Kitabı oku: «Legends, Tales and Poems», sayfa 22
gabinete, m., cabinet; correo de —, state (or king's) messenger.
gaita, f., bagpipe.
gala, f., ostentation, display, grace, adornment; full (or court) dress; pl., regalia, finery, paraphernalia.
galán. m., gallant, lover, suitor, wooer.
galante, gallant; of (or pertaining to) lovers.
galantería, f., gallantry, courteousness, courtliness.
galanura, f., grace, gracefulness, elegance (in language or style), style, repartee.
Galatea, f., Galatea.
galeón, m., galleon.
galería, f., gallery.
galonear, to adorn (or deck) with lace.
gallardía, f., gallantry.
gallo, m., cock, rooster; Misa del Gallo, midnight mass on Christmas eve.
gamo, m., buck.
gana, f., appetite, desire, wish, inclination; tener —s, to have a mind (de, to).
ganado, m., flock, herd.
ganar, to gain.
ganga, f., (coll.) fortune, luck, anything valuable acquired with little labor.
Garcés, m., (Span.} Garcts.
garganta, f., throat.
garra, f., claw.
garrotazo, m., blow with a staff (or cudgel).
garrote, m., cudgel, stick, staff.
gasa, f., gauze.
gastar, to spend; to display; como las gasta, how he acts; how he comports himself; what his tricks are.
gato, m., cat.
gavilanes, m. pl., cross-bars of the guard of a sword; guard (of a sword-hilt).
gavilla, f., band, gang.
gay saber, m., poetry, art of poetry.
gemido, m., sigh, groan, moan, moaning, sighing.
gemir, to moan, sigh, groan; to creak.
general, general; subst. m., general.
género, m., kind, species, quality, nature.
generoso, -a, generous.
genial, m., disposition, nature.
genio, m., genius, spirit.
gente, f., people, crowd, servants; pl., servants; – menuda, servants, domestics, dependents; – del pueblo, common people.
Gerardo, m., Gerard.
gerifalte, m., falcon, gyrfalcon.
germinar, to germinate, bud.
gigante, gigantic, grand.
gigantesco, -a, gigantic, vast.
girar, to turn, revolve, dart about; to creak.
girón, m., piece, tatter, banner, pennant, flag.
gitana, f., gypsy.
glacial, glacial, icy.
globo, m., globe, sphere, ball.
gloria, f., glory; el día de —, the day of glory, Holy Saturday.
goce, m., enjoyment, pleasure.
gola, f., gorget, neck-plate.
golondrina, f., swallow.
golpe, m., stroke, blow, clang, clank; á —s, by (or with) blows.
golpear, to strike, beat; subst. m., clattering.
gordo, -a, large, big, great, coarse.
gorguera, f, ruff; – de cañutos, fluted ruff.
gorjear, to warble.
gota, f., drop; – á —, drop by drop.
gotear, to drop, drip, fall drop by drop.
gótico, -a, Gothic.
gozar, to enjoy; – de, to enjoy.
gozne, m., hinge.
gozo, m., joy, pleasure, satisfaction.
grabar, to engrave.
gracia, f., grace, favor, charm; pl., thanks; dar las —s, to express one's thanks.
gracioso, -a, funny, comical.
grada, f., step, stair, gradine; pl., perron, staircase.
grado, m., grade, rank, degree.
gradualmente, gradually.
grama, f., dog-grass, dog-wheat.
gran. See grande.
grana, f., scarlet; (fine) scarlet cloth; de —, scarlet.
grande, great, grand, large, tall, long; á —s voces, in a loud voice, loudly.
granito, m., granite.
granjear, to obtain, gain, win.
grano, m., gram.
grave, serious, dignified, grave.
gravedad, f., gravity, seriousness.
graznido, m., croaking, cawing.
greña, f., tangled (or matted) hair.
griego, -a, Greek.
grifo, m., griffin, a fabulous monster, half lion, half eagle.
gris, gray.
gritar, to cry (out).
