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Kitabı oku: «Legends, Tales and Poems», sayfa 24

Yazı tipi:

poner, to put, place, take on, assume; – atención, to pay attention; – en alarma, to alarm; – encuidado, to cause apprehension (or care); – fuego, to set fire (to); – por obra, to carry out, execute; – en planta, to put on foot; to arrange (or execute); – por testigos, to call upon to witness; refl., to be, become; (of the sun) to set; estar al -se, to be about to set; -se de bote en bote, to get cram full; – Be de pie, to stand (or get) up; -se de punta, to stand on end.

populacho, m., populace, rabble.

popular, popular, of (or pertaining to) the populace.

poquito, -a, very little; – á poco, gently, softly.

por, by, for, to, in order to, through, over, on, in, into, along, about, on account of, from, out of, as, at, among, throughout; allí – …, back therein…; de-si, by himself; for his own part; – debajo, beneath, under; – decirlo así, so to speak; – entre, between, among, in through; – eso, hence, therefore; – fin, finally; – fortuna, fortunately; – más que, however much; especially since; although; – mí mismo, for myself; – muchos que, however many; poner – obra, to carry out, execute; – sí, of itself; of its own accord; – ser, since it was; – tanto, therefore, for that reason, hence; – la tierra, on (or along) the ground; – tres veces, three times; – lo visto, evidently, apparently, visibly; – … que, however; – lo que, wherefore; ¿ – qué? why?

porción, f., part, portion; una – de años, a few years; a number of years.

porche, m., portico, church porch, porch.

porfia, f., persistence; á —, in competition, in emulation.

pormenor, m., detail, minute account, incident.

poro, m., pore.

¿por qué? why?

porqué, m., reason, cause, reason why.

porque, for, because; so that, in order that; bien – … ó por ser, whether because … or because it was.

portada, f., portal, façade.

porte, m., bearing, deportment.

portento, m., prodigy, portent, micacle.

pórtico, m., portico, porch.

porvenir, m., future.

pos: en —, after, behind, in pursuit (de, of).

poscer, to possess.

posible, possible; en lo —, as much as possible; lo más —, as much as possible; lo —, as much as possible.

posición, f., position, situation.

positivo, -a, positive.

posteriormente, afterwards, later.

postigo, m., door, postern.

postrado, -a, adj. pp. of postrar, prostrated, prostrate.

postre, last; á la —; at last, finally.

postrero (or postrer), -a, last.

postres, m. pl., dessert.

poterna, f., postern, small back door (or gate).

potro, m., colt, foal.

prbetico, -a, skilled, expert, practiced, skillful.

precaución, f., caution, precaution.

preceder, to precede.

precepto, m., order, command.

precioso, -a, precious, costly.

precipicio, m., precipice.

precipitación, f., precipitation, haste.

precisamente, exactly, precisely, just.

preciso, -a, necessary; es – que, I (you, etc.) must. appear.

predicción, f., prediction, prophecy, warning.

predilecto, -a, favorite, beloved.

preferible, preferable.

preferir, to prefer.

pregunta, f., question, inquiry; hacer una —, to ask a question, make an inquiry.

preguntar, to ask.

prelado, m., prelate.

preludio, m., prelude, forerunner, precursor.

premiar, to reward.

premio, m., reward; en —, as a reward.

prendas, f. pl., talents, accomplishments.

prender, to seize, take, arrest.

preocupar, to preoccupy, prepossess.

preparar, to prepare, make ready; refl., to be prepared, be (or get) ready; to prepare.

presa, f., capture, prize; – de, a prey to.

presagio, m., presage, omen, portent, token.

presbiterio, m., presbytery, chancel.

prescindir de, to omit, except, leave out of consideration.

presea, f., jewel, gem.

presencia, f., presence.

presenciar, to witness.

presentación, f., introduction, presentation.

presentar, to introduce, present, offer, hold out; refl., to be present, present (or show) oneself, appear.

presente, present; hacer —, to lay before, present, state; tener —, to bear in mind, remember; subst. m., person present; present (time).

presentir, to foresee, forebode, have a foreboding of.

presidio, m., jail, prison.

preso, -a, pp. (irr.) of prender, seized.

