Kitabı oku: «Theory of vortex creation and control», sayfa 20

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Fig. 43. Battery with Magnet

Or another example with a battery (see Fig. 43). In the consumer's electrical circuit, the storage battery, when the potential difference between the terminals "+" and "-" is equalized, immediately restores the dipole. This is what its charge energy is spent on and the battery needs to be charged again and again. Let's try to change the design and add a rotating (with or without a motor, on the axis between the terminals) permanent magnet (or a coil with planetary winding). By rotating the magnet, we constantly change the "cloud" of charges around the terminals to the opposite, swinging the oscillating system.

We constantly change the polarity of the dipoles (create them) in the space around the battery. Note that now the battery charge is insignificantly spent on the process of restoring the dipole. And the battery will last much longer. Its constant recharging will be carried out due to the involvement of charges in the consumer's electrical circuit from outside the environment along the surface of the conductors. You can install diodes to create a direct current of power over a single wire by connecting a ground connection. The version with the connection of charges through an antenna (spark gap) from the atmosphere will also work well.

6. We, the Planetary System, and Time

It may seem absurd, but why not assume that stellar planetary systems are formed and can be classified according to exactly the same laws as the atoms of matter in the periodic table? Where does each of them have its own spectrum of radiation? Do galaxies exist according to the principles of formation of structures of molecules, cells, etc.? Because each of them has its own cycles and rhythms of existence of its own vortices? Let us imagine that cosmic dust, comets, asteroids, gas formations or other space objects can play, for example, for the solar system, as important a role as neutrons, photons, protons, electrons, etc., in the life of an atom, its synthesis or disintegration, transformation into atoms of other substances or their isotopes, etc. It has long been noted that the appearance of comets causes the activity of the Sun. They participate in the energy balance of cosmic systems from planetary bodies and help to form an individual orientation in space relative to the center of the galaxy.

In short, the rotation of the planets, their direction and characteristics of motion, as well as their radiation, are controlled by the Sun (the central electromagnetic emitter) remotely through the lines of force of the mega planetary magnetic field. That is, the electromagnetic radiation of the Sun transmits information between the planets and the star through the matter of space (excited by the solar wind). Is it possible that the Sun doesn't actually spend as much energy for its system as we think? Let's imagine that it only excites an electromagnetic pulse in the direction of a particular planet in the form of a perturbation of the solar corona, but no plasma of the solar wind is thrown into the environment surrounding the planet. And the following happens: an electromagnetic pulse, forming an electric and magnetic component, excites the environment surrounding interplanetary space. The magnetic component forms the direction and sector of the perturbation of the medium by interacting with the lines of force of the planets and the charges in it. And the electric impulse forms the very matter of the solar wind (and interplanetary plasma) in interaction with a set of elementary dipoles of the environment surrounding specific planets, towards which information was directed in the form of an electromagnetic pulse of energy. That is, plasma is formed directly from elementary particles around planets. In this case, the luminary saves its energy and the volume of matter, prolongs its own existence and remotely, instantly controls the origin (synthesis) of this or that matter (in the form of reproduction of the solar wind) for operational impact on the planet in its given environment and in its given place in space. The solar wind contains the overwhelming majority of protons, which are the main carriers of information and converters of electromagnetic radiation, as sources of the energy flow of the growth of elementary structures of matter, to the transformation of the Earth under the control of the Sun. Including the growth of substances on the planet itself. And hydrogen plasma is almost instantly synthesized from the environment surrounding a particular planet, as the energy necessary to power its magnetic and electric fields. This process is associated with the synchronization of the electromagnetic fields of the environment of the planets – the addressees of the luminary's radiation. This means that every form of matter in space is constantly replenished by the radiations of both stars and planets. Stars encourage the planets to grow and to be forced to depend on their own radiation activity.

