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Kitabı oku: «Legends, Tales and Poems», sayfa 25

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sábado, m., Saturday.

sábana, f., sheet, shroud, plain.

saber, to know, know how, be aware, be able; can; á no —, had I not known; ¿qué sé yo qué? I know not what; all sorts of things.

saber, m., knowledge; el gay – poetry, the art of poetry.

sabido, -a, adj. pp. of sabet, learned, educated.

sabiduría, f., knowledge, wisdom.

sabiendas: á —, knowingly, consciously, wittingly, with knowledge of.

sabor, m., relish, taste, savor, pleasure; á —, at pleasure, with relish (or enjoyment); á todo —, fully; with profound delight.

saborear, to relish, enjoy.

sabroso, -a, savory, delicious.

sacar, to draw, draw out, take out, arouse, bring out, rouse, put out, remove, draw, snatch, derive.

sacerdote, m., priest.

saco, m., sack, bag; echar en – roto, to be heedless of; not to take advantage of; to forget.

sacrilegio, m., sacrilege, sacrilegious act.

sacrflego, -a, sacrilegious.

sacristía, f., sacristy, vestry.

sacudir, to shake, shake off.

saeta, f., arrow, dart.

saetera, f., loophole.

sagrado, -a, sacred, consecrated.

Sagrario, m., sacrarium, the interior part of a church in which are kept such sacred things as relics, etc.

sainete, m., comedietta, farce.

sala, f., hall.

salida, f., departure, exit, sally.

salir, to go out, come out, issue, sally, leave; – de, to go from (or out of); to go beyond; refl,, to go out, come out.

salmo, m., psalm.

Salomón, m., Solomon.

salomónico, -a, Solomonic, of (or pertaining to) Solomon king of Israel; columnilla salomónica, little twisted column.

salón, m., hall, drawing-room, parlor.

salpicar, to scatter.

saltar, to spring, leap.

salto, m., spring, leap, bound, jump.

saludable, salutary, wholesome.

saludar, to greet, salute, acclaim, hail.

saludo, m., salute, bow, greeting.

salva, f., burst.

Salvación, f., salvation, safety.

Salvador, m., Savior.

salvaje, savage, barbarous.

salvar, to save, cross, pass over, leap over.

salve (Latin), hail, first word of prayer 'Salve Regina,' 'Hail, Holy Queen.'

salvo, -a, adj. pp. (irr.) of salvar, saved; safe; adv., save, saving, excepting.

san. See santo.

San Bartolomé, m., Saint Bartholomew; church of Saint Bartholomew.

sandez, f, folly; foolish act (or speech).

San Felipe, m., Saint Philip.

sangre, f., blood.

sangriento, -a, bloody, bleeding, covered with blood.

San Huberto, m., Saint Hubert.

San Juan, m., Saint John.

San Martin, m., Saint Martin.

San Miguel, m., Saint Michael.

sano, -a, sound.

San Pacomio, m., Saint Pachomius.

San Pedro, m., Saint Peter.

San Román, m., Saint Romain.

San Saturio, m., Saint Saturius.

Santa Inés, f., Saint Agnes; church of Saint Agnes.

santamente, piously.

Santa Teresa, f., Saint Theresa.

santero, m., hermit; caretaker of a sanctuary.

Santiago, m., Saint James.

sautidad, f., sanctity; tener en olor de —, to hold (or consider) as a saint.

sautiguarse, to cross oneself, make the sign of the cross.

santisimo, -a, (abs. super. of santo, most holy.

santo (or san), -a, saint, sainted, holy; horror, awe, reverential fear; – Patrono, patron saint; Viernes Santo, Good Friday; subst. m. and f., saint; llegar y besar el —, to succeed in a brief space of time; to find good fortune quickly.

santuario, m., sanctuary.

sapo, m., toad, large toad.

saquear, to plunder, pillage.

sarao, m., ball, evening party.

sargento, m., sergeant; – aposentador, quartermaster-sergeant.

