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Kitabı oku: «Legends, Tales and Poems», sayfa 23

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llama, f., flame.

llamar, to call, beckon, knock; – á la puerta, to knock (at the door); – la atención, to attract the attention; refl., to be called, be named.

llamear, to flame, gleam, shine.

llano, m., plain; por montes y -s, over hill and dale.

llanto, m., cry; flood of tears; tears.

llanura, f., plain.

llave, f., key.

llegada, f, arrival.

llegar, to arrive, come, come to a (certain) point, go so far as, go, reach; – á, to reach, arrive at, succeed in, go so far as to; llegué á tener miedo, I finally became afraid; – y besar el santo, to succeed in a brief space of time; to find good fortune quickly.

llenar, to fill; refl., to be filled.

lleno, -a, full, covered (with).

llevar, to take, bear, support, get, carry, place, put, raise, bring, lead, take away, draw on, attract; to wear; – á cabo, to execute, carry out, bring to a successful conclusion, terminate successfully; – del diestro, to lead (by the halter or bridle); – á término, to succeed, carry out, perform.

llorar, to cry, weep, weep for, mourn, grieve; nos amanecía llorando, dawn found us weeping llorón, tearful, whimpering, lachrymose, given to weeping, apt to shed tears.

llover, to rain.

lluvia,f, rain, shower.


macizo, -a, massive.

machón, m., buttress, counter-fort.

madera. f., wood, woodwork.

madre, f., mother.

madreselva, f, honeysuckle.

maese, m. (obsolete) , master.

maestro, m., master, teacher; de capilla, choir-master, one who composes and directs church music.

magnate, m., magnate.

magnífico, -a, magnificent.

majaderfa, f, absurd (or foolish) speech; nonsense.

majestad, f, majesty.

majestuoso, -a, majestic.

mal, adj. See malo; adv., badly, poorly; subst. m., evil, ill, spell, evil act (or speech); hacer – de ojo, to cast the evil eye; quien (en) – anda, (en) – acaba, a bad beginning makes a bad ending.

maldad,f., wickedness, wicked act.

maldecir, to revile, curse.

maldición, f., malediction, curse.

maldito, -a, adj. pp. (irr.) of maldecir, accursed.

maleficio, m., enchantment.

malestar, m., uneasiness.

maleza, f., thicket, brake; underbrush malhechor, m., malefactor, criminal.

maliciar, to suspect.

malicioso, -a, mischievous, sly, roguish, malicious, evil-minded.

maligno, -a, malignant, evil.

malo, -a, bad, poor, ill, evil, worthless, wicked.

malla, f., (coat of) mail.

manada, f., herd, flock, pack.

mancebo, m., boy, youth, young man.

mancha, f., spot.

manchar, to stain.

mandar, to order, command, send orders; to send; – comparecer, to summon (to appear) mandoble, m., two-handed sword, broadsword.

manejar, to handle, wield.

manera, f., manner, way; de todas —s, at all events, at any rate.

manga, f., sleeve; —s perdidas, loose hanging sleeves.

mango, m., handle.

manjar, m., dish, tidbit; pl., food.

mano, f., hand; de —s á. boca, all of a sudden; unexpectedly; echar – de, to lay hands upon, take possession of; entre sus —s, in his hands; tomar – en ello, to take it in hand (or a hand in it).

manojo, m., bundle, bunch, bouquet.

mansedumbre, f., meekness, humility.

manso, -a, meek, soft, gentle, mild.

mantener, to maintain, keep; refl., to remain, continue, stay, be.

manto, m., cloak.

mafia, f., pains, care, skill; evil custom, evil way.

mañana, f., morning; de la noche à la —, all of a sudden, when (you) least expected (it); adv., to-morrow.

maquinalmente, mechanically.

mar, m. or f., sea.

maravilla, f., marvel, wonder, miracle.

maravillar, to astonish, be astonished, wonder, marvel.

maravilloso, -a, marvelous.

marcar, to mark, designate, stain.

marcial, martial, warlike.

marchar, to march, walk, go, advance; marchando de sorpresa en sorpresa, ever more and more surprised; refl., to get off (or away); to escape.

marchito, -a, withered, faded.

marfil, m., ivory.

margarita f., daisy.

margen, f., margin, bank, border, edge.

