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Note.—This vocabulary is not intended to contain all the words that occur in the Italian text. The forms of the definite article and the most common of the pronouns have been purposely omitted. Likewise words whose form and meaning are the same, or substantially the same, in both Italian and English, have usually been excluded. The gender of Italian nouns has been noted only in the more exceptional cases. Of those whose gender is not indicated, nouns ending in o and those denoting male beings are masculine, nouns ending in a, u, -zione, -gione, or -udine, and those denoting female beings are feminine. The plural form of nouns is given only in exceptional instances; and in case of adjectives the masculine singular is uniformly given, even though a feminine or plural form is the only one occurring in the text.

The following abbreviations are used:—

A dash denotes that an Italian word is to be repeated.


a, to, towards, at, on, as.

abbaiare, to bark.

abbandonare, to abandon, let fall.

abbassare, to lower.

abbasso, below, down-stairs.

abbastanza, enough, sufficiently.

abbattimento, depression.

abbellire, to beautify, adorn.

abbi, imper. of avere.

abbigliamento, dress, attire.

abbisognare, to need, require.

abbracciare, to embrace.

abbrunato, in mourning.

abile, clever, skilful.

abitante, m., inhabitant.

abitare, to inhabit, live in.

abitazione, dwelling.

abito, suit of clothes, gown, coat.

abituale, habitual.

abitualmente, habitually.

abitudine, habit.

abiurare, to abjure, renounce.

accademia, academy, society.

accademico, academician.

accadere, to happen, take place.

accalcarsi, to press, crowd together.

accampamento, camp.

accanto (a), near, beside.

accavallare, to pile up.

accendersi, to become inflamed, excited.

accennare, to hint, indicate.

accento, accent, tone.

acceso, lighted, burning.

accessorio, minor feature.

accettare, to accept, receive.

acchiappare, to seize, catch.

accidenti! bad luck to them!

accidia, sloth, indolence.

accingersi, to prepare one's self.

accinsero, pret. of accingere.

accogliere, to receive, welcome.

accolse, pret. of accogliere.

accolto, part. of accogliere.

accomiatarsi, to take one's leave.

accomodare, to arrange, adorn;

——si, to sit down, stop.

accompagnamento, accompaniment.

accompagnare, to accompany, follow.

acconsentire, to consent, agree.

accordo, accord, harmony.

accorgersi (di), to perceive.

accorrere, to run up.

accorse, pret. of accorgere.

accorso, part. of accorrere.

accorto, part. of accorgere.

accostarsi, to approach.

accosto, near, close to.

accreditato, accredited.

accurato, accurate, exact.

acefalo, acephal.

acqua, water.

acquistare, to acquire.

acrimonia, acrimony, bitterness.

acume, m., acumen, sharpness of intellect.

acuto, acute, sharp, shrill.

ad (before vowels). See a.

adagiare, to put down slowly, place carefully.

adagio, adage, saying.

adattato, adapted, suitable.

addietro, back, before.

addio, adieu, farewell.

addirittura, at once.

addormentato, asleep.

addossato, leaning against.

addosso, upon one's back, upon it;

—– a, upon.

addottorarsi, to receive a doctor's degree.

aderenza, connection, dependence.

adesione, f., consent.

adesso, now.

adoperare, to use, employ;

——si, to try, endeavor.

adornare, to adorn.

adottare, to adopt.

adulazione, adulation, flattery.

adunanza, meeting, assembly.

affabilità, affability, courtesy.

affaccendato, very busy, occupied.

affacciarsi, to appear, show one's self.

affannoso, painful, distressing.

affare, m., affair, business.

affatto, entirely, at all.

affermare, to affirm.

afferrare, to seize, lay hold of.

affettare, to cut in bits, chop.

affetto, affection; affected.

affettuosamente, affectionately.

affettuoso, affectionate, kind.

affezionato, affectionate.

affezione, affection, love.

affidare, to entrust.

affinchè, in order that.

affine, in order to.

afflitto, afflicted.

afflizione, affliction.

affogare, to drown.

affrettarsi, to hasten, hurry.

affronto, affront, insult.

agente, agent, steward, manager.

agghiacciare, to freeze, chill.

aggiungere, to add.

aggiunse, pret. of aggiungere.

aggiunto, added.

aggrapparsi, to cling to.

