Kitabı oku: «Theory of vortex creation and control», sayfa 19

Fig. 29. Scheme of reception-emission of electromagnetic pulses of one dipole with conversions into magnetic and electric impulses, in addition to the intrinsic structural fields in the Block boundary zone
And, if this is so, then the magnetic wave (field) in space is the determining one, as an integral component of the electromagnetic field. When the phase of inductance in the vibration system of the dipole generates an electrical phase in an exact copy of the structure. And a more powerful radiation source absorbs a less powerful one, using the energy of its dipoles (medium) to build copies of itself. This means that for the propagation of electromagnetic waves, a medium with dipoles (vortices), or elementary particles, with the properties of electricity and magnetism, is necessary. It can be said that all emitted field sources are, in fact, charged ions and all of them propagate their individual information in the medium.
Let me assume that magnetic interactions exist everywhere, while the electric part of the effects between the forms of matter in the form of a discrete field can be neutral (inert) to the magnetic fields of various sources, depending on the spin (rotation) of charges that arise in the zones of magnetic intensity of the environment. Perhaps the Flea border in the dipoles plays a role here. Nature does not spend energy aimlessly. But such a phenomenon does not deny the interpenetration of the energy of magnetic oscillations into the electrical energy and vice versa, one might say electric charge is at the same time "magnetic". But can magnetic fields exist separately and independently of electric fields as asymmetrical? Characteristically, all the planets of our system (dipoles) interact with the equatorial belt of the Sun with their equatorial belts.

Fig. 30. Scheme of reception-emission of electromagnetic pulses of the unified structure of conductor dipoles. Directions of current, lines of force of magnetic fields, spiral motion of electric charges (vector of field strength) are shown
These are the most active zones of energy exchange, each with its own rhythms of radiation or absorption of electromagnetic pulses. The exchange of energy from the outside in the dipoles is shown in Fig. 29, where the electromagnetic wave splits in the equatorial zone into electric and magnetic components, strengthening the energy potential of the dipole. If, for example, we consider a conductor (wire) as a single structure of a set of discrete dipoles that are formed, then all of them are connected as shown in Fig. 30. An electric current flows inside such a structure with multiple poles of different names, dipoles. But do not exhaust its substance (for example, copper) along the conductor, but from the outside along its surface, being located in a dense vortex around it along the axis in the direction of the tension vector.
This vortex of charges, which forms an electric current along the wire, is intensified, depending on the potential difference at the ends of the conductor, by the flow of charges captured by the dipoles through their own equatorial zones (Block boundaries) from outside the environment in the form of electromagnetic waves (impulses), which these dipoles (vibration systems) exchange (interact) or emit and receive. The Block boundary zone divides (dissolves, splits) electromagnetic impulses (waves) into electricity and magnetism in various mutually perpendicular planes. These vortices of electromagnetic oscillations seem to be sucked (poured) into the general mutually perpendicular flows of spiral vortex formations. But they are different in their energy properties and are each connected with their own (species) vortices that exist in each of the many dipoles along the conductor. Similar mechanisms operate in newly emerging numerous structures (atoms, molecules, cells, even electromagnetic fields from radiation sources, etc.) built from single dipoles or from structures already formed by dipoles, such as vibration systems.
Now let's imagine that in order to transmit all the frequencies of electromagnetic waves, a space medium consisting of "zero" vortices is needed, like its matter. These dipoles are neutral in an unexcited medium, but are capable of interacting with the formation of various structures under any external influence. Everything that we call the "ether" today is a single electromagnetic field of various spatial "gravitational" networks, at the nodes of which there are all kinds of specific vibration systems (vibrocircuits) with different and numerous spectra of radiation. A kind of matter dissolved in electromagnetic fields. Getting into such a weak, but rather dense space in its variety of interacting magnetic fields generated by various vortices, any electromagnetic wave (field) of an external exciter is pushed out (repelled) by such a medium and transported further, as if on a "magnetic levitation", along the lines of force of a single magnetic field surrounding space.
7. Amphora Experiment
Amphora, its geometric shape has many possibilities since ancient times. It is proposed to test the effects of the environment on the human brain inside the mirror surface of a clay vessel from the position of a spherical capacitor connected to different oscillatory circuits according to versions 1 and 2. At the same time, pos. 1 (see Fig. 31) is a magnetic rod, and pos. 2 – magnetic ring. The amphora is wrapped with copper wire in the form of a coil on the outside, and covered with a mirror conductive surface on the inside. Diagrams of the connection versions to oscillating circuits are shown in Fig. 31. It is necessary to determine
• the presence and parameters of any fields outside and inside the amphora;
• the presence and place of electric and magnetic fields;
• the influence of fields on the psyche, visions, prophecies, memory;
• the presence of various gradients of densities, temperatures, charges, tensions, vortices outside and inside the vessel.