Satanás, m., Satan.

satisfacer, to satisfy, gratify, answer.

satisfactorio, -a, satisfactory.

satisfecho, -a, pp. of satisfacer, satisfied, gratified.

sauce, m., willow.

saúco, m., elder, elder wood.

saya, f., petticoat, skirt.

sazón, f., time, season, opportunity; á la —, at that time; then.

se, himself, herself, itself, themselves; one another, each other, to one another, to each other; equivalent to the passive in English, or to the impersonal construction 'there …'.

sé. See saber.

sea. See ser; – … —, whether … or; no – que, for fear that; lest.

secarse, to dry up, wither (away).

seco, -a, dry, hard, metallic, bony, lean, thin, ardent, burning.

secreto, m., secret.

secuaz, m., follower, attendant, retainer.

sed, f., thirst.

seda, f., silk.

seducir, to entice, attract.

segar, to cut (or mow) down; to crop.

seguimiento, m., following, train, suite, pursuit.

seguir, to follow, continue; – con, to follow, go along with, accompany; – con la vista, to look after, to watch.

según, according to (or as); as, just as; the way, judging from the way.

segundo, -a, second; subst. m., second (of time).

seguramente, surely, indeed.

segurarse, to assure oneself, be assured; to assert.

seguro, -a, secure, sure, safe, certain; dar por —, to assure; to assert; de —, assuredly.

seis, six.

sello, m., seal.

semblante, m., face.

sembrar, to sow; to dot, strew.

semejante, similar, like, such, such a, same; – á, like, similar to.

semejar, to be like (or similar to); to resemble.

semicírculo, m., semicircle.

sencillo, -a, simple, plain.

senda, f., path, by-path, foot-path.

sendero, m., path, by-path, foot-path.

seno, m., breast, bosom, heart; womb, depth.

sensación, f., sensation.

sentado, -a, pp. of sentarse, seated, sitting; estar —, to be seated.

sentarse, to seat oneself, be seated, sit (down).

sentencia, f., sentence.

sentido, m., sense, consciousness; falto de —, unconscious.

sentimiento, m., sentiment, feeling.

sentir, to feel, perceive, hear; no se siente una mosca (lit., a fly cannot be heard), you can hear a pin fall.

seña, f., sign, signal, motion, gesture.

señal, f., sign, signal; que hacían -es de ojeo, which were blowing to start up the game.

señalar, to mark, signalize, appoint, determine, fix upon, point out, indicate.

Señor, m., Lord, God.

señor, m., lord, gentleman, nobleman, man, knight, sir; pues, sí —, yes sir-ee, yes indeed sir.

señora, f., lady, madam, mistress; Nuestra Señora, Our Lady (appellation of the Virgin Mary).

señorial, seigniorial; of (or pertaining to) the lord of a manor.

señorío, m., seigniory, domains, dominion.

señorito, m., young gentleman.

separado, -a, adj. pp. of separar, separated, separate.

separar, to separate, divide; – se de, to separate from; to leave.

sepulcral, sepulchral; of (or pertaining to) a sepulcher (or tomb).

sepulcro, m., sepulcher, tomb, grave.

sepulturero, m., grave-digger.

séquito, m., suite, escort.

ser, to be, become; á no —, unless it be; á no – por, were it not for; – cosa de, to be sufficient cause to, be enough to; de no —, if not; no – cosa, not to be small (or few in number), to be large (or numerous); la cosa no era para menos, nothing less could be expected; por —, since it was; sea, be it so; como no sea, unless it be; no sea que, for fear that; lest; sea … sea, whether … or; será, it probably is (or was); que no será dificil, which it easily may; será que, it is probable that; ¿qué ha sido de él? what has become of it?

ser, m., being.

serafín, m., seraph.

sereno, -a, serene, unclouded.

serie, f., series.

serio, -a, serious.

serpear, to circle, wind, glide.

serpentear, to wind.

serpiente, f., serpent.

serrallo, m., seraglio, harem.

serreta, f., nose-band, head-stall.

servicio, m., service; household.

servidor, m., servant; – de á pie, footman.

servidumbre, f., servants, attendants.

servir, to serve, be of service (or use), avail, act; – de, to serve (or act) as; con el diablo no sirven (juegos), (tricks) don't work with the devil; refl., to deign, be pleased.

