Kitabı oku: «Theory of vortex creation and control», sayfa 18
8. Levitation discs
Usually, when we talk about a dipole, we mean a combination of electric and magnetic dipoles in one structure, the mismatch of the axes of which with the axis of rotation, for example, in our planet is about 10-12°, which forms directed radiation, as on the Sun.

Fig. 14. "Tornado compactor" of vortex propeller
Usually, when we talk about a dipole, we mean a combination of electric and magnetic dipoles in one structure, the mismatch of the axes of which with the axis of rotation, for example, in our planet is about 10-12°, which forms directed radiation, as on the Sun. The ponderomotive effect on charges in electromagnetic fields is directed upwards from the Earth's equator (radially) into the magnetosphere. And this is expressed in tornadoes, cyclones, weather anomalies, as well as on the Sun – in the spots of the equatorial zone. That is, the resonant system of the equator provides the transmission and reception of the maximum of electromagnetic radiation.
Then, it can be assumed that the ponderomotive effect on the particle in electric and magnetic fields can be used as a compensatory effect on the "gravitation" for levitation. For this purpose, it is proposed to use ring spiral structures (induction coils) made of ferromagnet (iron), which are assembled in the form of a donut with planetary winding of the wire on a magnetized core. The electric current inside the spiral winding of the ring (donut) in the mode of vibration resonance will create a counteraction to gravity. To levitate the platform, it is necessary to combine the resulting "torus" with the wheel of the platform body. (see Fig. 15).
The structure is made of a bicycle wheel. To start the system, you need to turn with it in your hand (hold the wheel axle) strictly to the North and spin it counterclockwise perpendicular to the water surface of pos. 4 (worse effect on the ground).

Fig. 15. Diagram of the disc for levitation
Pos. 1 – rubber chamber with a spiral ring of copper wire mounted from the inside, the ends of which are connected to the battery pos. 5. On the outer surface of the chamber is fixed pos. 6 – spiral closed coil with planetary winding made of iron (nickel) wire over a magnetic ring core. Pos. 2 – planetary coil made of thick copper wire (secondary winding of the transformer). Pos. 3 – planetary winding of a spiral coil made of copper (wheel rim with spokes). After some time after the wheel spins, a structured external magnetic field is formed, directed radially from the earth, which distorts (pushes apart) the lines of the Earth's force field. The wheel will lose weight, be pushed out of the outer field of the planet.
1.2. Methods of energy removal from the atmosphere, geosphere and hydrosphere
1. Schemes of energy withdrawal
How much electricity does the Earth generate? And what if insignificant levels of the Earth's electromagnetic radiation are converted into an electric current, as, for example, in the well-known scheme (see Fig. 16), and the necessary resonance conditions are maintained? Perhaps the circuit will begin to work as a pendulum, which indefinitely retains the energy of the primary excited impulses in the system, which consists of the geosphere and the uniform harmonious oscillations of its conducting atmosphere. The intensity of these oscillations can be accelerated so that it can be compared with the manifestations of static electricity in the surrounding atmosphere. A tool for obtaining cheap electricity for household needs appears.

Fig. 16. Scheme of continuous oscillations
For the same purposes, the model of obtaining energy (heat, electricity) from a temperature gradient in soil, water or atmosphere, by placing the unit according to a well-known scheme (see Fig. 17) strictly along the magnetic or force lines of the Earth's strength, is interesting. The basis of the oscillating circuit here is a spiral tube with water (or a cable inside) placed in the soil or in a body of water.

