -a, attentive, polite
aterrar, to terrify
atildado, -a, neat, trim, spruce
atormentar, to torment, trouble
atraer, to attract, draw
atranque, m., difficulty, tight place
atrás, back, backward, behind
atravesar, to traverse, cross, pierce, block
atreverse, to dare
atrevido, -a, bold, daring
atril, m., reading-desk (as in a pew)
atrocidad, atrocity, atrocious thing
atropellar, to trample down, rush over, excite, flurry
atroz, atrocious, fierce
atusar, to stroke, smooth out, twist, curl
audiencia, audience, hearing
aullido, howl
aumentar, to augment, enlarge
aumento, increase
aun, aún, yet, even
aunque, although; even though; but
ausencia, absence
austero, -a, austere, stern
auto, legal act, edict, decision
autómata, m., automaton, automatic or self-acting thing
autor, author
autoridad, authority
auxiliar, m. or f., auxiliary, helper
auxiliar, to assist, aid
avanzar, to advance
avaro, -a, avaricious, miserly; miser
aversión, aversion, dislike
avisar, to advise, inform, warn
aviso, notice, advice, information;
estar sobre —, to be on one's guard
¡ay! alas! oh! ah!
ayes, m. pl., sighs, lamentations
ayer, yesterday
ayuda, aid, help
ayudar, to aid, help
azahar, m., fragrant flower (of orange, lemon, etc.)
Azpeitia, a town in Guipúzcoa
azúcar, m., sugar
azucena, lily
azufre, m., sulphur
¡bah! bah! pshaw!
bajar, to lower;
– se, to descend, stoop
bajo, -a, low, short;
piso —, groundfloor
bajo, under, beneath
Bajo-Aragón, Lower Aragon
bala, ball, bullet
balazo, wound (from a bullet)
balbucear, to stammer
balde: de — , gratis, for nothing
bañar[se], to bathe
baraja, pack of playing cards
barato, -a, cheap;
meter a — , to cross, discredit; to cloud (the issue)
barbaridad, barbarity, rude remark
Barbastro, the fictitious Carlist general, father of Angustias
barricada, barricade, obstruction
barro, clay, dirt, trash; money (cf. "filthy lucre")
barruntar, to foresee
base, f., base, basis
basilisco, basilisk (fabulous creature with a fierce eye);
está hecho un —, he flies into a fury
basquiña, skirt, outer skirt
bastante, sufficiently, enough
bastar, to suffice, be enough;
¡basta! [it is] enough!
bastón, m., cane, stick
bata, dressing gown
batalla, battle;
– campal, pitched battle
batallador, -ora, fighting, warlike
batallar, to battle, fight
batir, to beat;
– palmas, to clap the hands;
– se, to fight
baúl, m., trunk, box
Baus: see Tamayo
bautizar, to baptize; (of wine) to weaken, dilute with water
beber, to drink
beldad, beauty, belle
belicoso, -a, bellicose, warlike
bello, -a, beautiful, handsome
bendecir, to bless
bendición, benediction, blessing
bendito, -a, blessed, sainted
beneficio, benefit, advantage
benevolencia, good will, benevolence, kindness
benévolo, -a, benevolent
benignidad, kindness
besar, to kiss
beso, kiss
biblioteca, library
bicho, insect;
– viviente, living creature
bien, well, very well, rather, very, willingly, certainly;
– que, although;
más —, rather;
no —, no sooner than, as soon as;
si —, although
bien, m., good, good thing; pl., – es, goods, property;
hombre de —, worthy, honest man;
mujer de —, worthy, honest woman
¡bien! all right!