prestar, to lend, give, furnish, pay; – homenaje, to pay homage, profess fealty; – el oido, to pay attention; to listen (carefully).

preste, m., priest.

presteza, f., rapidity.

presumir, to presume, suppose, boast.

presunto, -a, adj. pp. (irr.) of presumir, presumed, supposed, boasted.

presuroso, -a, hasty, quick, prompt, rapid, speedy; adv., speedily, promptly, hurriedly.

pretendiente, m., aspirant, suitor.

pretil, m., railing, balustrade, battlement, breastwork.

prevenir, to warn, foresee, anticipate.

prez, m. or f., renown, glory.

primada, m., primate, archbishop; primatical church.

primavera, f., spring.

primero (or primer), -a, first, former, best, only; adv., first, before, rather, sooner.

primicia, f., first-fruits.

primogénito, m., heir (by primogeniture).

primor, m., beauty, charm; skill, dexterity.

principal, principal, chief, leading.

principio, m., beginning; á – de, at the beginning of; early in; dar —, to begin.

priora, f., prioress, superior.

prisa, f., haste, speed; de —, rapidly; más que de – (lit. more than rapidly), as rapidly as possible.

prisión, f., prison, dungeon.

prisionero, m., prisoner.

privar, to find general acceptance.

privilegio, m., privilege.

probable, probable.

probar, to prove, taste, swallow, try, test.

problema, m., problem, question.

procedencia, f., derivation, source.

proceder, to proceed.

procurar, to try, endeavor, manage, succeed.

prodigalidad, f., prodigality, profusion, extravagance.

prodigio, m., marvel, prodigy, miracle.

prodigioso, -a, marvelous, wonderful.

producir, to produce, make, arouse.

producto, m., product.

profanación, f., profanation.

profanar, to profane, disgrace, desecrate.

proferir, to proffer, utter.

profesión, f., profession, practice.

profesora, f., professor, teacher.

profeta, m., prophet.

profundamente, profoundly, deeply.

profundidad, f., depth.

profundo, -a, profound, deep; subst. m. pl. depths; hell.

profusión, f., profusion, lavishness.

prohibir, to forbid.

prolongado, -a, adj. pp. of prolongar, prolonged, long.

prolongar, to prolong; refl., to be prolonged; to stretch out.

promesa, f., promise.

prometer, to promise.

promoción, f., promotion.

prontitud, f., promptness; con —, promptly, quickly.

pronto, -a, quick, prompt; adv., promptly, quickly, soon, too soon; de —, suddenly, abruptly; tan – … como …, now … now …

pronunciar, to utter.

propicio, -a, propitious.

propiedad, f., property.

propio, -a, own, self, very, proper, fitting, suitable, becoming; – de, proper to, peculiar to, suited to, befitting, belonging to; amor —, self-esteem, self-love, conceit, vanity.

proporción, f., proportion.

proposición, f., proposition, offer.

propósito, m., purpose, plan, design, intention; á —, suited, suitable, desirable; by the way; apropos; á – de, with regard to, apropos of, speaking of.

prorrumpir, to break forth, burst out.

proseguir, to pursue, continue, remain, follow.

prosélito, m., proselyte.

protección, f., protection.

protector, m., protector, guardian.

proteger, to protect, guard.

proveer, to provide (á, for).

provenzal, Provencal, of (or pertaining to) Provence.

proverbial, proverbial.

providencia, f., providence.

provincia, f., province, country.

provisto, -a, pp. of proveer, provided.

provocar, to incite, spur on, challenge.

próximamente, approximately.

proximidad, f., proximity.

próximo, -a, next, near, very near, about, ready; – á, about to; ready to.

proyectarse, to project, be thrown.

proyecto, m., project, plan.

prudencia, f., prudence.

prueba, f. proof.

publico, -a, public, common; cosa

publica, well known, notorious.

pudor, m., shame, modesty.

pudrir, to rot, decay.

pueblecillo, m., small town, village.

pueblo, m., people, populace, village; gente del —, common people.

puente, m., bridge, drawbridge; – levadizo, drawbridge.

pueril, puerile, childish.

puerta, f., door, gate, portal; doorway; llamar á la —, to knock (at the door).

pues, conj., for, since; interj., then, well, therefore, why; – bien, well, well then, very well, well now; – nada, but no; not so.

