Kitabı oku: «Theory of vortex creation and control», sayfa 15

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A Unified Theory of the Interaction of "Everything with Everything"

This chapter concludes the theoretical section of the book. Then there will be a practical part, intended for research and development in order to introduce new technologies, which, unfortunately, seem to many ordinary people today, to be pipe fiction. I am publishing this research in the public domain for the sole purpose of preventing anyone from patenting the ideas disclosed here in the future. I believe that fundamental knowledge of this kind should be available to anyone who has the desire and opportunity to implement it, so that it can be studied by as many people as possible. Only this will be the guarantor of their development and promotion.

Let's try to briefly review and develop the material deeper. Thus, a single world cosmos consists of many separate spaces, such as the space of an individual planet, the helio-space of a stellar system, the space of a galaxy, for example, the Milky Way, the single space of our Universe, etc. In each of them, matter is present at a certain stage of development. Because the very fact of the appearance of any space is the fact of the existence of its matter as the basis of space itself – its "zero" vortices, fields and elementary particles that are connected to each other through similar micro spaces, forming a world hidden from us. A world that is based on the principles of electricity and magnetism. Structurally, absolutely every space is located next to neighboring ones, numerous both in "kinship" and in the variety of functionality. But all of them are located inside a common space, which is similarly located next to the same voluminous and variegated "neighbors". Again, all of these "unified" spaces are also enclosed within a larger, seemingly limitless "bubble." And so, on endlessly on both sides of the ruler, both in micro and macro (see Fig. 1). And all these elongated, one way or another, spherical cosmic "bubbles" constantly interact, but do not mix with each other (without external "catastrophic" influences), rotating around their axes and the axes of the centers of mass of systems from many spaces, as structural elements. Moreover, each in its own individual rhythms and parameters of oscillations, multiple and coordinated with each other as a result of many billions of years of synchronization, which was achieved as a result of an endless series of losses and mergers of matter, fields and systems. And these processes of development continue to this day and will continue forever, because the volume of matter in our current realistic dynamics is inexorably increasing. Of course, someday, as a result of the complete saturation with giant structural formations, in some of these "bubbles" the density of matter will decrease so much in comparison with today's that the reverse mechanisms will start and everything will begin to disintegrate under the influence of external, denser spaces. And such "bubbles" will inexorably shrink to an equivalent counteraction, condensing and turning almost into a point, in some cases into a "black hole". Regardless of where they are placed – next to others, as a structure of a single space, or they themselves are a common space for such structures. We observe similar processes of expansion and contraction of identical global spaces today, since all these actions take place in different balanced phases – some spaces "inhale", others "exhale", because everything in the world is absolutely interconnected. Somewhere by direct contact, and somewhere indirectly, but the impact of "everything with everything" occurs every moment of our time.

Fig. 1. Scheme of the set of spaces

Fig. 2. Formation of a dipole from different vortices

I suggest that for ease of perception, in the future we designate any space as a "sphere". Meanwhile, everyone is curious where "life" or matter originated initially, in a single "sphere" of space or in one of them separately? Then why and what was the impetus for creation?

As a result of my research, I came to the conclusion that "proto matter", like the entire existing world, was in no way born as a result of a one-time global explosion and there are many different publications, we will not dwell on them. Because something else is quite obvious – matter in "spheres" completely different in size and vibrations appeared ‘en masse’, everywhere and not simultaneously. In some, it was at the stage of formation of many energetically weak micro vortices ("zero" vortices), and in others, a civilization of advanced beings was already successfully developing. In the absolute, this problem was solved by the energy of the medium.

That is, no matter how difficult it may be for us to accept, "proto matter" or "single zero" vortices have always existed from the very beginning, as well as the very medium of all "spheres" that periodically touched, collided (and continue to collide) with each other in common (unifying) "spheres" of many other spaces, creating internal effects of contraction and expansion. Which inevitably caused pressure gradients, which means the conditions for the formation of "zero" vortices, which appeared and then disappeared again. The interaction of these new vortex formations constantly appearing and disappearing in the environment was determined by the direction of their rotation. As a result, some approached, others repelled each other, generating excitations in space, striving to capture more and more of the matter of the environment under their own influence, using the energy of the fields of the external sources of neighboring vortices, and increasingly inflating their own intensity of rotation. Eventually, many of these cycles "stuck together" along their axes of rotation, like species oscillatory circuits, due to identical spin directions, forming dipoles, which turned out to be a defining moment in the development of matter (see Fig. 2). At the same time, secularity (symmetry) of both hemispheres on opposite sides of the "equator" (Bloch boundary) was achieved due to the displacement of the oscillations of both contours by 1/4T of the period. Only then came many billions of years of random combinations, failures and mutations in the endlessly appearing and disappearing schemes of interactions of vortex condensations of the matter of the medium in the struggle for energy sources, which led to the emergence of all kinds of dipole formations in different "spheres" of space. As a result, this caused an avalanche-like generation of many structures with the formation of electric and magnetic fields as an instrument of decay and synthesis. And the era of evolution (adaptation) began with the appearance of all possible versions of elementary particles of matter from the newly emerging forms of electromagnetic radiation sources (vibration circuits) under the influence of the charge gradient in the medium of space.