sesos, m. pl., brain, brains; devanarse los —, to rack one's brains.

sestear, to take a siesta, take an after-dinner nap (or rest).

setenta, seventy.

severo, -a, severe, stern, strict.

sevillano, -a, of (or pertaining to) Seville.

si, if; why, indeed; cual —, as if; – bien, although, even if; – … que, however; – lo decía yo, indeed I told you so; just as I told you; apenas —, hardly, barely; apenas – pudiera, I could scarcely; – ya, if indeed; – ya no, unless.

sí, himself, herself, itself, one's self, themselves; de por —, by himself, for his own part; entre —, to himself, etc.

sí, certainly, yes, indeed, of-course; pues, – señor, yes sir-ee, yes indeed sir.

siempre, always, still; – que, every time that; whenever.

sién, f., temple.

sierpe, f., serpent.

siesta, f., siesta, after-dinner rest (or nap).

siete, seven.

sigilo, m., secrecy.

siglo, m., century.

significative, -a, significant.

signo, m., sign.

siguiente, following, next.

silbar, to whistle, hiss.

silbido, m., hiss, whistle.

silencio, m., silence.

silencioso, -a, silent, deserted, mute.

silfo, m., sylph, fairy.

silueta, f., silhouette.

silvestre, wild, uncultivated.

silla, f., seat, see, diocese.

sillar, m., hewn stone.

sillería, f., seat, stall(s); 'hewn stone.

sillón, in., armchair.

sima, f., abyss, gulf.

símbolo, m., symbol.

simple, foolish, crazy; subst. m., simpleton, fool.

simplemente, simply.

simplificar, to simplify.

sin, without; – duda, doubtless; – ejemplar, unprecedented; – embargo, however, nevertheless, notwithstanding; – que, without.

singular, singular, strange.

sinnúmero, m., infinite number.

sino, but (after a negative); but rather; if not, except; no tan sólo, – que, not only, but also; – que, but, but rather, except that.

sinuosidad, f., turn, bend, winding, sinuosity, curve.

siquiera, even, at least, unless, even though; ni oyó —, he did not even hear; ni tan —, not even, not so much as.

sisar, to pilfer, cheat.

sitial, m., seat, chair.

sitio, m., place, point, site, seat.

situación, f., state, condition, situation, position.

situado, -a, adj. pp. of situar, situated, situate.

situarse, to locate oneself, take up one's position.

soberanamente, supremely, particularly.

soberano, -a, sovereign, supreme.

sobra, f., surplus, excess; de —, over and above; andar más de —, to be more in excess.

sobrado, -a, adj. pp. of sobrar, enough and to spare; here} enough, sufficient.

sobre, on, over, upon, about; – todo, above all, especially.

sobrecoger, to surprise; refl., to be surprised, be overtaken, be seized upon; -se temeroso, to be seized with fear.

sobrehumano, -a, superhuman.

sobremanera, beyond measure, exceedingly.

sobrenatural, supernatural.

sobrenombre, m., nickname.

sobreponerse á, to be superior to; to surpass, drown.

sobresaltado, -a, adj. pp. of sobresaltar, startled, frightened, surprised; with a start.

sobresalto, m., surprise.

socorro, m., succor, assistance.

sochantre, m., sub-chanter, precentor's deputy.

sofocado, -a, adj. pp. of sofocar, smothered, stifled, breathless, out of breath.

sol, m., sun.

soldado, m., soldier.

soledad, f., solitude, solitary place, waste, wilderness.

solemne, solemn.

solemnidad, f., solemnity.

soler, to be accustomed, be wont.

solfa, f., harmony, music; esto de la —, the art of music.

solicitud, f., solicitude, care, concern.

solio, m., canopy.

solitario, -a, solitary.

solo, -a, alone, sole, solitary, single, mere, deserted; á solas, alone.

sólo, only, solely; no tan -, sino que, not only, but also.

soltar, to let loose, unfasten, untie, let go, loose, set on; refl., to be loose; to fly (flow or wave).

solución, f., solution.

sollozante, sobbing.

sollozar, to sob.

sollozo, m., sob.

