Kitabı oku: «Legends, Tales and Poems», sayfa 26
ú (before o- and ho-), or.
ufano, -a, proud.
últimamente, finally, ultimately.
último, -a, last; este —, the latter; hasta lo —, to the utmost; por —, at last, finally.
ultraje, m., outrage, insult, affront.
umbral, m., threshold; lintel.
umbría, f., dense thicket.
un, una, a, an; pl., some.
uncir, to yoke, harness.
únicamente, only, solely, merely.
único, -a, only, sole; el —, the only one.
unido, -a, adj. pp. of unir, united, smooth; mal —, rough, uneven.
unir, to unite, join; refl., to unite, join, touch.
uno, -a, one; pl., some; (hasta) —s cien, (up to) about a hundred.
uno, una, pron., one, some one, a person; (el) – y (el) otro, both.
unto, m., ointment.
usar, to use.
usarced, contr. of vuestra merced (antiquated), you.
uso, m., use.
usted, contr. of vuestra merced, you.
usura, f., usury.
útil, useful.
vaciar, to empty.
vacilante, staggering, unsteady.
vacilar, to vacillate, stagger, sway, reel; waver, doubt, hesitate.
vacio, -a, empty, void, free; subst. m., space, void.
vagar, to wander, saunter, flit, hover.
vago, -a, vague.
vaina, f., scabbard.
valentía, f., boasting.
valer, to be worth, be valuable, be responsible for; mas vale incomodo que ninguno, better comfortless quarters than, none at all; refl., to avail oneself (of), make use (of).
valiente, valiant, strong, brave.
valor, m., worth, courage, valor.
valla, f., barrier.
valladar, m., rampart, defense, embankment, barrier.
valle, m., vale, valley.
vamos, ¡vamos! See ir.
vandalismo, m., vandalism.
vanidad, f, vanity.
vano, -a, vain; en —, in vain
vapor, m., vapor, fumes, perfume.
vaporoso, -a, vaporous.
vara, f, wand, staff, verge, yard.
vario, -a, varied, varying, various, different.
varón, m., man.
varonil, vigorous, manly, spirited, loud.
vasallo, m., vassal.
vaso, m., vessel; pitcher; jug; (water) glass; lamp.
vástago, m., scion.
vasto, -a, vast.
¡vaya! See ir.
vecino, -a, neighboring, adjoining; subst. m. or f., neighbor; pl., neighbors, residents, citizens.
vehemencia, f., vehemence, violence.
veinte, twenty.
veinticuatro, twenty-four; subst. pl. m., aldermen, the twenty-four city councilors of Seville or other cities of Andalusia.
vela, f., watch, vigil; candle; grito de —, watch-cry.
velada, f., vigil, wakefulness, watch.
velar, to watch, wake, keep guard, watch over; to veil, cover, hide.
veleta, f., weather-cock (or vane).
velo, m., veil, mist.
vellón, m., fleece, wool.
vena, f., vein.
venablo, m., javelin, spear.
venado, m., deer, stag.
vencedor, m., conqueror, victor.
vencer, to conquer, overcome.
vendaval, m., vendaval, strong wind (south by west); strong wind from the sea.
vender, to sell.
vendido, -a, adj. pp, of vender, sold, bartered.
venerable, venerable.
venganza, f., vengeance.
venido, subst. m., comer, arrival; recien —, recent arrival.
venir, to come, occur; – al mundo, to be born; – á romper, to break.
ventajoso, -a, advantageous.
ventana,f., window.
Ventura, f., chance, fortune; por —, by chance, perchance.
ver, to see, look at, watch, observe; por lo que veo, as I see; evidently; ¡á – á —! let's see! come now! estar viendolo, to see it; to be present; refl., to be seen, be visible; no -se con, to have nothing to do with, have no connection with.
veracidad, f., veracity.
verano, m., summer.
veras,f. pl., truth, seriousness; con todas —, in all truth (or seriousness).
verdad, f., truth; con —, really, truly; – es, it is true; the truth is; ¿será —? can it be true?
verdaderamente, truly, in truth.
verdadero, -a, true, real, genuine, regular.
verde, green.
verdura, f., verdure, green.
vereda, f., path, foot-path.
vergüenza, f. shame.
verídico, -a, truthful, veracious, authentic.
verja, f. grating, railing, altar-rail.
verosimilitud, f., probability, likelihood, verisimility.
versado, -a, versed, skilled.
verso, m., verse, line.
verter, to shed, pour, pour forth, emit, cast.
verticalmente, vertically.
vertiente, f., waterfall, cascade.
vertiginoso, -a, vertiginous, dizzy, confusing, producing dizziness.
vértigo, m., vertigo, dizziness.
vestido, m., clothing; pl., clothes, clothing.
vestidura, f., dress, apparel, gown; robe.
vestigio, m., vestige, ruin.
vestir, to clothe, dress; to adorn, deck, hang (de, with).
vetusto, -a, old, ancient.
vez, f., time, place, stead, turn; á la —, at (one and) the same time; á su —, in (its, his, her, their, or your) turn; alguna —, sometimes; cada —, constantly, continually, ever; cada – que, every time that; whenever; cuantas veces, as often as; de – en cuando, from time to time; every now and then; at intervals; de una —, at once, suddenly, abruptly wholly, once for all; ¡acabaramos de una —! well and good! en —, in place, instead; una – más, once more; otra —, again, once more; ór dos veces, twice; tal —, perhaps, perchance; una – y otra, again and again; unas veces, sometimes.
via, f., way.
viaje, m., trip, journey, voyage.
víbora, f., viper.
vibrante, vibrating.
vibrar, to vibrate.
