Kitabı oku: «Theory of vortex creation and control», sayfa 16

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We, humans, cognize the world only in interaction with it. A living form is not only a combination of separate organs in a single body, it is the body and the environment. Without the environment, no life is possible. The environment is a source of energy, the resonance or selective consumption of which by living organisms is an important condition for its filtration (purification) to maintain optimal conditions in it. Thus, no form of matter can exist in the absence of a magnetic field, because each of them has an electromagnetic nature and corresponds to a specific range of radiation. The energy of the external field enters any body of the vibration system in the area of "its equatorial belt", supporting the rotation of vortices in both hemispheres of a single dipole, and the formation of lines of force, and the movement of electric current between the poles, through which the unified field of the torus opens. Each body (vibration system) is a source of electromagnetic radiation constantly interacting with the medium.

Then the Universe is a single mobile self-oscillating electromagnetic system from the micro to the macrocosm, where any form of matter is based on the properties of interdependent magnetic and electric fields. Everything around vibrates, any vibrations are the processes of transformations that form the structures of substances. In simple terms, an oscillating circuit is the process of converting electrical energy into magnetic energy and vice versa, as the consumption and emission of energy with the acquisition of new properties and qualities of matter. This means that the magnetic field regulates the mutual motion of charges, itself being a consequence of their movement or a memory of the electric field, when magnetic rhythms control electric cycles. It is the intensity of magnetic fields that occurs in dipole structures that fills the entire space of the medium between the interacting charges, the density of which depends on the rotation velocities of their vortices, as a consequence of the gradients of the environment, with energy and information. What does the interaction of fields give us? For example, any thought, like an electromagnetic wave, leaves the brain that generated it and spreads in the medium of space, its matter, like a wave. And this wave (the analogy of radio waves) is picked up by another thinking form, another brain. Let us ask ourselves the question, is only the brain's ability to think possible for such an interaction? Isn't any structure of matter that has its own shape, its own magnetic field, like memory, capable of emitting and receiving certain spectra of an electromagnetic wave?

Fig. 7. Encrypt and archive thoughts

Fig. 8. Formation of plasma around planets

There is no doubt that each vibration circuit, each vibration system from elementary particles to cosmic objects, sending an electromagnetic pulse and receiving in response a reflected signal (as information) from outside space, changes (corrects) its state by analogy with the fact that these objects of matter (matter, radiation) changed their trajectory as a result of a direct collision, albeit not so literally. At least because any direct collision is also a more rigid electromagnetic interaction of matter.

This means that the process of thinking (comparison) is reduced to the processes of generation and consumption of electromagnetic waves by the structures of matter, as vibrational circuits (dipoles). As a necessary property (state) for the continuation of its existence (preservation of form) and development, orientation in space (adaptation). Does this mean that absolutely all forms are endowed with mental capabilities, like matters of electromagnetic nature? The only question is the depth of structuring, the analysis of discrete modulated information, its copying, filtering, coding, the ability to integrate it into its own structure, etc. Thought in the form of interaction of signals is encoded and stored in the magnetic memory of the vibration circuit of the structure for its further extraction and recognition for the sake of constant comparison with information from outside the system in order to respond to external influence (see Fig. 7). Nature always translates (copies) its successful experiments to all forms of matter. Hence, everything around from elementary particles to biological forms is "living" matter. In this case, all the processes of energy interaction of vibration circuits of any single form of matter, as a full cycle of information analysis from its receipt to the response execution of the event, are the presence of "spirit". Or, in other words, all matter has an electromagnetic structure and all processes (phenomena) are oscillations (vibrations) or their derivatives, because they all have a dipole (vortex) structure, as "antennas" of interaction with electric and magnetic fields of a great variety of radiation spectra from outside their environment.

Therefore, it is possible to artificially create life from any non-biological (including inorganic) materials by selecting the appropriate oscillatory circuits into a single synchronized vibration system. Which, regardless of human intervention, will carry out its functionality, "feeding" and interacting with the energy of vibration systems from outside the environment space, analyzing all the impacts quite independently, thanks to the embedded archival memory in the magnetic fields of its own circuits, as a single independent adaptive system. And this can already be implemented today on models of atoms, molecules and their compounds. Just like obtaining an electric current from the electromagnetic fields of the environment by creating conditions and each time destroying and reviving the dipole, like the presence of a gradient in space.