Then, what is to be done with the primordial matter, where and how did it appear? The fact of the matter is that it has always been like a ready-made environment for creation – space. And not one, but at least two for the origin of contact. And, therefore, there were many of them "quickly enough", with all the ensuing consequences of development.

It turned out that there is no and cannot be a division into "living" and "non-living" forms in the whole world, because all structures and systems use the same tools of interaction in the same aspirations for the origin, development and continuation of the existence of their species in changing environmental conditions. And, therefore, everything: from the dipole to man, from the electromagnetic field to the cosmic object and the space of space itself – there are "living" vibration systems that constantly and endlessly "flow" and transform one into another in countless reactions of creation and destruction under the influence of the same gradient of space charges. Yes, the speeds of these processes differ significantly – from fractions of seconds to millions of years, but the more unpredictable and diverse the result.

Even if it is the case that after the passage of time dipoles were formed, electromagnetic fields, electricity and magnetism appeared, then what is the very mechanism for the construction of the structures of matter – its atoms, molecules, cells?

Earlier, we have already mentioned that vortices, using the properties of electricity and magnetism, not only interact with each other, but also position their orientation and movement in space, attract or repel other charges. That is, charges are vortex formations of electric and magnetic fields, which together are dipoles formed from different densities of disturbances – vortices of electromagnetic fields of their own environment. Which, under certain spectra of radiation (controlled from the outside), build stable states of forms of matter in the form of elementary particles. The greater the charge of the particles, the higher the density of their lines of force, which, interacting with each other in the medium, create a different architecture of the structure of matter. This means that any moving charges are not only sources of electromagnetic fields, but are themselves created by the interactions of these fields in the electromagnetic field of the environment itself. But no charge can exist without its carrier – matter.

It turns out that the oscillations of elementary particles, their chaoites, interactions, and interdependence are the basis for the existence of any matter. In each of us, as in everything that surrounds us, there is a constant interconnection between the charge densities of vortex clumps of elementary matter in space. All bodies influence each other, building the coverage of certain zones of the environment with their radiations (vibrations of vortices), fields, from object to object and towards each other with the speed of light, interweaving "spatial" networks of different properties and energy, which also interact with each other as "modulated" electromagnetic fields, locally absorbing or changing each other.

Mentioning earlier about the "gravitational" network of "zero" vortices, we talked about the matrix of the structure of space, its basis, which is present inside everything that exists as its building material. Space is the infinity of "zero" vortices. Something that today is consciously identified with the "ether". The rest of the "spatial" networks are the same imaginary networks, but with other homogeneous, mobile, vortex, dipole formations in their nodes, the structure of which consists of the same "zero" vortices, but they interact with each other as charges of a different intensity. This means that they can also be called "gravitational", but in a different "classification" of space. Without a doubt, the stability of each individual such network depends only on the presence in nature of an innumerable number of free and relatively stable homogeneous elementary particles of matter with completely different properties (see Fig. 3). Such as the well-known photons, neutrinos, electrons, protons, neutrons, etc., which determine the quantitative diversity of such networks in the environment. But in this same single space, in parallel with its structural fields of the entire electromagnetic spectrum, there are other networks, in the nodes of which atoms, molecules and even stable compounds of various substances are located, in even greater diversity.

Ubiquitous interactions in a single mobile space between these charges lead to the formation of not only various types and forms of matter, but also states of matter. Therefore, their emergence and movement in space has a locally pronounced character, which depends on the degree of tension (excitation) of a particular condition of the environment.