aggraziato, graceful, genteel.

aghetto, lace (corset).

agiato, at one's ease.

agio, ease, leisure.

agitare, to swing, shake, move, agitate.

agitazione, agitation.

agnellino, lambkin.

agnello, lamb, lambkin.

agonia, agony.

agosto, August.

agrario, agrarian.

agricoltore, farmer.

agricoltura, agriculture.

aguzzare, to sharpen, strain.

aguzzino, jailer, guard.

aia, garden-plot.

aiutare, to aid, assist.

aiuto, aid, help.

ala (pl. ali), wing, shelter.

albagia, pride, ostentation.

albergo, hotel.

albero, tree.

alcuno, some, any.

alienazione, alienation, derangement.

alieno, alien, far from.

alito, gentle breeze, zephyr, breath, inspiration.

allacciare, to fasten.

allargare, to enlarge, let out.

allegro, cheerful, gay.

allineare, to place in a line.

allontanare, to remove, send away;

——si, to get away, go away.

allora, then, at that time.

allorchè, when, while.

allucinazione, hallucination.

allungare, to stretch out, lengthen.

almeno, at least.

alquanto, somewhat.

altamente, highly, greatly.

alterato, changed.

altezza, height.

alto, high, lofty, tall, above;

in –, on high, up.

altro, other, another, anything else.

altrui, of others.

alunn -o, -a, pupil.

alveare, m., beehive.

alzare, to raise, lift up, rise;

——si, to get up, rise.

amabilità, affability.

amare, to love, like.

amareggiare, to imbitter.

amaro, bitter, sad.

amato, loved, beloved.

ambascia, anxiety, distress.

ambire, to aspire to, wish.

ambizione, ambition.

ambizioso, ambitious.

ambulanza, ambulance.

amica, female friend.

amicizia, friendship.

amico, friend.

amido, starch.

ammasso, heap, mass.

ammazzare, to kill.

ammesso, admitted, received.

amministrare, to administer.

ammirare, to admire.

ammirazione, admiration.

ammobiliato, furnished.

ammonire, to admonish, warn.

ammonizione, admonition.

amore, m., love, affection.

amoretto, slight attachment, petty love-affair.

amorosamente, lovingly.

ampio, ample, wide, spacious.

amplesso, embrace, clasp.

amputazione, amputation.

anche, also, still, likewise, even.

anco, also.

ancora, still, yet, again.

andamento, running, management.

andare, to go, walk, move; to suit, fit; to be;

——sene, to go away.

anelare, to long for.

anelito, gasp.

angolo, angle, corner.

angoscia, anguish, pain.

angustia, affliction, grievance.

anima, soul, life, mind, person.

animare, to animate;

——si, to become animated, excited.

animatamente, with animation.

animo, mind, intellect.

annaffiatoio, watering-pot.

annientare, to annihilate.

anno, year.

annodare, to tie.

annoiarsi, to be wearied, bored.

annoiato, annoyed, wearied.

annunziare, to announce.

annunzio, announcement.

ansare, to pant;

n. m., panting, puffing.

ansia, anxiety.

antenna, yard (of a ship).

anticipazione, anticipation.

antico, former, ancient, old.

antipatia, antipathy.

antipatico, repulsive.

anzi, rather, even, also, on the contrary.

anziano, ancient, old.

anzichenò, rather than otherwise.

ape, f., bee.

aperse, pret. of aprire.

apertamente, frankly.

aperto, open, extended;

part. of aprire.

apocrifo, apocryphal, spurious.

appannato, clouded, darkened.

apparecchiare, to prepare.

apparecchio, apparatus.

apparenza, appearance.

apparizione, appearance.

appartamento, apartment.

appartenere, to belong.

appassionato, passionate.

appena, hardly, scarcely, as soon as.

appendice, f., supplement.

appiccicare, to stick, tack.

appieno, fully.

applauso, applause.

applicare, to apply.

applicato, clerk, employee.

applicazione, application.

appoggiato, leaning.

approfittare (di), to take advantage (of).

approvare, to approve, confirm.

approvazione, approval.

appunto, precisely, just.

aprico, sunny.

aprire, to open, begin.

aquila, eagle, 'great genius.'

arancia, orange.

arco, arch, curve.

ardere, to burn.

ardire, to dare.