Perhaps not only stars and planets have the ability to synthesize interplanetary hydrogen plasma in their own environment by emitting electromagnetic pulses of energy, but also comets and asteroids. Isn't this the mystery of their long existence, despite the abundant loss of personal matter as they move along their orbits (tails)? The density of hydrogen plasma in space does not increase indefinitely, because it is reproduced only as much as the energy of electromagnetic radiation from their sources, or how much of it will be absorbed by the addressees. And nothing superfluous just like that, aimlessly, does not arise in nature. For example, flare activity from the equatorial zone of the Sun, like the pumping of charged particles by the solar wind, serves the rhythmic consumption and accumulation of energy by the planets, and hence the growth of their volumes. An example is photosynthesis. That is, there is a mechanism that allows any dipole (with magnetic properties) to exist stably and stably if it has an element capable of converting radiation into power currents from the environment. And this applies to all elementary particles, atoms, their compounds, etc. Simply, the light of the Sun excites waves in the medium of space. An electromagnetic wave is two fragments in one whole: magnetic fields need to feed an electric field, and electric fields need to control their cycles using magnetic rhythms. Outwardly, it looks like an analogue of the duality of the structure of DNA strands. The secret of a living process is found in the information signal of the external field of the environment, when an electromagnetic wave (light) constantly renews itself (runs) in motion with the help of an inductive effect on the elementary dipoles of the medium of spreading in space. Or, figuratively speaking, creation takes place continuously in its cycles of a certain succession.

Then, is it possible for biological beings to appear from the structures of elementary living matter "to order" on objects in near-planetary space? When will the technologies for delivering resources for the construction of space stations and even satellites of planets in their orbits become clear? Including the technology for materializing various structures of elementary particles of matter in the geospheres of planets by exposing them to electromagnetic fields, without transporting the necessary material there? Why not. After all, nature has been exploiting various properties of electricity and magnetism for millions of years. Already today we are able to excite the processes of synthesis or decay of numerous dipole structures, irradiating any forms of living and non-living matter. This means that our physics fully allows the creation of not only megastructures, but also biological organisms anywhere on the planet or space from the matter of the environment in a favorable environment. For example, during the exploration of Venus. Of course, there are not only processes of "prosperity" in the history of any civilization or object. Next to the "rise" there is always a "fall" and this inevitable swing is the essence of any system. Therefore, it is quite possible that technologies for the complete regeneration of diseased organs or even the entire human body will be used by irradiation in the information field. Including the technology of periodic and constant renewal of biomaterial of any complexity in the functional structure of the life form. Then surgical intervention in the treatment of many diseases will become a thing of the past, as an anachronism. For example, we get a physiotherapeutic effect when irradiating body parts in magnetic fields in the treatment of various diseases. And here, a similar procedure takes place, only in the donor modulated fields of many radiation spectra at the same time, set for specific tasks.

7. The future of the Earth, planets and civilization

Turning to the cosmic past of the Solar System and on the basis of available data, I think that over the next approximately 250-270 million years, our Earth, slowly moving to the periphery and slightly increasing in volume, will occupy an orbit close to Mars. Perhaps the biosphere will even be partially preserved on it. Our neighbor Venus is almost completely ready for rotation from its orbit and will significantly shift to the "comfort zone" to the Earth's orbit, so much so that another, independent civilization of a biological life form will be born on it. Let's try to reveal this statement in more detail.