Fig. 3. "Spatial" networks of various charges

Fig 4. Interaction of charges in the network

Let us try to delve deeper into the processes of formation of bodies (objects) in space using the example of the transformation of water in the atmosphere. We know that when the temperature in the atmosphere decreases, condensation occurs, that is, the formation of water molecules from oxygen and hydrogen atoms, and when it rises, the reverse process of evaporation, or a return to the atomic state of the gas. Let us recall that atoms are the result of connections between the charges of various structures and forms of elementary particles, which in turn are generated not only by the charges of the "zero" vortices of space, but also by contacts between each other under certain external influences of the environment. And molecules are the product of the interconnection of various atoms and energy from the outside. That is, the whole variety of vortices, their shapes and structures, is chaotic, but not unsystematic, zonally and relatively evenly intertwined (mixed) in space. Where "everything interacts with everything", flows and forms from one another, due to the presence of a charge gradient in a single but multispectral "spatial" network.

Thus, infinite combined electromagnetic fields are built on a matrix of "gravitational" networks of each space, the basis of which is made up of vortices of subatomic particles with densities in descending order of the intensity of the charges of their vortex dipoles. Moreover, regardless of the direction of their rotation. The primary basis of the structure of the entire space is determined by the same "zero" vortices. It is they who fill the vast voids inside all the nuclei and atoms of matter, up to the boundless expanses of the Universe, in the form of a relatively uniform, stable, "gravitational" vortex network, due to their inconceivably small size and the highest density of location to each other.

And if this is so, then the "zero" vortices (as well as all free particles) are in no way "tied" rigidly to their positions in the networks, they are mobile in all directions, and under external influence they can shimmer like "water through your fingers", without changing their structure at all. "Zero" vortices, like eggs, with any impact on them, "flow" from one place to another and return to their previous state, instantly filling the vacated environment. Moreover, they can pass into a non-free state, completely disappearing from the node of their network in the gravitational field of space, being the initial material for the construction of other forms of matter, when interacting with other vortex formations of completely different particles. And then, the place of the vortex that has fallen out of the network is immediately filled with related vortices from among neighboring cells. Therefore, they are constantly consumed and generated, influencing the overall density of the structure of a particular environment of space.

All these properties are also translated to other "spatial" networks with other charges (elementary particles) in their nodes. That is, the distances between free vortices in the nodes of all "gravitational" networks are unstable and depend on the energy of external influence or the intensity of neighboring vortices. At such moments of excitation of space, any of its specific environments is locally in a relatively unstable energy state. Surprisingly, it is then that it can be filled with other matter without any special consequences, or pass through it, or create other phenomena with other possibilities. In other words, a balanced symmetrical system becomes asymmetrical, excited, and always strives to return to its initial state, constantly being dependent on external influences. However, everywhere in space, both in the micro and in the macrocosm, any system, if it is in motion, is asymmetrical.

Does this mean that through imbalance, the system creates particle perturbations with its oscillations (fields)? And waves are generated in space, which form their own interference fields of interactions with each other to create balance, to achieve energy equilibrium. Synchronously or asynchronously uniting into their structures according to their properties, in order to balance the energy states in all planetary systems of the "sphere". At the same time, with predictable periodicity, such as meteors, comets, asteroids, even cosmic dust, exciting the matter of space with gradients and synchronizing it in the direction of the lowest potential of charges. And after the dipoles are rupture, or the necessary impulse is given, the environment returns to its previous stable energy state. This means that synchronization manifests itself from symmetry, and asymmetry helps to stabilize synchronized states.

Each body, from "small" to "large", always has a reciprocal effect on each other. The energies of their vortices mutually repel each other, balance or push each other, unite or separate each other, depending on the volume of their bodies and the number of their charges, in fact, their inertia. That is, all matter is in constant motion and vibrations, it is the essence and product of vortices, as condensations of their own clots of space. Which, by fusion and fission, form elementary particles, atoms and molecules, gaseous and solid, liquid and plasma. Just as by decay and decomposition, "zero" vortices and elementary particles arise again and again. And everything repeats itself in the eternal rhythm of rotations.

Oxidation, or a local break in the integrity of magnetic field lines with a sharp release of heat, leads to the emergence of a powerful source of electromagnetic radiation, which immediately attracts elements that absorb these radiations. Immediately the heat generation in a given place decreases and these elements make it possible to build a new structure, for example, wound healing, decline in volcanic eruption activity, etc. Then, the new restored structure changes in proportion to changes in external conditions or new information from outside the system.

