Kitabı oku: «Theory of vortex creation and control», sayfa 27

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Using the works of W. Schauberger and taking into account the geological structure, for example, of our Earth, we will try to reveal the mechanisms of the construction of ionized plasma flows from the inside of this form of vibration system. Obviously, the charges drawn into the sphere in the equatorial zone under the influence of the poles of the dipole of the object are not able to instantly reach the center of the equatorial disk. That is, vortices of electric fields of opposite charges in both inner cavities of the hemispheres form rotation flows from the outer line of the equator's circumference to the axes of their poles (attraction of charges "+" to the North Pole, and "-" to the South Pole (see Fig. 28). Acquiring more and more intensity, they shrink, directing their "trunks" to each other, to the center of the "watershed" of the “Block border”, where their oscillation waves cancel each other out, forming a standing wave that prevents opposing charges from "crossing" the equator. And they, "colliding" with each other on this obstacle, change the direction of rotation not only of all their charges, but also launch "tight bundles" of reverse tornadoes from inside each vortex in their hemisphere along the axes of their own poles. Which not only accelerate to push out the charges of the same direction of rotation in each hemisphere as the poles, but also strengthen the magnetic field of the dipole, weaving more and more lines of force around the planet.

It is quite obvious that two opposite J. Rank tubes actually worked here, and a cold stream formed by ion plasma rushed to the poles, and a hot one rushed to the center of the sphere. Most likely, this is the main mechanism for the formation of permanent ice "caps" at the poles and a red-hot core in the center of the planets. Which is actually the basis for the appearance and presence of a magnetic field on any planet, depending on the intensity of rotation of the vortex of its electric field. And there is absolutely no reason to deny the possibility of translating this successful "experiment" of nature on the architecture of the structure of elementary particles, atoms, molecules, etc. When there is only the presence of the influence of various external factors on specific charges. The phenomenon is very tempting in the possibility of artificially creating such structures with all the ensuing consequences of building complex systems of interaction.

We know that any dipole, as an accumulator of energy, needs constant replenishment with charges. Obviously, the presence of a magnetic field, its "power" depends primarily on the magnitude of the vortex electric field of any vibration structure of the dipole, including planets. It can be negligible and then the planet loses its atmosphere and protection, or powerful enough for life to arise in the architecture of its host.

You will never find a "magneton" as a particle of magnetism. Accordingly, the magnetic field as such in its "pure form" (separate from electricity) does not exist in reality. This convention is accepted by man to understand and manipulate the phenomena of interaction of fields emitted by electric charges with each other. It would be correct to define "magnetism" as one of the characteristics of an electric field, whether direct or alternating current.

Surprisingly, the steady trend of increasing pressure of ionized plasma inside the planet periodically turns into various gases and compounds of matter and is thrown out in the form of hot magma through the natural pressure valves of volcanoes and geysers on the Earth's surface and in the oceans. Affecting the continental plates and the bottom relief, causing them to rise and fall depending on influences from outside the planet (Moon, Sun, etc.). At the same time, at the poles, not only ion plasma is emitted into the atmosphere, but also many elementary particles, including in the form of neutrons and hydrogen atoms, which, combining with other elements of the environment, form water (ice at the poles), dry ice or other particles and compounds, depending on the conditions on other "objects" of space. Probably, on the Sun, these are helium and hydrogen in the form of various isotopes. Everyone knows that our Earth carries a negative component of charge. Probably because of this, there are more reserves at the "South" Pole than at the "North" Pole. But there is also a whole continent, which is quite natural and it seems that it will always be there, even if all the other "plateaus" move from their places. Antarctica will be built with charges of matter again and again, in the same place, at the "South" Pole.

If we think classically, we are used to saying that a magnetic field acts on moving charges and bodies that have a magnetic moment. But this is essentially the result of the interaction of mobile charges, each of which forms its own magnetic radiation (vibrations) of the same field frequency as the charges themselves, like dipoles. And it is they who have the effect of "repelling" or "attraction" to each other in any vibration systems: internal or external. After all, we will never determine whether there is a magnetic interaction between objects until they are affected by the "intensity of rotation" of their vortex electric fields. And this is true. Yes, ideally, we can foresee, assume events only based on our own experience of such interactions, just. But, being born, the magnetic field is able to influence other charges of the matter of space in the medium of its propagation, interacting with them. And “to exist" in this way indefinitely.

Is it true, then, that magnetic vibrations are secondary to their sources of interactions, the electric waves, regardless of whether the charges are minus, plus, or neutral? It is important that they have an electric field, and, therefore, have their own spin moment, or move relative to each other. This is how the lines of force of the magnetic fields of the interacting charges arise, both in the dipoles and in the surrounding space between them.