ardito, courageous, intrepid.

argano, capstan.

argento, silver.

argomentazione, argumentation.

argomento, subject, theme, argument, reason.

arguto, sharp, subtle, witty.

aria, air.

aridità, barrenness.

arlecchino, harlequin.

armonioso, harmonious.

arrabbiarsi, to get angry, furious.

arrampicarsi, to climb, clamber.

arrestare, to stop;

——si, to stop.

arricchito, enriched, grown rich.

arrischiarsi, to dare, venture.

arrischiato, bold, rash.

arrivare, to arrive, succeed.

arrivo, arrival.

arrossire, to redden, blush.

arrotolato, rolled up.

arruffare, to disorder.

arruffato, dishevelled.

arruolato, enlisted.

arte, f., art.

artesiano, artesian.

articolo, article;

—– di fondo, leader, editorial.

artificio, artifice;

fuochi d'–, fireworks.

artistico, artistic, artist-like.

ascella, armpit.

asciugare, to dry, wipe.

ascoltare, to listen to.

asino, ass, donkey.

aspettare, to wait, await, expect.

aspettativa, expectation.

aspetto, aspect, mien, look.

aspirare, to aspire.

aspro, rough, rugged.

assaettato, exceedingly, shockingly.

assaggiare, to taste, try.

assai, much, enough, very.

assalire, to assail.

assaporare, to relish, enjoy.

assassino, assassin, murderer.

assennato, prudent, sensible.

asserzione, assertion.

assestato, prudent, careful.

assicurare, to assure.

assiduamente, assiduously.

assistere, to be present.

assoluto, absolute.

assoluzione, acquittal.

assolvere, to acquit.

assopirsi, to become drowsy.

assopito, drowsy, sleepy.

assordante, deafening.

assorto, absorbed.

assuefatto, accustomed.

assurdo, absurd.

asta, stick, handle, straight line, stroke.

astenzione, abstinence.

astro, star.

astronomo, astronomer.

astuzia, cunning, wiliness.

ateo, atheistic.

atmosfera, atmosphere.

atrabiliare, atrabilious, hypochondriac, melancholy.

attaccare, to attach, tie, fasten, attack, begin.

atteggiamento, attitude.

atteggiarsi, to bestir one's self.

attendere, to expect.

attentamente, attentively, carefully.

attenuare, to lessen, weaken.

atterrito, terrified.

attimo, moment, instant.

attitudine, ability.

atto, act, gesture, movement, action, manner.

attorno (a), about, around.

attraversare, to cross, pass over.

attraverso, through.

attribuire, to attribute.

audace, audacious, bold.

audacia, audacity, boldness.

augurare, to wish for.

aula, hall, room.

aumento, increase.

austriaco, Austrian.

autorità, authority.

autunno, autumn.

avamposto, outpost, advanced guard.

avanti, before, ahead, forward.

avanzamento, advancement.

avanzarsi, to advance.

avaro, avaricious; miser.

avere, to have.

avorio, ivory.

avvedersi, to perceive.

avvenenza, elegance, grace.

avvenimento, event.

avvenire, to happen;

n. m., future.

avventarsi, to rush, fall upon.

avverare, to confirm.

avvertire, to inform, warn, observe.

avvezzo, accustomed.

avviarsi, to set out, start on.

avvicinare, to bring or place near, approach;

——si, to approach.

avvide, pret. of avvedere.

avviluppare, to envelop.

avviso, announcement, notice.

avviticchiato, clinging to.

avvocatarsi, to practise law.

avvocato, lawyer.

azione, action.

azzurro, azure.


babbo, father, papa.

babbuino, baboon, ugly, stupid man.

bacchetta, rod, wand.

bacco, Bacchus;

per –! indeed! heavens!

baciare, to kiss.

bacio, kiss.

badare, to mind, take care, pay attention.

baffi, m. pl., mustaches.

bagliore, m., dazzling light.

bagnare, to bathe.

bagnatura, bathing season.

bagno, bath.

baionetta, bayonet.

balbettare, to stammer.

balcone, m., balcony.

balenare, to flash, occur.

baleno, flash of lightning.

balia, nurse.

ballare, to dance.

balordo, stupid, foolish.

balzare, to leap, jump, throw.

bambino, child, infant.

banca, bank.

banco, sandbank, shoal, bank, office.

bandiera, banner, flag.

bandire, to publish.

baraonda, commotion, confusion.

barba, beard.

barbaglio, dazzling.

barbarie, f., barbarity.

barca, bark, boat.

baronessa, baroness.