sombra, f., shade, shadow sombrear, to shade, shadow, darken, obscure, overshadow.

sombrio, -a, somber, dark, gloomy.

son, m., sound; motive; en (or á) – de guerra, for the purpose of war.

sonaja, f., sonaja, kind of timbrel, a rustic musical instrument made of a thin strip of wood about four inches wide brought round in the shape of a tube or drum, and having small metal discs fixed in holes at regular intervals like those of a tambourine. It is generally held in the right hand and struck with the left.

sonante, resounding, sonorous, sounding.

sonar, to sound, ring in one's ears, echo, resound, strike.

sonido, m., sound, noise.

sonoro, -a, loud, sonorous.

sonreir (or sonreirse), to smile.

sonrisa, f., smile.

sonar, to dream, dream of, be troubled with dreams; – con, to dream of.

soplar, to blow.

soplo, m., breath, blast, gust, puff.

sopor, m., drowsiness, sleepiness.

soportable, endurable.

sordamente, dully.

sordo, -a, dull, muffled, low, deaf.

sorprender, to surprise, astonish, discover, come upon.

sorpresa, f., surprise; marchando de – en —, ever more and more surprised.

sortilegio, m., sorcery, charm.

sospechar, to suspect.

sostener, to sustain, hold up, support, prolong.

soto, m., grove, thicket, forest.

su, his, her, its, their, your, one's.

suave, soft, gentle, smooth, delicate, sweet.

suavemente, softly, gently, sweetly.

suavidad, f., softness, delicacy, sweetness.

súbdito, m., subject.

subir, to ascend, rise, mount; – de punto, to increase; ir subiendo de punto, to increase, keep increasing.

súbito, -a, sudden.

subsistir, to exist, remain.

subterráneo, -a, subterranean; subst. m., vault, cave, dungeon.

suceder, to succeed, result, happen, take place, be the matter; – á, to succeed, take the place of.

suceso, m., event, incident, result, success.

sudario, m., shroud.

sudor, m., sweat, perspiration.

suelo, m., ground, floor.

suelto, -a, adj. pp. (irr.) of soltar, detached, loose, flying, free, flowing; á pierna suelta, at one's ease; undisturbed, dormir á pierna suelta, to sleep soundly.

sueño, m., sleep, dream.

suerte, f., lot, fate; charm, spell.

suficiente, sufficient, enough; es lo—, it is enough; it is sufficient cause.

sufrir, to suffer, endure.

sugerir, to suggest.

sujetar, to subject, hold, subdue, overcome, restrain.

sujeto, -a, adj. pp. (irr.) of sujetar, fastened, fixed, held, set.

sumergido, -a, adj. pp. of sumergir, submerged, buried.

sumergir, to submerge, immerse, plunge; refl., to submerge oneself; to dive.

sumido, -a, adj. pp. of sumirse, sunk, plunged, sunken.

sumirse, to sink, plunge, be sunk.

sumo, -a, highest, greatest, very great.

suntuoso, -a, sumptuous.

superficie, f., surface.

superior, superior.

superstición, f., superstition.

supersticioso, -a, superstitious.

suplicante, suppliant, imploring.

suplicio, m., execution.

suposición, f., supposition, guess, surmise.

surcar, to plow, furrow, divide.

surco, m. furrow, track, rut.

¡sus! come! courage! ho! on!

suscribir, to subscribe, yield.

suspender, to suspend, interrupt, discontinue; to hold in suspense, to amaze.

suspendido, -a, adj. pp. of suspender, suspended; hanging; in suspense, anxious.

suspensión, f., pause, suspense.

suspenso, -a, adj. pp. (irr.) of suspender, surprised, hesitant.

suspicaz, suspicious.

suspirar, to sigh.

suspiro, m., sigh.

sustentar, to sustain.

sustituir, to replace.

susto, m., fright, terror, fear; dar —, to frighten.

sustraer, to withdraw, separate; refl., to withdraw, retire.

susurrar, to whisper.

susurro, m., whisper, whispering.

suyo, -a, his, hers, its, theirs, yours; el (or lo) —, la suya, his, his own, etc.


tabernáculo, m., tabernacle.

