Kitabı oku: «Theory of vortex creation and control», sayfa 17

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And the point here is that everything in the world is "tied" to the relationship of matter according to a very simple formula: "request – answer – comparison – action", which always works because it has been tested by billions of years of its survival in the environment. Everyone knows that certain electromagnetic discrete radiations of various modulations and energies form fields that have a fixed effect on a particular living being. But solutions of liquids, and mixtures of gases, and even solids in the form of drugs (poisons) or additives, also have different effects on the body. Because the mechanisms of these actions are based on the same principles of charge gradient. This means that by the effects of certain electromagnetic fields on living cells, it is possible, just like with drugs, to change their metabolism and achieve, for example, the healing of patients or other influences. Only much faster and more efficiently, because there is a possibility of action at the level of specific structures of matter, instantly and pointwise. When pulses of the given radiation spectra interact with similar fields in the patient's environment, responding and resonating with each other, storing and reflecting the corrective information of the acting field on the neighboring elements of the substance particles, and affect the patient's area that will be selected.

Or imagine that multi-frequency packaged electromagnetic oscillations are capable of influencing the same form of matter in different ways, controlling it, interacting with different reflected signals – responses through the environment. And this, too, is achieved by the instruments of electricity and magnetism known to us. They affect the reorientation in space of a set of dipoles of different particles of the structural matter of a given substance, arranging them in a variety of positions and arrangements, which are the result of reactions to external influences of the environment. As a result, the object manifests itself as a single organism, obeying and performing any inconceivable movements to the left or right, falling apart or reuniting, stretching into a string or closing in a ring, crawling or jumping, etc., in accordance with the functionality of the control influence. Isn't it a robot controlled by the usual alternation of signals, which can simply be "set to record"?

And it doesn't matter at all that… Does our relationship with space from the outside in everyday life differ in any way from the above? For example, in impact and control. Does this mean that when we read, for example, prayers, we sincerely search for answers in space, arousing in resonance with the time-tested vibrations of our requests "archives of memory of past events" in the environment of the matter of our environment, including, for example, turning to God in our thoughts? Where all things are given a name as an address. And we get a resonant answer, each of us, always, realizing it or not. And this answer will certainly be implemented in action after analysis by your brain. The result of such communication is different for everyone, something comes true or not. But the fact that you participate in creating your own destiny for your earthly path in this way, communicating not only with God, but also with ordinary people, animals, nature, is beyond any doubt, "ask and it will be given to you." The matter of the environment always responds to excitement, the main thing is to know what and how to ask (dream) correctly and competently.

Therefore, everyone comes to this world to learn, gain knowledge and experience from scratch. With age, a person more and more often compares the vibrations received from the outside, which resonate with his internal settings of his own vibration circuits of memory structures. And he remembers, carries them, systematizes them in his head, tunes his electromagnetic source, his electromagnetic biofield of interaction with radiation from the outside. And those who do not accept this rule, unfortunately, lose the main attraction of life – the joy of live communication in the resonance of vibrations with the environment or love.

Consequently, in each of us there is not only a source of energy in the structures of the form of the body, but also thousands of years of information about the events of our environment. And it can be demanded by any person, activated by the resonant vibrations of words, music, light, movements, etc., evoking in us divine experiences, genuine feelings, virtue, etc., as a response to the disturbance of space, in unison with the moral content and information inherent in the person himself. Someone has more of it, someone has less, someone has a completely different one, but that is why great minds, poets, musicians and commanders appear among the people.

Fig. 12. Control of vibration systems

Fig. 13. Internal oscillation synchronization tuning fork

When we talk about the rules of relationships in society, parallels immediately arise with the interactions of matter in the environment. For example, we mention sociality as "properties" (experience) acquired by a person and compare it with a charge. Both are inseparable from matter. The vibrations of minds (thoughts) in society are quite comparable to the vibrations of the vibrational systems of the forms of matter and space. For example, if a state participates in a war, then each member of this community thinks about victory, in unison with everyone, and excites the environment as a single vibration system by all possible means: thoughts, radio signals, explosions, calls, destruction, etc., and receives a corresponding response from his own environment. This means that the entire space in which this phenomenon of disintegration takes place is already at war. Nature immediately responds with a drop in temperature, tension, crop failure, decline, hunger, and bitterness of all living things towards each other.