Different intensity of vortices (including their magnetic component), as the appearance of a gradient in the environment, is a trigger for the appearance of a ring electric current in the equatorial zone of the dipole. And it begins to interact with other dipoles from the outside in its environment, maintaining its own vibrations (feeding on energy), uniting with them into more stable energy structures. Any vortices that have not formed a dipole and are not able to store energy gradually fade away. But they also involve the matter of the medium in excitation, contributing to the formation of various electromagnetic fields, which, in essence, as regulators of energy flows, are the medium of propagation (dissolution) in space.

If any electromagnetic radiation serves as a solvent, or weakens the internal interactions between structures in atoms, does this mean that the entire frequency spectrum of all known atoms of substances is decomposed from hydrogen (its highest-frequency component) to a uranium atom (the lowest-frequency)? Hence the periodicity of the properties of atoms as a single system of related substances that preserve the initial phase of hydrogen origin – the neutron. A wave of light falling on the electronic structure of an atom (the form of matter) splits into a spectrum (a series of harmonics), forming an individual structure like a network or a resonant absorption surface. This means that each atom of chemical elements interacts only with its own range of electromagnetic radiation. In reality, the essence of all "living" processes is to change the modulation of electromagnetic fields, whether it is a change in the shape, size or other parameters of a substance.

It may seem absurd, and why not, that stellar planetary systems are formed and classifiable in the same way as the atoms of matter in the Periodic Table? Where does each of them have its own spectrum of radiation? Do galaxies exist according to the principles of formation of structures of molecules, cells, etc.? Because each of them has its own cycles and rhythms of existence of its own vortices? Let us imagine that cosmic dust, comets, asteroids, gas formations, or other cosmic objects may have for the solar system, for example, the same important role as neutrons, photons, protons, electrons, etc., for the vital activity of the atom, its synthesis or disintegration, its transformation into atoms of other substances or into their isotopes, etc. It has long been noted that the appearance of comets causes the activity of the Sun. They participate in the energy balance of cosmic systems from planetary bodies and help to form an individual orientation in space relative to the center of the Galaxy.

Is it possible that the Sun doesn't actually spend as much energy for its system as we think? Let us imagine that the Sun only excites an electromagnetic pulse in the direction of a particular planet in the form of a perturbation of the solar corona, but no plasma of the solar wind is thrown into the environment surrounding the planet. And the following happens: an electromagnetic pulse, forming an electric and magnetic component, excites the environment surrounding interplanetary space. The magnetic component forms the direction and sector of the medium's disturbance by interacting with the lines of force of the planets and the charges in it. And the electric impulse forms the very matter of the solar wind (and interplanetary plasma) in interaction with a set of elementary dipoles of the environment surrounding specific planets, towards which information was directed in the form of an electromagnetic pulse of energy. That is, plasma is formed directly from elementary particles around planets (see Fig. 8). In this case, the luminary saves its energy and the volume of matter, prolongs its own existence and remotely, instantly controls the origin (synthesis) of this or that matter (in the form of reproduction of the solar wind) for operational impact on the planet in its given environment and in its given place in space. The solar wind contains the overwhelming majority of protons, which are the main carriers of information and converters of electromagnetic radiation, as sources of the energy flow of the growth of elementary structures of matter, to the transformation of the Earth under the control of the Sun. Including the growth of substances on the planet itself. And hydrogen plasma is almost instantly synthesized from the environment surrounding a particular planet, as the energy necessary to power its magnetic and electric fields. This process is associated with the synchronization of the electromagnetic fields of the environment of the planets – the addressees of the luminary's radiation. This means that every form of matter in space is constantly replenished by the radiations of both stars and planets. Stars encourage the planets to grow and to be forced to depend on their own radiation activity.

Of course, not only stars and planets have the ability to synthesize interplanetary hydrogen plasma in their own environment by emitting electromagnetic pulses of energy, but also comets and asteroids. As a constant process of the origin of matter from the matter of outer space, as a result of the interaction of the lines of force of the open contour of the "traveler's" own magnetic field with its particles. Isn't this the mystery of their long existence, despite the seemingly abundant loss of personal matter as they move along their orbits (tails)? The density of hydrogen plasma in space does not increase indefinitely, because it is reproduced only as much as the energy of electromagnetic radiation from their sources, or how much of it will be absorbed by the "addressees". And nothing "superfluous" just like that, aimlessly, does not arise in nature. For example, flare activity from the equatorial zone of the Sun, like the pumping of charged particles by the solar wind, serves the rhythmic consumption and accumulation of energy by the planets, and therefore their growth. An example is photosynthesis. That is, there is a mechanism that allows any dipole (with magnetic properties) to exist stably and stably, if it has a cell capable of converting radiation into power currents from the environment. And this applies to all elementary particles, atoms, their compounds, etc. In other words, the light of the Sun excites waves in the medium of space. An electromagnetic wave is two fragments in one whole: magnetic fields need to feed an electric field, and electric fields need to control their cycles using magnetic rhythms. Outwardly, it looks like an analogue of the duality of the structure of DNA strands. The secret of the "living" process is found in the information signal of the external field of the medium, when the electromagnetic wave (light) constantly renews itself (runs) in motion with the help of induction action on the elementary dipoles of the medium of spreading in space. Or, figuratively speaking, creation occurs continuously in its cycles of a certain sequence.