María, f., Mary.

marido, m., husband.

mariposa, f., butterfly.

mármol, m., marble; pl. marble, marbles.

marmóreo, -a, marble, of marble.

marqués, m., marquis.

martillo, m., hammer.

mártir, m., martyr.

martirio, m., martyrdom; pl., martyrdom.

mas, but, however.

más, adv., more, most; – bien, rather; á – andar, at full speed; á – de, besides; á – y mejor, the best they could; the most possible; vying with one another; mientras —…—, the more .., the more; en lo – mínimo, in the least; lo – posible, as much as possible; – que, more than, other than, except, but; no – que, no more than, no other than; only; no – (for no – que), only; por – que, however much; especially since; although; que no haya – que oir, that nothing else can be heard; – que de prisa (lit., more than rapidly), as rapidly as possible; sobre – ó menos, more or less; approximately, nearly, about.

masa, f., mass.

mascara, f., mask.

mata, f., shrub, bush, underbrush; apiñadas —s, tangled (or dense) shrubbery (or underbrush).

matar, to kill.

material, material, corporeal, physical.

matizar, to color, adorn, tint, paint.

matojo, m., bush.

matorral, m., field of brambles; thicket; pl., brambles, briers, thicket.

matrimonio, m., marriage, matrimony.

Mayo, m., May.

mayor, greater, older, elder, better, best, greatest; main, chief, principal; subst. m. pl., elders; ancestors.

me, me, to me.

mecer, to rock, swing, sway; refl., to balance oneself; to swing, sway, hover, stir, shake.

mediante, by means of; in consideration of; for.

mediar, to be (or come) between; to intervene.

médico, m., doctor.

medida, f., measure, proportion; á – que, in proportion as.

medio, -a, half, mid, middle; á – abrir, half open; á la media hora, within half an hour; á media voz, in a low tone; á medias, half; media noche, midnight; adv., half, partially; subst. m., middle, means, way, midst, medium, intermediary; de – á —, completely; en – de, in the midst of; between; por en – de, through the midst of; through.

medir, to measure; to compare; -se con los ojos, to scan each other.

meditar, to meditate.

medroso, -a, fearful, frightful.

médula. f., marrow.

mejilla, f., cheek.

mejor, comp. of bueno, better, best; adv., better, best; por – decir, in other words; ó – dicho, or rather; rather; á mas y —, best they could; the most possible; vying with one another.

melancolía, f., melancholy.

melancolíco, -a, melancholy, gloomy, sad.

melodía, f., melody.

memoria, f., memory, memorial; de —, by heart; hacer – de, to remember; traer á la —, to bring to the memory; to remind.

menor, minor, lesser; el —, the least.

menos, adv., less, least; except, with the exception of; á lo —, at least; al —, at least; la cosa no era para —, nothing less could be expected; no poder (por) – de, not to be able to help; sobre más ó —, more or less; approximately, nearly, about; vuelven – de los que van, fewer return than go.

mente, f., mind.

mentecato, -a, silly, foolish, stupid; subst. m., fool.

mentira, f., lie.

menudo, -a, slight, common, small, light, gentle, slender, short; gente menuda, servants, domestics, dependants.

merced, f., grace, gift, favor, thanks; – á, thanks to.

merecer, to merit, deserve; to obtain.

mérito, m., merit, worth.

mes, m., month.

mesa, f., table.

mesar, to pluck (out); to tear.

meseta, f., landing; table-land, plateau.

metal, m., metal.

metálico, -a, metallic.

meteoro, m., meteor.

mezcla, f., mixture.

mezclar, to mix, mingle; refl., to be mingled; to meddle.

mezquino, -a, poor, little, trifling, mean, wretched.

miedo, m., fear; tener—, to be afraid.

miembro, m., limb, member.

mientras, while, whilst, when, as long as; —que, while, whereas; —más… más, the more… the more.

mies, f., wheat; pl., harvests, crops.

mi, my.

mí, me.

mil, thousand, a thousand, one thousand, ten hundred.

milagro, m., miracle.

milagroso, -a, marvelous, miraculous.