Vicente, m., Vincent. See donde.
victima, f., victim.
victoria, f., victory.
vida, f., life; á —, alive; con —, alive; dejar la —, to die.
vidriera,f., window, window-pane.
vidrio, m., glass, pane, window pane; —s de colores, stained glass (windows).
viejo, -a, old; de puro —, from sheer old age; subst. m. and f., old man, old woman.
vientecillo, m., breeze, gentle wind.
viento, m., wind, breeze.
viernes, m., Friday; Viernes Santo, Good Friday.
vigilancia, f., vigilance.
vigilante, m., watch, guard.
vigilia, f., vigil, waking, sleeplessness.
vil, base, vile.
villa, f., city, town.
villancico, m., Christmas carol.
villano, -a, common, low-born, base-born; subst. m., villein (or villain), serf.
vino, m., wine.
violencia, f., violence; con —, violently, loudly.
violento, -a, violent.
violeta, f., violet.
vira, f., dart, arrow.
virgen, f., virgin.
visera, f., visor.
visible, visible, evident, apparent.
vision, f., vision, sight, scene, fancy.
visitar, to visit.
viso, m., appearance.
vispera, f., eve, day before; pl., vespers.
vista, f., sight, view, glance, gaze, vision; dar – á, to come into view of; perder de —, to lose sight of; tender la —, to direct one's glance; to look, glance, cast a glance.
visto, -a, adj. pp. of ver, seen, visible, familiar; no (or nunca) —, not (or never) seen (before); extraordinary, wonderful, strange; por lo —, evidently, apparently, visibly.
vistoso, -a, pleasing to the eye, delightful, showy.
viuda, f., widow.
vivir, to live, dwell; no vivo hasta ver, I am dying to see.
vivir, subst. m., living, life.
vivo, -a, alive, living.
vocería, f., clamor, outcry.
volante, flying; columna —, flying column.
Volar, to fly, fly away, go by, pass, run.
volcán, m., volcano.
voltear, to turn, whirl, revolve, wander, flit, glitter, swing.
voluntad, f., will.
voluptuosidad, f., voluptuousness.
voluptuoso, -a, voluptuous.
volver, to turn, turn over, return; – á … (infin.), to … (infin.) again; – en sí, to come to oneself; to regain consciousness; – grupas, to turn back; – pies, to turn (one's) steps; – pies atrás, to turn back; refl., to turn, turn round, return.
vos, you.
vosotros, -as, you.
voz, f., voice, tone, sound, cry, word; á grandes voces, in a loud voice; loudly; á – herida, in clanging tones; á media —, in a low tone; softly; á toda —, at the top of their voices; dar una gran —, to call out loudly.
vuelo, m., flight; al —, flying; on the wing; abatir el —, to alight; levantar el —, to rise in flight.
vuelta, f., turn, return; lining; pl., cuffs, lapels, etc. (that part of a garment turned back and showing the lining), lining; dar una —, to take a turn, take a walk; dar —s, to turn, wind, whirl, revolve.
vuelto, -a, pp. of volver; —de espaldas, with (his) back turned.
vuestro, -a, your, yours; el —, la vuestra, yours.
vulgar, common, ordinary.
vulgarmente, vulgarly, commonly.
vulgo, m., people, common people.
vulnerable, vulnerable.
y, and.
ya, already, now, soon, longer, indeed; – … —, now … now (or again); either or; no … – (or – no …), no longer; – que, since; si —, if indeed; si – no, unless; – allí, when they had arrived there.
yacer, to lie.
yerto, -a, stiff, rigid, motionless, lifeless, desolate.
yo, I.
yunque, m., anvil.
zagal, m., shepherd boy.
zambomba, f., zambomba, a kind of rustic drum consisting of a skin stretched over the mouth of a jar, with a reed fastened at the center. This rubbed up and down with the moistened hand produces a strong, hoarse, monotonous sound.
zampoña, f., rustic flute.
zarza, f., bramble, brier, thorny bush, bramble-bush.
zarzal, m., bramble, brier, bramble thicket.
zigzag, m., zigzag.
zumba, f., jest, joke, raillery.
zumbar, to buzz, hum, murmur, whistle, sound, resound, vibrate.
zumbido, m., humming, buzzing.
zurrón, m., bag, pouch, provision-bag.