Bartolommeo, Bartholomew.

basso, low, bowed;

a –, down, below, come down!

basta! enough!

bastare, to suffice, be enough.

bastoncino, stick, cane.

bastone, m., stick, rod, wand.

battaglia, battle.

battaglione, m., battalion.

battere, to strike, beat, clap;

——si, to fight.

battistrada, m., running footman.

baule, m., trunk.

bavero, collar.

beato, happy, beautiful.

bella, belle, beauty.

bellezza, beauty, perfection.

bellino, pretty, pleasing.

bello, beautiful, handsome, fine.

benchè, although.

bene, well, exactly, very;

per –, thoroughly;

—– arrivato, welcome;

n. m., good, benefit;

pl., riches, property.

benedetto, blessed.

beneficio, benefit.

benevolmente, kindly.

beninteso, of course.

bensì, yes, certainly, but.

benvenuto, welcome.

bere, to drink, swallow, believe.

bernoccolo, bump, swelling.

berrett -o, -a, cap.

bersagliere, sharpshooter.

bestemmiare, to blaspheme.

bestia, beast, animal.

Bettina, Betsy, Betty.

bevere. See bere.

biada, standing grain.

biancheggiare, to grow white.

bianco, white, pale.

biblioteca, library.

bicchiere, m., glass, goblet.

bidello, beadle.

bigliardo, billiards.

bimba, child.

bimbetto, little child, babe.

binario, track.

biondino, fair-haired boy.

biondo, blond, fair.

birichina! little rogue!

bisbetico, whimsical, morose.

bisbigliare, to whisper, murmur.

bisbiglio, murmur, whispering.

bisognare, to be necessary, must.

bisogno, need.

bisticciarsi, to dispute, quarrel.

bizzarro, odd, bizarre.

bocca, mouth.

boccata, mouthful, breath.

boccone, m., mouthful, morsel.

bolognese, Bolognese.

bomba, bomb.

bonaccia, calm, happiness.

bonomia, bonhomie, good-nature, simplicity.

bontà, goodness, kindness.

borbottare, to mutter, grumble;

n. m., murmur, muttering.

bordo, border, board;

a –, on board.

boreale, boreal, northern.

boria, arrogance, conceit.

bosco, wood, forest.

bottegaio, shopkeeper.

braccetto, small arm;

a –, arm in arm.

braccio (pl. f., braccia), arm.

bragia, live coal, burning coal.

branco, drove, herd.

bravamente, bravely.

bravo, brave, skilful, good, honest; bravo! excellent!

breve, brief, short, a few.

brevetto, patent.

brezza, breeze.

brigante, brigand, ruffian.

brillante, brilliant.

brillare, to shine.

brizzolato, spotted, sprinkled.

broccato, brocade.

brontolare, to mutter.

brontolona, grumbling woman.

brontolone, m., grumbler.

brulichio, swarming, hum.

bruno, dark; mourning.

bruscamente, bluntly, abruptly.

brutto, ugly, dirty, unpleasant.

bucato, wash, washing.

buccia, rind, shell.

buco, hole, cavity.

bufera, hurricane, storm.

buffetto, rap, blow.

buio, dark, gloomy; darkness.

buono, good, kind, fit, able, right;

alla buona, plain, without ceremony.

burburo, sullen, surly.

burlarsi (di), to make fun (of).

burocrazia, bureaucracy.

burrasca, storm, hurricane.

burrascoso, stormy.

busillis, m., difficulty.

bussa, trouble, grief.

bussare, to rap, knock.

bussola, compass, reckoning.

busto, body, breast.

buttare, to throw, fling.


cabina, cabin, stateroom.

caccia, chase, hunting.

cacciare, to chase, thrust.

cadavere, m., dead body, corpse.

cadere, to fall.

cagionato, caused, occasioned.

cagione, cause, reason;

a – di, because of, on account of.

calamaio, inkstand.

calare, to lower, descend;

—– a basso, to get down.

calca, crowd, throng, press.

calcare, to press.

calcio, kick.

caldo, heat.

calendrio, calendar.