And, if this is true, then according to all scientific approaches, it is also true that God is inside each of us, and we are a part of God, this huge, all-seeing and all-remembering space around us. From the matter of which we all consist and with which, consciously or not, we are constantly interconnected, and to which we turn, giving signals, and which always responds to us and influences us, and which fixes and remembers forever every moment of our life from birth, death and rebirth in the very matter of the space of the Universe, as its own single body of being. Turning sincerely to the Almighty, each of us more and more accurately tunes our internal "tuning fork" to the challenges of the external environment, which resonates and helps to make the right choice, to assert ourselves more and more confidently, relying on the knowledge of previous generations and internal memory at the level of gene pool, intuition, instinct, genome of our own people, our own family (see Fig. 13).

In situations where many creative people, including healers, shamans, psychics, say that it is as if someone helps, directs or prompts them to achieve certain successes from above, or from outside, they are absolutely true. Because the questions posed by them in the form of vibrations excite the matter of the environment in unison, activating the "archives" of its memory into the mode of the source of electromagnetic oscillations and forcing them to transmit information as a response to a request for past events in a given environment. And the request signal sent to this environment will certainly return with an additional modulation of packetized oscillations attached to it, which entered the species resonance with it, which will be deciphered as information from outside space. Moreover, it is deciphered in the form of three-dimensional images in your memory. It is quite possible to foresee the future by spying on the part of this space, because everything in the world has its own cycles of oscillations, and therefore the events that are significant for any vibrational system are repeatable as long as it exists without structural changes. Such information from the "library of events" of the matter of space itself with its multi-billion history, without a doubt, can contribute to the creation of masterpieces in the activities of this or that genius. Of course, you need to have enough skills and knowledge to send the right request and be ready to process the response signals of space. These can be visions, actions, sounds, something unusual and, believe me, you will certainly feel it as inspiration, flight of thoughts, bliss, lightness or epiphany. Communication with the Creator is life itself. Not only is it within you, and you are always in it, but you are always under its protection or under its threat, by its harsh or careless reality. Everything depends on yourself, how you perceive the external environment and yourself, how you interact with it, what vibrations you create with your form of matter throughout the entire period from your conception to decay.

Now we can safely conclude that life, as vibrations (motion), is eternal. It is only transformed from the simple to the complex and vice versa, because it is cyclical and inseparable from matter, as its property to create motion, gradient, charge, dipole, vortex. So, we have returned to its origins – "zero" vortices, from where everything in the space of a single Universe began. Is there not a real trinity of Nature itself in information, radiation, and space as magnetism, electricity, and matter? Matter that is created and dissolved in electromagnetic fields.

It has long been known that at all levels of the origin, growth and development of the evolution of life structures, there is a synchronous rhythm of regulated synthesis and disintegration, creation and dissolution, the entire space is permeated with life from elementary particles to radiation. For example, hydrogen is a source of pure energy. And electric current in the structure of any matter consists of the movement of the energy of charges (dipoles), as a set of elementary vortices sequentially following one another, which are united by single interactions of lines of force into a system of receiving and transmitting information, where these charges are inseparable and make up one "functional organism".

Fig. 14. Scheme of changes in the properties of matter with the addition of deuterium to the structure of a new nucleus

And, for example, deuterium is a structure with a neutron memory, which controls its energy, its interaction with radiation. And each time deuterium is added to the structure of a new nucleus of an atom of a chemical element, its properties change, as the working wavelength or interaction distance increases (see Fig. 14).