tabla, f., board, panel.

tablero, m., board, plank.

taciturno, -a, taciturn, silent, melancholy.

tafilete, m., morocco (leather).

tal, so, such, such a; – cual, such as; ¿qué —? how? – vez, perhaps, perchance.

talabarte, m., sword-belt.

talante, m., manner, will, disposition; mal—, ill humor.

talón, m., heel; andar á los —es, to follow upon one's heels; to follow closely.

tallar, to carve.

tallo, m., shoot, sprout.

tamaño, -a, large, very large; subst. m., size.

tambalear, to stagger, reel.

también, also, likewise.

tampoco, either, neither, nor, either; ni … —, nor …, either; neither.

tan, so, as, as much, such, such a (or an); —… como, as… as; – pronto … como …, now … now…; – … que, as … as; ¡qué … (subst.) – … (adj.)! what a … (adj.) … (subst.)! mi – siquiera, not even, not so much as; no – solo … sino que, not only … but also.

tanto, -a, so much, as much; pl., so many, as many; adv., so (or as) much; meanwhile; – como, as much as; – os da de, you think as highly of; en —, so, to such a degree; in the meanwhile; en – que, while; hasta – que, until; until such time as; por —, therefore, for that reason, hence; un —, a little; somewhat.

tañer, (of bells) to ring, toll.

tapar, to cover, conceal, cover up, stop up.

tapia, f., wall.

tapiz, m., hanging, tapestry, carpet, rug.

tardar, to delay, be late, be slow, be long.

tarde, f., afternoon, evening; á la —, in the afternoon; adv., late; muy de – en —, very seldom.

te, thee, you, to thee, to you.

tea, f., torch, piece of resinous wood.

teatro, m., scene, stage, theater.

tecla, f., key (of a musical instrument).

techado, m., roof, shelter.

techo, m., roof.

tejado, m., tiled roof.

tejer, to weave, spin, devise.

tela, f., cloth, garment.

tema, m., theme, topic, subject; cada loco con su —, everybody (lit., every lunatic) has his hobby.

temblar, to tremble.

temblor, m., trembling.

tembloroso, -a, trembling, tremulous.

temer, to fear.

temeroso, -a, fearful; timid, timorous; sobrecogerse —, to be seized with fear.

temible, dreadful.

temido, -a, adj. pp. of temer, dreaded, fearful, dreadful.

temor, m., fear, fright, dread.

témpano, m., mass of ice, ice-field, ice-mountain, iceberg.

tempestad, f., tempest, storm, shower.

templado, -a, adj. pp. of templar, tempered, softened, soft, gentle, calm.

templar, to temper; to tune.

templo, m., temple, church, cathedral.

tenaz, tenacious, firm, constant, fixed.

tenaza, f., claw, talon.

tender, to stretch, stretch out, extend, direct, draw back, raise, draw, aim, cast; – una mirada, to take a look; to look; to glance; – la vista, to cast a glance, direct one's glance.

tendido, -a, adj. pp. of tender, stretched out, lying, prostrate; adv., extensively, in detail.

tener, to have, hold, keep, take, hold out, lead, be the matter; – empeño, to desire earnestly; – en cuenta, to take into account; to consider; – ganas, to have a mind (de, to); no – inconveniente, not to consider improper; to have no objection; – lugar, to take place; to happen; – miedo, to be afraid; – noticia de, to be informed of; – por, to consider; – presente, to bear in mind, remember; – que, to have to, be obliged to, should; lo que tiene que le preparan una buena, the fact is that they are preparing for him a warm reception; que de todo tenían menos de artistas ó arqueólogos, who were anything but artists or archaeologists.

tentación, f., temptation.

tenue, thin, tenuous, light, delicate, soft.

teñir, to tinge, dye, stain, tint.