Fig. 17. Atmospheric Energy Removal Diagram
The role of the condenser here is played, for example, by the heat exchanger, and the consumer is played by the heating radiator. To enhance the effect, a spiral of copper wire (or alternating with aluminum) is wound over the pipe through the insulator by the "planetary" winding method in three passes, you can use a double continuous conductor. The ends of these coils are connected to the consumer.
2. Planetary coils
The whole Earth is immersed in a single field of energy of the "zero" vortices of the "gravitational" network of space. And this huge gradient of charges, as a result of the intensity of the numerous vortices of its matter, is an inexhaustible source of their motion, and hence of the electric current. And we can use it in a certain structuring of this field, like a planetary generator, where the planet is the rotor, and the atmosphere is the stator. Let's try to adjust to this system through the wiring diagram to remove additional power. In this case, the supply of electric current and its return through the ground from the transmitting antenna is more desirable (see Fig. 18). Where neodymium magnets need to be assembled into a spiral inside a graphite-plastic tube and a coil of soft iron wire is wound on top of this tube in the form of a spiral.

Fig. 18. Generator of electricity: 1 – Zinc rod or 2 – neodymium magnet, 3 – soft iron wire
3. Diagrams of motors on magnets
I would like to draw attention to the possibility of using permanent magnets in the creation of small autonomous motors for the rotation of small mechanisms, for example, pumps for pumping heat carriers in the heating system or blood in human vessels or arteries, etc. (see Fig. 19).

Fig. 19. Permanent magnet motor in a circle

Fig. 20. Permanent magnet motor in a spiral
There are enough such schemes on the Internet. But, where the role of the stator is played by magnets isolated with fluorine-containing plastic in the form of segments of a split sleeve, each of which is assembled from five or seven thin layers with alternating "+" and "-". The rotor is a similar design, only from segments of a disk sawn into five or seven parts. The rotor disc is structurally made like the stator, and is located with a clearance inside the stator and is mounted on the rotation shaft on bearings. The stator is located coaxially outside the rotor. Start the engine with a "Hall sensor" with a search for a starting point in the disk space when the shaft is turned. Fig. 20 shows a similar design in the form of spiral curves (Golden Section), where magnets are fixed on one shaft on two parallel disks with a gap. The stator disc is stationary, and the rotor rotates freely. Each magnet in such designs rotates the rotor shaft by the value of its advance angle and the farther to the periphery.
4. Thinking aloud about the possibilities
All bodies in space act on the medium, disturbing its state of rest like pressure. Such an influence changes the charge gradient of the matter of the environment, creates regions of rarefaction in space and, as a result, forms numerous vortices of forms of its matter in different directions of rotation.
If, for example, the Earth in space, "working" at 0°K as a diamagnet (gas), builds a protective magnetic field opposite to the rotation of the field outward, then not a single wave of the external magnetic field will be able to break through the protective magnetic shell of the planet. This means that the condition of weightlessness of the planet in space is met. And, if we artificially create a magnetic field of reverse rotation to the Earth's field, will there be weightlessness or pushing of such an object into the field of action of the planet itself? In this case, the creation of conditions of zero magnetic susceptibility can be tested.
But you need to look at the vacuum as a vacuum or energy with a minus sign. Energy carriers are any matter or substance. By releasing matter from any object or system, we release energy from this zone, the difference of which the system immediately fills with another discrete energy, of course, which is the closest. And it can be the same substance or another, but this is the concept of "vacuum". And if the created volume-energy balance is replaced unequally, then in such a system there will be a residual stress in the structure of matter, its structure, and matter. It will take time for "aging" or balancing, or the process of energy stabilization of the system.
Will we be able to use a vacuum to create a propulsion system based on it? Vacuum resembles the action opposite to pressure, that is, the propeller blade should not pump into the chamber, but take air from it.
1.3. Diagrams of levitating platforms with hollow magnets. Biotechnology
1. Laboratory Test Schemes
We have considered U-shaped magnets earlier. Now let's look at circular hollow and prefabricated magnets, where for the same end of the coil, the solid core is the north pole, then the tube is the south pole, i.e. the opposite of the solid core. Let us combine the disparate magnets into a core and a tube so that their lengths are equal and it is possible to assemble the structure of a very powerful electromagnet emitting a vortex magnetic field in the form of a torus (see Figs. 21, 22, 23, 24). And it is not necessary to use permanent magnets – any metal. For example, the outer sleeve is assembled from rings of niobium magnets, the inner core is made of fluoroplastic (or an iron rod inside a fluoroplastic sleeve), on which a copper wire is wound in the form of a coil, the ends of which are led out through the insulator disk. Let's try to use such devices when assembling a levitating platform or an electric power generator.
So, let's look at the problem using tried solutions, for example, in the levitating disks of J. Searle. Let's start with the rotor, as which we will choose 8 prefabricated cylinders, each of which should be made as, for example, in Fig. 25 insulated from each other round neodymium magnets in the amount of 8 pcs. In the center of the disk there is a solid cylinder of iron, on which a ring of fluoroplastic is pressed, which on all sides frames a ring of neodymium magnet assembled from 8 isolated sectors, which is tightened from the outside by a ring of copper (see Fig. 25).