Fig. 31. Amphora Test Scheme
1.4. Energy Generators
1. Electrical Power Generators
It is proposed to explore all connection options using the drawings of negative energy generators below.

Fig. 32. Electromagnetic structure of vortices
Including testing test tubes with water inside such pyramids with different DNA of birds, animals, etc., for changes in both rejuvenation processes and the acquisition of new forms of mutations.

Fig. 33. Planetary winding generator

Fig. 34. Vortex current generator

Fig. 35. Circuit diagram of an energy generator

Fig. 36. Energy generator winding design
Coil connection options (see Fig. 32-36):
– with reverse coiling on the jumper (top),
– left and right winding of the spirals,
– with one-sided winding on the jumper (top),
– the poles of the turns (opposite) of magnets connect at the top "+/+", "-/-", "+/-", "-/+",
– ferromagnetic core: "+" at the top, then "-" at the top,
– copper wire – stranded winding around the soft iron core,
– then, the same without the core, – variants of copper wire on the turns of niobium (carbon)
tubes along the length: the same, and then one shorter by 1/4 of the length of the second wire,
– the option of connecting the ferromagnetic core: top – antenna / bottom – ground,
– the option of connecting the ends of the magnet to the antenna / grounding top / bottom
– the option of connecting the ends of the magnet: top
– twist together, bottom – antenna / ground.
2. Experiments with field generators
We, humans, cognize the world only in interaction with it. A living form is not only a combination of separate organs in a single body, it is the body and the environment. Without the environment, no life is possible. The medium is a source of energy, the resonance or selective consumption of which by living organisms is an important condition for filtering (purifying) the medium to maintain optimal requirements in it. Thus, no form of matter can exist in the absence of a magnetic field, because each of them is electromagnetic in nature and corresponds to a specific range of radiation. The energy of the external field enters any body of the vibration system in the area of the "equatorial belt", supporting the rotation of vortices in both hemispheres of a single dipole, and the formation of lines of force, and the movement of electric current between the poles, through which the field of the torus opens. Then, each body is a source of electromagnetic radiation constantly interacting with the medium. That is, the Universe is a single mobile self-oscillating electromagnetic system from the micro to the macrocosm, where any form of matter is based on the properties of interdependent magnetic and electric fields. Everything around vibrates, any vibrations are the processes of transformations that form the structures of substances. Or, the oscillating circuit is the process of converting electrical energy into magnetic energy and vice versa, as the consumption and radiation of energy with the acquisition of new properties and qualities of matter. This means that the magnetic field regulates the mutual motion of charges, itself being a consequence of their motion or the memory of the electric field. In other words, magnetic rhythms govern electrical cycles. It is the intensity of magnetic fields that occurs in dipole structures that fills the entire space of the medium between the interacting charges, the density of which depends on the rotation velocities of their vortices, as a consequence of the gradients of the environment.
All redox reactions in the medium occur constantly and simultaneously, that is, some particles donate electrons, and others add them. For example, in a water molecule, hydrogen atoms have a reduction function, and an oxygen atom has an oxidation function. In this way, the rhythm of the oscillatory process is created, as an analogue of the breathing process. Water breathes, regulating the energy consumption of those molecules of matter that it covers (envelops). And this is true for other compounds of substances.
Oxidation, or a local break in the integrity of magnetic field lines with a sharp release of heat, leads to the emergence of a powerful source of electromagnetic radiation, which immediately attracts elements that absorb radiation. Heat generation in a given place is sharply reduced and these elements make it possible to build a new structure, for example, wound healing, volcanic eruption, etc.
Then, the new restored structure changes in proportion to changes in external conditions or new information from outside the system.