Then, is it possible for biological beings to appear from the structures of elementary living matter "to order" on objects in near-planetary space? When will the technologies for delivering resources for the construction of space stations and even satellites of planets in their orbits become clear? Including the technology for materializing various structures of elementary particles of matter in the geospheres of planets by exposing them to electromagnetic fields, without transporting the necessary material there? Why not, because nature has been exploiting various properties of electricity and magnetism for millions of years?

Fig. 9. Diagram of the change in the rotation of Venus as a result of the pole change (the planet's revolution)

Already today we are able to excite the processes of synthesis or decay of numerous dipole structures, irradiating any forms of living and non-living matter. This means that our physics fully allows the creation of not only megastructures, but also biological organisms anywhere on the planet or in space in a favorable environment. For example, during the exploration of the Moon, Venus or near-Earth space. I wonder what will happen to our solar system in the distant future? To do this, let's look into the past and, based on the available data, we can assume that within a few tens of millions of years, our Earth, slowly moving to the periphery and slightly increasing in volume, will occupy an orbit close to Mars. Perhaps the biosphere will even be partially preserved on it. Our neighbor Venus is almost completely "ready" for rotation from its orbit and will significantly shift to the "comfort zone" to the Earth's orbit, so much so that another, independent civilization of a biological life form will be born on it. I will try to reveal this statement in more detail.

At present, the presence on Venus of the results of the former excessive activity of volcanoes in the form of sulfur gases and dense clouds of sulfuric acid, and hence the existence and increase in the intensity of lightning, allow us to assert that the enormous velocity of revolution of the atmosphere and the origin of hurricane force vortices in it are increasingly influenced by rotating electric fields in the equatorial zone. And this is despite the unhurried and opposite rotation of the planet itself relative to its "neighbors", which is influenced by the opposite rotation of its rather dense and "heavy" "air" medium. In this case, there is a dissipation of the enormous kinetic energy of the vortices (heat) inside the atmosphere, which makes the sluggish rotation of Venus around its axis with a minimum moment of inertia become more and more unstable. And it is obvious that in a few hundred millennia the planet will begin to rotate around a different axis of space, but with a greater moment of inertia (see Fig. 9). In this case, the planet will be reversed (pole replacement) and the direction of its rotation will change (the effect of V. A. Dzhanibekov). In confirmation of this development of events, we can attribute the presence of standing waves on Venus, which suggest the existence of zones with negative magnetic susceptibility effects, which allows the formation of vector potential fields on the planet. When the intensity of the electric field and the induction of the magnetic field are identical to zero, they describe intense vortices of disturbance of the electromagnetic field in the medium of space. This is the cause of the phenomenon of ionization of particles of the substance of the environment, which increases its conductivity and the appearance of charge currents with an increase in the density of the atmosphere, as the movement of energy flows. In addition, the presence of these processes is currently supported by the virtual absence of a magnetic field on the planet. Only then, after the events described above and after a certain period of time, the magnetic field of the planet's core, its "iron" core (magnetization) will begin to grow. And as it moves away from the Sun, Venus will gradually cool under a dense veil of its atmosphere containing 97% carbon dioxide. The planet itself, the composition of its atmosphere will change and more and more resemble our Earth's.

Further, it is clear that Mercury will move to an orbit close to Venus. Interestingly, the place of Mercury will be intended for a completely new tiny fiery planet born from the prominences of the Sun. That is, there will be a kind of rotation of the planets of the system as a result of their growth, elongation of the orbit and continuous mutual synchronization. I am sure that in about 25-30 million years Neptune will go beyond the sphere of influence of our star and in the future will organize its own planetary system, the beginning of which will be its own satellites. It will not be long before it turns into a star, if only because its atmosphere is already very similar in composition to the Sun. And Mars, having passed the asteroid belt, will grow significantly in size and acquire many of its own "months". It will rush to the orbit of Jupiter.