Fig. 21. Hollow electromagnet

Fig. 22. Combined electromagnet

Fig. 23. Circular magnet
Sectors of the magnetic ring of the stator, after sawing into 8 segments, turn 180 degrees and in each drill through radial holes with a diameter of 2-3 mm for the entire thickness in the maximum possible number. Place 8 "magnetic guardians" connected in parallel around the circle of the device (see Fig. 25) in the amount of 8 pieces to remove the load and connect the starting battery. Drilling holes in the stator allows you to press (compact) the lines of force of the magnetic field of the stator to its surface more tightly.

Fig. 24. Multi – stage bushing reel

Fig. 25. Circular magnetic wave generator
The assembly of the stator should ensure the formation of perpendicular to each other disk vortex flows of charges in each segment, accompanied by the formation of an inverted torus in the stator. In this case, negative charges are generated from the top of the disk, and positive charges are generated from below, forming a density gradient. In the center of the surface on the periphery of the stator, a ring magnetic field of variable intensity from segment to segment appears, which begins to rotate when the rotor cylinders move, which hang in the magnetic field. Hanging occurs due to the fact that charges of the same sign on the mating surfaces of the rollers and the stator repel them from each other exactly by the amount of compensation for the impact of the mutual attraction of different charges at the ends of the rollers and the stator ring. The effect of "superconductivity" occurs. During the forced movement of any roller, the mutual repulsion of the ring magnetic fields of their charges of the same name on the surfaces always aligns them at the same distance from each other, at the same time being attracted by magnetic fields at the ends of the cylinders to the stator. As it transitions from one isolated segment of the running surface on the periphery of the stator circumference to another, each roller overcomes different charge density zones on the surfaces of each segment. Therefore, each of the 8 cylinders begins to rotate with acceleration, urging each other as they move from one stator segment to another. Something like a roller coaster, "push-pull". A closed sinusoidal magnetic wave around the stator begins to move as soon as at least one rotor cylinder shifts by one sector of the stator. And all the cylinders of the rotor begin to "carry" in the "magnetic river" of the stator around the circumference. And we know that the ring magnetic field generates an electric current, which can be easily removed using energy keepers placed on the periphery. At the top of the device, a stable implosion appears, then the processes that are already clear to us and described earlier take place.
2. Biotechnology
All types of movements have two components. The energy of some is directed into the inside of the form, while in others, on the contrary, into the external world. Both of them regulate the constant transformations and renewals of matter. When these two opposite processes intersect at one point, a certain impulse of environmental activity is released. For example, the flow of water generates energy that is directed opposite to the flow, and the production of organic matter is accompanied by the binding of oxygen. That is, the momentum for the movement of water is a product of the interaction between opposite processes in water through the resistance that arises between heat and cold or carbon and oxygen. Where temperature fluctuations occur, and with them – the pulsation of water, which in this way dissolves salts and substances, accumulates, moves and transforms them. All the same phenomena of centrifugal influence on the environment and its centripetal counteraction, as a gradient of charges, and their penetration through numerous forms into each other. The meaning and essence of this is the creation and preservation of various types of plants and physical forms, which in turn are a means of accumulating and converting various types of energy. The difference in potentials or values of temperatures of the internal and external environment are only forms of energy that form a cycle of water in the space of the Earth, and cause a continuous cycle. Each physical, material form of life is always a reflection of its other, immaterial form, which consists of light, heat, radiation, etc. In nature, there is no permanent (in time) conservation of energy and matter, but only various modifications and opposite processes that determine the reality of the presence of everything around.