Any movement in space has its own response from the outside and is coordinated between the interacting oscillatory circuits to maintain and preserve their own unquenchable rhythms. This means that substances (matter) cannot be outside electromagnetic fields. Therefore, all objects have a dipole structure for perceiving the electric and magnetic components of radiation when the oscillations are excited in their systems of an inductive magnetic element or a capacitive storage of electrical energy, as analogues of a coil and a capacitor in any oscillatory circuit. Where the memory component has oscillatory properties, since its inductive element is combined with an electric element and the magnetic energy in the coil of memory coil is transferred (transferred) in the form of a wave to the electrical structure of the capacitor and vice versa. The rhythm of unquenchable oscillations in such a closed element of memory can last indefinitely and does not depend on the energy of the external environment. And each elementary particle, for example, the nucleus of an atom, as an element of memory, has its own carrying and general synchronized wave of oscillations. The shorter such a wave (a set of waves), the more transformations into currents and then into the structure of matter. Electric currents within such a growing system of many particles and waves of information are transformed into the form of matter. Maintaining the frequency of wave oscillations from the outside leads to a similar change in the electric potential inside the growing body and the particles move, building, for example, a crystal lattice of a mineral, various shapes or colors. Everything is due to the variety of harmonics in the total energy momentum from the inductance memory. The driving force in this transformation is information about the living process. The external form of any body speaks of its functional purpose, the ability to adapt to external conditions to preserve one's genetic memory. Therefore, each form of matter can be considered as a unit of the volume of specific information.
At present, only a person with his technologies is able to somehow assess the state of not only his own planet, but also the Sun and other space objects, and make corrections, if possible, to preserve and continue the development of a unique living symbiosis on Earth. We should not give reason to doubt our true purpose on our planet.
What is surprising, the frequency of "reproduction" of any living organisms is higher, the faster the electromagnetic field of the environment changes, or the higher the frequency of oscillations of magnetic field waves outside the form. Or, the rhythm of changes in the external magnetic field governs the electrical phenomena in the inductors of the object's vibration system. And the oscillatory process of changing the current in the coil retains the information of the wave acting on it, and the duration of the existence of current fluctuations in the coil depends on the time of exposure to electromagnetic waves from the outside. That is, evolutionary processes occur under the influence of external magnetic forces and each new replenishment is caused by the need of the community to adapt to new conditions.
Our planet, the solar system, the galaxy and the Universe make strictly calibrated oscillations in their orbits like a clockwork mechanism from year to year, from millennium-to-millennium billions of years in a row. Doesn't this mean that the same events in outer space have their own patterns of recurrence with enviable constancy and accuracy? In this case, it is obvious to assume that other less significant phenomena must also follow this statement. It turns out that there is a certain cyclical repetition of all events associated with any form of matter, and therefore with objects on the planets, as components of these vibrational systems, that is, with us – people. Of course, only if the integrity of the shapes of objects is preserved. And this applies not only to the cyclical nature of glaciations, floods, magnetic storms, etc., but also to the life cycles of the entire biosphere of the Earth, including us, people. Taking into account the recurrence of some cosmic planetary cycles, events occurring in huge periods of time, it can be assumed that the fates of civilizations and, moreover, of individual species, even individual individuals, can cyclically repeat themselves in millennia or even millions of years in their complete copy. Like the rhythm of vibration oscillations. And we already know that information in space is stored forever, that this information can be found and predicted the future of any event or person, as an exact copy of one's ancestors. Because the DNA match reaches 99.9%. Such statements are true only if all life activity on all levels of matter is rhythmic and periodic. An example can be continuous constant sequences of phase transformations of matter, stars, the evolution of atoms (in one family) or a constant sequence of radioactive decay elements, even many generations of people of the same race, or a sequence of structures of the genetic memory of cells, etc. Does this mean that all material bodies have a single universal plan (matrix) of their internal structure – a dipole one, consisting of two dipoles? magnetic and electrical, as parallel and series oscillating circuits, respectively?
Then, it is logical to try experiments with the spiral motions of charges relative to the guiding line of force of the magnetic field. For example, (see Fig. 37) where, by changing the angles of the triangles, it is possible to achieve synchronization into resonance of the currents of the coils with the planetary winding of the spirals.