grito, m., cry; – de vela, watch-cry.
groseramente, roughly, rudely, coarsely.
grotesco, -a, grotesque.
grueso, -a, thick, large, big, bulky; subst. m., large body, main body.
grupa, f., croup; volver —s; to turn back (or around).
grupo, m., group.
guante, m., glove; echar el —, to arrest.
guantelete, m., gauntlet.
guarda, m., guard.
guardar, to retain, keep, possess, have, guard; to stow away.
guardia, f., guard; en —, on guard.
guardián, m., keeper, warden.
guarecerse, to take refuge, find shelter, escape.
guarida, f., cave, cavern, den, lair.
guedeja, f., lock (of hair).
guerra, f., war.
guerrero, m., warrior, soldier.
guía, m., guide.
guiar, to guide.
guijarro, m., pebble.
guión, m., bell-wether, bell-sheep.
guisa, f., manner, guise; á – de, by way of.
gusano, m., worm, maggot.
gustar, to like, please.
gusto, m., taste, pleasure, ease, leisure; dar —, to gratify.
guzla, f., guzla, fiddle with a single string.
ha, contraction of hace. See hacer.
haber, to have; – de, to have to, be obliged to; must, should, would, ought; to be to, be able to; can; he de, I must; había de, I was to; I had to; no se ha de decir, it cannot be said; que se ha de comer la tierra, which the earth shall (one day) swallow up; ¿y por qué no has de vivir? and why can you not (or should you not) live? – (impers.), to be; hay, there is (or are); habia, there was (or were); habrá, there will be; – que, to be necessary; me lo habían de asegurar … y no lo creeria, even if I were assured by … I wouldn't believe it; que habréis visto, which you probably have seen; ¿que hay? what is it? what is the matter? si no hay más que, one needs only to; no hay para qué decir que se fastidiaban, it is needless to say were bored; no haya cuidado, don't worry, never fear, let there be no fear; que no haya más que oir, that nothing else can be heard; he aquí, here is (or are); behold, lo.
habilitar, to provide, equip, furnish.
habitación, f., hall, room.
habitador, m., inhabitant, tenant.
habitar, to live, dwell, inhabit, reside.
hábito, m., habit, custom; dress; pl., cassock, clothes.
habitual, habitual.
hablar, to speak; en hablando del ruin de Roma, cátale aqui que asoma, speak of the devil and he will appear.
hablilla, f., rumor, report, babbling.
hacer, to make, do, cause, bring about, work, cast, be, become, be turned into; —(impers.), to be (of the weather and of time); hace, ago; hace mucho tiempo, a long time ago; no hace (or ha) mucho, not long ago; hace muchos años, many years ago; hace rato, quite a while ago; hará cosa de tres ó cuatro días, about three or four days ago; haria cosa de unas dos horas, it must have been about two hours; – justicia, to execute; – mal de ojo, to cast the evil eye; – memoria de, to remember; – monos, to play tricks; – pedazos, to break to pieces; – platillo de, to converse about; – una pregunta, to ask a question, make a request; – presente, to lay before, present, state; dar que —, to give trouble; estar hecbo una furia, to be in a rage; refl., to be, become; – se de tripas corazón, to pluck up courage.
hacia, towards; – adelante, forward.
hacha, f., torch.
hada, f., fairy; enchanted nymph.
halagar, to flatter, caress.
halagüeño, -a, attractive, alluring.
halcón, m., falcon.
hallar, to find, meet; refl., to be, be found, meet.
hambre, f., hunger.
harapo, m., tatter, rag, fringe.
haraposo, -a, ragged.
hasta, as far as, up to, until, to, towards, also, besides, even, even to; – entonces, till then; ¡– la noche! (good-by) till tonight; no … —, only; not before; – que (no), until; – tonto que, until; – unos cien, (up to) about a hundred.
haz, m., bundle; el – de armas, panoply.
haz, f., face, surface.
haza, f., field, cultivated field.
he: – aquf, here is (or are); behold; héte aqui, hare is (or are); behold.