milicias,, militia; army, host(s).

militar, m., soldier.

millar, m., thousand.

millón, m., million.

mínimo, -a, least; en lo más—, in the least.

ministril, m., apparitor, beadle; petty officer.

ministro, m., minister.

minucioso, -a, minute, detailed.

minuto, m., minute; á los cinco —s, within five minutes; á los pocos —s, in (or within) a few minutes.

mío, -a, mine, my; el—, la mía, mine.

mirada, f., glance, look; tender una—, to take a look; to look; to glance.

mirador, m., mirador, belvedere, oriel, lookout, observatory.

mirar, to look, look at, gaze at; to see; —se entre si, to look at each other (or one another).

misa, f., mass; Misa del Gallo, midnight mass on Christmas eve.

miseria, f., poverty, penury; worthlessness, destitution.

misericordia, f., mercy.

mismo, -a, same, self, very; de un – rey, of (one and) the same king.

misterio, m., mystery, secret.

misterioso, -a, mysterious.

misticismo, m., mysticism.

mistico, -a, mystic.

mitad, f., middle, midst; half.

mitra, f., miter.

modesto, -a, modest.

modo, m., manner, way; de este—, in this manner; as follows; de—que, so that; de tal—, in such a way; so well; de todos—s, at all events, at any rate, however.

mofa, f., mockery, scorn.

mofarse, to scoff, mock, make fun of.

molestar, to disturb, molest.

molesto, -a, disagreeable, vexing, vexatious.

molido, -a, adj. pp. of moler, tired, fatigued.

momentáneo, -a, momentary.

momento, m., moment; consequence; —s antes…, a few moments before..

monarca, m., monarch, king.

monasterio, m., monastery.

monja, f., nun.

monje, m., monk.

mono, m., monkey, ape; hacer —s, to play tricks, do wonderful (or amusing) feats.

monótono, -a, monotonous.

monserga, f., gabble, gibberish, confused language.

mónstruo, m., monster.

monstruoso, -a, monstrous.

montante, PT.., broadsword.

montaña, f., mountain.

montar, to mount, go up, get on; – nuevamente, to remount.

monte, m., mountain; cuchillo de —, hunting-knife, hunter's cutlass; por —s y llanos, over hill and dale.

montero, m., hunter, huntsman.

montura, f, saddle.

morado, -a, violet, mauve-colored.

morador, m., inhabitant.

moral, m., morale, moral condition (state or organization).

morar, to dwell, reside.

mórbido, -a, soft, mellow, rich, subdued, delicate.

morder, to bite, eat into, cut, abrade, prick, gnaw.

moreno, -a, dark.

moribundo, -a, dying, faint, fainting.

morir, to die, expire, die out; refl., to die, die away, pass away.

morisco, -a, Moorish, of (or pertaining to) the Moors.

moro, m., Moor.

mortal, mortal, fatal; s&t. m., mortal.

mortuorio, mortuary.

mosca, f., fly.

moscardón, m., large fly, horse-fly, gadfly.

mostrar, to show; refl., to show oneself, appear, be.

mote, m., motto, heading.

motete, m., motet, a sacred musical composition.

mover, to move; – guerra, to make war; refl., to move.

movimiento, m., movement, motion, commotion; – de cabeza, nod (of the head).

mozo, m., boy, youth, lad, young man.

muchacha, f., girl.

muchacho, m., boy, lad.

muchedumbre, f., crowd, multitude.

mucho, -a, much; pl., many; por —s que, however many; adv., much, very, greatly.

mudable, changeable, fickle.

mudo, -a, mute, silent, speechless, dumb.

muerte, f., death; á —, to the death; herir de —, to strike dead.

muerto, -a, adj. pp. of morir, died, dead; los —s, the dead; ¡muerto está! he is a dead boar!

muestra, f., proof, demonstration, mark, sign.

mugir, to roar, rumble.

mujer, f., woman, wife.

mula, f., mule.

mulo, m., mule.

multiplicarse, to multiply, be multiplied, increase.

multitud, f., multitude, crowd, great number.

mundano, -a, mundane, worldly.