calligrafia, penmanship.

calligrafo, calligrapher, writing-master.

calma, tranquillity, mental quiet, calmness.

calmare, to calm, quiet.

calmo, calm, quiet.

calore, m., heat, warmth, ardor.

caloroso, ardent, animated.

calpestare, to tread upon.

calunnia, calumny, slander.

calunniare, to calumniate, slander.

calvo, bald.

calzare, to put on, suit, fit.

calzolaio, shoemaker.

calzoni, m. pl., breeches, trousers.

cambiamento, change.

cambiare, to change.

camera, chamber, room, apartment.

camerata, m., comrade.

cameretta, small room.

camicia, shirt, chemise.

camiciola, undershirt.

Camillo, Camillus.

camminare, to walk, travel.

cammino, road, route, way, headway.

campagna, country, estate.

campana, bell.

campanello, bell, doorbell.

campanile, m., belfry, steeple.

campo, field.

canapè, m., sofa.

canarino, canary bird.

cancellata, railing, iron gate, grille.

cancelliere, m., registrar.

candeliere, m., chandelier.

candido, candid, white.

cane, m., dog.

cangiare, to change.

cantare, to sing, praise.

canto, singing, song.

cantoniere, track-hand, flagman.

cantuccio, corner, hiding-place.

canzonare, to ridicule, laugh at, make fun of.

canzonatura, mockery, derision.

capata, blow with the head.

capelli, m. pl., hair.

capire, to understand, be contained.

capitale, m., capital, fund, stock.

capitano, captain.

capitare, to succeed, happen, arrive.

capo, head, chief, leader, manager;

a – fitto, headlong;

in – a, at the end of.

capo-fabbrica, manager.

capostazione, station-agent.

capovolgere, to overturn;

——si, to capsize, upset.

cappella, chapel.

cappello, hat.

capriccio, caprice.

capriccioso, capricious.

carattere, m., character, disposition, mark, letter.

carena, keel of a ship.

carezza, caress, attention.

caricatura, caricature.

carico, loaded.

carino, dear, amiable.

carità, charity;

per –, I beg you.

Carlo, Charles.

carnagione, complexion, color.

carne, f., flesh, meat.

carnevale, m., carnival.

caro, dear, beloved; dear one, dearness, high price;

aver –, to like.

carpino, hornbeam, yoke elm.

carriera, career, course, race.

carrozza, coach, carriage.

carta, paper, page, card.

casa, house, home, firm, establishment;

a –, home.

cascante, falling, overcome, loose, unfastened.

cascare, to fall.

cascata, cascade, waterfall.

casetta, cottage, small house.

caso, chance, case, accident, condition.

casolare, m., old house, hut.

cassa, drum.

cassiere, m., cashier.

castagno, chestnut, brown.

castello, castle.

catasta, pile, mass.

catastrofe, f., catastrophe.

catena, chain, iron band.

catinella, basin, wash-basin.

cattedra, chair, desk.

cattiveria, malice.

cattivo, bad, wretched, paltry, ill.

cattivuccio, bad, mischievous.

causeuse, f., causeuse, small sofa.

cavaliere, cavalier, knight, chevalier, escort;

—– servente, lady's admirer, escort.

cavalleggiero, light-horseman.

cavalleria, cavalry.

cavallino, colt, nag.

cavallo, horse;

a –, on horseback.

cavare, to take, draw, pull, dig, draw out, get out.

cavità, cavity.

ce. See ci.

cedere, to yield, give up.

cedro, lemon.

celato, concealed, hidden.

celebre, celebrated, famous.

celeste, blue.

celiare, to jest, joke, quiz.

cellulare, cellular.

cencio, rag, tatter.

cencioso, ragged, tattered.

cenere, f., ashes.

cenno, beck, nod, signal.

centenario, centennial.

centimetro, centimetre.

centinaio, hundred.

cento, hundred.

centocinquanta, hundred and fifty.

ceppo, trunk, stem.

cera, face, look.

cercare, to seek, search, look for, try.

cerimonia, ceremony.

certamente, certainly.

certezza, certainty, assurance.

certo, certain, some; certainly.

cervellino, harebrained, heedless.

cervello, brain.

cervia, hind, fawn.

cessare, to cease, discontinue.

cetriolo, pumpkin.