bienestar, m., well-being, comfort
bigote, m., mustache
Bilbao, Bilbao, the seaport on Bay of Biscay
billete, m., letter, note, ticket
blanco, -a, white
blandura, gentleness, mildness, amiableness
blanquísimo, -a, very white
boca, mouth
boda, marriage, wedding. (Same as our words vote, vow)
bolsillo, pocket, pocketbook
bomba, bomb
bondad, goodness, kindness
bondoso, -a, bounteous
bonitamente, nicely, quietly
bonito, -a, nice, pretty
bordar, to embroider
borde, m., border, edge
bordo, board;
a —, on board, aboard
borrador, rough draft
borrasca, storm, squall
borrosamente, indistinctly
bosque, m., forest, woods
botar, to butt, thrust, bound
bote, m., thrust; bound; rebound
botella, bottle
botica, apothecary shop, drugstore
boticario, druggist
bozo, down, soft beard
bracete, m. dim. of brazo;
de —, on the arm
bramar, to bellow, roar
bravo, -a, brave, wild
bravura, bravery, courage
brazo, arm
bregar, to contend, struggle
breve, brief, short
bribón, -ona, knavish, roguish; f., hussy, wench (Delilah)
brida, bridle; reins
brillante, m., brilliant, diamond.
brinco, leap, jump, start
brindarse, to offer one's self, volunteer
broche, m., brooch, jeweled pin
broma, jest, joke;
dar – s, to make jokes
bromear, to jest, crack jokes
brotar, to gush, burst out
buen, bueno, -a, good; well;
meterse en buena, to get into a pretty scrape;
darse a buenas, to give up beaten
¡bueno! good! all right!
Buen Retiro, "Good Retreat" (public garden in Madrid)
Buen Suceso, "Good Event" (former church in Madrid)
buhardilla, small garret, garret-window
bula, papal bull, edict
buque, m., boat, ship
burla, mockery, jesting
burlarse, to mock, ridicule, guy
burlón, -ona, mocking, jesting
busca, f., search
buscar, to seek, search
butaca, f., large armchair
cabal, real, true, perfect
caballería, cavalry, chivalry;
libros de – s, books of chivalry
caballero, cavalier, gentleman, sir
caballeroso, -a, chivalrous, noble, generous
caballo, horse;
a —, on horseback;
con cinco mil de a —, with 5000 [devils] on horseback
cabecera, head (of the bed)
cabecilla, m., insurgent leader, chief (of a faction)
cabello, hair
caber, to be contained, be possible
cabeza, head;
– de hierro, stubborn person
cabo, end;
al —, finally, after all
cabra, goat
cada, each, every;
– vez más, more and more
cadáver, m., corpse
cadena, chain
cadete, cadet (military student)
caer, to fall;
caiga el que caiga, happen what may;
– en la cuenta de que, to remember, notice
café, m., cafe, restaurant
Caín, Cain (the Bible name);
las de —, hard time, tortures
caja, box, case;
tener el pulso en —, to have pulse within bounds, normal, or regular
calabaza, gourd;
dar – s, to give the mitten
calaverada, prank
calcetín, m., sock
caldito, dim. of caldo, q. v.
caldo, soup; broth
calentura, fever, heat
calidad, quality, rank
calificar (de), to qualify as, call, describe as
calma, calmness;
dar —, to discount, joke about
calmar, to calm, quiet
calumniar, to calumniate, slander
calumnioso, -a, slanderous
callar, to be silent
calle, f., street, way;
– s de Dios, blessed streets
cama, bed;
caer en —, to take to one's bed
camaleón, chameleon
cambiar, to change;
– de estilo, to change in style
cambio, change;
en —, on the other hand
camilla, dim. of
cama, cot, stretcher
camino, road, way
camisa, shirt
camorra, quarrel, dispute
campal: batalla — , pitched battle
campanilla, little bell
campaña, field, campaign
campesino, peasant
campo, field, country
canal, m., canal, channel
canalla, rabble; wretch
canana, cartridge belt
¡canastos! baskets! (disguised oath)
canción, song; pl., fig., irrelevant matters, nonsense
canicular, of dog days
cansar, to weary, tire;
– se, to become weary
cantar, to sing
cantidad, quantity
canto, singing
capaz, capable
capilla, chapel
capitán, captain
capítulo, chapter; session;
llamar a —, to call to account
capricho, caprice, whim
cara, face, front