mundo, m., world; crowd, multitude; society; por el —, in society; out; por esos —s, into the world at large; todo el —, everybody; todo un —, a whole world; a great multitude.

muralla, f., rampart, wall.

murir, to die.

murmullo, m., murmur.

murmuración, f., murmur, rumor; slander, gossip.

murmurador, murmuring.

murmurar, to murmur; refl., to be murmured (rumored or reported).

muro, m., wall.

músculo, m., muscle.

musgo, m., moss.

musgoso, -a, mossy, covered with moss, moss-covered.

música, f., music; pl., music, musical notes (or sounds).

mustio, -a, sad, sorrowful.

mutuamente, mutually; each other.

mutuo, -a, mutual.

muy, very, very much, quite.


nácar, m., nacre, pearl, mother-of-pearl.

nacer, to be born.

naciente, rising, on-coming, falling.

nacimiento, m., birth, rise.

nación, f., nation.

nada, nothing; ¡—! not at all; by no means; no indeed; never mind; it makes no difference; ¡—, —! (an exclamation of denial or refusal), nothing else will do; no … —, nothing; not anything; en —, in any respect; at all; – menos, nothing less; para —, in any respect; at all; pues —, but no; not so.

nadar, to swim, float.

nadie, no one, nobody; some one, somebody.

nariz, f., nose, nostrils; reirse en la —, to laugh in one's face.

narración, f., narration, story.

narrador, m., narrator.

narrar, to relate, tell.

natural, natural; native.

naturaleza, f., nature.

naturalmente, naturally, by nature.

navaja, f., knife, clasp-knife.

nave, f., nave; pl., nave and aisles.

nebuloso, -a, misty, cloudy.

necedad, f., stupidity, folly.

necesitado, -a, adj. pp. of necesitar, needed; needing, needy, in need (de, of).

necesitar, to need, be in need of, want, lack, be necessary.

negro, -a, black, dark.

nervioso, -a, nervous.

ni, neither, nor, not even, nor even; even, or; – aun, not even; – … tampoco, nor .. either; no … —, not … even; – … —, neither … nor; – tan siquiera, not even, not so much as.

nicho. m., niche, hole, grave.

nido, m., nest.

niebla, f., mist, fog, cloud.

nieto, m., grandchild.

nieve, f., snow: pl, snow.

ninguno (or ninghn), -a, no, none; any, any one; either; – (de los dos), neither (of us); no … —, none, not any.

niña, f., child, girl.

niñez, f., childhood.

niño, m., child, boy; muy desde—since (or from) early boyhood.

no, not, no; – más (for – más que), only; – poder (por) menos de, not to be able to help; – que, while, whilst; como – sea, unless it be; – sea que, lest, for fear; – … ya (or ya … —), no longer.

noble, noble; subst. m., noble, lord.

nobleza, f., nobility.

nocturno, -a, nocturnal.

noche, f., night, evening; en la alta—, in the dead of night; late at night; Noche-Buena, Christmas eve; mass of Christmas eve; de – y día, night and day; esta – pasada, last night; la – había cerrado, the night had come (or fallen); night had closed in (around him); ¡hasta la —! (good-by) till to-night; goodby; – de luna, moonlight night; de la – á la mañana, all of a sudden, when (you) least expected (it); media —, midnight; por las —s, in the night; at night; una – y otra, night after night.

nombre, m., name; sin —, nameless; boundless, indescribable.

noria, f., sakieh, a kind of machine for raising water from wells etc., consisting of two wheels, one horizontal and one vertical, and of an endless chain armed with cups (or buckets).

nos, we, us, ourselves, each other, one another; to us, to ourselves.

nosotros,-as, we, us.

nota, f., note, tone, tune. notable, remarkable.

notar, to note, notice, observe; refl., to be noticed (or noticeable).

noticia, f., notice, news, information; tener – de, to be informed of.

notificar, to notify.

novedad, f., novelty, news, fad, innovation.

novia, f., bride, newly married wife.

novicia, f., novice.

nube, f., cloud, film, crowd; – de sangre, bloody film.

nublar (for anublar), to cloud, darken.

nuestro, -a, our, ours; el —, la nuestra, ours.

nueva, f., news.

nuevamente, anew, again; montar —, to remount.

nueve, nine.

nuevo, -a, new, recently arrived, unacquainted; de —, again, anew.

número, m., number.

numeroso, -a, numerous.

nunca, never, ever; no … —, never; not at all, by no means.