che, than, when, because, but, till, until; who, which, what, that;

non… che, only.

chè, for.

checchè, whatever.

chi, who, whom, some, he who.

chiacchierare, to chat.

chiamare, to call, name;

——si, to be named.

chiapperello, trick, ruse.

chiaro, clear, clearly.

chiasso, noise, romping, frolic.

chiave, f., key.

chichirichì, m., crowing.

chiedere, to ask, beg.

chiese, pret. of chiedere.

chilometro, kilometre.

chinare, to bend, lower, bow;

—– il viso, to look down;

——si, to stoop down, bow.

chioma, leafy top, leaves.

chirurgico, surgical.

chiudere, to close, shut up, end.

chiunque, anybody.

chiuse, pret. of chiudere.

chiuso, part. of chiudere; closed, covered.

ci, there, here; to us, us.

ciarla, chatter.

ciascheduno, each, every one.

ciascuno, each.

cicerbita, sow-thistle.

cieco, blind, dark.

cielo, heaven, sky.

cigolio, cracking, creaking.

ciliegio, cherry.

cilindro, high hat.

cima, summit, top;

in – a, to (at) the top of.

cimiterio, cemetery.

cingere, to surround, embrace.

cinghia, girth, belt.

cinquanta, fifty.

cinque, five.

cinta, enclosure.

cinto, surrounded.

ciò, that.

ciocchè, what, that which.

cioè, that is, namely.

circondare, to surround.

circonlocuzione, circumlocution, periphrasis.

circostante, m., person present.

circostanza, circumstance.

citare, to cite, quote.

città, city, town.

cittadino, citizen.

civetteria, coquetry, flirtation.

clandestino, clandestine, secret.

clarinetto, clarinet.

classe, f., class, class-room.

classificazione, classification, report.

clero, clergy.

cocchiere, coachman.

coda, tail.

codardo, cowardly.

codazzo, cortège, procession.

codesto. See cotesto.

codice, m., code.

codino, little tail.

cogliere, to cull, pick, gather, catch.

cognata, sister-in-law.

cognome, m., cognomen, surname.

colà, there.

colazione, breakfast.

colei, she, that woman.

collana, necklace.

colle, m., hill.

collega, m., colleague, associate.

collegio, college.

collera, anger, passion.

colletto, collar.

collina, hill.

collo, neck;

in –, upon one's shoulders.

collocare, to place.

colmo, height.

colomba, dove, pigeon.

Colombo, Columbus.

colonna, column, row.

colonnello, colonel.

colono, ploughman, farmer.

colore, m., color;

pigliar –, to succeed.

coloro, those, they.

colossale, colossal, huge.

colpa, fault.

colpevole, guilty, culpable.

colpire, to strike, hit.

colpo, blow, stroke;

—– di Stato, coup d'état.

colsi, pret. of cogliere.

coltello, knife.

coltivato, cultivated, improved.

coltivatore, m., ploughman, farmer.

colto, part. of cogliere; cultivated, refined.

coltura, cultivation.

colui, that one, the one, he.

comare, godmother.

combattere, to combat, fight.

come, as, like, as if, as it were, how, what;

n. m., way, manner.

comico, comical, ludicrous, merry.

cominciare, to commence.

comitiva, retinue, company.

commento, comment, remark.

commercio, commerce.

commesso, clerk.

commiserare, to commiserate, pity.

commosso, moved, affected.

commozione, emotion.

compagnia, company.

compagn -o, -a, companion, mate.

comparire, to appear.

compatriota, m., compatriot.

compendiare, to epitomize.

compensare, to compensate, pay.

compenso, compensation.

comperare. See comprare.

competente, competent, qualified.

compiacente, amiable, kind, polite.

compiacenza, complacency.

compiangere, to pity, lament.

compito, task, examination.

compiuto, finished.

complicato, complicated.

componere. See comporre.

comporre, to compose, dispose.

composto, composition, mixture;

part. of comporre.

comprare, to buy.

comprendere, to understand.

compresso, pressed, jammed.

compunto, grieved.

comune, common, public;

n. m., community, commune.

comunemente, commonly.

comunicare, to communicate.

comunicazione, report.

comunque, however.

con, with.

concedere, to concede, grant, give.

concetto, conception, thought, idea.

conchiuso, concluded, settled.