Fig. 37. Electric current generator
Or the design of a coil with layer-by-layer winding of copper wire on a magnetic rod (see Fig. 38). At the same time, the turns of the opposite direction of direct current. We get the synchronization of the transmitting and receiving signals of the circuit.

Fig. 38. Coil on a magnetic rod

Fig. 39. Cone planetary coil
Or the design of the planetary conical coil spiral, which forms a vortex of the electromagnetic field in the center of the cone. A kind of device for the formation of vortex impulses. A set of turns of spirals in the same direction, but in pairs (see Fig. 39). The most economical in terms of energy consumption for making a movement is the conical shape of the spiral. Any movement of electric charges (elementary particles) is caused by a magnetic field acting across, which curves the trajectory of their movement. Does this mean, then, that if there is no effect of external electromagnetic fields on vibration systems, then there is no movement of currents within the circuits? That is, there is no life (motion) in the bodies of objects, and then a "stable balance" or zeroing of gradients in a given zone of the environment is achieved.
3. Schemes of experiments with electricity
To determine the mechanisms of energy management of magnetic and electric fields, it is proposed to test options for manufacturing assembly schemes with spherical and rod magnets with planetary solenoid winding (see Fig. 40). Where pos. 1 – rod permanent magnet, pos. 2 – solenoids of copper wire of various designs during planetary winding, pos. 3 – toroidal solenoid in the body of the sphere of a permanent magnet, pos. 4 – permanent magnet in the form of a sphere. It is also interesting to test the version with the addition of turns of secondary coils in circuits 1 and 2 for testing in transformer mode, and in circuit 3 – in generator mode. The appearance of changes will occur with a certain delay in time. It is advisable to carry out each action with appropriate positioning relative to the meridians and parallels of the Earth.