ó, or, either; – bien, or, or else; bien … —, whether … or; either … or.

obedecer, to obey, yield to.

obediente, obedient.

obispo, m., bishop.

objetar, to object, oppose.

objeto, m., object, purpose.

obligación, f., obligation.

obligado, -a, adj. pp. of obligar, obliged; necessary, unavoidable, indispensable, natural.

obra, f., work; matter; – de, at (or of) about, about; como – de, a matter of; about; poner por —, to carry out, execute.

obscurecer, to obscure, blind, darken, grow dark; refl., to grow dark, be (or become) dark; to go out.

obscuridad, f., obscurity, gloom.

obscuro, -a, dark, obscure.

observar, to observe.

obstáculo, m., obstacle.

obstante: no —, nevertheless, notwithstanding.

obstinado, -a, adj. pp. of obstinarse, obstinate, obdurate.

obtener, to obtain, secure, bring about.

ocasión, f., occasion, opportunity, juncture.

ocaso, m., west.

occidente, m., west.

océano, m., ocean, sea.

ocio, m., leisure.

ocioso, -a, idle, unoccupied, bored.

octava, f., octave, eight-day celebration of a religious festival.

ocultar, to hide, conceal.

oculto, -a, hidden, concealed, secret.

ocupación, f., occupation.

ocupar, to fill, occupy, take possession of, busy; refl., to busy oneself, be busy.

ocurrencia, f., sally, flash of wit.

ocurrir, to happen, occur.

ofender, to offend.

ofertorio, m., offertory.

oficial, m., official, officer.

oficiar, to officiate.

oficio, m., trade, business, occupation, service, office, craft, profession.

oficioso, -a, officious.

ofrecer, to offer, present; refl., to present itself, appear.

ofrenda, f., offering.

¡oh!, oh!

oído, m., hearing, ear; prestar el —, to pay attention; to listen (carefully).

oir, to hear; – á, to hear from; estuve oyendo, I kept hearing; que no haya más que —, that nothing else can be heard; refl., to be heard, be audible.

ojeada, f., glance, look.

ojeo, m., battue, beating for game; que hacían señales de —, which were blowing to start up the game.

ojiva, f., Gothic (or pointed) window.

ojival, ogival, characterized by the pointed arch.

ojo, m., eye; darse de —, to conspire, have a secret understanding; en un abrir y cerrar de —s, in the twinkling of an eye; in an instant; hacer mal de —, to cast the evil eye; medirse con los —s, to scan each other.

ola, f., wave.

olmo, m., elm.

olor, m., odor; tener en – de santidad, to hold (or consider) as a saint.

olvidar, to forget.

olvido, m., oblivion, forgetfulness.

omnipotencia, f., omnipotence.

onda, f., wave.

ondina, f., undine, water-sprite.

ondulante, rolling.

ondular, to undulate.

operación, f., operation, act.

oponerse, to oppose.

oprimir, to oppress, press, clasp.

opuesto, -a, opposite.

opulento, -a, rich, opulent.

ora, now; – … —, now … now (or again).

oración, f., prayer, orison, adoration; á la —, to prayers.

orden, m., order, regularity, decorum; f., order, command, insignia.

ordenar, to order, command, lay upon; to organize.

oreja, f., auricle, ear.

organista, m., organist.

órgano, m., organ.

orgía, f., orgy, revelry, revel.

orgullo, m., pride.

orgulloso, -a, proud, haughty.

origen, m., origin, cause, birth, descent.

original, original; subst. m., original.

orilla, f., bank, shore.

orín, m., rust.

orla, f., border, fringe, edge.

orlar, to border.

ornar, to adorn.

oro, m., gold.

os, you, to you.

osar, to dare.

oscilar, to oscillate, hover, sway.

ostracismo, m., ostracism.

otoño, m., autumn.