¡caracoles! snails! (disguised oath)
carácter, m., character
¡caramba! the deuce! (disguised oath)
carcajada, loud laugh, hearty laugh;
soltar la —, to burst out laughing
cardinal, cardinal, important
carecer (de), to lack
cargar, to charge, load;
– con, to take up and carry
cargo, charge, account; office;
hacerse – de, to take into consideration
caridad, charity
cariño, love
cariñoso, -a, affectionate
caritativo, -a, charitable
carlista, m., Carlist (follower of Carlos)
Carlos, Charles;
Don —, the absolutist leader, claimant to the Spanish throne, died 1855
carne, f., flesh, meat;
tener – de perro, to be tough as a dog
carnero, sheep
carrera, road, street, avenue
Carrillo, maiden name of Angustias's mother
carruaje, carriage, vehicle
carta, letter
casa, house, home;
– de huéspedes, boarding-house;
– mortuoria, house of mourning
casar, to marry, marry off;
por —, marriageable;
– se con, to marry, get married to
casero, -a, domestic
casi, almost;
– nada, almost not at all, very little
casilla, small house, hut; beaten path; pl., squares of chessboard;
sacar de – s, to put out, exasperate
casino, casino, club
caso, case, fact, condition, event;
hacer – a, to heed, pay attention to;
no hace al —, it doesn't matter;
pero no estamos en ese —, but that is not our situation
¡cáspita! the deuce! (disguised oath)
castigo, chastisement, punishment
castillo, castle, prison
casto, -a, chaste, pure c
atástrofe, f., catastrophe, disaster
catecúmeno, catechumen, novice, beginner in religion
categoría, category, rank
caudal, m., capital, property
caudillo, chieftain, leader
causa, f., cause, process, lawsuit;
a – de, because of;
formar —, to bring suit or action
causar, to cause, produce
caviloso, -a, captious, quarreling
cazador, hunter, chasseur (soldier in the light troops called cazadores)
cazar, to chase, hunt
ceder, to cede, yield
cegar, to blind
celebración, praise
celebrado, -a, praised, famous
celebrar, to celebrate, praise
célebre, celebrated, famous
celestial, celestial, heavenly
celo, zeal cementerio, cemetery
cenceno, -a, thin, lean
cera, wax
cerca, near, about;
– de, near, about
cercanía, vicinity; pl., – s, environs, vicinity
cerebral, cerebral, of the brain
ceremonia, ceremony, formality
ceremonioso, -a, ceremonious
cerrar, to close, shut
cervata, humorously formed femimine of cervato, q. v.
cervato, fawn, deer
cesar, to cease, stop
cicatriz f., scar
cielo, heaven, sky;
cara de —, heavenly face
cien: see ciento
ciencia, science
ciento, (a, one) hundred
cierto, -a, certain, a certain, true
cifrar, to figure, count, base. (Cf. Eng. decipher)
cigarrillo, cigarette
cinco, five
cincuenta, fifty
circunstancia, circumstance
cirugía, surgery
citar, to cite, mention;
– se, to make an appointment
civil, civil
clamar (older form of llamar), to cry out, wail
claro, -a, clear, plain
clase, f., class, rank, kind
clasificación, classification
clavar (en), to nail, fix, root, fasten; to stab
clavo, nail
cobarde, m., coward
cobardía, cowardice
cocinero, -a, cook
cocodrilo, crocodile;
lágrimas de —, crocodile tears, false grief
coche, m., coach
coger, to gather, seize, catch, take
cohonestar, to give an honest appearance to; to excuse
coincidir, to coincide, agree with
cojo, -a, crippled, lame
colchón, mattress
colegio, school, college
cólera, choler, anger;
montar en —, to fly into a passion
colgar, to hang;
colgado, hanging
colocación, employment, position, job
colocar, to place, station, locate
color, color, hue
colorado, -a, red;
ponerse —, to blush
comandante, commander
combate, m., combat, fight
comedia, comedy
comedor, dining-room
comenzar, to commence, begin
comer, to eat;
derecho a tener qué —, right to have something to eat, to live
como, as, as if, like;
– de, of about;
– no sea [que], unless;
– quiera que, although, since, however
¿cómo? how? what?
¿a – estamos hoy? what is the day of the month?