It should be remembered that an integral structure (body) always splits (dissolves) in the environment if there is an abundance of useful energy (analogy – explosion). And vice versa, with its deficiency, synthesis occurs in the environment, a system is formed (analogy – implosion). That is, when there is a lot of energy, the system opens up and each of its parts directly absorbs this energy (decay), and when there is little energy, the system closes, uniting into a structure to save energy, then each member of this form "feeds" economically, consuming the already distributed energy through a single system (synthesis).

It turns out that in our environment, the good that seems, in our opinion, harms individuality, and the apparent freedom of individual life turns into the disintegration of the integrity of society. And that, in fact, the living process of perfection takes place only in tense environmental conditions. There is no creation in nature if the environment is saturated with a sufficient amount of vital energy. There is no need for it. And then follows the decomposition of the "individual" into his components, his inner activity is dispersed. This is true everywhere, especially in society. Isn't our life a controlled process of building and creating something new to replace the obsolete and dying out, like the process of creation over decay? Isn't human life prolonged by new ideas and their implementation? Which is the essence of creation. It is known that all redox reactions in the medium occur constantly and simultaneously, that is, some particles donate electrons, and others add them. For example, in a water molecule, hydrogen atoms have a reduction function, and an oxygen atom has an oxidation function. Thus, the rhythm of the oscillatory process is created, as an analogue of the breathing process. Water breathes, regulating the energy consumption of those molecules of the substance that it covers (envelops). And this is true for other compounds of substances.

You will agree that all these vortices, dipoles, charges, fields and substances with all their structural elements must certainly exchange information with each other in a "language of communication" accessible to everyone. And this is definitely the language of vibrations. Any dipole, which is any particle of matter (or body) as a vibrating system, as a full charge of a multitude of its structural vortices, oscillates or radiates, and necessarily receives waves in its half-cycles of vibrations. Moreover, it receives its own or similar in properties, but already reflected from the medium or modulated waves, in the structure of which information about the state of the external bodies of the environment is "imprinted". And in this way, he recognizes "his social circle" for his own further mutations in the development processes. That is, we are no longer dealing just with electrical phenomena, but also with information flows, the basis of which is magnetism. Then the movement of any matter in space is not just its physical movement of the "whole form" of the body. Nature does not have extra resources for the transportation and logistics of huge volumes of matter over cosmic distances. Consequently, any movement of bodies (objects) in space, like their appearance or disappearance, is the result of their constant and endless rearrangement from the matter of the environment according to radiation signals from the "information-energy" network of electromagnetic fields of space (see Fig. 5).

Fig. 5. Rearrangement of forms from the matter of the environment

Fig. 6. Cyclical nature of all fluctuations

That is, any change or movement is an event that immediately becomes information, as a reflection in the transformed state of the fields of interaction of the matter of space. And this is another confirmation that information can be read and removed from the magnetic field of the structure of matter, as from its carrier. It has already been noted that in itself such single information is insignificant, but in the aggregate of reflection or general projection on the environment of the environment, it forms an image of the action or motion of matter. Then, the influence of the vortex fields transferred by information is omnipresent, it causes a response in response to the information impact by the release of energy in the environment. For example, by analogy with the parallel oscillatory circuit of an open system, when receiving information (inductor), its magnetic energy is converted into electrical energy (recharging the capacitor), which causes a resonance of currents. And oscillations occur, the duration of which depends only on the energy losses in the circuit. Does not this phenomenon serve as a confirmation of the possibility of constructing any form as an object at any point in space from the matter of space itself and the energy excited by the informational influence of the vortices of the "gravitational" network, as the unity of electricity and magnetism? This means that any living being is able to influence vortex fields as a carrier of information, introduce changes and set new settings, arousing energy counteractions in their electromagnetic fields, bursts that change the structure, form and energy of the matter of space.

This means that we can conclude with the highest degree of certainty that information, as well as charges, cannot exist without vortices of matter in space, and therefore it is the structural content of their dipoles. And the higher the density of the forms of matter, the more and faster the information and energy spread in their environment. At least in our single factual space, which is already clear to us.