puesto, -a, pp. of poner, placed, put, granted; – que, supposing that, seeing that; since, because, forasmuch as

puesto, m., post, position, place, point, spot, seat.

pugnar, to fight, strive.

pujanza, f., power.

pulimentar, to polish.

pulular, to swarm.

punta, f., point, tip, end, sharp point; ponerse de —, to stand on end.

puntiagudo, -a, sharp, pointed.

punto, m., point (of time or place), point, jot, moment, instant, matter, object; estar á – (de), to be ready (to); to be on the point of, be about to; – en boca, silence, hush; hasta el – de, up to the point of; until, till; al – y hora de, on the stroke of, at exactly; á – de la media noche, at midnight precisely; at exactly twelve o'clock at night; de —, see subir.

puñal, m., dagger, poniard.

puño, m., fist, cuff, wristband, hilt; como —s, as large as your fist.

pupila, f., eye, pupil, sight

purgar, to purify, atone, expiate, purge, clear away.

purisimo, -a, abs. super. of puro, very (or most) pure, purest, immaculate.

puro, -a, pure, mere; de – viejo, from sheer old age.

púrpura, f., purple, crimson.


que, rel., who, which, that; el —, he who, that which, which; la —, she who, that which, which; lo —, that which, what; á lo —, as far as; from what; as; á lo – parece, as it seems; evidently; lo – esde, as for; as far as … is (or are) concerned; lo – tiene —, but; the fact is that; con —, therefore, wherefore, so then.

que, adv., as, than; tan … —, as … as.

que, conj., let, for, since, that; bien – … bien —, whether … or; either because … or because; de —, of (or at) the fact that; that; (ello) es —, the fact is that; entonces —, then while (or when); puesto —, since; – lo creas o no, whether you believe it or not; – quieras -no, willy-nilly; no —, whilst; sin —, without; sino —, but, but rather, except that; en tanto —, while; hasta tanto —, until, until such time as; ya —, since.

¿qué? interrog.) which? what? ¿á —? why? wherefore? ¿en —? in what? how? why? ¿por —? why? ¿– tal? how? ¿—se yo —? I know not what; all sorts of things; ¿– tiempo? how long?

¡qué! exclam.) how! what! what a! ¡– … (subst.) tan … (adj.)! what a … (adj.) … (subst.,)!

quebrado, -a, adj. pp. of quebrar, broken, altered, rough, rocky, uneven; tener la color quebrada, to have lost one's color; to be pale.

quebrar, to break, alter; refl., to break, be broken, be altered.

queda, f., curfew.

quedar, to remain, rest, be (or become); – en pie, to remain standing; – en silencio, to be silent; cuanto queda repetido, as has been said; refl., to remain; to be.

queja, f., complaint, murmur, plaint, sighing, sigh, moaning, moan.

quejarse, to complain, grumble, clamor, lament.

quejido, m., complaint, moan.

quemar, to burn, scorch, inflame.

querer, to wish, desire, want, seek, like, demand, will, be willing; ¿qué queréis?, ¿qué quiere usarced? what can you expect? que quieras que no, willy-nilly; no quiere permitir, will not permit; á éste quiero á éste no quiero, without asking permission; whether or no; – á, to love; – decir, to mean; refl., to be desired, be desirable.

querido, -a, adj. pp. of querer, liked, loved, beloved, dear; el mas —, the favorite.

querubin, m., cherub.

quicio, m., hinge; (here) crack, opening.

quiebra, f., crack, opening, fissure.

quien, rel., who, whom, one who, him who, whoever; á fe de – soy, on my honor; on the word of a gentleman; ¡por – soy! on my word (of honor).

¿quién? who?

quiera. See como, also adonde.

quietecito, -a, very quiet, very peaceful.

quieto, -a, quiet, calm, peaceful.

quietud, f., quiet, tranquillity.

quimérico, -a, chimerical, fantastic.

quince, fifteen.

quinto, -a, fifth.

quitar, to take away, take off, deprive of, ward off, cut off, remove.

quizás, perhaps.


racimo, m., bunch, cluster.

radiar, to shine, gleam.

ráfaga, f., gust, gale, blast, rush of wind (or air).