Thus, does all this mean that all this knowledge: about the poles in dipoles, as well as about the mechanisms of the origin of heat and cold, can be identical not only in the macrocosm (satellites, planets, stars, galaxies), as well as in the microcosm (elementary particles, atoms, molecules), but also in living cells, living beings from the simplest (viruses, bacteria, microbes, amoebas) to the most complex biological creatures? Such as mammals, birds, fish, trees? How to "broadcast" the system to all living things? Aren't these phenomena reality? When receiving nutrition from the outside in the form of energy to maintain its own vortex of the electric field of the biological (at the level of cells) vibration system (biofield), any beings, as forms of these systems, interact throughout their existence not only with the fields of their own (internal) structures, but also with the material environment outside? And the result of these "movements" of development is the formation and strengthening (or extinction) of a "growth point" (the same dipole) of one or another form of vibration system born in a favorable environment (called upon by it). I assure you, no different in essence from all the others. And, therefore, it has the same tools and capabilities as elementary particles, planets, and cells. Capable of producing heat and cold in their own form of vibration system of a single (common) dipole.

Is not this warmth, then, the "soul" in the body of every being? Incredibly, the axes of all dipoles on the planet can be positioned in space completely arbitrarily, without any special consequences for their own life systems, because they are adapted to the Earth and its fields. But not in space or other star systems.

Let's go back to the electric field. Remember, any simple oscillating circuit passes through itself an alternating electric current, which essentially consists of two currents of equal charge magnitude in the opposite direction of rotation. Moreover, no cycle of oscillations begins until the previous one is completed. Now it is clear that the current of one charge in one direction is a direct electric current, which forms a field of constant charges. And the field of alternating charges forms an alternating electric current, which occurs in different directions of movement of alternating charges. Let us imagine that two alternating charges interact, for example, in a single dipole. It is known that a "gradient" occurs in any circuit, which is the cause of the formation of an electric current. Any charge, moving to the opposite pole, creates a direct current, as in any conductor. But only until these currents meet and their waves immediately form a double (paired) spiral with a shift of 1/4T of the period of oscillations of their own (coherent) charges, building an energetically unquenchable vibration system. Which now turns into a source of an alternating field, because two opposing vortices of charges emit waves into the medium, structurally consisting of currents of different directions of rotation. That is, there is an alternating current between two opposite charges, since currents of different directions exist along, for example, a conductor.

This means that the vortex electric field of any dipole generates constant electric currents of charges between the poles, which, interacting with each other, form alternating currents, like the structures of lines of force, the directions of development of which are strictly perpendicular to the initial field of electricity. Consequently, the paired spirals of oscillations of the counter charges of the dipole pluses line up magnetic field lines outside and inside their shape. As a result of the interaction of charges mainly from outside the environment, which were involved, structured and endowed with the appropriate information precisely due to the interaction with the vortex electric field of the dipole body. But we also know that the direct currents of charges also form magnetic perpendicular oscillations in the medium of propagation, which are a consequence of their interaction with the matter of the surrounding space (see Fig. 29). Consequently, it can be argued that any alternating current consists of certain sections of waves of their sources (fractions), which can be defined as multiple components (sum) of their total periods of vibration.

Fig. 29. Construction of Magnetic Field Lines of a Vibration System

Then the line of force of the magnetic field excited in space, as an "effect" of the interaction of electric charge fields, can be defined as consisting of "quanta" of the magnetic action of moving charges in space, or "quanta of the magnetic field". Does this mean that any "variable" fields consist of "quanta of constant fields?"?

Doesn't the Sun, for example, trying to synchronize its planetary system, send charges towards the planets – addressees from outside their space? Isn't this the "building" material for changing (correcting) the vortex electric fields of the planets? Including, to enhance magnetism, geological activity of volcanoes, floods, etc.

On all planets, special thunderstorm activity manifests itself in the equatorial zones. Isn't this another confirmation of the correctness of the statement that it is here that charges from the hemispheres of the dipoles of the planets, concentrated from outside the interaction space at their poles, "flow"? Including those activated by the Sun. It is from the equator that the absorption and emission of radiation of electric fields of charges (electromagnetic waves) occur, not only to generate the processes of strengthening gradients at the poles, but also to obtain information from outside the environment. It is these charges that increase the intensity and control the vortex electric field of the single dipole of the planet.