hechicera, f., witch, hag.
hechizar, to bewitch.
hechizo, m., enchantment, charm.
hecho, -a, pp. of hacer, made, turn (formed or turned) into; like; subst. m., fact, deed, act, event.
hediondo, -a, fetid, fould.
helado, -a, adj. pp. of helar, frozen, icy, glacial.
helar, to freeze.
henchir(se), to swell.
hendidura, f., fissure, crack, crevice.
heredad, f., country place, farm.
heredar, to inherit.
herencia, f., inheritance.
herida, f., wound.
herido, -a, adj. pp. of herir, wounded; á voz herida, in clanging tones.
herir, to strike, wound, shine upon, light up; – de muerte, to strike dead.
hermana, f., sister.
hermano, m., brother.
hermoso, -a, lovely, beautiful, fine.
hermosote, very fine (or handsome).
hermosure, f., beauty.
héroe, m., hero.
hervir, to boil, blaze, seethe; to crowd, swarm.
héte. See he.
hiedra, f., ivy.
hielo, m., ice, frost.
hierba, f., grass, herb; pl., grass.
hierro, m., iron; pl., irons, fetters; arms; hundir una cuarta de —, to bury the spurs; to spur deeply.
higado, m., liver; hasta echar los —s, with all (your) might.
hija, f., doughter, girl, child, offspring.
hijo, m., son; pl., children.
hilo, m., thread, ray.
hilvanar, to prepare; to plan.
himno, m., hymn.
hinchado, -a, adj. pp. of hinchar, swollen.
hinojo, m., knee; de —s, kneeling; on one's knees.
hipocritón, very hypocritical; subst. m., great hypocrite.
hirviente, boiling, glowing, blazing.
hisopo, m., aspergill, brush used to sprinkle holy water.
historia f., story, incident.
histórico, -a, historic, historical.
hito, m., mark; mirar de – en —, to look at (or over) closely, view with attention, fix one's eyes upon.
hogar, m., hearth, home, fireplace.
hoguera, f., fire, bonfire, blaze.
hoja, f., leaf, fold, blade; pl., double doors, folding doors.
hojarasca, f., foliage; (here) carved foliage.
¡hola! halloo! look! well! what!
hollar, to tread upon, trample.
hombre, m., man.
hombro, m., shoulder; en —s, on (their) shoulders.
homenaje,m.., homage; prestar —, to pay homage, profess fealty; torre del —, tower of homage; homage tower; tower in a castle in which the governor or warden took the oath of fidelity.
honda, f., sling; tiro de—, slingshot.
hondo, -a, profound, deep.
hondura, f., depth, cavity, basin, deep valley.
honor, m., honor.
honra, f., honor.
honrado, -a, honest, honorable.
hora, f., hour; o'clock; á —, at an hour; á la media —, within half an hour; y esta es la – en que todavía no le hemos visto, and we haven't seen him since; al punto y – de, on the stroke of, at exactly.
horca, f., gallows.
horizonte, m., horizon.
hornacina, f., vaulted niche, niche.
horrible, horrible, fearful.
horror, m., horror, dread; santo —, awe, reverential fear.
horroroso, -a, horrid, hideous.
hostia, f., host.
hoy, to-day.
hucco, -a, hollow, cavernous; subst. m., hollow, hole, niche, cavity, grave.
huella, f., impression, trace, track, print, footprint.
hueso, m., bone; pl., bones, remains; de carne y —, of flesh and blood.
huesoso, -a, bony.
huésped, m., guest.
hueste, f., host, army.
huesudo, -a, bony.
huída, f., flight, escape.
huir, to flee, flee from, escape.
humanidad, f., humanity.
humano, -a, human, mortal.
humear, to smoke, smolder, steam.
humedecer, to moisten, dampen, steep.
húmedo, -a, wet, moist, damp, humid.
humildad, f., humility.
humilde, humble.
humillar, to humble; refl., to humble oneself; to bow down.
humo, m., smoke, vapor, steam, fumes.
humor, m., humor; buen —, good humor, merriment; de buen —, good-natured, jolly.
hundir, to sink, bury; – una cuarta de hierro, to bury the spurs; to spur deeply.
huracán, m., hurricane, storm.
húsar, m., hussar.
idea, f., idea, thought, plan, fancy, imagination.
idéntico, -a, identical.
idioma, m., language, idiom.
ido, -a, pp. of ir, gone; absent.
iglesia, f., church.