All life and development are provoked and shaped through vibrations (oscillations) and cycloidal spiral movements. This is a metabolic process, movement in and around oneself. The secret of the natural motive force is probably predetermined by the movement of the Earth along the cosmic curve. The phenomena of levitation, including in the biosphere, are caused by the processes of cold oxidation, when centrifugal movements of organic acids, decomposing organic matter, reach the form of radiation. Radiations that are inevitably transformed into vortices of charges of different names and are sources of energy of compression or expansion, both reproducing or destructive. In the vortex, two counter flows are formed along the axis – the flow of suction and pressure, heat and cold. The causes of implosion are sudden binding, absorption of oxygen (passivity of oxygen) when the temperature drops, for example, by carbon, which is active or extinguishes the processes of heat formation at temperatures close to +4°C. And the mechanical splitting of oxygen to an atomic state provokes the excitation of diamagnetism, as opposed to electricity in two counter flows. And, as a result, there is compression of air from the periphery to the center of the vortex, squeezing it out of the funnel with an increase in speed with almost no friction. At the same time, the speed increases in the square with the drop in temperature. Positive and negative charges arising in the rarefied cooled atmosphere inside the vortex are divided into zones of influence of dipoles. As a rule, positive ions accumulate along the periphery, and negative ions accumulate in the center. This supercharged atmospheric gas binds to hydrogen, cools, condenses, and is absorbed by the atmospheric oxygen surrounding it. But the cooled carbon also becomes active. Processes involving oxygen take place closer to the center of the vortex, and carbons are located near the walls of the periphery. As a result, oxygen "pulls" both hydrogen and carbon with it due to the centripetal acceleration of the vortex, when as a result, additional water is formed if there is a process of "warm" oxidation. Or, on the contrary, an air mass, if the process occurs during "cold" oxidation. That is, at abnormally high pressure, air accumulations in the atmosphere instantly form water, and at a high speed, for example, during suction, gases turn into air.
3. Healing with fields
But how do living beings react to heat? Inside all of them there is certainly a natural battery – "boundary water" plus "internal water". Sunlight recharges these batteries. In the Sun, you feel much better, all living creatures warm up and receive energy. A person consists of water, which means that not only energy can be transferred through it, but also information in all cells of the body, for example, through water to "other" water.
Is it possible, then, for life to emerge from water and information? Given that each cell of the body is a miniature computer capable of recording and reproducing information, it is possible to rewrite damaged DNA codes on healthy ones (reboot), and thus treat sick people. Moreover, such a rewriting of genes can be carried out both "mentally" and by duplicating the information sent from a healthy organ (donor) to a sick one by irradiating light (ultraviolet), magnetic waves, etc., with the insertion of modulated (packet) information into them. Such technologies can be used at a distance (remotely) from the donor from the object.
4. Symmetry and balance
How is the human biofield connected with the energy vortices of external fields? For example, the solar plexus is a set (spiral) of nerve fibers that are concentrated in the abdominal cavity around the arteries of the main central blood duct of a person. Blood contains iron. Blood flow during the work of the heart is formed in closed arterial and venous circuits, creates currents, magnetic fields, accumulates, consumes, takes and pumps energy from the outside for autonomous life support and information exchange. Communication with the surrounding world is provided by electromagnetic fields through the structure of water, which is able to enter into resonance, accumulate and transmit information through vortex and wave formations of elementary particles of matter in the environment. Both blood flows are stem and are also, up to the capillaries, shrouded in nerve fibers or a system of long processes of neurons, through which impulses propagate. At the same time, for each fiber, different in structure and functionality, it is isolated. At the birth, for example, of an animal, even in the womb, the heart begins to work. It pumps blood, forming a weak electric current. As a result, a magnetic field appears in the nerve fibers at the same time. Both circuits, arterial and venous, like inhalation and exhalation, are subject to the principles of vortex electromagnetic interactions based on the charge gradient. The body breathes, like everything in nature, obeying the laws of motion.
Why do animals feel better in the sun? This means that a living accumulator, based on a layer of water of the border and internal forms of the body, is charged by the sun's rays and the biofield is strengthened, and the body is cured. Confirmation of this, for example, is the jellyfish, which consists of 99.9% water in a transparent organic shell and actively exists, reproduces, and communicates with the outside world. Remove the shell of its form and there is simple water, which only in the shell turns into a living creature with its own field.
Consequently, the form of a living being or its shell is the boundary (surface) of reflection of vibrations of the vibrational circuits of the symbiosis of all its vital internal organs (their vibration systems), with the formation of standing waves of interfering fields within this form, with the external environment. Where bizarre, inherent only in this form, multiple "spatial" networks of various interacting structures of matter are built, which are the energy basis of this living being, thanks to the gradients of countless charges (see Fig. 26).