That is, the "living" light of space is transformed into the forms of living (mobile) matter with magnetic properties, as structures of biological nature. This means that the kinship of all beings (of any object) is periodically dependent on the structural organization of the form of memory (magnetic field). During its lifetime, each creature radiates into the space of the single electromagnetic field of the planet an innumerable number of its "copies" (images), due to the reversibility of its dipole structure – to be both a receiving and a transmitting system at the same time. It turns out that in space, the waves of the vibrational systems of galaxies "sway" the entire stellar space together with all the cosmic objects in them, causing their response in motion and synchronizing it. The synchronizing device in nature is the polarity of the magnetic field. It is obvious that the onset of a new epoch, in our understanding, consists not only in the reversal of the polarity of the external field, but also in the orientation to the constellations along the way, for example, as planets in their orbits – to stars, galaxies and even relative to the axis of rotation.

This means that all the traits, properties, and individuality in the process of development of any organism are created by the interactions of the "genotype" (the hereditary basis of development) with the electromagnetic fields (conditions of development) of the environment. Or, the evolution of all forms of matter is determined fundamentally by the polarity of magnetic (electron saturation) of external influence. In other words, all events in space are predetermined by the rhythm of oscillations, which is generated by the presence of two principles: magnetic – electric, female – masculine. For example, an electric dipole of the equator and a magnetic dipole of the polar axis directed perpendicular to each other in the same way as the vectors of the electric and magnetic fields are oriented. In the structure of each form of matter, then, a combination of these two sources of radiation is observed, like an ordinary electromagnetic wave. In this case, the principle of construction of matter and radiation in a single form of matter speaks of its electromagnetic origin, which favors their energy-informational interaction. The outer shells of all forms (objects) interact in the general environment of the environment, each inducing currents of its frequency into each other. Then, they, like, for example, human organisms, are exposed to information influence from other persons, as well as from trees, water, air, etc., and through the totality of their electromagnetic fields – from the entire planet, the Sun, stars, space, etc.

It turns out that everything is interconnected in a single electromagnetic field of space, which necessarily requires a single plan of structure of all forms of matter in order to be able to synchronize them, interacting in it on the single principles of electricity and magnetism, which are based on a dipole – duality that ensures the emergence of rhythm – a living oscillatory process. This sentence of five short lines is essentially the summary formula of the Unified Theory of the interaction of "everything with everything".

Believe me, physics does not contradict your most fantastic ideas, even such as "boots-walkers", "pot-cook", "carpet-plane", "invisibility hat", "sword-treasurer", etc. Any social or technical projects are quite feasible. Everything depends only on our desire and energy.

Laboratory of Future Technologies

Silence and concealment of knowledge leads to the degradation of society.

Based on the results of the published information in the chapter "The Theory of the Unified Structure of Matter", I propose for consideration and study, for the purpose of further implementation, technical ideas, solutions and research methods of a number of technologies, as I believe, "of tomorrow". Prepared and proposed by the author over the past years on the basis of open information and his own developments. The material is further presented on the basis of known facts and knowledge as the tasks become more complex – from simple to complex.

It is no secret that the medium is saturated with various charges, simply unlimited energy. That the charge of any form of matter, its body, is the intensity of rotation of its constituent structures, or the intensity of rotation of "single magnets", that is, their carriers – elementary particles, which in total determine what size and what sign the charge the body eventually acquires. Let's assume that there is a certain minimum charge value in the form of a "single magnet". Probably, having launched "northern and southern" "single magnets" into space, that is, "single magnets" of different directions and even the minimum intensity of rotation, we can confidently say that they will never stop. Is it true that the rotation of a permanent magnet, or a system of magnets, contributes to an increase in the strength of this magnet? The more intensely it rotates, the greater the charge (gradient) and vice versa?

1.1. Levitation and the effect of invisibility for radars on the example of the device of the "magnetic guardian" Ed Leedskalnin
1. Energy keepers

How to use this knowledge for flights? How to direct the "force of gravity" in the opposite direction?