At present, the presence on Venus of the former excessive activity of volcanoes in the form of sulfur gases and dense clouds of sulfuric acid, and hence the existence and increase in the intensity of lightning, allow us to assert that the enormous speed of revolution of the atmosphere and the origin of hurricane force vortices in it are increasingly influenced by rotating electric fields in the equatorial zone. And this is despite the unhurried and opposite rotation of the planet itself relative to its "neighbors". In this case, there is a dissipation of the enormous kinetic energy of the vortices (heat) inside the atmosphere, which makes the sluggish rotation of the sphere around its axis with a minimum moment of inertia become more and more unstable. And it is obvious that in a few millennia the planet will begin to rotate around a different axis of space with a greater moment of inertia. In this case, the planet will be reversed (pole replacement) and the direction of its rotation will change (the effect of V. A. Dzhanibekov). In confirmation of this development of events, we can attribute the presence of standing waves on Venus, which suggest the existence of zones with negative magnetic susceptibility effects, which allows the formation of vector potential fields on the planet. When the intensity of the electric field and the induction of the magnetic field are identical to zero, but at the same time they describe intense vortices of disturbance of the electromagnetic field in the medium of space. This is the cause of the phenomenon of ionization of particles of the substance of the environment, which increases its conductivity and the appearance of charge currents with an increase in the density of the atmosphere, as the movement of energy flows. In addition, the presence of these processes is currently supported by the lack of a magnetic field on the planet. Only then, after the events described above and after a certain period of time, the magnetic field of the planet's core, its "iron" core, will begin to grow. And as it moves away from the Sun, Venus will gradually cool under a dense veil of its atmosphere containing 97% carbon dioxide. The planet itself, the composition of its atmosphere will change and more and more resemble our Earth's.

Further, it is clear that Mercury will move to an orbit close to Venus. Interestingly, the place of Mercury will be intended for a completely new tiny fiery planet born from the prominences of the Sun. That is, there will be a kind of rotation of the planets of the system as a result of their growth and continuous mutual synchronization. I am sure that Neptune in about 100 million years will go beyond the sphere of influence of our star and in the future will organize its own planetary system, the beginning of which will be its own satellites. It won't take long before it turns into a star, if only because its atmosphere is very similar in composition to that of the Sun. And Mars, having passed the asteroid belt, will grow significantly in size and acquire many of its own "months". It will rush to the orbit of Jupiter. Thus, we need to pay more attention to the planet Venus as the successor of our Earth and a new home for all living things in the near future. I am convinced that at one time the same variety of life raged on Mars as on Earth today. And that past civilization of mankind, as its then "home" moved away from its past, closer to the Sun, orbit, most likely, was able to find a solution to the development of new territories, but already on Earth. Not without tragedies, recessions and degradation in the level of their development. And you and I, obviously, are descendants of the vanished civilization of the ancient Martians. We do not need to develop Mars as a future home to continue development, because this is a useless waste of resources. It is already clear today that artifacts will be found on its territory that confirm my confidence in this statement. And as proof of this, numerous ancient finds have already taken place everywhere on Earth with images of spacesuits, aircraft, modern weapons, microcircuits, etc. And even centuries-old ancient history with lost knowledge, great discoveries and inventions of the past, which with such foresight resemble our current achievements of advanced technologies. I have no doubt that our ancient ancestors had other possibilities for salvation within the constellations of our galaxy (for example, Orion). Whose signs today we perceive as unidentified creations of aliens. And our descendants will witness these new discoveries in the vastness of space with undisguised interest. And I am more and more convinced that the cyclicity of the rhythms of oscillatory processes does not depend on the size of objects, all systems develop according to the same rules of interaction.

I think that today's young people do not need to glue themselves to the asphalt or spoil museum exhibits, expressing their protests to those who disagree with the pollution of nature. Nothing can change the centuries-old cycles of cosmic structures, except the destruction of their form. But we can prolong the period of our own prosperity with simple and quite feasible deeds for all of us. Try not to throw away and not bury everywhere non-degradable waste of production and your own life. Try to separate and recycle as much as possible everything that is possible today and everything that is impossible tomorrow, but systematically investing in it, no matter what, from big governments to the smallest person – everywhere. Try to invest in science and create new technologies of catalysis – the disintegration of any products of civilization into the initial atoms and molecules of the substances that form them, possibly destroying weak and electromagnetic bonds in their structures or dissolving them in the electromagnetic fields of various spectrums.