ígneo, -a, of (or pertaining to) fire.
ignorancia, f., ignorance.
ignorantón, m., great fool.
ignorar, to be ignorant of; not to know; refl., to be unknown.
ignoto, -a, unknown.
igual, equal, like, steady, even, uniform; the same; subst. m., peer.
ijar, m., flank.
iluminar, to illuminate, light up; to enlighten.
ilusión, f., illusion.
ilustre, illustrious.
imagen, f., statue, figure, form, image; vision.
imaginación, f., imagination, fancy.
imaginario, -a, imaginary.
imaginarse, to imagine.
imbécil, m., imbecile, fool.
imitar, to imitate.
impaciencia, f., impatience; con —, impatiently.
impaciente, impatient; adv., impatiently.
impasible, impassible, unmoved, motionless.
impávido, -a, dauntless, intrepid.
impedir, to hinder.
impeler, to impel, urge.
impenetrable, impenetrable.
imperceptible, imperceptible.
imperial, imperial.
impetuoso, -a, impetuous.
impiedad, f., impiety, irreligion.
impío, -a, impious.
implorar, to implore.
imponente, imposing, impressive.
imponer, to impose.
importancia, f., importance.
importante, important.
importar, to be of importance; no
importa, no matter.
importe, m., value, cost.
importuno, -a, importunate.
imposible, impossible.
impotencia, f., impotence; amenazas de —, impotent threats.
impracticable, impracticable.
imprecación, f., imprecation, curse.
impregnar, to impregnate, saturate, imbue.
impresión, f., impression.
impreso, -a, adj. pp. (irr.) of imprimir, imprinted, stamped.
improvisar, to improvise, extemporize.
improviso, -a, unexpected; de —, suddenly, unexpectedly.
impulsar, to impel.
impulso, m., impulse, power, force, motion, gust; á —s de, moved by, overcome by.
inagotable, inexhaustible
inanimado, -a, inanimate, lifeless. incansable, indefatigable, tireless, unwearied; adv., tirelessly.
incendiar, to set on fire.
incertidumbre,f., uncertainty, hesitation.
incesante, incessant.
incidente, m., incident, event, episode.
incienso, m., incense.
incierto, -a, uncertain, wandering, restless.
incitar, to incite; to inspire.
inclinar, to incline, bend over; refl., to bend down, bow, lean.
incógnito, m., disguise, incognito.
incólume, safe, unharmed, in safety.
incomodar, to bother, disturb.
incomodidad,f., inconvenience.
incómodo, -a, comfortless, wretched; más vale – que ninguno, better comfortless quarters than none at all.
incomparable, incomparable.
incomprensible, incomprehensible.
inconcebible, inconceivable.
incontestable, irresistible.
inconveniente, m., objection, inconvenience, impropriety; no tener —, not to consider improper; to have no objection.
incorporarse, to rise, get up, straighten up; á medias, to sit up.
incorpóreo, -a, incorporeal.
incorregible, incorrigible.
incredulidad, f., incredulity.
incrédulo, -a, incredulous.
increíble, incredible.
indecible, unspeakable, ineffable.
indeciso, -a, uncertain, indefinite.
indefinable, indefinable.
indescriptible, indescribable.
indicar, to indicate.
indiferente, indifferent.
indignación, f., indignation.
indiscreción, f., indiscretion.
indudablemente, indubitably, unquestionably.
inefable, ineffable, unspeakable.
inerte, inert, motionless, lifeless.