otro, -a, other, another, else, next; alguno que —, here and there one; a very few; some; el – día, the next day; un día y —, day after day; constantly; en —s días, in other (or former) days; once, formerly; una noche y —, night after night; (el) uno y (el) —, both; otras tantas (veces), as many (times); otra vez, again; una vez y otra, again and again.

ovalado, -a, adj. pp. of ovalar, oval.

oveja, f., sheep, ewe.


pabellón, m., tent (or canopy); bower

pábulo, m., food, support, aid.

pacer, to graze, pasture.

paciencia, f., patience.

paciente, patient.

pacifico, -a, peaceful, pacific.

padecer, to be afflicted.

padre, m., father; pl., parents; ancestors.

pagar, to pay, pay for, repay.

página, f., page.

pago, m., payment, recompense.

país, m., country.

paja, f., straw.'

pájaro, m., bird, sparrow; pl., birds.

paje, m., page.

palabra, f., word; dirigir la – , to address, speak; tomar la —, to speak.

palacio, palacio, m., palace.

palafrén, m., palfrey.

palafrenero, m., groom.

palidez, f., pallor, paleness.

pálido, -a, pale.

palma, f., palm; batir las —s, to clap the hands.

palmera, f., palm.

palmo, m., span; cuatro —s, a small space.

palo, m., stick, wood; dar de —s, to beat, give a beating; to cudgel.

paloma, f., pigeon, dove.

palpar, to feel, touch.

palpitar, to palpitate, quiver.

pan, m., bread, loaf of bread.

pandero, m., tambourine.

paño, m., cloth, table-cloth.

Papa, m., pope.

papel, m., paper.

par, equal, like; al —, at the same time; without distinction; alike; equally; á – de, the same as, like; near, by, at; together with, at the same time with; al – de, like, as; at the same time with; de – en – abierto, wide open; subst. m., pair, couple.

para, for, to, in order to; – con, to, amongst; estar —, to be about to; la cosa no era – menos, nothing less could be expected; – nada, in any (or no) respect; at all; – que, so that, in order that; no hay – qué decir que se fastidiaban, it is needless to say they were bored; ¿– que? wherefore? why? for what reason?

parábola, f., parable.

parador, m., inn.

paraíso, m., paradise.

paraje, m., place.

páramo, m., a high bleak plateau with stunted trees and cold damp atmosphere; (poet.) desert, waste.

parar, to stop; refl., to stop, halt.

parecer, to seem, be like, resemble; al —, seemingly, apparently; á lo que parece, as it seems; evidently; refl., to resemble, be like.

parecido, -a, adj. pp. of parecer, seemed; similar, like.

pared, f., wall, partition.

pareja, f., pair, couple.

pariente,m., relative.

párpado, m., eyelid.

parroquia, f., parish, parochial church.

parte, f., part, portion, direction; á esta —, up to now; de algún tiempo á esta —, for some time past, for some time now; en —, partly; en alguna —, somewhere; por mi —, for my part; por todas —s, in every direction; everywhere; por una —, on the one hand.

participar, to participate (de, in).

particular, peculiar, special, strange, particular.

particularidad, f., peculiarity.

particularmente, particularly, especially.

partido, m., resolution.

partir, to set out, leave, depart.

pasadizo, m., gallery, arcade, covered passageway.

pasado, -a, adj. pp. of pasar, passed; past; last; after.

pasajero, m., passer-by.

pasar, to pass, while away, move, advance, go, pass through, take place, happen, go on, be the matter; – de, to pass, pass beyond, be more than; – de aquí, to go (any) further (or farther).

pasear, to move about, sweep about, cast around; refl., to walk about, walk back and forth (or to and fro).

pasión, f., passion, love.

pasmoso, -a, wonderful, remarkable.

paso, m., step, footstep, pace, passage, pass, difficulty, embarrassment; – á —, step for step; step by step; abrir —, to open up a passage; to make way; dar un —, to take a step; dejar —, to let pass, make way.

pastor, m., shepherd.

patio, m., court.

patraña, f., fable, story, tale.

patrimonio, m., patrimony, inheritance.

patrón, m. See patrono.

patrona, f., patron, mistress, lady, patron saint, guardian, protector.

patrono, m., patron, protector, master, patron saint.

pausa, f., pause.

pavimento, m., pavement, floor.

pavor, m., fear, dread, awe.

paz, f., peace.

pecador, m., sinner.

pechero, m., vassal, commoner.

pecho, m., breast.

pedantesco, -a, pedantic.

pedazo, m., piece; hacer —s, to make pieces of, break to pieces; á —s, in bits, to pieces.

pedernal, m., flint, stone, flintstone.

pedestal, m., pedestal, foundation.

pedir, to ask, ask for, beg, request, beseech, pray.

pedrada, f., stoning; á —s, by stoning (them).

pedregoso, -a, stony, rocky.

pedrería, f., gems, precious stones.