There is very little time for new technologies. Therefore, it must be understood that it is not the number of people on earth that will destroy civilization. Believe me, the time will come and there will be a struggle for every surviving person at the cost of great efforts. I think that the time has come to create a single international organization to search for and implement the possibilities of resettlement to other planets of the galaxy. This will require the development of science and production technologies of a completely different level. This is something that seems fantastically impossible today. But not for everyone. And that's great. The time of carelessness is over. And this must be understood. Do not rely only on the Almighty. We ourselves, and only we, can help ourselves in the existence and development of our civilization. For millions of years, our descendants fought, survived, and won. Our time has come, I hope that right now a wave of efforts for salvation in the future will be born.

8. Dipole and electromagnetic radiation

We already understand that if a system of lines of force is closed, for example, in an atom, then a direct current flows in it, as a constant series of events. If it is open, then alternating current will flow and the broken power lines will begin to radiate strongly. Then the processes of generation of infrared waves occur. Neighboring view elements will immediately "respond" and the ley lines will close. That is, the lines of force attract electromagnetic waves propagated by related sources. Closing the ends (repairing the gaps) stops the radiation, and the elements (dipoles) from the outside will pump the emitted energy for their needs. This means that the combination of closed and open lines of force forms the structure of an oscillatory circuit. As a developing, dual system, where closed lines form a magnetic dipole, and open lines form an electric dipole, which is able to radiate and receive information in the form of energy from the outside.

Then, the magnetic dipole is the structure of the charge memory (vortex), and the electric dipole is its outer shell for communication with the external environment. Or, a power line is made up of many charges, like a polymer circuit of electrical dipoles (transceiver antennas). It turns out that the combination of constant and variable fields in one "whole" contributes to growth and development. And field lines, which are basically electromagnetic in nature, can transform into plasma structures, gaseous, liquid, even solid, like fire, air, water, and earth, changing their state. If visualized, an electromagnetic wave in its motion is structured (like the growth of a crystal) from a finite fragment (during the period of oscillation of the emitter). It excites "magnetic bridges" in the medium, which then diverge for new opportunities to group under the influence of the next wave. An electromagnetic wave originates as a longitudinal-transverse wave, where along the axis of motion there are electrical properties, and across there are magnetic influences, as a restraining factor. At the same time, the electric component of the field forms the field line itself, and the magnetic component introduces electric charges into the rotation, building the volumetric form of the wave field structure. Or, transverse magnetization information is transmitted along the ley line. The effect of an oscillatory process is created in the dual model of an electromagnetic wave (as well as of all forms of matter), when there is a difference of a quarter of their development between the components of electricity and magnetism.

This means that we can, using various properties of fields, not only create, but also destroy any forms of matter. For example, the development of electromagnetic catalysis weapons, which are capable of disabling any irradiated mechanisms by simply changing the modulation of frequency pulses of the source of destruction, is becoming quite affordable. The principle is understandable to any consumer – this is the loss of the calculated strength characteristics, properties or quality of materials by instantaneous weakening of intramolecular, interatomic weak electromagnetic interactions when irradiated with a given pulse of the electromagnetic field towards the target. It can be an airplane, a tank, a car, a flying missile, a projectile, etc., which will lose their original characteristics and will be destroyed in the air or on the ground, or will not be able to detonate or transmit and receive a signal, etc. The processes of loss of the original consumer properties of mechanisms, microcircuits, automation, electrics become irreversible. It is impossible to return the irradiated material to its original state without a technological chain of destruction, disposal or remelting. And this applies not only to individual objects, but also to massively located on huge areas, regardless of their distance. Moreover, such packaged, modulated, multi-profile, electromagnetic fields of various radiation spectra can be used as protection against volumetric damage to terrain, objects or manpower without harming one's own resources and regardless of the duration of exposure.

It should be remembered that an integral structure (body) always splits (dissolves) in the environment if there is an abundance of useful energy. And vice versa, when there is a shortage of energy in the medium, synthesis occurs, and a system is formed. Or, when there is a lot of energy, the system opens up and each of its parts directly absorbs this energy (decay), and when there is little, the system closes, uniting into a structure to save energy, then each member of this form "feeds" economically, consuming the already distributed energy through a single system (synthesis).