Inés, f., Agnes, Inez.
inesperado, -a, unexpected.
inexplicable, inexplicable.
inextinguible, inextinguishable, perpetual.
infecto, -a, infected, stagnant.
infeliz, unhappy, unfortunate, wretched; weak-minded; subst., poor wretch, poor fellow.
infernal, infernal.
infiel, infidel; subst. m. pl., infidels, Moors, Saracens.
infiernos, m. pl., infernal regions; hell.
infinito, -a, infinite.
inflamarse, to catch fire, become inflamed.
influencia, f., influence.
influjo, m., influence.
informe, shapeless, formless.
infundir, to infuse, inspire, instill.
ingenio, m., ingenuity, cleverness, wit, mind.
ingenioso, -a, ingenious, clever.
ininteligible, unintelligible.
inmediato, -a, immediate, next, adjacent, very near.
inmensidad, f., immensity.
inmenso, -a, immense.
inmortal, immortal.
inmóvil, motionless.
iumovilidad, f., immobility.
inocencia, f., innocence.
inocentada, f., (coll.) foolishness, foolish speech (or action).
inocente, innocent, simple.
inquietar, to trouble, disquiet, make anxious, disturb.
inquieto, -a, restless, shifting, anxious, disquieting.
inquietud, f., restlessness, anxiety.
inquirir, to inquire.
inscripción, f., inscription.
insecto, m., insect.
inseguro, -a, unsteady.
insepulto, -a, unburied.
insignificante, insignificant.
insistencia, f., urgency, insistence.
insistir, to urge, persist, insist.
insolente, insolent.
insólito, -a, unusual, unaccustomed.
insomnio, m., insomnia.
insoportable, insufferable.
insostenible, indefensible, intolerable, unbearable.
inspiración, f., inspiration.
inspirar, to inspire.
instancia, f., entreaty.
instantaneamente, instantly.
instante, m., moment, instant; por—s, for some moments.
instintivamente, instinctively.
instrucción, f., instruction, direction.
instrumento, m., instrument, tool.
insufrible, intolerable, insufferable.
insulso, -a, insipid, dull, flat.
insulto, m., insult.
intangible, intangible.
inteligencia, f., intelligence, comprehension.
inteligente, skillful; subst. m, clever man.
intemperie, f., inclemency (of the. weather).
intención, f., intention, meaning, allusion; con —, on purpose; purposely, designedly.
intensidad, f., intensity.
intenso, -a, intense.
intentar, to try, attempt, intend, mean, be about to.
interés, m., interest, concern.
interesar, to interest; – se con, to be interested in.
interior, m, interior.
interiormente, inwardly, to oneself.
interlocutor, m., questioner, interlocutor.
interminable, interminable, endless.
internarse, to enter, penetrate.
interno, -a, internal.
interpelado, subst. m., man (or one) interrogated (or questioned).
interpretar, to interpret, explain.
interrogación, f., question, interrogation.
interrumpir, to interrupt, break.
intersticio, m., interstice, crack.
intervalo, m., interval.
intimamente, intimately.
intimidar, to intimidate.
intranquilo, -a, restless, moving, shifting.
intrincado, -a, intricate, obscure.
introducción, f, introduction.
introito, m., (eccl.) introit, a psalm or anthem sung immediately before the communion or mass.
intruso, m, intruder.
inundar, to inundate.
inútil, useless, needless, unnecessary.
inútilmente, uselessly, in vain.
invadir, to invade.
invencible, invincible, irresistible, unconquerable.
invierno, m., winter.
invisible, invisible.
invitación, f., invitation.
invocar, to invoke.
involuntariamente, involuntarily.
involuntario, -a, involuntary.
inyectar, to inject, fill.
Íñigo, m., Ignatius.
ir, to go; to be; -aproximando, to approach; —subiendo de, to increase, keep increasing; vamos, let us go; come, well, indeed; ¡vaya! well! come! indeed! nonsense! refl., to go away, go off, escape.
ira, f., wrath, rage.
iris, m., iris; arco—, rainbow.
ironía, f., irony.
irrealizable, impossible (of realization).
irrecusable, irrefutable.
irresolute, -a, irresolute, undecided, wavering.
irritar, to irritate.
izquierdo, -a, left.