Pedro, m., Peter.

pedrusco, m., (rough) block of stone; stone (or marble) slab (or block); bowlder.

pegar, to fasten, close, shut, join.

pelado, -a, adj. pp. of pelar, bared, bare, bleak, treeless.

pelea, f., battle, fight, combat.

pelear, to fight, struggle, combat.

peligro, m., danger.

peligroso, -a, dangerous.

pellica, f., fur garment, fur coat.

pena, f., pain, penalty, trouble, bother, affliction, grief, difficulty; á duras —s, with great difficulty.

penacho, m., panache, crest, plume(s).

penalidad, f., hardship, suffering.

penar, to suffer torment; andar penando, to suffer torment.

pender, to hang, be suspended; – de, to depend upon; to wait for; pendiente de, while waiting for; until I learned.

pendiente, f., slope.

pendón, m., banner, pennant, standard.

péndulo, m, pendulum, (here) tick (of the pendulum).

penetrante, penetrating.

penetrar, to penetrate, enter, gain entrance; refl., to enter, penetrate.

penitencia, f., penance, act of mortification.

penitente, penitent.

penoso, -a, painful, distressing.

pensamiento, m., thought, resolution, purpose; con el —, to oneself; in one's own mind; in thought.

pensar, to think, think over, reflect upon, consider, mean, intend; – en, to think of.

penumbra, f., penumbra, partial shadow.

peña, f., large rock, bowlder, cliff.

peñascal, m., rocky hill (or mountain).

peñasco, m., rock, cliff, large rock, bowlder.

peñon, m., rock, cliff.

peon, m., footman, foot-soldier, laborer, farm-hand.

peró, comp. of malo, worse, worst; el —, the worst; lo —, the worst (thing or part).

pequeñito, -a, very small, tiny.

pequeño, -a, little, small.

pequefiuclo, -a, small, very small, tiny; subst. m. and f., little boy, little girl, little one.

percibir, to perceive, see, hear, comprehend; refl., to be seen (or be visible), be heard (or be audible).

perder, to lose, destroy, miss, give up; – pie, to lose one's footing (or foothold); – de vista, to lose sight of; refl., to be lost; to disappear, vanish; to die out (or away).

perdido, -a, adj. pp. of perder, lost, vanished; impious; falling, wandering, lone; estrella perdida, lone (or lost) star; mangas perdidas, loose hanging sleeves.

perdón, m., pardon, forgiveness, excuse.

perdonar, to pardon.

perdulariote, m., shiftless fellow.

perdurable, perpetual, everlasting.

perecer, to perish, die.

peregrenación, f., wandering, peregrination.

peregrino, -a, strange, wonderful; subst. m., wanderer, pilgrim.

pereroso, -a, idle, indolent.

perfectamente, perfectly.

perfil, m., profile, outline, contour.

perfumado, -a, adj. pp. of perfumar, perfumed, odoriferous.

perfume, m.., perfume, odor, fragrance.

periódico, m., newspaper.

peripecia, f., peripetia, sudden change of fortune, vicissitude, catastrophe, event.

perjurar, to protest, reiterate.

perla, f., pearl.

permanecer, to remain, persist, continue.

permiso, m., permission.

permitir, to permit, allow, consent.

pero, but.