It turns out that in our environment, the good that seems to us to be harmful to individuality, and the seeming freedom of individual life turns into the disintegration of the integrity of society. And that, in fact, the living process of perfection takes place only in tense environmental conditions. There is no creation in nature, if the environment is saturated with a sufficient amount of vital energy, there is no need for it. And then follows the decomposition of the individual into his components, his internal activity is dispersed. This is true everywhere, especially in society. Isn't our life a controlled process of building and creating something new to replace the obsolete and dying out, like the process of creation over decay? Isn't human life prolonged by new ideas and their implementation? Which is the essence of creation.

1.5. Magnetic and electric fields. Mechanisms of Information Transfer and Movement of Form of Matter in Space
1. Can magnetic fields be controlled with sounds? What is a "growth point" in oscillatory processes?

Probably, the higher the speed of rotation of the dipole, the higher the frequency of radiation or the frequency of internal energy transformations. Hence, rotation is the need to consume energy from the environment (for the development of a vortex), rotating to search and study all space with its rotating radiation of the electric field. And since any rotation is decomposed into an oscillatory process, there are constant transformations of electrical energy into magnetic energy and vice versa by analogy with potential and kinetic energy. If the potential energy is zero, then the kinetic energy is at the same time equal to its maximum and vice versa. At the same time, the maximum potential energy lags behind the maximum kinetic energy by 1/4 T (90°). If we imagine the oscillation period in the form of a circle, then conventionally on the horizontal axis the potential energy has 2 maximums and vertically the kinetic energy also has 2 maximum values, and in the intervals between them the processes of their transformations will take place. For example, if "P" is maximum, and "K" is zero, then this means that the rate of transformation of "P" energy into the structure of pulse radiation (or the electric vector into the magnetic vector of the control wave) is the process of magnetic control, as restraint and growth during decay and synthesis.

All forms of life have their own period of duration (oscillation field) and their own frequency for the specific conditions of the environment where phase transformations take place. Through absorptions, reflections, refractions, delamination, dividing into related groups, where electromagnetic waves build lines of force interactions. By selecting various parameters of vortices, it is possible to obtain the required resulting harmonic oscillations. The forms of matter (body) can be in the form of closed trajectories of electromagnetic waves, as condensed fields (due to internal energy flows). Then, any initial point of the appearance of a wave (oscillation), as a "point of growth", already has a memory of reproduction, constantly supported by the external energy of the propagation medium, as a "seed". The source may be interrupted and not create electromagnetic radiation, but it will wander forever in space, transmitting all the initial information from the "growing point" again and again, and consuming energy for movement from the environment, radiating and receiving it. That is, an electromagnetic wave originates as a longitudinal-transverse wave and is structured like the growth of a crystal from the final fragment of the emitter oscillation (period), when electrical properties move along the axis, and magnetic interactions move across, as a restraining factor. At the same time, electric fields form the direction of action and transmit transverse magnetization information, and magnetic fields introduce electric charges into rotation, creating a volumetric form of the wave field structure.

A longitudinal wave is always powered by electricity from the lines of force and propagates along them without attenuation. A transverse wave is a deformation between adjacent longitudinal lines of force (shear wave). Because a single force line consists of many dipole elements (polymer chain) that are united by covalent bonds (strong electrical interactions), and the connection between these lines is carried out by the directed radiation of each of the dipoles (see Fig. 44).

The activity of any form of life depends on its ability to extract energy from its environment. All electrically charged bodies (charges) rotate around magnetic lines of force. And in each electromagnetic wave, the vector of magnetic field strength is perpendicular to the vector of electric field strength, and the hypotenuse between them is the vector of the direction of the electromagnetic field. Then, any lines of force attract electromagnetic waves and form new structural lines from them, as transformations of the energy of the medium into forms of matter. For example, to create a long-lasting rotating beam of an electromagnetic wave, you can shift two linearly polarized waves by 90°.