conciare, to dress, adorn.

concitato, hurried, rapid.

concludere, to conclude.

concorrere, to concur, co-operate.

concorso, concourse, meeting, co-operation.

condanna, condemnation.

condannare, to condemn.

condiscepolo, schoolfellow.

condizione, condition.

condotta, part. of condurre; conduct.

conducere. See condurre.

condurre, to conduct, lead, take.

condusse, pret. of condurre.

conferenza, lecture, meeting.

confermare, to confirm.

confessare, to confess.

confidare, to confide.

confidente, confident, confiding;

n. m. or f., confidant.

confidenza, confidence.

confondere, to confound, confuse;

——si, to get confused.

confronto, comparison.

confuso, confused, abashed.

congedo, dismissal, release.

congiuntura, complication, crisis.

congiurare, to conjure, conspire.

congratulazione, congratulation.

congresso, congress, assembly.

conigliera, rabbit-warren.

coniglio, rabbit.

coniugi, m. pl., husband and wife.

conoscente, m. or f., acquaintance.

conoscenza, acquaintance.

conoscere, to know, be acquainted with.

conquistare, to conquer.

consacrare, to devote.

consegnare, to consign, give, hand over.

conseguenza, consequence, inference.

consenso, consent.

consentire, to consent, allow.

conservare, to keep, preserve.

considerare, to consider.

considerazione, consideration.

considerevole, considerable, important.

consigliare, to counsel, advise.

consiglio, counsel, advice, council.

consolare, to console, comfort.

consolazione, consolation.

console, consul.

consorte, wife.

consueto, accustomed, usual.

consuetudine, custom, habit.

consultare, to consult.

consumare, to consume.

contadin -o, -a, peasant, country-man or country-woman.

contare, to count, reckon.

contatto, contact, touch.

contegno, aspect, behavior.

contemplare, to contemplate, consider, behold.

contemplativo, contemplative.

contemplazione, contemplation.

contemporaneo, contemporary.

contendente, m. or f., antagonist.

contenersi, to behave.

contentezza, contentment, satisfaction.

contento, content, satisfied.

contessa, countess.

continuare, to continue.

continuo, continual.

conto, account, reckoning.

contraersi, to contract.

contrariare, to oppose, thwart.

contrarietà, tribulation, sorrow.

contrario, contrary, adverse.

contratto, contracted.

contrito, contrite, penitent.

contro, against.

controllare, to control.

conveniente, suitable, proper.

convenienza, propriety.

convenire, to suit, agree.

convento, convent.

conversazione, conversation.

convertire, to convert.

convincere, to convince.

convinto, convinced.

convoglio, train.

coperta, deck.

coperto, cover, shelter; covered.

copia, abundance.

copiare, to copy.

coppia, couple, pair.

coprire, to cover;

—–si, to put on one's hat.

coraggio, courage.

coraggiosamente, courageously.

corbelleria, trifle, folly, stupid thing.

corbezzoli! indeed! heavens!

corda, cord, string.

cordialità, cordiality.

cordialmente, cordially.

coricarsi, to lie down.

coro, chorus.

corpicino, little body.

corpo, body, corps.

correggere, to correct.

corrente, f., current.

correre, to run, circulate.

corretto, part. of correggere.

corrispondente, m., correspondent.

corrugare, to wrinkle.

corsa, course, race, running.

corse, pret. of correre.

corsia, passage, aisle.

corsivo, cursive, running.

corso, part. of correre; course.

corte, f., court.

cortese, courteous.

cortesia, courtesy, civility, politeness.

cortile, m., court, yard.

cortina, curtain.

corto, short.

cosa, thing, matter;

che –, what.

coscienza, conscience, conscientiousness.

coscienzioso, conscientious.

così, thus, so, as it were.

cosidetto, so-called.

cospetto, aspect, sight, view, face.

cospicuo, conspicuous.

costa, coast.

costante, constant.

costì, there.

costretto, constrained, obliged.

costringere, to force, oblige.

costui, this one, this fellow.

costume, m., custom, habit.

cotesto, that, this.

cotto, cooked; desperately.

cozzo, clash;

dar di –, to collide.

cranio, cranium, skull.

cravatta, cravat, necktie.

creare, to create, form.

creato, creation, the world.

creatura, creature.

crebbe, pret. of crescere.