Raimundo, m., Raymond.

raíz, f., root.

rama, f., branch.

ramaje, m., branches.

ramillete, m., nosegay, bouquet.

rapidez, f., rapidity, celerity.

rápido, -a, rapid, fleet, swift.

rapto, m., ecstasy, rapture.

raro, -a, rare, strange, remarkable.

rascar, to scratch.

rasgar, to rend, tear asunder.

rastrear, to go spying; to creep (or crawl) (lit., to fly low).

rastrero, -a, cringing.

rastrillo, m., portcullis.

rastro, m., track(s), trace(s), scent, taste.

rato, m., moment, short time, time, while; largo —, for a long time; un gran —, a long time.

raya, f., stroke, dash, line, streak; boundary, frontier.

rayarse, to break (of dawn); to dawn.

rayo, m., ray, beam; lightning, thunderbolt.

raza, f., race, family.

razón, f., reason, cause, account; dar – de, to give an account of; to inform regarding; en – á, by reason of; on account of.

real, royal, real, actual.

realidad, f., reality.

realizar, to realize, execute, form, accomplish.

rebaño, m., flock of sheep.

rebelde, rebellious, rebel.

rebosar, to overflow.

rebullirse, to move restlessly, be agitated.

recalcar, to emphasize, stress.

recibir, to receive.

reciente (or recién), recent, fresh; recién venido, recent arrival.

recientemente, recently.

recinto, m., precinct(s), inclosure, place.

recitar, to recite, speak.

reclamar, to reclaim.

reclinar, to recline, lay, lean; refl., to recline.

reclinatorio, m., prie-dieu, prayerdesk.

recobrar, to recover, regain, obtain, assume again, resume, take up again.

recoger, to take up, pick up, take back, receive.

recogimiento, m., abstraction, concentration, meditation, reverence, modesty; examination.

reconocer, to recognize, acknowledge, inspect.

recordar, to recall, remind, recollect, remember, call to mind.

recorrer, to run over, pass through, traverse, search, scour, overrun, roam about; have recourse (to).

recostado, -a, pp. of recostar, reclining, leaning, resting.

recuerdo, m., remembrance, recollection, memory.

recuperar, to regain.

recurso, m., resource.

rechazar, to repel, drive back.

rechinar, to creak, grate.

red, f., net, head-dress.

redención, f., redemption.

Redentor, m., Redeemer.

redimir, to redeem, ransom, purchase exemption from, liberate, set free (for a price).

redonda, f., circle, round, neighborhood; veinte leguas á la —, within a radius of twenty (Spanish) leagues.

redondo, -a, round, well-molded, well-formed.

reducirse, to be reduced (or confined); to consist (a, in); to limit oneself (á, to).

referir, to relate, narrate, tell, mention, describe, report; refl., to refer, have to do, consist; ¿á qué se refiere? wherein consists?

reflejar, to reflect; refl., to reflect, be reflected.

reflejo, m., reflection.

refrán, m., refrain; saying, adage.

refrenar, to check.

refrescar, to freshen, refresh, cool.

refriega, f., encounter, affray.

refugiarse, to take refuge.

refugio, m., refuge.

refunfutiar, to snarl, growl.

regalar, to regale, delight with.

regalo, m., present, gift.

regazo, m., lap, embrace.

región, f., precinct, region, place, space, tract.

registro, m., stop (of an organ).

regla, f., rule; de nuestra —, of our order.

regocijado, -a, adj. pp. of regocijar, rejoicing, joyful, merry.

regocijo, m., rejoicing, joy, pleasure, mirth, hilarity, merriment, amusement.

regular, common, ordinary.

rehundir, to sink, bury.

rehusar, to refuse, decline.

reina, f., queen.

reinar, to reign.

reino, m., kingdom, dominion.

reir (or rierse), to laugh; to smile; – de, to laugh at; dar que – (con), to ridicule, make sport (of), make a laughingstock (of); y se le rieron en sus barbas, and they laughed in his face; reirse en la nariz, to laugh in one's face; romper á —, to burst out laughing.

reiterar, to repeat, reiterate.

rejilla, f., bar.

relación, f., narration, story, narrative, account; relation.

relacionarse, to be (or become) related (or connected).