Teobaldo, m., Theobald.

tercero, -a, third.

terciar, to intervene (as a third person).

terciopelo, m., velvet.

terminar, to terminate, end, settle, arrive at the end of.

término, m. limit, boundary, goal, destination, term, terminal, termination; llevar á —, to succeed, carry out, perform; en estos —s, in these words; as follows.

ternura, f., tenderness, love; con —, lovingly, tenderly.

terrenal, earthly, of the earth, terrestrial.

terreno, m., ground, space, (limited) area; land, field; way, distance; cortar —, to make a short cut; to shorten the way (or distance).

terrible, terrible.

territorio, m., territory, country.

terror, m., terror.

terso, -a, smooth, polished, glossy.

tesoro, m., treasure, wealth.

testificar, to attest.

testigo, m., witness; poner por —s, to call to witness; to call upon to witness.

testimonio, m., testimony, evidence.

tez, f., complexion, skin.

tí, thee, you.

tía, f., aunt; old woman.

tibiamente, weakly.

tiempo, m., time; á un —, at once; at the same time; antes de —, prematurely; before it was ripe; de algún —, for some time; en un —, once upon a time; ¿qué —? how long?

tienta, f., probing, feeling; á —s, by touching, groping, in the dark; stealthily.

tierno, -a, tender, affectionate.

tierra, f., earth, land, soil, ground; en —, on the ground; por la —, on (or along) the ground.

timbalero, m., kettle-drummer, drummer.

timbre, m., crest (of a coat of arms).

tímidamente, timidly.

tímido, -a, timid.

tiniebla, f., shadow, shade, darkness, veil; pl., darkness, shadow, shade.

tirante, m., suspension chain.

tirar, to draw, pull, cast, shoot.

tiro, m., throw, cast, shot, mark, aim; á – de, within (the) range of; – de honda, sling shot.

titán, m., giant.

títere, m., manikin, marionette; no dejar – con cabeza, to put everything in disorder; to destroy everything.

título, m., title; titled person, noble.

tocar, to touch, sound, ring, play, blow, strike, reach, belong, fall to one's lot, befall.

todavía, yet, still, however; y esta es la hora en que – no le hemos visto, and we haven't seen him since.

todo, -a, all, whole, every; – el mundo, everybody; – un mundo, a whole world; a great multitude; á – (el) correr, at full speed; Á – escape, at full speed; á toda voz, at the top of their voices; subst. m., all, everything, whole; de un —, once for all; del —, wholly, entirely, quite, completely; en un —, in all its parts, in every respect; sobre —, above all, especially; que de – tenían menos de artistas ó arqueólogos, who were anything but artists or archaeologists.

toledano, -a, Toledan, of (or pertaining to) Toledo; subst. m. and f., Toledan, native of Toledo.

¡toma! See tomar.

tomar, to take, get; – mano en ello, to take it in hand (or a hand in it); – la palabra, to speak; – el trote, to run away, make off; ¡toma! well! why! here! look here!

tomillo, m., thyme.

tono, m., tone; de buen —, fashionable.

tonto, -a, stupid, foolish.

topar, to meet, happen upon.

toque, m., touch, blast, peal, stroke, ringing (or tolling) of bells; el – de oraciones, ringing for prayers; call to prayers; al – de oraciones, when summoned to prayers; when the bells rang for prayers.

torbellino, m., whirlwind.

torcer, to turn, twist, wind, deflect.

torcido, -a, adj. pp. of torcer, turned, twisted, crooked, tortuous, winding.

tormenta, f., storm, tempest.

tormentoso, -a, stormy, storm-tossed, tempestuous

tornar, to return; – á … , to … again; – á aparecer, to reappear; – á decir, to repeat.

torneo, m., tournament, tourney, joust.

torno, m., turn, circumference; en -de, about, around; en – suyo, about him; en —, round about.

torpe, slow, heavy, dull, sluggish.

torre, f., tower, turret, spire.

torrente, m., torrent, flood; á —s, in torrents.

torso, m., trunk, torso.

tosco, -a, coarse, rough, unpolished.

toser, to cough.

trabajador, m., workman.

trabajar, to work, toil.

trabajo, m., work, effort, labor.

trabajosamente, laboriously, painfully.

trabar, to wage; refl., to be waged; to arise.

tradición, f., tradition, legend.

tradicional, traditional, legendary, of legendary origin.

traducir, to translate, interpret.