As a result, it turns out that you and I in the microcosm consist of a mutually synchronized variety of vortex densities of matter, constantly changing, alternating and interacting with each other and the environment as a habitat. We, like all objects of nature, regularly find ourselves in fields of tension – gradients, spending and acquiring energy from the outside for our existence and adaptation to the changing environment, with the sole purpose of development and procreation. Each of us is a particularly unique synthesis of the harmony of an infinite number of moving gradients in a single shell of the form of our body. The very same gradients that are the main mechanism of exchange of all elementary particles, atoms, molecules, cells in our organs to ensure their mutual symbiosis in a single individual rhythm of life of each of us, as a result of a change in the charge density of the microcosm. For example, charges come from the outside and we feel a surge of warmth, or vice versa – and we are cold. Each of our internal organs, as a separate vibrational system in the functioning of a single organism, is in a series of mutual arrangements, repeatedly worked out by evolution, depending on the need for its own source of nourishment, energy, protection, etc. Even in the event of a malfunction of any organ, which can lead to risks to the viability of the organism as a whole, such a structure of organization is fully justified in the struggle for the possibility of metabolism in its special and territorially limited environment. This is a fairly simple and understandable mechanism of the struggle for the reality of existence. Thus, each form of matter tends to mutate and symbiosis with each other in order to create a stable and economical energy system in an ever-changing environment, using the same opportunities. It is obvious that when combined into a system, the total energy consumption decreases and changes in the objects of symbiosis occur in a single environment of the environment.

It can be said that any oscillatory circuit or vibrational system of the microcosm is a part of the structure of matter with its own electricity and magnetism, and then any substance radiates, and any radiation is the field of the composition of this substance. One is impossible without the other. Consequently, energy is an analogue to radiation in the range of the frequency spectrum of any matter. This means that vortices of different energy, or number of charges, interacting with each other and repelling each other, create the elasticity of the medium, condense it, invariably filling the space with a lower density of matter. They create conditions for the constant presence of a gradient in the environment, thereby stimulating an innumerable number of movements and rotations of charges, always striving for the formation of stable and stable structures of matter in their space. All this together is the gravitational interaction. Whatever you say, but each of us may well contain particles of matter from prehistoric times. And this is obvious, because various objects are born as flashes of light, extinguished and reborn again, using the same "building material" forever.

In other words, any vibration system inevitably acquires cyclicality, a certain duration of various internal oscillatory processes. And this depends not only on the parameters of oscillations, but also on the impact of energy pulses of objects from the outside, that is, the environment of the environment, including from space. Because any system adapts to stronger external influences. As a result, there is a certain sequence of different fluctuations in quantitative and qualitative terms, which is stably repeated with enviable cyclicity and periodicity. When the next cycle of the primordial system will never begin until the previous one is completed (see Fig. 6). That is, the events of the past will necessarily be repeated in the future with different periodicity. Perhaps with slight deviations in the parameters depending on the appearance of new (unplanned) external influences. The period of these repetitions can be infinitely long, because an infinitely large number of its constituent contours is possible. For example, as in the infinite cosmos. Therefore, vibration systems there exist with life cycles of millions and billions of years. That is, the more oscillatory circuits in the system, the longer the period of its cyclicity (renewal) in its desire to synchronize the general rhythm. Our planet, the solar system, the galaxy and the Universe make strictly calibrated oscillations in their orbits like a clockwork mechanism from year to year, from millennium-to-millennium billions of years in a row. This means that the same events in outer space have their own patterns of repeating themselves with enviable constancy and accuracy. In this case, it is obvious to assume that other less significant phenomena must also follow this statement. Probably, there is a certain cyclical repetition of all events associated with any form of matter, and therefore with objects on the planets, as components of these vibration systems, including us, people. But only if the integrity of the forms of these objects is preserved, otherwise the single rhythm changes. And this applies not only to the cyclical nature of glaciations, floods, magnetic storms, etc., but also to the life cycles of the entire biosphere of the Earth, including mankind. Taking into account the recurrence of some cosmic planetary cycles of events occurring in huge periods of time, it can be argued that the fates of civilizations and even individual species of beings or individuals tend to repeat cyclically after a certain period of time or millennia, or even millions of years, in their full (or approximate) copy. Like the rhythm of vibration oscillations. And we already know that information in space is stored forever, and then this information can be found and predicted the future of any event or person, as an exact copy of his ancestors. Because the probability of DNA matches reaches 99.9%. Such assertions are true only if all vital activity on all levels of matter is unified and rhythmic in its periods. An example can be continuous constant sequences of phase transformations of matter, stars, the evolution of atoms (including those in the same family), or the constant sequence of radioactive decay elements, as well as many generations of people of the same race, or the sequence of structures of the genetic memory of cells, etc. And all this is once again a confirmation that all material bodies have a single universal plan (matrix) of their internal structure – dipole, consisting of two dipoles, magnetic and electric, as respectively parallel and series oscillating circuits.

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Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
28 şubat 2025
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727 s. 246 illüstrasyon
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