Thus, we need to pay more attention to the planet Venus as the successor of our Earth and a new home for all living things in the near future, by cosmic standards.

I am convinced that at one time the same variety of life raged on Mars as on Earth today. And that past civilization of mankind, as its then "home" moved away from its past, closer to the Sun, orbit, most likely, was able to find a solution to the development of new territories, but already on Earth, not without tragedies of decline and degradation in the level of its development. And you and I, obviously, are descendants of one of the branches of the vanished civilization of the ancient Martians. We do not need to develop Mars as a future home to continue development, because this is a useless waste of resources. It is already clear today that artifacts will be found on its territory that confirm my confidence in this statement. And this is proved by the numerous ancient finds that have long taken place everywhere on Earth with images of spacesuits, aircraft, modern weapons, microcircuits, etc. And even centuries-old ancient history with lost knowledge, great discoveries and inventions of the past, which so perspicaciously resemble the current "earthly" achievements of advanced technology. I have no doubt that our ancient ancestors had other possibilities for salvation within the constellations of their galaxy (for example, Orion). Whose signs today we perceive as unidentified creations of aliens. And our descendants will witness these new discoveries in the vastness of space with undisguised interest. And I am more and more convinced that all systems develop according to the same rules of interaction.

I am absolutely sure that today's young people do not need to glue themselves to the asphalt in vain or spoil museum exhibits, expressing their protests to those who disagree with the pollution of nature. Nothing can change the centuries-old cycles of cosmic structures, except the destruction of their form. But we can prolong the period of our own prosperity with simple and quite feasible deeds for all of us. Try not to throw away and not bury everywhere non-degradable waste of production and your own life. Try to divide and recycle as much as possible everything that is possible today, and everything that is impossible tomorrow, but systematically allocating funds for this, no matter what, from big governments to the smallest person – everywhere. Try to invest in science and create new technologies for catalysis – the disintegration of any products of civilization into the initial atoms and molecules of substances that form them, possibly destroying weak and electromagnetic bonds in their structures or dissolving them in electromagnetic fields of various spectra. In this way, you will return back the primordial sources of energy to Nature, which are still alive.

The processes of decay, as well as synthesis, are not infinite, everything has a time. But now we can still afford to reduce or prolong the conditions of our elementary existence on Earth. But this is only for now.

There is very little time for new technologies. Therefore, it must be understood that it is not the number of people on Earth that will destroy civilization. Believe me, the time will come and there will be a struggle for every surviving person at the cost of great efforts. I think that the time has come to create a single international organization to search for and implement the possibilities of resettlement to Venus and other planets of the galaxy. This will require the development of science and production technologies of a completely different level.

This is something that seems fantastically impossible today. But, not everyone. And that's great. The time of carelessness is over. And this must be understood. Do not rely only on the Almighty. We ourselves, and only we, can help ourselves in the existence and development of our civilization. For millions of years, our descendants fought, survived, and won. Our time has come, and I hope that right now will be the beginning of a wave of efforts to save in the future.

So how are the forms of matter created, in a nutshell? We already understand that if a system of lines of force is closed, for example, in an atom, then a direct current flows in it, as a constant series of events. If it is open, then alternating current will flow and the broken power lines will begin to radiate strongly. Then the processes of the appearance of waves of the infrared range arise, neighboring species elements will immediately "respond" and the lines of force will be closed. That is, the lines of force attract electromagnetic waves propagated by related sources. Closing the ends (repairing the gaps) stops the radiation, and the dipoles from the outside will pump the emitted energy for their needs. This means that the combination of closed and open lines of force creates the structure of an oscillating circuit. As a developing, dual system, where closed lines form a magnetic dipole, and open lines form an electric (dipole), which is able to radiate and receive information in the form of energy from the outside (form construction).

Obviously, a magnetic dipole is a charge memory structure (vortex), and an electric dipole is its outer shell for communicating with the environment from the outside. Consequently, the power line consists of many charges, like a polymer circuit of electric dipoles (transceiver antennas). And the combination of constant and variable fields in one "whole" contributes to growth and development. Then it is possible that the field lines of electromagnetic nature can transform, changing their state, into plasma structures, gaseous, liquid, even solid, like fire, air, water, earth. If visualized, the electromagnetic wave in its motion is structured (like the growth of a crystal) from a finite fragment (during the period of oscillation of the emitter), excites "magnetic passages" in the medium, which then diverge for new opportunities to group under the impact of the next wave. This means that an electromagnetic wave originates as a longitudinal-transverse wave, where electrical properties dominate along the axis of motion, and magnetic influences across as a restraining factor. At the same time, the electric component of the field forms the field line itself, and the magnetic component introduces electric charges into the rotation, building a volumetric form of the wave field structure, when transverse magnetization information is transmitted along the field line (see Fig. 10). The effect of an oscillatory process is created in the dual model of an electromagnetic wave (as well as of all forms of matter), when there is a difference of a quarter of their development period between the components of electricity and magnetism (mutually perpendicular waves).