traer, to draw, attract, carry, bring, take, lead, bear, wear; – á la memoria, to bring to memory; to remind; el cual traía una jornada de catorce leguas en el cuerpo, who had made that day a journey of fourteen leagues.

tragar, to swallow.

trágico, -a, tragic.

trago, m., draught, drink; echar un —, to have a drink, take a dram.

traílla, f., leash.

traje, m., dress, robe, garb.

trampa, f., trap, snare.

trance, f., peril, extremity.

tranquilamente, tranquilly, quietly.

tranquilidad, f., tranquillity.

tranquilizar, to tranquilize, calm.

tranquilo, -a, tranquil, calm, gentle.

transcurrir, to pass by, transpire, elapse, pass away.

transfigurar, to transfigure.

transformación, f., transformation, metamorphosis.

transformar, to transform, change, metamorphose.

transparentar, to cause to shine through; to disclose; refl., to be (or become) transparent; to shine.

transparente, transparent, clear.

transponer, (of the sun) to set.

tras, behind, after.

trascurrir. See transcurrir.

trasfigurar. See transfigurar.

trasformación. See transformación.

trasformar. See transformar.

trasgo, nr., goblin, evil spirit, malicious elf.

trasparentar. See transparentar.

trasparente. See transparente.

trasplantar, to transplant; refl., to be transplanted; to migrate.

trasponer. See transponer.

trastornar, to turn upside down, overturn, overthrow, confuse.

tratar, to treat, deal, try; – de, to treat as, consider; refl., to treat, be a question (or matter), be concerned.

través, m., obliquity, bias; á – (or al) de, across, through, between.

trazar, to form, plan; mal trazado, of evil appearance.

trébol, m., trefoil, clover.

trece, thirteen.

treinta, thirty.

tremendo, -a, tremendous, awful.

tremulo, -a, tremulous, trembling.

trenza, f., braid (of hair), hair; pl., braids, braided hair.

trepador, climbing.

trepar, to climb, crawl up.

tres, three.

trescientos, -as, three hundred.

tribuna, f., tribune, pulpit, gallery, organ-loft.

tribunal, m., tribunal, court.

tribute, m., tribute, tax.

trigo, m., wheat.

trinar, to trill.

trino, m., trill.

tripas, f. pl., viscera; hacerse de – corazón, to pluck up courage.

triple, triple.

triste, sad, mournful, melancholy.

tristeza, f., sadness.

tristisimo, -a, abs. sup, of triste, very sad.

triunfar, to triumph.

triunfo, m., triumph.

trocar, to exchange, change, put off.

trocha, f., narrow path, path, by-path, crossway.

trofeo, m., trophy.

tromba, f., whirlwind, whirl, eddy.

trompa, f., trumpet, horn.

trompicón, m., stumbling; á —es, stumbling.

tronco, m., trunk, log, branch, shaft.

trono, m., throne.

tropa, f., troop, herd, band, body of soldiers.

tropel, m., noise, bustle, confusion; troop, troops, body, crowd.

tropezar, to stumble (con, upon).

trote, m., trot; tomar el —, to run away, make off.

trovador, m., troubadour.

trozo, m., piece, slice.

trueno, m., thunderclap, burst of thunder.

trueque, m., exchange; á – de, in exchange for.

truhán, m., buffoon, clown.

tu, thy, your.

tú, thou, you.

tubo, m., tube, pipe.

tumba, f., tomb, grave, sepulcher.

tumbo, m., tumble, fall; somersault; dar —s, to tumble; whirl head over heels.

tumulto, m., tumult, noise, clamor.

tumultuosamente, tumultuously.

tunica, f., tunic, (flowing) garment, gown.

tupido, -a, adj. pp. of tupir, dense, densely twining.

turba, f., crowd.

turbación, f., confusion, trouble.

turbar, to disturb, trouble, confuse, alarm, startle.

turbio, -a, turbid, muddy, disturbed, troubled.

turco, m., Turk.

turqui, adj., used only in the expression azul —, dark blue, indigo.

tuyo, -a, yours, thine; el —, la tuya, yours, thine.

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Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
21 temmuz 2018
410 s. 1 illüstrasyon
Telif hakkı:
Public Domain
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