This means that at the poles, with a sufficient density of low-temperature ionic plasma, the external component of the general electromagnetic field of the charges of the matter of the surrounding space itself can be of great importance. When the charge gradients outwards of the dipole form significantly affect changes in the temperature of the outer surface of the planet, cyclically regulating its state, including the substances that form it. When positive and negative charges of elementary particles (protons, electrons) inside the magnetosphere of the planet's dipole form a semblance of radiation belts in their own vortices of structural hemispheres, generating powerful radiation. Such ionizing emissions in the huge ranges of the spectrum of vibrations (irradiation) of elementary particles necessarily occur with the release of powerful thermal energy. Including a variety of electromagnetic radiation, such as radio emissions and synchrotron radiation, which actively affect the state of the planet's electric field, which determines not only the rotation of its magnetic field, but also plasma oscillations throughout the ionosphere, electric lightning in its atmosphere, as well as the origin of auroras under the influence of the solar wind, etc.

Then, do planets or moons really exist that are completely "cold," with no thermal energy at the center of the sphere of their own dipole? Probably yes. But only if these bodies have no rotation at all, which is difficult when any object in the environment of space in one way or another rotates around, if not its own axis, then the centers of other systems (planets, galaxies, etc.). Consequently, each dipole has a vortex electric field of different intensity, which inevitably leads to the presence of equivalent magnetic effects from interaction with charges outside space. This means that only the destruction of the dipole into its smaller structures can destroy, for example, a planet, like any other dipole, or capture it as part of a more powerful object. This is true even for the smallest dipole-shaped vibration systems. Because matter exists everywhere in the Universe, it interacts with each other and triggers the mechanisms of formation of electric fields always.

Probably, there are such zones where conditions arise when the planets (dipoles) do not rotate at all and do not have a vortex electric field. Such objects are "cold" and do not contain mechanisms for the presence of their own heat, but they exist for some time as a single dipole until the processes of its decay under the influence of the outside.

In this case, do the processes described above apply to living organisms? We already know that every creature on Earth is symmetrical (relatively) in shape. This means that his spine is a kind of "equator line", the sensitive zone of the body, which through mobile branches, for example, in mammals, is connected to all vital organs and not only supplies them with energy, but also connects them with the information of the environment. The spine as an organ through which the whole body communicates with the external environment through its own structures of the system. By shrinking into a "ball", we warm up and recover much faster, because we form a direct analogue of the equatorial zone of the shape of the body. With its electric vortex of its own biofield and magnetic phenomena in the central part of the changed architecture of the already closed dipole circuit, which interacts with the environment directly, without "intermediaries" in the form of the atmosphere and the earth, when we walk or sit as an open vibration system (see Fig. 30). The same thing happens in animals and insects. Plants close their petals when it is cold to keep warm. In this case, our spinal cord is the line of the "equator" of the body, as a "line of communication" (exchange of information) and "feeding" with the energy of charges, as a line of "symmetry".

It is known that polarity on the Sun and planets changes with different periodicity (not always proportionally). And this is not an event of catastrophic proportions. The Solar System, like the planets in it, rotates in its trajectory around the center of mass of our galaxy in a spiral, sometimes rising and then falling above (below) the galactic plane, falling into the "-" zone of its southern hemisphere, then into the "+" zone of the northern hemisphere. We know that the rotation of the planets is interrelated with the rotation of their vortex fields. When the enlargement of their form, as objects, increasingly attracts satellites from the outside, increasing the intensity of the influence of the system's own vortices of charges on the external environment of space. That is why the increase in the magnetospheres of the gas giant planets can be a confirmation of the processes taking place in them, close to the state of transition from planet to star.

Fig. 30. Closed and open contours of the human vibration system

In the Solar System, the orbits of almost all planets are in the same plane. And the orbits of rotation of small bodies, including Pluto, are quite inclined to the plane of the ecliptic common to all. Most likely, this is due to the strong influence of the external environment, when small bodies (on the periphery) describe cyclic displacements of orbital ellipses, deflecting from one hemisphere of the center of mass of the system to the other. It is obvious that the equator of the Sun does not completely coincide with the plane of motion of the planets, because the entire momentum of momentum (the rotation of the system) is contained in the orbital motion of the giant planets. The Sun rotates quite slowly. Then, it can be argued that it is the "Carioles force" that determines the direction of rotation of vortices (cyclones and anticyclones) in the hemispheres of the Earth. When air currents in the atmosphere rush in a straight line in the direction of areas of low pressure, this inertia forms vortex spiral motions of these currents as the planet rotates with the near-Earth environment.