Fig. 1. Steel core coil

Fig. 2. Coil with a magnet core

One of the ways is to try to make the substance inert to the electric charges of the medium. For example, the rotating natural field of a superconductor completely neutralizes the external magnetic field of the medium in the opposite phase. But there are ways in which it is possible to achieve a directional effect on an object by using the energy of space, or to convert it into an electric current, by controlling the phenomena of electricity and magnetism in the very structure of the object. For example, the so-called "guardian of perpetual motion", or essentially a closed system in which iron turns into a "superconductor" at room temperature. Let's try to assemble these coils on cores (see Fig. 1). In such cases, we can use both option "a" with an iron core and option "b" with a permanent magnet core (see Fig. 2). In these schemes, you can not only pump the keeper with energy, but also use it. Such an arrangement of coils made of different materials allows us to activate the processes of vortex formation in the form of a torus. Does this mean that the iron core of electromagnets can acquire the properties of a "superconductor", that is, become lighter at ordinary temperatures? In addition, this design can be used to reflect magnetic radiation from objects. For example, as protection against detection by radar, as an instrumental effect of invisibility for aircraft, ships, tanks, submarines, etc. Let's imagine that their outer surfaces of the hulls are covered with plates, or they are coated with a film or paint, in the structure (composition) of which there are small or microscopic contours of "magnetic guardians". Due to this "superconductivity", no energy is required to maintain a ring electric current in them. This means that once we charge such a system during manufacture, we start an "eternal process" until it is destroyed. And each such circuit will create a vortex spiral magnetic field around each core.

Fig. 3. Levitating platform with the use of many "energy keepers"

And such fields of numerous contours on the surface of the coating, as a single protective magnetic field, will interact (reflect or absorb) with any radiation directed at them, including radars, for which the object becomes distorted or "invisible". Such technology can be used not only to achieve secrecy, but also to protect living organisms from pathogenic radiation from the outside. It is obvious that by structurally selecting the ranges of certain frequencies of the vortex magnetic fields of the "guardians of perpetual motion" circuits, it is possible to solve target problems for various sources of radiation from the outside, for example, X-rays.

2. Levitation and fields

One of the levitating platform schemes that can be tested is shown in Fig. 3, where along the periphery there are a dense ring U – shaped electric coils pos. 5, 7, 8, closed by a common ring of iron pos. 6. Such a ring "energy storer", the ends of which are connected through an accumulator to a ring made of zinc pos. 3, inside which water pos. 2. Above and below this container are the bases of two inverted pyramids pos. 1 made of quartz, the tops of which are the axis of a common round platform in the form of a double cone. Between the zinc ring and the cores of the coils there is a solid sleeve of an insulator made of fluoroplastic pos. 4. When the phenomenon is triggered with the formation of a stable implosion (temperature drop), the battery switches to recharging mode.

Fig. 4. Levitating platform with a solid ring "energy keeper"

A similar modified version is proposed to be tested with the platform according to the second scheme (see Fig. 4), but with a solid ring of the "energy keeper". In this case, the U-shaped ring, in order to neutralize gravity around the platform and create the effect of a "superconductor", can be made of iron, as well as in the form of a permanent or electromagnet with a closing plate around the periphery of the circle made of aluminum.

Fig. 5. Magnetic guardians fractured along the A-B axis

Fig. 6. Levitation Scheme Based on multiple close current loops

3. Levitating platform with magnets

Given that Ed Leedskalnin's "magnetic guardians" and the Sigalov effect are widely known, let's try to look at these phenomena differently and propose a scheme of a platform for levitation using, for example, a closed circuit with coils broken along the A-B axis. The direction of the current in the broken circuit is shown in the diagram (see Fig. 5). If we take the line A-B as the axis of rotation, then centrifugal and centripetal flows are formed in the centers A and B, which create around themselves not only spiral, but also circular magnetic vortex fields, capable under certain conditions of induce standing waves and excite resonance phenomena in the contour material. But the faces with coils perpendicular to them also have flows of different directions, and tend to be attracted to each other. The already known formation of a charge gradient with the formation of poles takes place. Then, this module can be used as a "single assembly part" of the ring peripheral device of the levitating platform with a common axis of rotation A-B.