Fig. 40. Diagrams of magnets and coils
4. Matter dissolved in electromagnetic fields
Let's talk about field interactions and what it gives us. For example, a thought, like an electromagnetic wave, leaves the brain that gave rise to it and spreads in the medium of space, its matter, like a wave. And this wave (by analogy with radio waves) is picked up by another thinking form, another brain. Let's ask ourselves, is this interaction influenced only by the brain's ability to think? Isn't any structure of matter that has its own shape, its own magnetic field, like memory, capable of emitting and receiving certain spectra of an electromagnetic wave? There is no doubt that each vibration circuit, each vibration system from elementary particles to cosmic objects, sending an electromagnetic pulse and receiving in response a reflected signal (as information) from outside space, changes (corrects) its state by analogy with the fact that these objects of matter (matter, radiation) changed their trajectory as a result of a direct collision, albeit not so literally.
Then the process of thinking (comparison) is reduced to the process of generation and consumption of electromagnetic waves by the structure of matter as an oscillatory circuit (dipole). As a necessary property (state) for the continuation of its existence (preservation of the form of matter) and development, orientation in space (adaptation to changing environmental conditions). Does this mean that absolutely all forms are endowed with mental capabilities, like matters of electromagnetic nature? The only question is the depth of structuring, the analysis of discrete modulated information, its copying, filtering, coding, the ability to integrate it into its own structure, etc. Thought in the form of signal interaction is encoded and stored in the magnetic memory of the vibration circuit for its further extraction and recognition for the sake of constant comparison with information from outside the system in order to respond to external influences. Nature always transmits (copies) its successful experiments to all forms of matter. Hence, everything around us, from elementary particles to biological forms, is living matter. In this case, all the processes of energy interaction of vibration circuits of any form of matter, as a full cycle of information analysis from its receipt to the response execution of the event, are the presence of "spirit". Or, in other words, all matter has an electromagnetic structure and all processes (phenomena) are oscillations (vibrations) or their derivatives, because they all have a dipole (vortex) structure, as "antennas" of interaction with electric and magnetic fields of a great variety of spectra of radiation from outside their surroundings. Then, the movement of life is reduced to the preservation of its own oscillations of contours in the structure of a single system.
This means that it is possible to artificially create life from any non-biological (including inorganic) materials by selecting the appropriate oscillatory circuits into a single synchronized vibration system. Which, regardless of human intervention, will carry out its functionality, "feeding" and interacting with the energy of vibration systems from outside the environment space, analyzing all interactions quite independently, thanks to the embedded archival memory in the magnetic fields of its own circuits, as a single independent adaptive system. And this can already be created today using models of atoms, molecules and their compounds.
Any charge, whether left or right rotation ("+" or "-") in the electromagnetic fields of space, can be considered as a dipole, which, for example, when interacting with other charges from the outside, can transform into a relatively stable neutral dipole. That is, the energy of the charge, as the intensity of its rotation, is maintained by the presence of a dipole. Or, two vortices of charges of the same name combine into a single vortex dipole with the formation of magnetic field lines along the poles. At the same time, mirroring (symmetry) of both hemispheres on opposite sides of the Flea boundary is achieved due to a shift of 1/4 T of the oscillation period of the two contours. A kind of synchronization of vibrations occurs, where the constantly arising asymmetry, under the influence of energy from the outside, helps to stabilize the synchronized state, as nature seeks to return to balance.
This means that by creating conditions and each time destroying and reviving the dipole, like the presence of a gradient in the medium, we can receive an electric current. Different intensity of vortices (including their magnetic component), as the appearance of a gradient in the environment, is a trigger for the appearance of a ring electric current in the equatorial zone of the dipole. And the dipole begins to interact with other dipoles from the outside in its environment, maintaining its own vibrations (feeding on energy), combining with other dipoles into more stable energy structures. Any vortices that have not formed a dipole and are not able to store energy gradually fade away. But they also involve the matter of the medium in excitation, contributing to the formation of various electromagnetic fields, which, in fact, as regulators of energy flows, are the medium of propagation (dissolution) in space.
The spiral vortices (like magnetic field lines) of the dipoles along the axis between the poles are nothing more than analogous to a pump for pumping energy from the center of the equator to the poles when the dipole is neutral. When the dipole becomes charged ("+" or "-"), the Block boundary shifts, changing the direction of the charges (gradient). And then the energy of the magnetic field in such a spiral is either compressed or compressed, forming electromagnetic fields. And where the rotation of such interacting vortices coincides, the speed of the joint flow increases, and the pressure falls, attracting the matter of the environment. And, conversely, where the rotations are opposite, deceleration is created and pressure increases, as the intensity of the magnetic field, then a dipole is formed. Unlike permanent magnets, which simply create a rotation of the medium around themselves. This means that the magnetic fields of the two dipoles push each other apart more and more intensively (with the growth of electricity), while breaking their own lines of force of the interacting dipoles, remembering events and at the same time emitting pulses of electrical energy to restore their integrity. In fact, these processes are a kind of "sensors" (signals) about the events that have occurred in the environment from the outside.