¡já! ha!
jabalí, m., wild boar.
jacinto, m., hyacinth.
jadeante, panting, out of breath.
jambs, never, ever.
jaramago, m., hedge-mustard.
jarana, f., scuffle, contest.
jardín, m., garden.
jauría, f., hounds, pack of dogs.
jazmin, m., jasmine.
jefe, m., chief, leader.
jerarquía, f., hierarchy.
Jesucristo, m., Jesus Christ.
Jesus, m., Jesus; ¡—! Lord! goodness!
jifero, m., butcher.
jilguero, m., linnet.
jinete, m., rider, horseman; used as adj., mounted (de, on), astride.
jirón, m., tatter, bit, scrap; flag, pennant.
jornada, f., day's march (or journey); journey; act.
Jose, m., Joseph.
joven, young; subst, m. and f., young man, young woman, boy, girl, youth.
joya, f., jewel, brooch, small ornament (usually worn about the neck).
júbilo, m., joy, rejoicing.
jubón, m., doublet.
juego, m., play, game, amusement, sport, trick.
juez, m., judge.
jugar, to play.
juglar, m., juggler, minstrel, conjurer.
juguete, m., toy, sport.
juguetear, to trifle, sport, dally, frolic.
juguetón, playful, sportive.
juicio, m., judgment, sense, trial.
junco, m., reed, rush.
juntar, to join, clasp, unite.
junto, -a, united, together, joined, (pl.) side by side; prep., —á, near, near to, close, at the side of, beside.
juramento, m., oath.
jurar, to swear, vow.
justicia, f., justice; hacer—, to execute.
justillo, m., jacket, jerkin, doublet.
justo, -a, just, exact, holy, righteous.
juventud, f., youth.
juzgar, to judge, think, consider, believe.
la, the.
la, her, to her; that, that one; pl., them, those; (one's) tricks; (one's) doings (or deeds); como las gasta, how he acts; how he comports himself; what his tricks are; las relataban, would tell of his deeds.
laberinto, m., labyrinth.
labio, m., lip.
labrador, m., farmer.
labrar, to till, cultivate.
ladera, f., declivity.
lado, m., side, direction; por su—, on one's own account; for one-self; as far as he (or she) is (or was) concerned; por todos —s, in all directions; al—tuyo, at your side.
ladrar, to bark.
ladrido, m., bark, barking.
lago, m., lake.
lágrima, f., tear.
lagrimón, m., large tear.
lamentación, f., lamentation.
lamento, m., lament, moaning, plaint, complaint.
lamer, to lap.
lámpara, f., lamp, light.
lance, m., case, incident, occurrence, critical moment.
languidez, f., languor, torpor.
lánguido, -a, languid.
lanza, f., lance.
lanzar, to hurl, cast, emit, dart; re f., to rush forth, dart out, be cast (or hurled); to jump, spring, swing oneself.
largo, -a, long, prolonged, large, broad; á lo—de, along, the length of; adv., long.
larva, f., larva, hobgoblin, sprite.
lástima, f., pity, compassion; ¡ ! what a pity! it's a pity; too bad! es (una)—, it is a pity.
lastimero, -a, piteous, sad, doleful, mournful.
latido, m., palpitation, beat.
latin, m., Latin.
latir, to beat, palpitate; to bark, yelp; subst. m., bark(s), barking.
laudable, laudable, praiseworthy.
lava, f., lava.
lavar, to wash, lave.