In this structure, which is especially effective in the presence of accelerated rotation, a toroidal vortex is formed with a stable implosion over the platform. Such a device can also be used as an electric current generator.

4. Experiments with fields

The effects of various radiations on the weak and electromagnetic bonds of atoms and molecules of substances lead to ionization and the emergence of energy flows. For example, by scalar longitudinal waves, when the strength of the electric field and the induction of the magnetic field are identical to zero (see Fig. 7). At the same time, these fields describe vortex disturbances of the electromagnetic field. Then, in a medium where elementary particles are present, there is a disturbance not only of particles in the free state, but also in the electron shells of atoms and molecules. And, if excitation leads to the loss of electrons in the outer orbit, then the phenomena of ionization, or conductivity, occur, which is associated with the presence of free charge carriers.

That is, the interaction of scalar waves with matter leads to the appearance of a current of charges in the environment, an increase in the density of the system in space, as a movement of energy flows. And in the scheme with a solenoid (see Fig. 7), the effect of magnetism is enhanced and the magnetic field of the core increases. The studies suggest trying out a version with a permanent magnet core, which has a DC current wire inside to produce an electric field from the outside. And to create a shielding effect, it is interesting to look at the option with different directions of this current. The occurrence of weight loss phenomena can be expected.

I am absolutely sure that such technologies with the destruction of weak and electromagnetic bonds in substances, as "catalysts" of the ionization process, can be used in the disposal of human waste with their subsequent transformation into atoms and molecules of water, gases or other volatile or liquid compounds. At the same time, there is no need even to build landfills for household or solid waste, because with different periodicity, depending on the substance, this waste will disintegrate in the appropriate installations right under the containers in the courtyards within walking distance from housing. Gases are supposed to be blown into the atmosphere in a safe concentration, and liquids are supposed to be evaporated or removed with further use in the form of fertilizers, etc. Some materials will be more expedient to be sorted for recycling.

Fig. 7. Vector potential field with current through a wire and a solenoid with a wire

At the same time, the vector potential field, starting the processes of charge separation, creates a density gradient in the environment, forming conditions for levitation processes. For example, we will construct a system of small pieces of vertical pipes with the same pitch in the form of a lattice, which does not have direct contact with the ground surface, but only through a circuit breaker with a given frequency. The surface of the earth has its own electric charge, and any insulated conductor in its field will have a charge proportional to the capacity of that conductor. Then, there is a potential difference between them.

Fig. 8. Vortex levitating platform with spiral blades

And when they come into contact, the conductor acquires the potential of the Earth. This means that if a system of pipes is brought into contact with the surface of the earth through a circuit interrupter with a given frequency, then the potential of each of these conductors in the system will be subject to periodic oscillations, which generates a wave field in the space between the pipes.

5. Diagram of the levitating platform

Any movement of an object in the environment creates "curvatures" in the matter of space in the form of curved volumetric surfaces, as the boundaries of the propagation of vortex "Kármán paths". At the same time, the pressure decreases inward, towards the center of the curves, that is, the matter of the medium follows the curved surface. This means that curved flows inevitably cause a pressure gradient and the "lifting force" arises, among other things, due to the curvature of the flow of the medium. That is, the hemispherical curve of the bottom surface, for example, of a levitating platform, when it rotates, will create a flow velocity gradient, at which the pressure outside will be higher than inside the platform body, around which vortices form along the periphery. Then, on the lower outer part of the platform, small rotary "blades" can be mounted one after another in the likeness of the wing section along the line of the spiral curve (see Fig. 8). Each overlying blade in its length, when it is raised or lowered on a hinge fixed to the body, overlaps the lower spiral in the coil. When such a platform rotates, or a rotating field is created around the body, a powerful vortex flow of the environment substance is formed from below, from the outside. Because, at each turn of the spiral above the curved surfaces of the blades, the pressure P1 is less than the pressure P2 below them. These gradients, alternating along the number of stores of the turns, excite multiple vortices, which combine into a single cycle, moving in a spiral downwards of the hull, and form a powerful tornado, in the center of which is a platform. And the charge gradient in space lifts our platform up. At the same time, a coordinated and automated system for raising and lowering the blades at certain angles makes it possible to regulate and control the processes of vortex formation. The ratio of the height and width of the curvilinear part of the lower body of the platform is selected based on the calculation of the maximum angle of the vertical cone of the tornado origin. The spiral itself should be two-passing. It is possible to try various spirals with a displacement of 1/4T of the period of one turn relative to another.