relámpago, m., flash, flash of lightning, lightning.

relampaguear, to flash.

relatar, to relate; las relataban, would tell of hiss deeds.

relate, m., narration, narrative, story.

religión, f., religion, Christianity.

religioso, -a, religious; subst. m. and f., monk, nun.

relinchar, to neigh.

reliquia, f., relic.

reloj, m., watch, clock

rellano, m., plateau.

remanso, m., still water, water caught and held in the little bays along a river-bank.

remate, m., end, destination, conclusion.

remedio, m., remedy, cure.

remolino, m., whirlwind, whirl, gust.

remontar, to remount, go back, go up; – la corriente del río, to go up stream; refl., to climb; remount, ascend, rise.

remoto, -a, remote, distant, far off, ancient.

removerse, to move, move about.

rencor, m., rancor, animosity, grudge.

rendimiento, m., submission.

rendir, to subject, overcome; refl., to yield, give way, bend down.

renegar, to curse, swear (de, at).

renunciar, to renounce, give up, refrain.

reo, m., criminal, accused.

reparar, to repair, observe, notice.

repartir, to distribute, divide.

repente; de —, suddenly.

repentino, -a, sudden, unexpected.

repetir, to repeat; refl., to be repeated; to reverberate.

repicar, to chime, ring, peal.

repique, m., chime, peal.

replegarse, to bend back, wind, coil, make a detour, be centered.

reponerse, to recover.

reposado, -a, adj. pp. of reposar, calm.

reposar, to rest, repose.

reposo, m., rest, repose, sleep.

representación, f., representation; – de, representing; in the name of.

representar, to represent; refl., to be represented; to appear.

reprimir, to repress, restrain.

reproducir, to reproduce, reflect.

reptil, m. reptile.

repuesto, -a, pp. of reponerse, recovered.

repugnancia, f., repugnance, aversion.

repugnante, repugnant, revolting.

requerir, to require, demand, seek, request.

res, f., head of cattle, etc., animal, game, deer.

resbalar, to glide, steal, slip; refl., to glide, slip, slide, steal; -se á uno un pie, to take a false step; to slip.

resignar, to resign; refl., to be (or become) resigned; to resign oneself.

resina, f., resin; teas de —, pine (or resinous) torches.

resistir, to resist, baffle, oppose, endure (it); refl., to resist, refuse.

resolución, f., resolution, decision.

resolver, to resolve, solve, determine; refl., to agree, decide.

resonar, to resound, clang.

resorte, m., spring.

respecto, m., respect, regard, relation; – à, with respect to.

respetable, respectable, influential, venerable, estimable.

respetar, to respect.

respeto, m., respect, esteem.

respetusamente, respectfull, with respect.

respetuoso, -a, respectful.

respiración, f., respiration, breathing.

respirar, to breathe.

resplandecer, to glisten, shine, gleam, glitter.

resplandeciente, resplendent, shining.

resplandor, m., glow, splendor, light, gleam, flash, brightness, reflection.

responder, to reply, answer, respond.

respuesta,f. reply.

restar, to remain.

resto, m., rest, remainder, remains; pl., remains, rest, remainder; ruins.

restregar, to rub.

resucitar, to resuscitate, revive.

resuelto, -a, adj. pp. of resolver, resolved, determined; ready, prepared.

resultado, m., result, outcome.

resultar, to result.

retablo, m., reredos, retable, altarpice, altar-screen.

retirar, to retire, withdraw; refl., to retire, withdraw.

retorcer, to twist, wind, turn; refl., to twist, wind, writhe, flow tortuously, roll.

retorcido, -a, adj. pp. of retorcer, twisted, rolled, rolling, winding, undulating, gnarled.

retozar, to flit, hover, play, sport, sparkle.

retraido, -a, adj. pp. of retraer, restrained, repressed, shrinking.

retratar, to portray, depict, mirror, reflect.

retumbar, to resound.

reunión, f., reunion, gathering, party.

reunir, to unite, bring together, join, collect; refl., to meet, unite, assemble, collect; -se á, to join; -se con, to join, associate with.

revelación, f., revelation, confession.

revelar, to reveal, manifest.

reventarse, to burst, split; (vulgar) to die.