¿ – así? how so?
cómodo, -a, convenient
compadecer, to pity
compaña (older form of compañía), company, society
compasivo, -a, compassionate, kind
complacer, to please
complacido, -a, pleased, satisfied, contented
complaciente, complacent, pleasing
completamente, completely
completo, -a, complete, entire
comprar, to buy
comprender, to comprehend, understand, comprise
comprometer, to compromise, put at a disadvantage
común, common
con, with, by
concebir, to conceive
conceder, to concede, grant
concepto, concept, idea, thought, opinion;
en tal —, on such a basis
concesión, concession, grant
conciencia, conscience
concluir, to conclude
condado, countship, title or dignity of count
conde, count
condenar, to condemn
condesa, countess
condición, condition, quality, rank
condoler, to pity;
– se de, to be sorry for, have pity on
conducción, transfer, taking, conveyance
conducir, to conduct, take
conducta, conduct
conejo, rabbit
conferencia, conference, interview
confesar, to confess, admit
confesor, confessor
confianza, confidence
confiar, to intrust
conforme, conformable, agreed; adv., as
confusión, confusion
congoja, affliction, choking spell
conjetura, conjecture
conjunto, make-up, composite
conllevar, to display, bear
conmigo, with me
conmiseración, commiseration
conmoción, commotion, excitement
conmover, to move, arouse, shock
conocer, to know, be acquainted with, perceive, see
conocimiento, consciousness, knowledge;
poner en —, to let know
conque, so, so then
consecuencia, consequence, result;
a – de, por – de, in consequence of
conseguir, to succeed in
consejo, advice, counsel; council
consentido, -a, indulged, spoiled
consentimiento, consent
consentir (en), to consent to, agree on
conservar, to preserve, keep
consideración, consideration
considerar, to consider
consigo, with himself, with herself, with itself, with themselves
consiguiente, consequent;
de —, por —, in consequence, consequently
consistir, to consist
consolar, to console, comfort
consolidarse, to consolidate, grow firm, knit (as bone)
consorte, m. or f., consort (wife, husband)
constante, constant
constantemente, constantly
constar, to be clear, well made out
consternado, -a, in consternation
construir, to construct, build
consuelo, consolation, comfort
consumación, consummation, completion
contador, accountant, overseer
contaduría, place of accounting, office
contar, to recount, tell, relate, consider;
– con, to count on
contemplar, to contemplate, look at
contento, -a, contented, pleased
contestación, answer
contestar, to answer
contienda, conflict, contest, fight
contigo, with thee, with you
continuamente, continually
continuar, to continue, go on
contra: en — (de), against, in the negative
contraria, contrary, opposition;
llevar la —, to oppose, contradict
contrariedad, contrariety, vexation
contrario, -a, contrary;
al —, por el —, on the contrary
controversia, controversy
contundir, to bruise
conturbar, to disturb, worry
convalecencia, convalescence
convaleciente, convalescent
convencer, to convince
convenido, one who agrees, signer (of a treaty)
convenio, convention, treaty
convenirse (en), to agree to;
convenido, signer
convento, convent
conversación, conversation
convertir, to convert, turn
convicción, conviction
copiar, to copy;
– en limpio, to copy neatly
copla, stanza
coqueta, coquette c
orazón, m., heart
corbata, cravat
Córdoba, Cordova
cordón, m., cord, cordon
coronamiento, crowning, finishing
coronita, coronet (little crown)
correctísimamente, most correctly
correcto, -a, correct
correr, to run;
– con, to keep up with, meet (expenses)
correspondencia, correspondence; return (of love)
corresponder, to belong
correspondientemente, accordingly
cortar, to cut, cut off, cut to the quick
corte, f., court; capital, Madrid
cortes, f. pl., the national assembly (of Spain)
cortés, courteous
cortesía, courtesy, politeness
corto, -a, short; short of words, abashed, dull
cosa, thing, affair;
– así, some such thing;
– de, something like, about
coser, to sew
costa, cost
costar, to cost
costear, to stand the expense of, pay for
costumbre, custom;
de —, customary, usual;
según —, as usual
coyuntura, conjuncture, occasion
crear, to create
crédito, credit, credence
creer, to believe, think
criada, maidservant
criar, to create, raise, produce, breed, bring up, rear;
– se, to grow up
crisma ("the christened part"), head;
romper la —, to break the head, crack the pate;
romperse la – con, fam., to come to blows with, pitch into, have a fight with
cristal, m., glass
cristiano, -a, Christian
Cristo, Christ, image of Christ
crucificar, to crucify, torture, torment
cruel, cruel
crueldad, cruelty
cruz, f., cross, crucifix
cruzar, to cross (cf. cruise), exchange, pass
cuadro, picture, scene
cuadruplicar, to quadruple, make fourfold
cual: el —, la —, lo —, who, that, which, what;
por lo —, for which (reason);
tal o —, some… or other, this or that
cual, as, like;
– si, as if
¿cuál? which? what? which one?