A dual structure is obtained, similar to a twisted DNA strand, when the phase of the zero value of the electrical energy of the oscillation of one wave always falls on the maximum value of the other. As a result, one wave always supports the energy of the other in a single structure. It can be said that the "force" lines transmit energy in the form of a longitudinal vortex (see Fig. 45). Is this not similar to the "Life-Giving Cross", when two "related" vortices line up in one axis, like 4/4 of the period, forming a single form of the dual structure of eternal life with a clear indication of the horizon line in 1/4T of the period at the top, as the desire for movement and development? And the slanted line at point 1/2T of the axis period, strictly in the middle, pointing in two directions – down and up, as a reminder of hope, as the finitude of all that exists, resetting and reviving again?

Fig. 44. Field lines

Fig.45. Structure of the wave of electromagnetic radiation

Does this mean that the environment around us is a certain density of "force" energy lines of vortices of various forms of matter in space? And the denser the beams of "force" lines, the denser are the forms of matter formed by them as electromagnetic fields? This means that everything in the world has electromagnetic fields of different radiation densities in their invariable interaction and striving for an equilibrium state of energy from non-equilibrium, asymmetrical systems. As its constant flow in space (water-steam-ice) from one form to another, as from one event to another. For example, the beam of a flashlight, you turn it on and off, or the light from a shore lighthouse, when the source goes out, but the wave of light (electromagnetic wave) continues to move. Like the outbursts of distant stars that we receive millions of years later. Or our Sun with all the planets of the system in motion in a galactic orbit, electrons in an atom or just a running person, or the life of a whole generation in a family, etc.

What do all these events have in common? Everything is simple if you look at it from a distance. For example, imagine that space (the environment of the environment) is an ocean of various electromagnetic fields, in which all forms of structurally changing mobile matter are dissolved in the form of elementary particles of matter. Each of which, in fact, is a small vortex in the form of a dipole and therefore is actively positioned in space relative to each other, striving for an equilibrium state of a certain balance in its own free, and therefore unexcited, own environment. In this case, the phenomena we are considering, such as a ray of light, the motion of a planetary system or a person, etc., being condensations of electromagnetic fields, interact with the medium as a combined electromagnetic field, where the source of energy for development in a certain direction of motion is the "growth point" of the integral form of matter.

So, what is a "growth point" and what mechanisms support it? For example, light, like an electromagnetic pulse, turned on and off? The medium was excited by a quantum of energy and information and a wave was formed in its space, which carries many spectra of frequencies of electromagnetic fields. Interactions arise with sources from the outside, which can be expressed by the strengthening (synchronization) of the species (related) wave of the medium, or by its attenuation, absorption, reflection, interference, etc., everything depends on the composition of parameters: its densities, temperatures, gradients, charges, etc. Let us assume that the wave has intensified and is moving in the direction of the pulse of light. The source was turned off, and the wave continues to move. Why? Because the full period of oscillation of an electromagnetic pulse, like all the information about it, forming an oscillating circuit, generates its own electric and magnetic fields. And this first turn of oscillation, as the first exciter of the medium (from a pulse of light), becomes the "growth point" of the wave, and hence of the individual electromagnetic field with its own energy and information (see Fig. 46). It can change depending on changes in the signal, but it always continues to live, excite the medium of its propagation, receiving from it the energy of nutrition for its fields. Because an open oscillatory circuit with its own fields is formed, which begins to interact with the medium as a dipole. Impulse, acting on the matter of space, forces it to balance around its position and return to its original state due to the influence of external fields. The "growth point" is the outpost of the wave. It is not the environment that moves forward, but information. As an imprint of the fragments of the event in the magnetic fields of the dipole vortices of the matter of the medium, from one to another, along the formed lines of force of the magnetic fields of the space of propagation. The "imprint", which is entirely formed from the energy and electromagnetic fields of the medium as an "image" of the initial impulse.

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28 şubat 2025
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727 s. 246 illüstrasyon
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