revés, m., reverse, opposite, back al —, backwards.

revestir, to deck, adorn, put (or take) on again; to be dressed (or clothed).

revolcar, to hurl, overturn; refl., to wallow, roll about, writhe.

revolotear, to flutter (or fly) about; to flutter, hover; subst. m., fluttering.

revolver, to revolve, turn over (in one's mind), consider; refl., to roll, to stir, to move about.

revuelta, f., confusion, consternation, turn, turning, winding.

revuelto, -a, adj. pp. of revolver, huddled together, intermingled, pell mell, rumpled, tossed, disordered, intricate, winding.

rey, m., king, monarch; – de armas, king-at-arms; los reyes, the king and queen.

reyerta, f., dispute, difference.

rezador, apt to pray, given to much praying.

rezar, to pray, recite prayers.

rezo, m., prayer.

riachuelo, m., rivulet, small stream, stream.

ribazo, m., sloping bank; ditch.

ribera, f., bank, shore.

ribete, m., ribbon, shred, streak, line.

ricamente, richly.

rico, -a, rich, fine, delicate, costly.

ridiculo, -a, ridiculous.

rielar (poet.), to glisten, glimmer; to shine with a tremulous light.

rienda, f., rein; pl., reins, bridle.

rigido, -a, rigid.

rigor, m., heat, rigor, necessity; de —, necessary, required.

rima, f., rhyme; pl., lyric poems.

rincón, m., corner, angle.

río, m., river.

riqufsimo, -a, abs. super. of rico, very rich.

risa, f., laugh, laughter.

risueño, -a, smiling, laughing, charming.

ritmo, m., rhythm.

rival, m., rival.

rivalizar, to be rivals; to vie (entre sí, with each other).

rizar, to curl, crisp, ripple.

rizo, m., curl.

roca, f., rock, cliff.

roce, m., touch, rustle, rustling.

rocín, m., hack, horse, nag.

rocío, m., dew.

rodar, to roll, move along, rotate, revolve, roll down hill.

rodear, to surround, gather round, girdle; refl., to move (or wander) about.

rodeo, m., circumlocution.

rodilla, f., knee; de —s, kneeling.

roer, to gnaw, consume.

rogar, to beg, pray, implore, beseech.

rojizo, -a, reddish.

rojo, -a, red.

romance, m., Spanish (language); romance, (historic) ballad.

romeral, m., a place abounding in rosemary.

romero, m., pilgrim.

romo, -a, obtuse, blunt, flat.

romper, to break, dissipate, fracture, tear, rend, part; – á reir, to burst out laughing; al – el día, at break of day; at dawn; refl., to break.

roncar, to snore.

ronco, -a, hoarse, rough.

ronda, f., round; circular dance, dance; andar á la —, to go the rounds; to go around.

ropa, f., cloth, garment, clothes, robe, gown, loose garment worn over the clothes.

ropaje, m., apparel, drapery, garment.

ropilla, f., jacket, kind of short jacket with double sleeves, the outer ones hanging loose.

rosa, f., rose; color de —, rose-colored; de —, rosy, rose-colored.

rosado, -a, rose-colored, rosy, flushed.

rostrillo, m., veil; head-dress.

rostro, m., face, countenance; dar á algún en el – con, to cast in one's face.

roto, -a, pp. of romper, broken, pierced.

rozar, to graze, touch slightly, be on a level (con, with).

rubí, m., ruby.

rubio, -a, fair, blond, ruddy, golden.

ruborizarse, to blush.

rudo, -a, rough, hard, severe.

ruego, m., request, entreaty.

rugido, m., roar, roaring.

rugir, to roar.

ruido, m., sound, noise.

ruidoso, -a, noisy, loud.

ruin, m., wicked (mean or infamous) person; en hablando del – de Roma, cátale aquí que asoma, speak of the devil and he will appear.

ruina, f., ruin; pl., ruins.

ruinoso, -a, dilapidated, in ruins, ruinous.

ruiseñor, m., nightingale.

rumor, m., noise, murmur, sound, rumor, rustle.

rústico, m., rustic (fellow), peasant.

Yaş sınırı:
Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
21 temmuz 2018
410 s. 1 illüstrasyon
Telif hakkı:
Public Domain
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