Fig. 26. The shell of the form is the boundary of standing waves

Fig. 27. Mirroring of dipole structures
This means that the shape (shell) is the resonator of the electromagnetic interaction of various sources of radiation. At the same time, the formation of mirroring of any living organisms is associated with their dipole structure from micro to macro-objects. Any organism in the Universe is formed from vortex formations of matter on the principles of electricity and magnetism, which means that it is a dipole in the external interfering magnetic fields of other dipoles (other objects) of the environment (see Fig. 27). Even near each other, the influence of a neighbor is significant. That is, in the vortex dipole formations of matter objects, a kind of α-zone of planes of "ecliptic influence" is formed, crossing which objects with a lower dipole charge in their "spatial" network change their positions by flipping or switching their own structural poles. And this happens every time when the upper or lower planes of the ecliptic boundaries are crossed, as a zone of influence of a stronger external dipole of interaction on weaker ones (see Fig. 28) – the effect of V. A. Dzhanibekov.
This means that the internal biofield of a person is a reflection of his uterine state, serviceability and functionality interconnected in the electromagnetic fields of each of his cells with the whole organism, according to the principle of interaction "everything with everything" due to the gradients of multiple charges. This principle is the energy, or "soul", which launches and controls all processes in one's own living organism: energy, information, regenerating, self-learning and other systems. And this energy depends on the quality of water in the bloodstream, on the interaction with the external environment through its matter in the form of elementary particles, atoms, molecules, fields, etc. With a corresponding deficiency of certain elements of matter, the body is able to synthesize them from other elements, probably using the mechanism of "cold" thermonuclear fusion through high-frequency resonant interactions of electromagnetic fields.
This means that living beings are able to excite processes in themselves to restore and regenerate sick or lost cells, organs, even limbs, including rebooting their entire information control system through influencing the structure of water in their own body. When the resonant electromagnetic response between them, their inherent energy, its filling from the outside in the given parameters of strictly individual fields created by the external resonator – its shape of the object – depends on the gradient of the object's charges, their density and the forms of internal symbioses (organs).