cualquiera, any one; anybody, the first that comes along
cuando, when;
de vez en —, from time to time
¿cuándo? when?
cuanto, -a, as much as, as many as; pl., all;
en —, as soon as, when;
en – a, as to, in regard to
¿cuánto, -a? how much? pl., how many?
cuarenta, forty;
acusar las —, to announce forty points, announce a winning hand (at tute)
cuarentón, -ona, forty years old
cuartel, m., (soldier's) quarters, barracks
cuartito, small room
cuarto, fourth part, quarter; room, apartment; small coin, farthing; story, floor;
– bajo, ground floor;
echar su – a espadas, to put (bet) one's pennies on spades (at cards), put in, meddle, take part in
cuarto, -a, fourth
cuatro, four
cuchillada, stab, cutting;
– s, fight, affray (with knives);
andar a – s, to come to blows
cuchillo, knife (one-bladed)
cuello, neck
cuenta, count, account, bill, affair;
a —, on account;
caer en la – de que, to notice;
– que, and just consider
cuerda, cord, rope;
dar —, to wind up (first used of an old-style clock), lead on
cuerpo, body, corps
cuestión, question, dispute, problem;
se plantea la —, the question takes shape, matters grow acute
¡cuidadito! dim. of cuidado, be pretty careful!
cuidado, care, attention;
pierda usted —, don't worry;
tener – con, to be careful of
¡cuidado! take care! look out! it's a caution!
cuidar, to take care, be careful, care for, attend to
cuitado, -a, done up, sick, wretched
culebrina, little
culebra (snake); culverin (cannon); flash (of gun); ¡rayos y – s! blazes! (disguised oath)
culpa, fault
cumplimentero, -a, flattering, full of compliments
cumplir, to fulfill;
– con, to comply with
cura, care, cure, treatment
cura, m., curate, priest
curación, cure, treatment
curar, to cure, treat, attend to, care for
curiosidad, curiosity
cuyo, -a, whose, of whom
Champagne (Fr.), f., Champagne (the wine)
chanza, jest
charlar, to chat, gossip
chasco, disappointment, sell, bunco
chico, -a, little boy, little girl
chiquillo, -a, little one, child
chismoso, tale-bearer, tattler, meddler
chocar, to shock, strike
chocolate, m., chocolate
D.: see don
Da. or Dª.: see doña
¡dale! hang it!
¡ – que – ! harp on it! keep it up!
dama, lady
damasco, damask, crimson
damisela, damsel, young lady
danza, dance; – de monos, monkey dance, something funny
daño, damage, harm, injury
dar, to give (but often used for other verbs as Eng. uses take sick for become sick; make a train, etc.); to hit, occur, take, etc.;
– a, to open on;
– un paso, to take a step;
se da a buenas, gives right up
dado que, granted that, if
de, of, from;
– punta, on end;
más —, menos – , more than, less than;
vestído – negro, dressed in black;
caer – rodillas, fall on the knees;
triste – mí, sad that I am;
ponerse – pie, stand up;
tirar —, pull
debajo (de), below, under;
por – de, underneath
debate, m., debate, discussion
deber, to owe, ought, must
deber, m., duty, obligation
debido, -a, due
débil, weak
debilidad, weakness
decaer, to decay, deteriorate
decente, decent, respectable, honest
decir, to say, tell;
dijérase, one would say;
he dicho, I have said (formal close of speech, like amen of a prayer);
por mejor —, más bien dicho, or better said
declamar, to declaim, cry out
declaración, declaration
declarar, to declare