Lázaro, m., Lazarus.
lazo, m., tie, bond, fetter.
le, him, to him, to her, you, to you, it.
lebrel, m., greyhound.
lección, f., lesson.
lector, m., reader.
leche, f, milk.
lecho, m., bed, couch.
leer, to read.
légamo, m., mud, slime.
legión, f., legion.
legua, f., league, about four miles.
lejano, -a, distant, remote.
legos, far, afar, far off; á lo —, at a distance, afar, far off; in the distance; desde —, from a distance.
lengua, f., tongue, language.
lenguaje, m., language, speech.
lentamente, slowly.
lentisco, m., lentiscus, mastic, a low, shrubby tree, growing upon the islands and coasts of the Mediterranean.
lentitud, f., slowness; con —, slowly.
lento, -a, slow.
letra, f., letter; pl., letters, words.
levadizo, -a, raisable; puente —, drawbridge.
levantar, to raise; – el vuelo, to rise in flight, refl., to arise, raise oneself, rise, get up.
leve, light, slight, trifling, gay.
ley, f., law; cartas leyes, summons.
leyenda, f., legend; inscription.
liar, to tie, bind; refl., to entwine about, to bind oneself.
libación, f., libation.
libélula, f., libellula, dragon-fly.
libertad, f., liberty, freedom.
libertar, to free, liberate, protect.
librar, to deliver, preserve.
libre, free.
libro, m., book.
licencioso, -a, licentious.
licor, m., liquor, wine.
lienzo, m., linen, linen cloth (or veil); curtain.
ligar, to render impotent by charms or spells.
ligeramente, lightly, slightly.
ligereza, f., lightness, agility.
ligerfsimo, -a, abs. super. of ligero, very (or extremely) light (trifling or insignificant).
ligero, -a, light, slight, thin, quick, swift, fleeting.
lima, f., file.
limbo, m., border.
limitar, to limit, confine.
limite, m., limit, confines, bounds, boundary.
limosnero, -a, charitable.
limpiar, to wipe.
limpidez, f., limpidity.
limpido, -a, limpid, clear, pure.
lindo, -a, handsome, pretty, nice.
linea, f., line; – divisoria, boundary.
lino, m., canvas, linen.
linterna, f., lantern.
lira, f., lyre.
lirio, m., iris, lily.
lisonjero, -a, flattering.
lista, f., shred, patch.
litera, f., litter.
literario, -a, literary.
lo, the.
lo, it, him.
lo, that; – que, that which, what, whatever; —s que, those who (or which).
lobo, m., wolf.
lóbrego, -a, dark, obscure, gloomy.
local, m., place, site.
loco, -a, wild, hilarious, mad, foolish, subst. m. and f., madman, mad woman (or girl); cada – con su tema, everybody (lit. every fool) has his hobby.
locuela, f., madcap.
locura, f., madness.
lograr, to bring about, succeed.
loma, f., hill, hillock.
lomo, m., back; pl., back; á —s de, on the back of.
longanimidad, f., longanimity, long-suffering, long-sufferance.
lonjista, m., grocer, shopkeeper.
lontananza, f., distance; en —, in the distance; afar (off).
loor, m., (poet.) praise.
Lope, m., (Span.) Lope (from Lupus).
losa, f., flag, flagstone; slab.
lóbrico, -a, lewd, vile.
lucido, -a, adj. pp. of lucir, brilliant, magnificent.
luciérnaga, f., glow-worm, firefly.
Lucifer, m., Lucifer, Satan.
lucir, to shine, be (or become) bright; to display, wear.
lucha, f., strife, struggle, contest, battle.
luchar, to strive, struggle.
luego, then, presently, immediately, now, at once; desde —, at once, straightway, thereupon, immediately.
luengo, -a, long.
lugar, m., place, town, village, spot, region, area; time, opportunity; dar —, to give rise, give place; dejar —, to give place; tener —, to happen, take place.
lugubre, mournful, lugubrious.
lujo, m., luxury.
lujosisimo, -a, abs. super. of lujoso, very (or most) luxurious.
lujoso, -a, luxurious, lavish.
lumbre, f., fire.
luminoso, -a, luminous, of light, with a halo of light.
luna, f., moon; noche de—, moonlight night.
luto, m., mourning.
luz, f., light; dar á la—, to give birth to; dos dedos de—, a thin streak of light.