Then, what is a "growth point", what mechanisms support it? Let's consider the example of light as an electromagnetic pulse that turns on and goes out. At the same time, the medium is excited by a quantum of energy and information and a wave is formed in its space, which carries many frequency spectra of electromagnetic fields.

Fig. 10. Formation of the structure of matter from the "growth point" of an electromagnetic wave

Interactions arise with sources from the outside, which can be expressed by the strengthening (synchronization) of the species (related) wave of the medium, or by its attenuation, absorption, reflection, interference, etc., everything depends on the composition of parameters: its densities, temperatures, gradients, charges, etc. Let us assume that the wave has intensified and is moving in the direction of the pulse of light. The source was turned off, and the wave continues to move. Why? Because the full period of oscillation of an electromagnetic pulse, like all the information about it, forming an oscillating circuit, generates its own electric and magnetic fields. And this first complete turn of oscillation, as the first exciter of the medium (from a pulse of light), becomes the "growth point" of the wave, and hence of the individual electromagnetic field with its own energy and information (see Fig. 11).

It can change in motion depending on changes in the signal, but it always continues to live, excite the medium of its propagation, receiving from it the energy of nutrition for its fields. Impulse, acting on the matter of space, forces it to balance around its position and return to its original position due to the influence of external fields. The "growth point" is the outpost of the wave. It is not the environment that moves forward, but information. As an "imprint" of the fragments of the event in the magnetic fields of the dipole vortices of the matter of the medium, from one to another, along the formed lines of force of the magnetic fields of the space of propagation. The "imprint", which is entirely formed from the energy and electromagnetic fields of the medium, as an "image" of the initial impulse. In addition, when the directions of oscillations coincide, there is a multiple increase in the velocities of light propagation. For example, this is how we see the light of stars billions of years after their "sunset". For example, this is how we see the light of stars billions of years after their "sunset". This means that as long as there is a medium, information about the impulse (fragment of the event), as about its "growth point", will continue to move in it forever. But not the source itself as a structure of a single form.

Absolutely the same applies to any events where absolutely any vibration system can be considered the source of vibrations. Does not everything on our planet grow out of the matter of the environment, such as plants, trees, animals, crystals, etc.? When invisible matter passes into visible matter, and the form that is laid down in the "growth point" grows out of the matter of the environment, as information.

Fig. 11. Interaction of the "growth point" of an electromagnetic wave with the matter of the medium in motion

Because any matter is, first of all, the processes of energy exchange, as an equivalent of radiation, and any radiation is a field, as a property of matter to vibrate. This means that any vibration circuit (system) is matter as part of the structure of matter or matter of any form in any medium of space. And vibrations, radiating, transmit energy in the form of charges and information in the form of projections of vortex interaction events.

Consequently, we can, using various properties of fields, not only create, but also destroy any forms of matter. For example, the development of electromagnetic catalysis weapons, which are capable of disabling any "irradiated" (field-treated) mechanisms by simply changing the modulation of frequency pulses of the source of destruction, is becoming quite accessible. Simply by adjusting (by turning the knob) the change of the field to any material, for example, aluminum, plastic, TNT, gunpowder, copper, etc. The principle is understandable to any consumer – this is the loss of the calculated strength characteristics, properties or quality of materials by instantly weakening intramolecular, interatomic, weak electromagnetic interactions when irradiated with a given pulse of the electromagnetic field towards the target. It can be an airplane, a tank, a car, a flying missile, a projectile, etc., which will lose their original characteristics and will be destroyed in the air or on the ground, or will not be able to detonate, or transmit and receive a signal, etc. The starting processes of loss of the original (calculated) consumer properties of mechanisms, microcircuits, automation, electrics become irreversible. It is impossible to return the irradiated material to its original state without a technological chain of destruction, disposal or remelting. And this applies not only to individual objects, but also to massively located on huge areas, regardless of their distance. Moreover, such packaged, modulated, multi-profile electromagnetic fields of various radiation spectra can be used as protection against volumetric damage to terrain, objects or manpower without harming one's own resources and regardless of the duration of exposure.

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Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
28 şubat 2025
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727 s. 246 illüstrasyon
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