Don't these simple interactions in vibration systems, when the appropriate mechanisms are triggered, give rise to the construction of control algorithms to create a fully autonomous mechanical robot? To build in a certain way the interaction of electric and magnetic fields in the electromagnetic field of the medium and to launch the "pendulum" of oscillations of any object as a vibration system? To synchronize them with the external systems of space dipoles and make these oscillations undamped for a long period of time. As a self-sufficient form (structure) of matter of artificial origin, but capable of "living" or maintaining its vibrations independently, without human intervention. At the same time, preserving the forms of existing environmental systems. Further, by complicating the structure, you can achieve its functionality (or several functions) in the ability to produce energy on its own. This means to create an artificial being with independent intelligence and with its own processes (algorithms) of interaction of field energy in its vibration system, with its own memory and properties, that is, the "soul". To preserve its own rhythms of vibration within its form of matter in order to continue to exist (function).
It can be said that the movements of galaxies are very similar to the bubbling ocean with its ebb and flow, when the wave rolls in (inhale) and rolls back (exhale). The unified electromagnetic field of the Universe, in which all matter is dissolved, expands along with the growth of its forms, moving beyond its boundaries into a zone of lower space density, and then rebounds, like a wave, as energy is spent to overcome the resistance (opposition) of the space of the new captured habitat. And this view is quite reasonable, because everything around is vibrations (oscillations) that nature has been copying everywhere for billions of years.
5. Electrical energy from space or "perpetual" battery
If all electromagnetic radiation serves as a "solvent" for matter, or weakens the internal interactions between structures in atoms, does this mean that the entire frequency spectrum of all known substances is located from hydrogen (its highest frequency component) to the uranium atom (the lowest frequency)? Hence periodicity of the properties of atoms as a single system of related substances that preserve the initial phase of hydrogen origin – the neutron. A wave of light falling on the electronic structure of an atom (the form of matter) splits into a spectrum (a series of harmonics), forming an individual structure, like a network or a resonant membrane. This means that each atom of chemical elements interacts only with its own range of electromagnetic radiation. In reality, the essence of all living processes is to change the modulation of electromagnetic fields, whether it is a change in the shape, size or other parameters of a substance.
Let us try to create a series of circuits for testing the generation of electric fields (see Fig. 41). Let's make such hemispheres from permanent magnets and rotate them around one axis in different directions, then in one direction, we will form a traveling wave.
We can even double the number of segments and insert solenoids after one, instead of permanent magnets, creating traveling electric waves in each hemisphere with an offset of 1/4T. With the help of a Hall sensor, it is possible to put such a generator into operation and adjust its parameters by acting through an external magnetic field. It is possible that a traveling wave of the electric field activated in the equatorial zone (in a circle) will strengthen the magnetic field of the sphere.
Let us imagine that the hemispheres of planets (systems) become not just dipoles, but diode formations on their surfaces, naturally at different heights of the geosphere (see Fig. 42). If a rotating electric field is concentrated on the plane of the equator, then a magnetic field is located along the meridians, as in an ordinary dipole. The possibility of alternating changes in the poles (polarity) in mutually perpendicular planes of electric and magnetic fields under the influence of external influences during the rotation of the object around its axis and along its orbit becomes real. A rotating, traveling, wave magnetic field is created on the surface of the sphere, which supports the rotation of the object (planet).

Fig. 41. Field generation scheme

Fig. 42. Influence of the fields of the spheres of the planets on physical processes around the surface of their dipoles
Note that in such systems, if magnetic powder is sprinkled on top of them, then elevations with sharp tops are built on the surface along the meridian field lines. And this is exactly like mountain building on Earth: the Andes, the Ural Mountains, etc. That, it is not volcanoes and movements of crustal layers that affect the formation of a ridge of pointed peaks, where no volcanoes are observed, but the interaction of electric (charges) and magnetic fields in the crust and atmosphere of the planet for a long time, like the growth of numerous crystals. Without a doubt, with the synchronization (resonance) of influences from the external environment of the cosmos (the Sun, constellations). The processes of mountain building activity may well depend on the distribution of charges in the hemispheres of the dipole of the planet on different sides of the equatorial zone of the planet and be generated by the electric and magnetic fields of the Earth itself, synchronized with external influence.