Pero, m., dim. of pedro. see caldera

perpendicular, perpendicular.

perro, m., dog.

persecución, f., persecution.

perseguidor, m., pursuer, persecutor, foe.

perseguir, to pursue, follow, persecute.

persianas, f. pl., Venetian blinds.

persignarse, to cross oneself.

persona, f., person.

persouaje, m., personage, character, person, great personage.

personalidad, f., personality.

persouificar, to personify.

persuadirse, to persuade (or convince) oneself.

persuasión, f., persuasion, conviction; en la firme – de que, firmly persuaded that.

perteuecer, to belong.

pertinacia, f., obstinacy.

pertrechar, to provide, furnish, equip (de, with); to give a supply (de, of).

pesadilla, f., nightmare.

pesado, -a, adj. pp. of pesar, heavy, ponderous.

pesar, to weigh, be heavy.

pesar, m., grief, sorrow; á – de (adv.), despite, in spite of, notwithstanding.

peso, m., weight; á su —, by its own weight.

pestaña, f., eyelash.

pestes, f. pl., words of vexation or threat; echar – de, to storm at.

petición, f., petition, prayer.

piadoso, -a, pious.

piafar, to paw; subst. m., pawing.

pian pianito, gently, softly.

picacho, m., top, peak.

picado, -a, adj. pp. of picar, pricked, piqued, excited, aroused.

picar, to prick, pique, spur.

pico, m., point, peak, summit; small amount, odd; balance; cortado á —, perpendicular, precipitous; allá por los años de mil trescientos y —, back there in the year thirteen hundred and something.

pie, m., foot; footing; de —, on foot, standing; ponerse de —, to stand (or get) up; servidor de á —, footman; echar – á tierra, to dismount; perder —, to lose one's footing (or foothold); volver pies, to turn (one's steps); volver pies atrás, to turn back.

piedad, f., piety, pity, mercy; por —, for pity's sake; out of compassion.

piedra, f., stone, rock.

pierna, f., leg; á – suelta, at one's ease; undisturbed; dormir á suelta, to sleep soundly (or deeply).

pieza, f., piece, part; animal, game; plantation, field.

pilar, m., pillar, post, column, support, abutment.

pilastra, f., pilaster.

pintar, to paint, picture, describe, depict.

pintor, m., painter.

pintoresco, -a, picturesque.

piqueta, f., pickax.

pisada, f., footstep, hoof-beat.

pisar, to tread, trample.

pista, f., scent, trail.

pizarra, f., slate.

pláceme, m., congratulation.

placer, m., pleasure, content(ment).

planta, f., plant; sole of the foot; poner en—, to put on foot; to arrange (or execute).

plata, f., silver.

plataforma, f., platform.

plateado, -a, adj. pp. of platear, silvered, silvery, pale.

platillo, m., little plate, dish; subject; hacer – de, to converse about.

playa, f., shore, strand; sin —, boundless.

plaza, f., place, post, square.

plazuela, f., small square.

plebe, f., people, common people, populace.

plegar, to curl, purse, curve.

plegaria, f., prayer, supplication.

plenitud, f., fullness, height.

pliegue, m., fold, plait, wave, ripple.

plomo, m., lead; color de—, leaden, lead-colored.

pluma, f., plume, feather, quill, pen.

población, f., town, village.

poblachón, m., big village.

poblado, -a, adj. pp. of poblar, peopled, filled; full.

pobre, poor; subst. m. or f. poor man (or woman).

pobrecito, subst. m., poor dear man; poor fellow.

poco, -a, little; pl., some, a few; á los —s minutos, within a few minutes; adv., little, slightly, somewhat; un —, a little, slightly, somewhat; á —, in a little while; soon; á – de, shortly after; – á —, little by little, slowly, gently, softly, gradually; – más ó menos, a little more or less; approximately, nearly, about.

poder, to be able; can; apenas si pudiera, I could scarcely; como pudo, as best he could; come mejor pudo, as well as possible; as well as he could; no – (por) menos de, cannot (help) but, cannot fail to; refl., to be possible.

poder, m., power, possession.

poderoso, -a, powerful.

podredumbre, f., corruption.

poema, m., poem.

poesia, f., poetry.

poeta, m., poet.

polvo, m., dust.

porno, m., knob, handle, pommel.

pompa, f., pomp.

ponderación, f., consideration; exaggeration; laudation.

ponderar, to laud, extol, exaggerate.

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Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
21 temmuz 2018
410 s. 1 illüstrasyon
Telif hakkı:
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