6. Vortices and lift

Fig. 9. Vortex helicopter blades

Fig. 10. View of the vortex blades from above

If we recall the rules of the "golden section", then a version of the design of vortex blades, for example, on helicopters, instead of conventional ones suggests itself (see Figs. 9, 10). Their cross-section resembles the profile of an airplane wing, but hollow inside with possible variants (see Fig. 11). Through holes are drilled on the upper curved surface, the dispersion of which is selected according to the efficiency of pressing the streamlined air flow to the blade from falling off it. This reduces vibration and significantly reduces noise during operation.

Fig. 11. Vortex blade profile options

Fig. 12. Blade angle adjustment

Internal cavities, including multi-profile ones with different angles of frontal attack, can significantly increase the efficiency of the propeller design. This is especially effective at different angles of their location in the plane of the horizon with the possibility of adjustment in the process of rotation (see Fig. 12). Such structures are necessary to create a controlled lifting force of an artificial vortex. It is preferable to create such mechanisms with an external casing, with a central air intake and with the guide blades of the axial turbine for intake of cold air in the center of rotation.

7. Vortex engine

And what if we try to design a vortex propulsion? For example, ion instead of conventional reactive? Where, instead of ignition of a mixture of fuel and gas compressed in chambers, a plasma of compressed ionized gas charges works, which forms a density gradient in the environment between the inlet and outlet of the device, and creates conditions for the movement of the source of such radiation. At some point in the operation of the device, a steady difference in air temperature is formed at the inlet (cold) and outlet (heat), when it is possible to turn off the forced drive of rotation of the rotor shaft. The turbine blades will rotate independently. The result is the principle of vortex propulsion, which can be used for movement both in space and in the atmosphere, and even in liquid.

Fig. 13. Vortex propulsion

Let us imagine the propulsion body in the form of a cone with a socket at the outlet in the form of a Laval nozzle, not only with a variable geometry of the cross-section, but also with a check cone in the form of an internal control valve, like a Rank vortex tube (see Fig. 13). On the diagram, immediately after the installation of the air intake, a system of turbine wheels is installed in several rows (stages), which not only accelerate the air flow with their inclined hollow blades along the rotor axis, but also create, constantly increasing from one stage to another, radial centrifugal and centripetal gas flows, destroying the structural weak and electromagnetic bonds of atoms and molecules of substances contained in it. Thus, an abundance of various ions is formed, the outflow rate of which increases when passing through the hollow multilayer blades of the cone vortex accelerator (see Fig. 13). In this case, fixed repulsion discs can be used. Then there will be no rotating parts in the structure, the work will be done by rotating the vortex. The created artificial tornado is discharged into an open space and effectively regulated by setting the optimal clearance between the movable valve and the inner surface of the exhaust socket of the highly compressed and heated ionized gas (plasma). Inside the bell, at the top of the valve cone, another narrow vortex of cold plasma will be formed, breaking off from which, it rushes through the hollow shaft of the rotor and air intake outwards in the opposite direction. A temperature gradient is formed – compression of the flow of matter in front and expansion in the back. In the second stage of the installation, instead of the one indicated in the figure, it is possible to use a "tornado compactor" of the environment substance (see Fig. 14).

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Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
28 şubat 2025
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727 s. 246 illüstrasyon
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