Now we can imagine a scheme of the main flows of charges both in the internal and external environment of the space of any object, which is valid for all forms of dipoles (see Figure 31). I am sure that this is how the processes of cold formation occur at both poles of any dipoles, as well as heat – in the center of their spheres. Which is successfully transmitted to various planets and space objects. The only difference is in the values of temperatures, charge densities, etc., which definitely depends on the volume of the objects themselves and the intensity of their rotation, or more precisely, the rotation of their vortex electric fields. Of course, no one denies other influences from the outside, which are definitely secondary.

Fig. 31. Movement of charges from outside space in a dipole

Now we have a full understanding not only of the processes of dipole formation, but also of the flows and movement of charges in them. As well as about the mechanisms of strengthening the magnetic field through the interaction of matter from the outside with the vortex electric field of the object. As another confirmation that the same phenomena are at work everywhere in the space of the environment as in J. Rank's tubes, located opposite in two opposite spheres of any form of dipole (including "Caronia"). This is the source of the emergence of once "inexplicable" energy, which, in unity with the formation of lines of force of magnetic fields of vibration systems, creates conditions for the interaction of elementary particles, atoms, molecules with the formation of infinite structures of matter. When the intensity of rotation of vortices is able to transform not only into a field, but also into compounds of matter, creating conditions for their synthesis or disintegration. When completely single vortices build paired spirals with a shift of 1/4T of the oscillation period, forming a source of unquenchable vibrations in interaction with similar matter outside space. Probably, thanks to all these processes, the Universe with its higher matter – life – was born.

The mutual influence of cosmic bodies is clearly reflected, for example, on the "ugly" surface of the ocean bottom relief, as the impact of asteroids on the Earth, or collisions of space objects of antiquity. Because the evolution of the depths of the sea’s forms "mid-oceanic" ridges, and the bottom is split into several plates. And what if these "seamounts" are the result of one of them diving ("diving") under the other, and not a zone of "softer rocks coming out"? What if all these phenomena occur due to the acceleration or slowing down of the planet's rotation? Which are influenced by external influences during the movement of the Earth in the galactic orbit, for example, such as collisions with comic bodies or attraction of the fields of other star systems. Isn't this reality? When the wave effects of the vortices of charges are transmitted through the earth's crust to its mantle, "sliding" along the surface of the hemispheres of the sphere into the equatorial zone. And mountain ranges, not only at the bottom of the oceans, but also on land, for the most part, are the result of "tension and compression" of lithospheric plates. And not necessarily even between different parts of the earth's crust, but also within the size of one plate. And here the mechanisms of the formation of thousand-year-old pointed peaks of the mountain ranges known to us become quite understandable.

Remember, everything that is larger, more porous – floats up, to the periphery, and everything smaller, denser and, therefore, heavier – settles down. And this is so, if only because "garbage is carried out with water" on the surface of the planet.

But all the planets rotate around their axes quite in complex trajectories of spiral motion. Because their acceleration depends not only on the external influence, but also on the distance to it outside. Then, at the same speed of rotation at the same radius, the centrifugal interactions of different bodies inside the planet do not change. That is, there is an increase in the weight of the body if we consider its rotation in the system around its axis. For example, during the separation of milk, does not the separation of its composition take place, when heavier water is driven to the outer parts (periphery) of the separator, and lighter cream is collected near the middle (axis of rotation).

This means that it would seem that a small difference in the weights of two bodies during rotation will differ significantly, because the centrifugal action is proportional to the square of the velocity. Then, indeed, the heavier bodies of the planet's structure slide to the periphery of the radius of rotation. In our case, to the surface of the planet, its crust. Isn't that why the oceans and seas are located on the surface of the Earth? Like free water, for various reasons "removed" from the structure of matter inside planets. Probably, much depends on the intensity of the vortices of the objects themselves.

Consequently, it cannot be fully asserted that in the center of the Earth (planets) there are only denser structures of matter in their states in comparison with the periphery. Everything is determined by external factors that significantly affect the flow of charges inside the dipoles of the vibration systems of planets, as well as any space objects. The same phenomena are transmitted to the dipoles of elementary particles, atoms, etc. But all this does not mean at all that the core of planetary objects has a "layered" structure with a certain temperature and density. In reality, everywhere there are mixtures of heterogeneous media with the formation of cavities of different densities of matter, etc. It is quite possible that helium and hydrogen exist in the central parts of various planets, as a legacy of the environment of the original "proto matter" during the formation of these cosmic bodies, but in other states of matter, including on Earth. The presence of additional magnetic poles, in addition to the South and North poles, may well be the result of collisions with iron asteroids or planets from the outside, which have forever become part of, for example, the structure of the Earth.