credere, to believe.

cremisi, crimson.

crescere, to increase, grow.

cristallo, crystal.

criterio, judgement, good sense.

crocchio, party, circle.

croce, f., cross, decoration.

crostaceo, crustacean.

crudele, cruel.

crusca, bran.

cucina, kitchen.

cugin -o, -a, cousin.

cuginetta, little cousin.

cullare, to rock, lull, quiet.

culto, worship, creed.

cultura, culture.

cuore, m., heart, courage, middle;

di –, willingly.

cura, care, solicitude.

curarsi, to care for, mind, heed.

curato, parson, priest.

curiosità, curiosity.

curioso, curious, inquisitive.

curva, curve, contour, outline.

cuscino, cushion.


da, by, from. See I. note 10.

dabbenaggine, f., stupidity.

dabbene, good, upright.

daccapo, again.

dacchè, since.

dama, lady.

damascato, damask.

danaro. See denaro.

dannoso, harmful, injurious.

dappertutto, everywhere.

dapprima, at first.

dare, to give, break out;

—– a divedere, to show;

—– di, to call.

davanti, before, fore (of paws);

—– a, before.

davvero, indeed, in truth.

debbo, pres. of dovere.

decidere, to decide;

——si, to decide.

decise, pret. of decidere.

deciso, decided, resolved.

decoro, decorum, dignity.

deferenza, deference.

definitivamente, definitely.

degnarsi, to deign, condescend.

degnazione, condescension.

degno, worthy.

deliberare, to decide.

deliberazione, deliberation.

delicato, delicate.

delirio, delirium, raving.

delizia, delight, pleasure.

delizioso, delicious, delightful.

deluso, deluded, deceived.

demonio, demon, devil.

denaro, money.

dente, m., tooth.

dentro, in, within.

deperire, to pine away.

deporre, to deposit, lay down.

deposito, deposit, trust, charge.

deposto, part. of deporre.

deprimente, strict, rigorous.

deputato, deputy, congressman.

derivare, to spring, come.

descrivere, to describe.

descrizione, description.

deserto, desert, wilderness; deserted.

desiderare, to long for, desire.

desiderio, desire, longing.

desideroso, desirous.

desinare, m., dinner.

dessa, she, herself, the same.

desso, he, himself, the same.

destare, to awake, arouse.

destinare, to destine, appoint.

destino, destiny, fate.

destra, right hand, side.

destrezza, dexterity, agility.

destro, right.

dettare, to dictate.

dette, pret. of dare.

detto, part. of dire;

n. m., saying.

deve, pres. of dovere.

deviare, to deviate, go out of, turn aside.

devo, pres. of dovere.

di, of, in, than, from.

di', imper. of dire.

dia, subj. of dare.

dialogo, dialogue, conference.

diamante, m., diamond.

diavolo, devil, fellow.

dibattersi, to struggle.

dibattimento, debate, contest, trial.

dice, pres. of dire.

dicendo, part. of dire.

dicerto, certainly, surely.

dicesse, imperf. subj. of dire.

diceva(no), dicevo, imperf. ind. of dire.

dichiarare, to declare.

dichiarazione, declaration.

diciotto, eighteen.

dico, pres. of dire.

diè, pret. of dare.

dieci, ten.

diede, pret. of dare.

dietro (a), behind, after.

difatti, in fact.

difendere, to defend, protect.

difetto, defect.

difficile, difficult.

difficoltà, difficulty.

diffidenza, diffidence, distrust, suspicion.

diffuso, diffuse.

digiuno, fast, fasting.

dimenare, to agitate, wave.

dimenticare, to forget;

——si, to forget.

dimestichezza, familiarity.

dimissione, f., resignation.

dimodochè, so that.

dimolto, much, very much.

dimostrare, to demonstrate.

dimostrazione, demonstration.

dinanzi, before.

dintorni, m. pl., environs.

Dio, God;

per –, for God's sake.

dipendere (da), to belong to.

dipoi, afterwards.

dire, to say, tell;

oler –, to mean, signify;

n. m., saying.

direttamente, directly.

direzione, management, direction.

dirimpetto, opposite to.

diritto, right.

dirottamente, bitterly.

dirotto, heavy, severe.

disadorno, unadorned.

disagiato, uncomfortable.

disagio, trouble, fatigue;