Fig. 28. Repulsion of dipole charge vortices
Nature strives to build harmonious compositions, for example, like water in any energy system, because everything is in interaction and contact. Everything is subordinated to the principles of equilibrium of the energy of charges, as the preservation of stable forms of matter. And indeed, people with their emotions, their state can change the configuration of water and the atmosphere in which they live, they can unbalance these systems, disrupt their coherence and regularity.
5. Forms of matter from space
Individual free, independent atoms in the form of a suspension of electrically conductive particles in solutions, in plasma, in the space of the environment, as emitters of vibrations, are able to react sensitively to the appearance of electromagnetic radiation from the outside, arranging (reacting to external influence) in various structures of matter (corresponding to the informational content of the impact), as a set of different spectra of wave radiation. This means that electromagnetic radiation can be used to create any structures of atoms in the form of various compounds, molecules, and cells capable of combining into functional formations of bodies or living organs with specified properties. For the regeneration of damaged areas, or replacement of dead ones in the existing general vibration system (body), as a way to heal or rejuvenate the body. And this is real, because everything around is matter "dissolved" in electromagnetic fields.
It is possible to create (construct) any forms of matter from the environment in space, such as, for example, minerals, water, food, even living substances and beings of any kind and their changes. Through the formation of an energy-informational force field.
6. Dipole structure and information
With the increase in the form of a living being (development), any matter uses the tools of "copying events from memory and plus its own changes" as a series of phenomena in interaction with the electromagnetic fields of the environment. This means that knowing the place of occurrence of the next event of any body (molecule, organ, object), it is possible to safely make appropriate changes in electromagnetic interactions (vibration systems and environments from the outside), correcting the forms of matter, its properties, its further mechanisms of mutations, etc. And such an approach provides a powerful opportunity to fight not only epidemics, diseases, but also the aging of the body. If you will, planning the health of any living cells (creatures), with whatever capabilities are required for a given species.
It should be borne in mind that the electromagnetic wave (field) continues to propagate in the surrounding space even after the emitter stops working, when the radiation has separated from the source. In the same way, each oscillatory system of matter continues to live by the rhythm of its vibrations in the medium when the wave of excitations has already passed. This means that the wave formed from the final fragment during one period of dipole oscillations (vibration circuit) then reproduces itself in its exact copy from the information of its own magnetic field, using the energy of the electromagnetic field of the propagation environment. A wave grows, like a crystal, from a small fragment (an embryo, a "growth point") in one period of radiation, growing towards the energy of the charge gradient of the medium that runs over it. That is, radiated from within, it is internally active with its magnetic field. Any oscillation of the electromagnetic field emitted by the dipole (vibration system of the body) due to the presence of its own magnetic component, reproduces itself in the medium in an exact copy each time as it moves (propagate), using the energy of the dipoles (electrical) of elementary particles of the matter of space, as a response to the specific impact of information. And these oscillations become unquenchable due to the "feeding" of the rhythms of the energy of the oscillatory systems from the outside. And they can exist for a long time (billions of years) even after the source of vibrations has ceased to work. Like the light of long-vanished stars.
If the source is constantly in motion, then such a vibration system carries additional energy of its own elementary particles of matter and it moves in space in a single form (of a body, an object), preserving all the interconnections and interactions between the dipoles (vibration circuits) that make up its system, as an integral organism with all its inherent functions. Let us try to explain the mechanism of displacements in order to more accurately determine the direction of action of a particular field of the source of vibrations.
In this case, the magnetic field of the emitter (body) excites the electric component of the species dipoles of the medium, forcing them to reproduce a copy (rhythm, frequency of oscillations) of the inductive (magnetic) component of radiation (mirror) by their own oscillatory circuits (particles of matter of space), using their own energy. Then, with the loss of energy, such particles are reborn into other elementary particles, or form more complex structures, or return to their original state. But each dipole creates its own magnetic lines of force, which weaken as they move away from the source. And this is true only for each individual, because under certain conditions they can be co-directed and combined into a magnetic field of a common dipole. Lines of force are formed due to the gradients of charges (tension) from the dipole's own energy as a source of vibrations. And, as it turned out, the vortex does not need the presence of a saturated elastic environment of the environment for this.
Does this mean that the magnetic pulse (field) orients the dipoles of the space medium in a given direction and builds its magnetic lines of force from them? Along which can the electric components of the electromagnetic fields of radiation (source) move (oscillate) in a spiral, that is, charges of different signs of rotation (spin)? In particular, it takes charges (external energy supply) from outside the environment to preserve the undamped oscillations of the dipole's own circuit and further conversion through its own circuit of "electric charge into inductive", or electricity into magnetism?