Is it possible that the continents "float" in layers of "water" because they are "lighter" and the seafloor is "lined" with denser rocks? Because it is absolutely absurd to even imagine that the entire surface of the continents is the result of volcanic activity. Is it not obvious that the pressure exerted by the processes from within the dipole of any vibrational system, be it a planet or an atom, exerts the same effect on the external environment through its form, in this case the sphere? This is expressed by the release of excess energy to the surface, for example, of the Earth, in the form of volcanic eruptions or geysers, earthquakes or tsunamis. The same is true of atoms – in the form of various radiations or changes in the properties of matter. And the external environment restrains these destructive effects, compressing the vortex fields of charges more and more intensively, leveling out the resulting gradients.

That is why I am sure that the "architecture" of the structure of the ocean floor and the continents does not differ very much, since the seafloor rises and falls, capturing or exposing the land for billions of years. I am sure that the lithosphere, together with the oceans, does not just "cruise" on the surface of molten magma – this is not true. Because at the locations of the poles, the inner layers are relatively significantly cooled in the radial direction, almost from the very edge of the core, that is, thousands of kilometers deep into the planet. Where voluminous and numerous caverns with many stalactites and stalagmites are formed, outside of which a fiery alloy of rocks of matter rages. It is quite possible that the thickness of such voids and caves is comparable to the thickness of the crust of the earth's surface. And there can be many such cavities, depending on the number of poles of the system, formed even by magnetized rocks under the influence of asteroids or mineral deposits that have fallen to the surface. That is why the structure of the inner layers of the planets is individual and depends on their composition, but the processes taking place in them are similar.

And it is not necessary to believe that stars (planets, even comets) eventually lose (exhaust) their source of heat and fade away, stop radiating their energy. This, fortunately, is completely different. The sun interacts with the charges of the medium of space itself, completely "reflecting" in it. And this means that the star expands the zone of its influence on the environment, uses its matter, involving it in the processes of building the architecture of its own structure of the vibration system, as a source of energy of the most diverse frequency spectrum. Isn't all this obvious when the sun has been functioning favorably for billions of years and continues to actively affect the environment? These mechanisms are very similar to the symbiosis of many systems.

Capture of charges from outside the environment, their transformation into an increase in the intensity of its own vortex electric field and, as a logical result of the interaction of a single dipole with the matter of space itself, the formation and growth of a magnetic field gradient (ley lines). So, this is the main and "eternal" source of such energy in space objects from the moment of their origin from the vortices of electric fields in the Universe? And similar objects fade away only from destruction, or after the completion of the "idea" (readiness of the environment) of their appearance, as the end of the life cycle of the system.

Only for this reason can it be asserted that in the cores of planets, and especially stars, there are isotopes of "very heavy" elements, the existence of which cannot be imagined in our classical understanding of the "Periodic Table". And these may well be derivatives of hydrogen and helium, when, under certain conditions, hydrogen atoms instantly turn into neutrons, forming substances with masses comparable only to "black holes". Then any planet, and, therefore, any dipole, is a kind of generator of vortex electric fields (currents), which is triggered and operates due to temperature gradients inside its core and at the poles. And, consequently, the charge gradients, which make it possible to maintain this process due to the effect of magnetism, as a result of the interaction of the dipole with elementary particles of the matter of space from the outside. Constantly attracting free charges (ions) and distributing them, thereby strengthening and nourishing its own processes (mechanisms) of fusion and disintegration of matter within its form. When the effects of mutual repulsions and attractions of various positive and negative charges in the vortices of opposite hemispheres are equalized in the zone of the plane of the equator (Block boundary), building from it outward along the axis of poles tight "bundles" of internal tornadoes of reverse rotation with the "polarity" of all the charges forming them in their hemispheres. This significantly enhances the magnitude of the magnetic field and maintains the stability of its state. If the outer vortices of both hemispheres of the planets strive to preserve the natural "watershed" of the equatorial zone, then their inner "arms" of tornadoes are constantly trying to "nullify" it.

If we discard conventions, then in fact, on our planet from "pole to pole» there is a single vortex of opposite charges of both hemispheres of the same direction of rotation with the object itself and an oncoming tornado, formed inside it along the magnetic axis. However, the phases in each of them at the boundary of the "watershed" of the diametrical charges (equator) are shifted by 1/4T of the period to maintain continuous oscillations (see Fig. 32). In this case, nothing prevents the "plus" and "minus" charges on opposite sides of the Block dipole boundary in both vortices from "attracting" to each other. When they are not only "shot" by the poles outside space, but also with enormous acceleration in endless streams, with a certain spread from the middle in the plane of the equator, collide with each other in the center of the sphere.

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Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
28 şubat 2025
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727 s. 246 illüstrasyon
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